Who is the Best on the Mic in TNA?

I am Mr. Excitement

Occasional Pre-Show
I was watching IMPACT tonight and I was just wondering who is the best on the mic in TNA. Obviously in WWE the best on the mic is hands down CM Punk, love him or hate him he's the best on the mic. To me in TNA theres a hand full of guys in TNA who are good on the mic. Bobby Roode, Sting, Austin Airies, James Storm, Joey Ryan and even Bully Ray. Just thought I would post this thread and read your responses and interests.

Discuss, comments, opinions, etc..
WWE - There are 4 in WWE that i can't decide who is better. Punk, Cena, HHH, The Rock. I'm going to say Triple H edges it as the best, as he can speak as Face, Heel and Suit really effectively.

TNA - Got to go with Sting or Hulk Hogan. They have the most experience on the stick. I also like Kurt Angle.
Bully Ray for me.

He carries so many people in TNA on the back of his mic skills. He makes lesser skilled faces look a million bucks.
Obviously in WWE the best on the mic is hands down CM Punk, love him or hate him he's the best on the mic.
CM Punk is creative, and not afraid to say some controversial stuff. I like him, but he has a tendency to trip over his own words when he gets going. A few weeks ago he got in the ring with Mick Foley, and I hate to say it but I think Foley did a much better job. There's just something about Punk when he gets fired up, that he seems to lose his place a lot. He's much more collected with he can keep his cool; the biggest exception being the "shoot heard round the world" promo of 2011. ANd even then, he sits down, remains calm, and rants. Personally, if he counts I'd have to say HHH is the best promo worker in WWE still, to this day. And if he doesn't count, I think Cena still edges out Punk. We're not talking about who gets the best stuff written for them by creative, we're talking about who the best natural promo guy is. And I don't think I've seen anybody since the Rock that is so naturally gifted at speaking, than John Cena.

Anyways, moving on to TNA, as this is the TNA section...

Got to go with Sting or Hulk Hogan. They have the most experience on the stick. I also like Kurt Angle.
Angle has his moments, but unless he's got a really REALLY good opponent he doesn't seem to put as much into his promo work. But he shines when he wants to... Hogan is animated, but he's sloppy. Always has been. Half the stuff he says doesn't make any sense, and there have been times when the creative team or the announcers have had to go back and subtlely correct something Hogan said, just so a story doesn't fall apart. Sting has always been good, but I feel lately everything he says is exactly the same. "Ahh! I'm crazy! It's showtime! mwahahaha!"

Its tough, there are some good ones for sure. I'd give it to Aries. Runner up of daniels and roode.

Not counting hogan obviously
Why not counting Hogan? He's "in TNA" isn't he? Daniels is great, but he's got niche appeal. He's a guy that can make me laugh, and get me into a feud, but I don't seem him controlling the Impact Zone in the palm of his hand on many occasion. Aries is not that great of a mic worker. He is in almost every way, a poor man's CM Punk. And the way TNA uses him is sickeningly similar, that I think it's made me lose my interest. But the difference between Punk is that with a lot of hard work, he can get the people to absolutely hate him, even though he's damn good. Aries is always going to divide a crowd in TNA. It hurt the Bound for Glory main event quite a bit too. Roode is a guy I think belongs in this discussion. I think he's TNA's second best talker. He really came out of his shell while holding the World Title, cutting some of the best promos, week after week. But Roode is really good at playing that one character. And he'll ride that pony as long as he can.

Bully Ray is a guy that is constantly entertaining me. He is by far, in my opinion, the best mic worker in TNA. He has his character, but his ultimate strength is that he takes advantage of the moment. He doesn't wait for his time, read his line, and then leave. He plays off the others around him, interacts with the scene, and makes every single promo his own. The mark of a good promo guy is that can't look at anyone else on the roster and think, "you know...I bet so and so could do that." Bully is, with absolute and undisputed conviction, that man.

