Who is Impact's Biggest Face?

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You know how WWE has Cena, ye like that, who is THE face of TNA?

I could bring in Kurt Angle here, but his longevity from here on discerns me. Aj Styles perhaps is the closest contender to what I'm talking about. The man has had some of the best matches the past year (discounting the one with Daniels). His promos although not captivating are adequate for a star face. So is that it? AJ is it? or am I missing someone?
Hogan... he is the only one with any main stream attention.. he is on all the posters (mostly)..

Rock and Hogan are the only ones that can command main stream attention...

NO ONE Else can... so if Rock was still wrestling.. he would be the face of WWE... wrestlemania last year ... was the rock show... over and over... next wrestlemania will be the same..

Hogan is the face of TNA.

Sting, Flair, AJ, Beer Money, RVD, Hardy, Angle, The KO's, etc etc all have a role to play.. but NONE of them have the star power of Hogan..

You don't have to wrestle to be the star .. Hogan can do things that they simply can not do with Main stream..
It's a revolving door in TNA, it's one of my problems with them. Right now, biggest face is Robert Roode. Couple months ago it was Sting, Mr. Anderson before him, while Matt Morgan, RVD, and Jeff Hardy all took a turn.

There's just no consistency. Maybe it's because they haven't found the "right fit" yet. Maybe it's because HUKSTER is right, and anyone who's "top face" is considered second fiddle to Hulk Hogan (who's oddly enough, a heel.)
Hogan... he is the only one with any main stream attention.. he is on all the posters (mostly)..

The way I understood the question: face as in "babyface" in which its absolutely not Hogan because Hogan is a heel.

Right now they are building Bobby Roode as the top face, however if its not Roode its Sting.

Its hard to tell with TNA because I dont even think they know what they are doing.
You know how WWE has Cena, ye like that, who is THE face of TNA?

I could bring in Kurt Angle here, but his longevity from here on discerns me. Aj Styles perhaps is the closest contender to what I'm talking about. The man has had some of the best matches the past year (discounting the one with Daniels). His promos although not captivating are adequate for a star face. So is that it? AJ is it? or am I missing someone?

Okay I could bring up FACES only.. but you brought up Angle who is a HEEL.. so I am going to have to agree with Hukster.. if you are speaking in general.. who is the FACE of TNA and not literal "good guy" as some seem to think you are saying (even though you brought up Angle (who is heel) isn't Daniels a heel too??).. I would without a shadow of a doubt agree with HUKSTER and say Hogan.

AJ and Sting are the most known good guys to TNA that are normally in the main events for years though if that is what you meant "Good Guy".. however.. Hogan is everywhere in TNA... He is the media tool for them in general regardless if he is face or heel.
In terms of the biggest face that can be classified as The Face of TNA is A.J. Styles because he has been there from Day 1 since TNA first came into existence and he has always been loyal to TNA and also to the fans, so he is like the Cena of TNA when it comes to the face that is most recognized with that company
Hulk Hogan is the face of TNA. Sting is the top face in TNA. This is why they are in the Main Event of Bound for Glory. That doesn't paint a bright future for TNA but those are the correct answers to the question.
I'm guessing your going with most recognizable and truthfully when I think TNA the letters TNA pop into my head. What that means is thier's no definite number one guy which is both an advantage and disadvantage. Advantage anybody can easily get into Main Event status bad thing is I'm not really that excited about watching Impact Wrestling cause I have no idea what exactly is going to happen. Unpredictibilty needs to recognise it's limits and when I legitimate don't know what to expect it isn't good.
Well for a while they really went behind Hardy and I thought that was it. I mean Hardy was THE guy next to Cena in WWE. I mean he had the merchs, the PPVs, the fans and was TNA biggest acquisition purely based on drawing power actually.

And then we all know what happened, I still believe to this day, that if Jeff gets his shit together he can still bring Impact up.
Its really hard to pinpoint who the true face of TNA is. I would say AJ based on him being named wrestler of the year not too long ago. I can't say Hogan being he's not an active wrestler. All in all, it would be between AJ and Roode right now since they are mainstays.
Abyss. No, really. have you seen his face? It's fucking huge. And then you add the mask and well, how's he not the biggest face in TNA?

Oh, you meant TNA's staple figure? Is this gonna be a monthly question? Will answering this question solve anything? No. Because nobody really gives a shit and the "face of 'x' company" is a stupid concept because it is a matter of backstage preference and pointless smark quirks. Thank you.
Nobody. TNA have this 'rotation' of main eventers which somehow leaves Sting in it. I guess Sting could be regarded as one, but I see him more of a managerial figure in IW. Jeff Hardy had potential until 'The Night' where he let himself down, but I don't see this company as the grudge bearers. I don't think we've had one since AJ Styles when he was World Champion, he was a high and won the title and pretty much took part in a MoTY candidate with Kurt Angle but then Ric Flair came, initially good idea but TNA should have known that this old man doesn't like resting. Flair became the sole focus as he built Fortune and AJ and co. were looked at as "Flair's boys". Oh, the loss to RVD didn't help either. >.>
If anyone saw the last episode of Impact Wrestling the hugest pops of the night was Hardy and it was huge and the out walks Sting and the roof blows off!

