Who Is Mr. McMahon's Greatest Rival (Since Steve Austin)?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ever since the "Mr. McMahon" charactor came to life after the infamous Montreal Screwjob involving Bret Hart. Vince McMahon's next rival was with Stone Cold Steve Austin at the beginning of the attitude era. In a revolutionary feud that held candle to Ted Turner & WCW Nitro during the Monday Night Wars. But ever since "the boss" Mr. McMahon got in a wrestling ring to compete. Who has been Mr. McMahon's greatest rival, or feud? Let's take a look...

1. (Son-In-Law) Triple H: Up & Down during the years.

2. (Son) Shane McMahon: Wrestlemania 17.

3. Ric Flair: Royal Rumble 2002.

4. Hulk Hogan: Wrestlemania 19.

5. The Undertaker: Survivor Series 2003.

6. Shawn Michaels: Wrestlemania 22.

7. Bret Hart: Wrestlemania 26. Note: This was based off something real!

So really. Who is Mr. McMahon's greatest on-screen rival since Stone Cold? And no sorry, Donald Trump doesn't count.
You want to know who is Vince Mcmahon's GREATEST on screen rival. Well The answer is Him self. A business man at his level should be professional at all times in front of the publics eye so that he is respected a bit more. But instead he makes himself look like a fool with his Mr Mcmahon character.
Its not a man, its a faction. DX. Besides austin, no one caused as much hell in mr mcmahon's life, and mcmahon never overcame them. rated rko "put them out of commission" when hhh tore his quad again, but dx always got the better of mcmahon.
I know a lot of people absolutely hated the angle, but I'm gonna go with D-Generation-X. If I'm not mistaken it all started with Vince trying making Shawn's life a living hell and that brought HBK to help out Trips in a gauntlet match against The Spirit Squad. But the feud that DX and The McMahons had was great in my opinion. Coming off that awful angle where HBK had to team with "God" this was one hell of a feud. Vince actually had some sick matches with them and the feud went on for sometime. That's why I think they were Vince's greatest rivals since Stone Cold. I remember all the classic, funny(yes, they were funny) segments DX did while feuding with Vince. Now this is just my opinion, but it was Vince's greatest feud since Austin.
Hogan, due to the real life issues that were rooted into their on screen feud, and it's relevant now because we'll never see Hogan on the big stage again to say goodbye, it's sad, it's to bad Hogan had to ruin his legacy
Hogan, due to the real life issues that were rooted into their on screen feud, and it's relevant now because we'll never see Hogan on the big stage again to say goodbye, it's sad, it's to bad Hogan had to ruin his legacy

Never say never. Hogan and Vince McMahon are not very good terms and 'talk'. Hogan said this in a recent interview. Hogan will say goodbye in a WWE ring. That is a given.

To stay on topic. Has to be Triple H. Something is developing between them now.
this isn't a feud with mr.mcmahon directly, but i loved randy orton vs the mcmahons. i thought it was a very entertaining feud, and vince and randy still have that on screen bitterness towards each other whenever they on screen together
Vince's best rival since Stone Cold has to be DX. Trips and Shawn gave both Vince and Shane such a hard time during the 2006-2007 DX run. The humiliation they put the McMahons and Spirit Squad through was absolutely hilarious and provided great moments to fans who wanted to do similar things to their own bosses. Granted nothing will touch the Austin feud but this was the next best thing and nothing has really come close in my opinion because of how they were a constant thorn in the McMahons' side during that time, especially Vince, and the level of hilarity that it reached. One of my favorite parts of the feud was when they did the promo where Trips was a fake Vince and Shawn was a fake Shane mocking the way they talked and acted. Spraypainting the airplane and corporate building were also funny. The funniest of all was probably when they went into the production truck and kept messing with Vince as he tried to do promos on Raw that night.
i have two options here.
1) DX, they made McMahon's life bad on-screen and even though this DX was more toned down, it was still great. i mean the microphone thing (that was very funny), mocking them, ripping his axel of of his limo and other things, they were great and got into McMahons head, that was an awesome feud.
2) Hulk Hogan--this one is more based on not just on-screen, BUT off-screen. Hogan was the guy he felt like he built and he walked out on him and testified against him in a case, then Hogan beats him at Mania, McMahon basically fires him, then Hogan becomes Mr. America and McMahon tries to prove it's Hogan and had that funny lie detector test. then finally later fires him. great on and off screen feud.
A few people beat me too it. But i have to say D-generation-X.
I was so into this rivalry, i still watch promos from DX ripping on the McMahon's. They wold gold. All the matches, like DX vs. Shane, Vince, and Big Show in a HiaC at Unforgiven. I loved it all.
Too many people beat me to it but its DX!!! DX gave Vinnie Mac Hell week in and week out always bested him they seemed to be a couple of steps ahead of him always!! Even Hogan couldnt do what DX seemed to do and that was literally break McMahon it was a funny couple of weeks
Bret Hart hands down. No rivallry is bigger than a real life rivalry. It spiraled from 1997-2005 before they buried the hatchett for good. 8 years, no feud has gone longer except for maybe Hogan vs Savage AND Hart vs Michaels
Degeneration-X without a doubt. I think everybody loved this rivalry it had everything. definitely why wwe was watchable in 2006 :)

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