Who is the best at flaming?

Whilst I am honored to be mentioned as good at flaming by Dewie, I must proclaim that Norcal is the best at flaming if he ever gets riled up enough, as with that "Respect the Troops" thread.

Also, Tdigs when he's trying, or Sly/FTS.
Clearly if people think what Monkey does is quality flaming, the dude tries so hard he just comes across a a pathetic tool really, then I need to fire the torch up and show them how it's done, and tidigs?, how the fuck does someone as cool, calm, and collected get considered as a good flamer?, KB... again I just don't see it
Nobody gets under people's skin like Lord Sidious. I'd have to go with him.

To be fair, though, I am not very good with one-liners and cut-downs, hence why I rarely use them.

My views and so people tell me, my condescending "I'm always right and you're always wrong" attitude is what drives people up the wall.

But I have a way of insulting the things that people apparently like, for one reason or another, and portraying them as shit for liking some of the garbage they do.

I don't think I would consider that flaming, though ... JMT.

Thank you for the nomination, nonetheless, but there are definitely people that truly flame that deserve this before I ever would.

Sly is outstanding at it, and IC25 is also very good, as well .... as I have been on the receiving end of quite a few of his cutdowns. Some even got a laugh out of me, believe it or not.
Clearly if people think what Monkey does is quality flaming, the dude tries so hard he just comes across a a pathetic tool really, then I need to fire the torch up and show them how it's done, and tidigs?, how the fuck does someone as cool, calm, and collected get considered as a good flamer?, KB... again I just don't see it

Mine is very rare. It's happened probably less than ten times total.
I don't think of Sidious when I think of outright flaming. But, if I needed someone dressed down and condescended to, he'd be near the top of my list.
Sid does the condescending thing like no other. Unless you get into an argument about Punk, of course. Then Xfear will come in with a nice big ole bucket of condescension. It's half of what he's famous for.
Sid does the condescending thing like no other. Unless you get into an argument about Punk, of course. Then Xfear will come in with a nice big ole bucket of condescension. It's half of what he's famous for.

Or, if you dare call Nirvana overrated. I made that mistake in X's presence once.
Justin and NorCal's flame war was almost biblical.

I would go for they two, Sly, Sid and X.
Or, if you dare call Nirvana overrated. I made that mistake in X's presence once.

What mistake?, you're right Nirvana really IS overrated, I've had that war with a couple times myself

Becca. Good lord is she mean.

:lmao:Jesus fucking Christ, I sincerely hope this is sarcasm

Justinsayne. He is the angriest member and he basically only comes on here to flame now.

FUCKING FINALLY!!!!, 'bout god danm time someone on here recognizes true fucking greatness

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