Surprised nobody mentioned James Storm either. Not quite as dimensional or deep as Roode, but he's still quite good. If he were around, I would throw Jeff Jarrett into the race as well. Natural heel; every time he opens his mouth the man draws heat. Magnus is currently my favorite midcard promo guy.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Jeff Hardy.LOL.JUSTKIDDING.The i guy i thinkis the bst has not been mentioned yet & it sprises me but that man is
Mr. Anderson...Anderson.
This guy is so good hehad the whole crowd calling hemselves assholes.Im not a fan of his TNA charecter.but he deserves to be booked way better than he is.Showing up 1 time everyother month can't be good for the guy's career.If Orton gets that 3rd strike,
Mr.Kennedy will be right back in the WWE n the UPPER-MIdcard with Miz,Kofi,& Christian.

But back on th man subject i think it's Mr.Anderson1st then Bully & Sting battel it out for 2ndplace.Even though Sting is the reason i became a wrestling fan in 91 as a 6 year old kid...i feel as if you have heard 1 sting or Hulk Hogan promo then you've eard them all.

To bad the guy is to old ,because if Christopher Daniles was 30years old i thinkhe could of been the next Jericoh/Eddie G type wrestler with very good mic skills/not greatbut very good.Now he is to old to be developing,although i bet if he wanted tohecould be 1 of the greatest managers there ever was,except for The Brain ofcourse

Bully is very good on the mic and probably the strongest they have. He is great at getting heat and I honestly was very impressed with him last night with his conversation with Hogan and Sting. I know it was quick but he came off very believable and intense. I really can't get over the fact this is the same guy from a couple of years ago nevermind the same guy who had a stuttering gimmick in ECW.

Honorable mention to Roode and Aries. Mr. Anderson is probably the most under used as far as cutting promos. Sting, Hogan and Angle are legends and know what they are doing. James Storm is very good as a baby face/cheap pop promo guy. He gets a reaction so you have to give him credit for that. Jeff Hardy should be A LOT better than he is. I'd almost go as far as saying some of his promos are unlistenable.
for WWE it's CLEARLY Punk to me who's the best on the mic. he's usually on fire, can hit it where it hurts and he can get a crowd to love him or really hate him. the fans want to cheer for Punk, but then he says something to cause them to boo him. Miz is also great at times on the mic, when Cena is motivated and not trying to act PG or tell some PG joke, then he's fine too, but Cena has too many of those PG moments for me to put him over Punk as best on the mic.

anyways, this is TNA. in TNA it's harder to choose. we have Hardy, ok, that's a joke. in TNA though, we have Austin Aries, Bully Ray, James Storm and Bobby Roode who can speak on the mic. i personally love Aries and think he's kinda like Punk. Bully knows how to get a crowd to hate or love him and even when he's not got a mic he's good. Storm really can deliever a promo to sell a ppv match and Roode, well, he's a good heel speaker too. if i had to choose, i guess i go Aries, but it's REAL close (unlike WWE in my book) as Ray and Storm are real close behind.
in my opinion the only two that it could be are bully ray, or abyss. They are the only two that can have such compelling promos that you dont want to change the channel. It seems everyone has gotten into this mode where they all speak the same, and they all seem the same.
Why the hell are there people posting who's the best in WWE? Go to the WWE section and do it there before I lose my temper.

James Storm is the best man TNA can give a mic to. Why? He's simple, to the point and always gets the crowd behind him. Anyone who can do that using basic speech and yelling with a redneck accent is more than good enough.
Gotta be Christopher Daniels

Daniels is a heel. What's more, he's a funny heel. What's more is that he's actually funny. That seems to be hard to pull of in wrestling these days (as often as it's tried). And yet he pulls it off. And he pulls it off in a cowardly heel way. Everyone who's watched TNA knows how talented he is in the ring and what an extensive history he has had. And yet, he still manages to make himself look like a cowardly sleezball. And the fact that he is OBSESSED with AJ Styles and has done nothing but feud with him for... well, ever... and people have still not grown tired of it, that shows how good he is. Hell, he even made some of the Claire Lynch moments a little less unbearable. Anyone who can do that deserves a medal.
First off CM Punk is good but he isn't commonly known as the best. Regularly there are at least two more guys that have something to say: John Cena and The Miz.

