Who is John L Talking To On His Phone?

The Architect of Anarchy

Leannardo Da Vinci of Pro Wrestling
It hasn't been annoying me till Jericho's return. I asked myself could Jericho be something to do with all the text messaging. Since Punk stole Jericho's punchline - there's a reason for them to have a match. At the same time, we have Johnny Ace coming out every week putting on a great feud with Punk. It's gets us to think whether he still has it in him to fight - putting his age into context as well as his form.

Why not Jericho? He has a reason, we haven't seen John L text message anyone after Jericho's return. He was talking to Brodus Clay for a while but he wouldn't be talking to him all the time.

What do you think?
I have a feeling John L is messaging Vince and Stephanie telling them about the current situation while they tell him the next plan. The plan here means taking the title of CM Punk somehow and put it on someone who is pro-authority or who goes on to become a corporate champion. Of course if Punk's feud with Jericho is gonna be a reality, then Jericho would be the Corporate Champion.
It hasnt been a year....silly comment to make. Laurinatis will be revealed as being the guy to bring Jericho back, and yes he is a stooge working for the McMahons. This is a no-brainer. What I would like explained is who was the Raw General Manager????? I hate when WWE insult our intelligence and do not complete storyline arcs. Its ridiculous.
Probably the anonymous Raw GM. I doubt they will ever reveal it, or even have anyone in mind, but if they do, they'll probably say he was tweeting.
The parson on the other end of the phone will probably never be revealed, just like the anonymous GM. But,for the sake of joining in the speculation, the GM was probably just Michael Cole, and 'Mr Excitement' is probably just ringing his mother to let her know that he's not being bullied by nasty punks and hunters any more.
Seems fairly obvious to me...It's a McMahon. Laurenitis is nothing but a yes man, acting as a figurehead for Vince McMahon since he can't do it himself. It's Vince getting around the Board of Directors by having someone he can control be placed in charge. At some point in the future, Vince McMahon will make it known he has been pulling the strings all along.
Still think it's Stephanie...... and if they ever bother to get back to the Anonymous General Manager storyline, that will be her, too. Yes, Vince is the obvious choice if someone is feeding insider info into a cell phone....... but it would be just WWE's style to shift the target to someone close to the previously named source.

Besides, Steph seemed to be happily off-screened to a more sedentary life, working behind a desk and making babies. Upon learning she lost 80 pounds, I figured there must be something else behind it.
I think it is just something they have him do. No one is really behind it. I've never looked at it that way. Just wwe showing they have this cool gm who can tweet and text like most americans. Its just something you would expect to see a busy gm/talent relations person doing. Sending text message, setting up meetings.
Its Vince. No doubt. Anyone who thinks Vince McMahon isnt behind.... "...the exectiv vice presdent of talnt relations and intrim genral manager.... of monday night raw..." is crazy... Punk is the reason Vince was "let go" and Laurinaitis is all over Punk NOT being WWE Champion.... it'll be revealed sooner or later....

P.S. The misspelling in my Johnny Ace quote is my best attempt to spell like he speaks.... Harder then you think
I didn't realize it was ever in doubt who he was talking to. Many times he clearly says "I love you too honey" so I always just assumed that was his wife. I'm not sure why they do it, but I never saw a reason to question it. Other times I assumed it was Brodus Clay, because he'll say "We'll see you next week."

Honestly, I watch Raw every week and I've never wondered "Wow, who is he talking to?" because I don't really think it's supposed to be a part of a developing storyline. I think talking on the phone is just his "thing" and it shouldn't be looked into.
That's probably because there hasn't been a Raw since Jericho returned.

To answer your question....nobody. Johnny Ace isn't talking to the same person every week. You're reading too much into everything. You want to play detective? Go watch Impact.

Shit thread.

Dude, shut up...:banghead:

Before I begin on why this is NOT a shit idea, let me inform you that you need a new sig. You seem to have Del Shito and what looks like a constipated Kaval on a banner that reads "Best of the Best". You are incorrect sir.

I digress.

WWE has a plan or meaning for everything they do. It's just a matter of if it turns out exactly as they planned, sort of as they planned, or just sweep it under the rug and pretend it didn't happen *cough, RAW GM, cough*

The OP has a good point, but I tend to agree with a response that said Vince [and Stephanie]. I think it is Vince because Ace was up Vince's ass for months. Then as soon as he gets cut, Ace is still there. All he is is a puppet for McMahon. When Vince finally comes back to live TV, it will be revealed that Vince was calling the shots all along, possibly even all the way back to the Annonymous Raw GM spot.

Vince will be back. It's only a matter of time. People aren't going with Johnny Ace. He's almost an Adamle. I wish they would just get a decent GM.
dude i dont think ur supposed to literally look into it like that. i think the texting is just to kinda depict him as an immature manchild at time. that helps to justfy or atleast explain his unprofessional behavior..
I'm honestly surprised that enough people even CARE about this to be starting a thread. Whoever it is, if anybody, it's going to be an anti-climax, someone who will contribute next to nothing and will likely start hogging up the airtime.