Everyone can say, Hardy is a druggie and Sting is over the hill, but holy shit they still have that IT factor that makes them superstars.
hogan for sure,....he can sure beat the sh*t out of anyone out there...!
he doesn't seems getting old...

he's a synonym for power....!:)
I would Say Aj Styles use to be the face of TNA but the New Face is going to be Crimson Especially that undefeated Streak Remember when Samoa Joe was never Defeated ? He was the Face of Tna back then.
It's hard to say. TNA do not have someone yet who they can legitimately say is their answer to Cena. AJ Styles for many IS Impact Wrestling because he is very passionate about the TNA product and is often stealing the show. I'd say he is their top face although he has lost countless pushes to WWE/WCW rejects that get pushed in his place. If TNA had been pushing Styles instead for the past few years, he might be on a level closer to Cena's. It would also help if they had younger guys and TNA originals doing mainstream appearances rather than just guys like Angle or Hogan. Styles is the closest they have right now in my opinion, but they need to find someone to permanently fill that role.
I know some are stating that "it's hard to say" and everyone makes good points as to why. I still would have to say that it's not very hard at all. I think if anyone is being honest with themselves, you have to know that Jeff Hardy is the biggest face they have. He is the only guy on there I can think of who could screw up so much yet remain so loved. Someone else noted that he got the biggest pop of the night on Impact Wrestling this week, I don't think that should be much of a surprise. Even though he is not at the top right now, you can bet your bottom dollar he will be soon enough. He's just paying for his past transgressions at the moment and they are just keeping him on the proverbial "road of recovery", the lost enigma finding himself and the answers to his demons. No one else is nearly as over, and no one seems to care as much about anyone else but him. People are emotionally invested in Jeff Hardy one way or the other and that's not going to change any time soon. Some of that is due to all the personal problems we've seen aired on television, so we are closer to him, there's more intimacy there with him since we've seen him at his worst and most vulnerable, all the way to his height of heights. I think that makes a big difference, because we know he's both: a superstar capable of great things, and a fallible human like the rest of us.
I know some are stating that "it's hard to say" and everyone makes good points as to why. I still would have to say that it's not very hard at all. I think if anyone is being honest with themselves, you have to know that Jeff Hardy is the biggest face they have. He is the only guy on there I can think of who could screw up so much yet remain so loved. Someone else noted that he got the biggest pop of the night on Impact Wrestling this week, I don't think that should be much of a surprise. Even though he is not at the top right now, you can bet your bottom dollar he will be soon enough. He's just paying for his past transgressions at the moment and they are just keeping him on the proverbial "road of recovery", the lost enigma finding himself and the answers to his demons. No one else is nearly as over, and no one seems to care as much about anyone else but him. People are emotionally invested in Jeff Hardy one way or the other and that's not going to change any time soon. Some of that is due to all the personal problems we've seen aired on television, so we are closer to him, there's more intimacy there with him since we've seen him at his worst and most vulnerable, all the way to his height of heights. I think that makes a big difference, because we know he's both: a superstar capable of great things, and a fallible human like the rest of us.

The question I put to you is... will Jarrett bury Hardy during this program to teach Hardy a lesson. Jarrett and Angle were in a feud for 6 months this year and Angle never got a win until the very end. Jarrett kept winning and winning and it was obvious he was flexing his backstage muscles...

Even though this is a redemption angle and Hardy is sooo over, has JJ chosen himself to be the one to humble Hardy in the ring and feed his own ego like he did with Angle?
The question I put to you is... will Jarrett bury Hardy during this program to teach Hardy a lesson. Jarrett and Angle were in a feud for 6 months this year and Angle never got a win until the very end. Jarrett kept winning and winning and it was obvious he was flexing his backstage muscles...

Even though this is a redemption angle and Hardy is sooo over, has JJ chosen himself to be the one to humble Hardy in the ring and feed his own ego like he did with Angle?

Whereas I see your point in the JJ vs Angle feud it could be interpreted as political flexing or it could be IWs booking philosophy that if a face loses enough it'll be more meaningful and impactful when they finally triumph over the bad guy. Unfortunately for me more often than not, especially in the angle-jarrett fiasco I stop caring as much mid-way through the feud. Assuming this lasts for a few matches I'm sure J.J will get some cheap wins, as this is the way he generates heel heat. On last weeks Impact J.J definitely allowed Hardy to take some swipes at him, asserting that J.J isn't a draw the fans don't care for him founder or not and he can't replicate the emotional response Hardy can.

I'm going to assume that because IW is so high on Jeff Hardy (partial pun) that he won't get buried in the long run. Maybe take a loss here or there, but no burial, no eulogies.

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