Now onto TNA, I believe that Bobby Roode is hands down the best talker in the company. He did such an amazing job as heel, that I for once turned into a great great fan of his. But we have to look to guys like Sting, Hulk Hogan, Bully Ray and Austin Aries. Sting works well both as a heel and as a face, just like Hogan, but the fact that Roode brings a new style to the table, instead of the old-school type of promos like Hogan and Sting, makes him better than them in the current product.

He shows charisma, he shows emotion and he has a good accent. I for once love his mic work. One other guy that people need to pay attention is Magnus.
In my opinion, it is Sting. I always want to hear what he has to say and I love all of the freaky personality changes he goes through sometimes halfway while on the microphone.
There is a lot to choose from, I mean you have Daniels, Mr Anderson, Sting, Hogan, Storm and more. But I think that Bully really is the best. The guy turned face in a heartbeat and the crowd ate it up like crazy. And before that when he was a heel he gave some of the best promos. Bully Ray simply knows how to manipulate a crowd.
I like a lot of these choices so far, but I have to say that I don't necessarily agree with Hogan and/or Abyss for "the best on the mic in TNA". Hogan never was that great to begin with, he's just had so much experience on the mic that he can now cut a convincing (enough) promo. I think that Hogan uses "brother" and/or "dude" too much when he speaks (even though he's seemed to have toned that down lately), and it just kind of bothers me. Hogan was over in the 80s & 90s because of his wrestling skills (believe it or not), and his ability to rile up a crowd. I don't think Hogan's mic skills were ever his strong point, and that's true today as well (at least to me).

Abyss can cut a compelling promo, and he's someone who has definitely improved since his first days of being on his own (I first remember him being on his own after splitting with Father James Mitchell...if that's wrong, I apologize). Playing the Joseph Park character, Abyss/Chris Park/Joseph Park is getting consistently better on the mic. He is totally believable as Joseph Park, and as Abyss (in the few times we've seen Abyss speak since the Joseph character debuted). Abyss/Chris Park/Joseph Park has gotten really good at playing the different characters he's been given, and I've really enjoyed his character development over the past few months. That being said, I still don't find Abyss/Chris/Joseph to be the "best on the mic" either. As Abyss it just seems like a lot of snarling, and as Joseph he comes across as a pussy. Again, it's great that he's able to seamlessly go in and out of both characters - but to me they're still two characters that aren't that great on the mic.

I'd have to say that my favorite on the mic in TNA is either Christopher Daniels or Bully Ray. When it comes to mic skills, heels always cut my favorite promos. A heel has to really work to get the crowd to hate them, so the fans will want to see the "good guy" beat the shit out of them. If a heel cuts a good enough promo, the good guy won't even have to say a word. Both Bully & Daniels are good enough IMO to get the fans to boo the hell out of them (and cheer the face) without the face having to say a word.

Bully is (er, was) an old school type heel, right down to his "largest calves in the world" and "do you know who I am?" bits. Bully really knows how to get the crowd to boo him, and he doesn't have to rely on cheap heat to get the job done (putting down the city they're in, calling the fans idiots, etc). Since Bully's been a face for the past couple of weeks, we haven't really had a chance to see him shine with a good guy promo yet. I think Bully will do a good job as a face too, but since he was so good as a heel - his face run will be a tough act to follow. I'm not 100% convinced on Bully as a face yet, and I'm kind of hoping he'll go back to being a heel...but with his involvement with the A&8s storyline (and especially now that Devon's involved as a heel), it makes more sense to keep him as a babyface (at least for now). Since we haven't seen Bully cut a face promo yet, I can't say he's my favorite on the mic right now. It's possible he'll be great, but it remains to be seen.