This is just a microcosm of WWE's current status; there's no reason for fans beyond the diehards who would watch Vince McMahon juggle grapefruits for half an hour every week.

The only storyline that intrigued me in the least in the past few months was CM Punk, and that was frittered away so fast, I hadn't realized I'd lost interest until two weeks after I stopped caring.

This is an odd time in WWE, as unlike the past ten years, they actually have a roster full of CHARACTERS who are interesting and intriguing; Zack Ryders and CM Punks and R-Truths instead of Nathan Joneses and Matt Morgans and Sylvester Terkays. Even that old chestnut of boredom, Mark Henry, has taken on a persona of violence that is compelling enough to want to see him around (just not wrestle).

But ultimately, the problems with writing and booking are just enough to sabotage the company without the mindblowing insanity and wanton stupidity of TNA. It's gotten to a point where I just..


care anymore

There's better action to be had in a movie, and better writing too. It's just not worth watching anymore.
One way to give consistency to have it be Stephanie Mcmahon. Say she was the anonymous GM way back and fired Jericho in the first place. Say she's been trying to get control since and trying to make her family look like they are capable of running the show. Say she brought Jericho back because she knew he'd do what she said in order to prove he is the true best in the world. Say she did it because Punk has been ruining the pecking order of WWE her family has worked so hard to establish. Say she has had enough of the insults towards her and her husband that Punk has been throwing at them left and right. Say that she has brought in the real best wrestler in the world to teach Punk that running his mouth can only get him so far.

Sets up a great feud and closes all loose ends. Adds a level of consistency that the WWE is sorely lacking and hopefully after establishing a base of consistency they can keep it up from here on out and stop loosing viewers.
JL is texting Vince. Well...thats what I think anyway. He is keeping Vince in on the loop of what is going on with the company, his dealings on RAW, and how he is treating Punk and trying to screw him over.
the one thing i dont understand about ppl saying its a mcmahon... isnt raw a live show? wouldnt they be watching and see whats going on? he probably just talking to the horse shoe up his ass thanking it that he is at all relevant

It's the new trend, ask Kevin Nash

I wanted to like this, but there's no like button here in the forums. :disappointed:

Anyway, I think it's Steph which will cause turmoil with Triple H when it's revealed she was behind Laurinitis being appointed Raw GM and Triple H being moved off the show. Eventually, Triple H turns heel, joins Steph, Vince and Laurinitis and try to dominate all of WWE.
It's quite obviously Brodus Clay. Johnny is informing him that his debut will be next week.

Seriously though, it's probably nobody. Let's not overcomplicate things, it's a simple, sleazy touch to his character, just like the phone calls to his wife!
In an ideal world they'll reveal that it was Steph on the other end of the phone. You could even play out quite a few angles off the same arc.

1) Going back to the anon Raw GM - Vince was shown talking to him/her on the phone in the past and saying something about trusting them but he wasn't happy that they'd made him look silly that night (dissention in the ranks)
2) Johnny keeps his position whilst Vince is overthrown suggestion that Johnny could be linked to someone else with power (which might not have been HHH as they went on to argue in a power play)
3) Someone mentioned the "love you too" comments from JA. Could this be teasing a possible affair with Steph? Would make for interesting viewing but would be even better if she was jsut stringing him along for her own ends (he could be besotted with her)
4) The Y2J promos keep talking about "she beckons me" and this could be a perfect link to Steph pulling the strings to get what she wants (the enemy of my enemy is my friend ref Y2J and Punk).

Tie into this the entire arc with Big Sexy and HHH and a link to Steph not being happy that her Hubby has taken some of her "power" by his appointment and it could be used to tie up all of the Raw GM/texting/Punk/Y2J/Nash/HHH stories into one very neat package. Plus it would be quite interesting to lead to a tag team match between Punk/HHH vs Nash/Y2J on either a minor PPV or as a Raw main event (fixed to have JAce as a guest Ref??).

I think this could be a very strong arc to tie all of these loose threads together, but let's be honest..... It would be TOO neat a solution and would suggest that this has been planned since halfway through the RAW GM arc. I seriously don't think the writers can keep anything going this long, making this nothing more than a pipe dream!

He's setting up meetings, calling his wife, talking with talent, among others.

It's just a touch to his character. Makes him look busy, and makes his priorities seem to be a bit away from the ring itself, which is good for a heel "corporate GM".

But if there's someone in special that he keeps texting as part of a conspiracy of shorts, it has to be Stephanie.
You're not supposed to care, as everyone else has said. Also, the WWE certainly does NOT have "a plan or meaning for everything they do", which is why they abandon so many storylines without so much as an explanation.

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