That leaves Christopher Daniels as my choice for "best on the mic in TNA". Daniels has been cracking me up lately, and has been on a consistent basis since he & Kaz first became the World Tag Team Champions of the World. When Kaz & Daniels were first paired up, I didn't think the team would go very far at all. The whole Clair Lynch storyline was pretty bad as well, and I don't think I'm alone in thinking that Kaz & Daniels weren't all that entertaining when that storyline started. I think it was around the time of the baby shower that Daniels & Kaz threw for Clair Lynch that I started to really enjoy what they were doing (especially Daniels). That bit was the first really funny promo I remember from the team, and they've just gotten funnier over time.

When I first heard Daniels say "World Tag Team Champions of the World", I think it might have been an honest mistake on his part. The great thing is that he didn't correct himself, he said "I meant to say that". Whether or not he actually did mean to say it, it became gold. Daniels just ran with acting a bit foolish on the mic, and I've found it extremely entertaining. I think a little bit of Daniels' magic has been rubbing off on Kaz, but I still don't find Kaz to be anywhere near as entertaining on the mic as Daniels. I hope that Daniels gets back into a singles division sometime in the near-future (either TV or WHC would probably be better than going back to the XD), but the tag-team magic isn't completely gone yet. I hope Kaz & Daniels win their rematch for the titles, but for some reason I think TNA will keep the titles on Chavo & Hernandez.

Once Kaz & Daniels split up for good, they'll most likely have a feud. I'd have to imagine that Kaz would play the face in that scenario, because Daniels is just too good as a heel to turn face (at least IMO). Then again, the fans might cheer for Daniels instead of Kaz if that were to happen, just because he's so damn funny. Even though Daniels is no spring chicken (he's in his 40s, if I'm not mistaken), I think he deserves to have at least one run with the WHC before he retires for good. I love that guy's promo skills, and I think TNA would benefit from having Daniels in the WH title scene. Even though he's competed for the WHC before, it would seem fresh again after his last stint with Kaz and the World Tag Team Championships (of the World). I think 2013 it will be finally be time to see Daniels as the World HEAVYWEIGHT Champion of the World.
I guess we are not counting the pope, because he hasn't been around. If he is still under contract, I am going with him. He has the best patter I have seen in a long time.

Other than Pope, I think this thread has covered them all. In no particular order: Daniels, Roode, Bully Ray. All three have impressed me over the last year with their mic work. Oh, and Madison Rayne, too.
TNA: Jeremy Borash....lol Seriously, it's a toss up between Daniels and Bully. Daniels has always been fantastic, but the whole appletini thing has got to go. Bully holds the crowd in the palm of his hand with every promo.

The big thing when dealing with promos is not measured by pre-records and backstage segments, but what they do live. Daniels and to an extent Kaz carried that abysmal Claire ****bagger angle. Bully proves every week in front of the live crowd how far he has come to become the best.
A lot of good mentions so far. For me, I have to go with Roode. He's so effective as the arrogant, cocky heel. I've mentioned before how he reminds me of Triple H from 99-2000, and I still stand by that. Bully Ray is usually on point, along with Anderson and James Storm.
Why the hell are there people posting who's the best in WWE? Go to the WWE section and do it there before I lose my temper.>>>>>>>>>AMEN TO THAT<<<<<<<<<<

But seriously TNA love them or hate them they do have a decent amount of guys who are good on the mic....

Anderson.... Under used in my opinion. When he first came on the scene and was feuding with Kurt Angle and even Sting for that matter he did a great job as a heel...

Austin Aries... He was decent at best when he was a face. As a heel I feel that he connects more with the audience in the aspect that he can draw heat better.

Kurt Angle, Sting, Hulk Hogan... They all have their ways of getting through to the crowd.

Bobby Roode... When he first became a heel last year his promos were sub par. He had a way of drawing heat but to me he really wasn't connecting with the fans. When he lost to Austin Aries a few months back and returned to TV with this more focused and hell bent attitude he became awsome.
His mannerisms, the shaking, the wording of his promos made him all the better.

James Storm... As mentioned before. He's plain and simple and with that he connects. The way he's redneck and straight to the point is money in my opinion. And the way he says Bobby Roode is great.

But honestly right now I'm going with...
Bully Ray... Love him or hate him he's great on the mic. He has a way of drawing heat like no other. With the whole calfzilla line(my wife hates that) to the Do you know who I am and so fourth is great. The minute those lines come out of his mouth there is instant crowd reaction. He can carry anyone and he plays the perfect di**head.
I feel as if I slighted Austin Aries by not mentioning him. It may be because I forgot. They had been using him as a face there for a while. He is SO much better playing the cockiest man in the world as a heel. At his best, Aries is like RVD was in the original ECW. He he was so conceited, but you kinda had to hand it to him, cause he brought it. Like Ric flair.

If they were to go back to using him that way, like they did in the X-division, I would say he might be the best on the mic.
Austin Aries and Bobby Roode are the best on the microphone in my opinion. Their promos are always fluid and they are good at suspending disbelief and making it feel real. AA came out singing celebrate good times during the Jeff Hardy party last week and it was funny. I could see AA and Booby Roode being better than everyone in WWE on the mic outside of CM Punk or Cena. Maybe even better than Cena IMO. A lot of the WWEs guys come across as bad porn star acting IMO. I'm leaving out Hogan, Sting, and Angle and focusing on younger guys. Ken Anderson is great on the mic but has no push and is repetitive. James Storm is good on the mic but not as good as Roode or AA IMO.
Austin Aries is awkward on the mic. Occasionally with some luck he's not as bad and he is been better since winnin the big title this summer.

Bobby Roode is cutting the same promo every time. He is the Del Rio of TNA. It's the same phrases about winning the upcoming ppv every promo.

Bully Ray is the best in the business as far as the backstage promos/interviews goes and pretty good in the in-ring promos.

Sting is very average in most situations.

James Storm is ok but doesn't have the it-factor on the mic

Winner to me is: Bully Ray
Let's not forget about Magnus. He's pretty underrated on the mic but he's one of my favorites on the stick in TNA if not my most favorite.
Austin Aries is awkward on the mic. Occasionally with some luck he's not as bad and he is been better since winnin the big title this summer.
Wrong. Austin is great on the mic. The reason is pretty simple. He feels very comfortable speaking and so his speech sounds fluid and gets his point across quick. Not to mention his ever sarcastic tone.
Bobby Roode is cutting the same promo every time. He is the Del Rio of TNA. It's the same phrases about winning the upcoming ppv every promo.
Wrong again. They all cut a promo about winning the next PPV. There would be no point to cutting a promo if that isn't what they say. He may not be able to paint a pretty picture on the mic, but his emotions show through every time.
Bully Ray is the best in the business as far as the backstage promos/interviews goes and pretty good in the in-ring promos.
There's a difference between backstage and in-ring promos? Holy crap.
Sting is very average in most situations.
And that means what?
James Storm is ok but doesn't have the it-factor on the mic
Must be why the crowd eats up every word he says. Wait........ Do you even have a clear definition for this "it factor" thing? The only real factor to how good you can be on a mic is by how fluid you are and how the crowd reacts. James Storm can just talk about a beer bottle cap for 2 minutes and if the crowd is on every word, that means "good job".
hmm, best on the mic in TNA??????????????????? Hard to say, considering most of them are rubbish. Hogan babbles and mizes his words, Aries is stiff, Hardy never sounds comfortable. I like Bully Ray on the mic, he has really picked his game up. Sting is always solid on the mic. RVD is the same crapola, ditto Anderson. Angle is good, AJ is poo. To answer the question, at this stage, I say Bully Ray is the best on the mic at this point in TNA
I think the answer to the original question is simple ... Bully Ray . Given his current gimmick and the time he gets , he is doing a great job . Overall , I feel Kurt Angle is the best in the business . He has a great range and makes you believe .

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