Who is Better: Gunner or Crimson?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Its no secret TNA has to be best prospects in wrestling right now in Crimson and Gunner both of them have the ability to be the next big thing!!!! But which is better and which one will seize the moment and lead wrestling in the next decade??? The WWE has no one like these 2 guys right now these 2 guys if used properly can be the next big name in pro wrestling so who is better and who will be the one?

I personally like both men and can't decide the only way I will know who it is when both of them wrestler Angle then we will see what they are made of in the ring and who ever puts on the better show with a believable win will be the one. But I wanna hear what you think who is better and why?????
Crimson easily.

Great size, great look. He's been showcased more. He's now building a fanbase...full of females (Check his twitter. He is flooded with them) He comes off as a badass face or a badass heel.

He had a stint in the military, so that gets you more respect and credit. People say, he has zero personality but did Goldberg and Brock Lesnar have any charisma? Hell no. If you have a badass look, charisma and personalty goes out the window.

Crimson is going to be the face of TNA.

Gunner is a guy who has potential to be a great heel. I can never see him playing a face but Gunner has great potential to be a psychotic heel. He needs to be more intense in the ring, act a little crazy.

I hate that people say "Gunner" is a bad name. Triple H, CM Punk, Stone Cold, Edge are TERRIBLE names and they are legendary because they caught on and became household names. Any name can be good.
Ah yes, the two guys TNA is banking their future on! Personally I love them both. But I find myself liking Gunner a bit more. There's literally no explanation I can give. I guess the fact that everyone knew after a certain point Crimson was getting pushed to the moon, then Gunner silently starting building ground with a TV Title reign, then back to back victories over World Champion Sting, then World Champion Mr. Anderson got me more interested in him.

I for one hate the name Gunner. It was given to him as a goon security guard, not the potential top heel of the company. While I like the idea of him just having a singular name and not a John Morrison or Alex Riley type name.. I think it may be necessary to further differentiate him from Crimson, who he himself has a singular bad ass name that fits very well.

Once he separates from Immortal, I'd like him to say that Gunner was like his slave name or pet name.. and that his name is Phil Shatter, and he's in TNA to blah blah blah. He built a reputation in the NWA with multiple title reigns as Phil Shatter, so it wouldn't be a stretch to think it'd catch on. Plus I think the idea of him having a regular name helps in the long run with the potential of being psychotic. Just "Hi, my name is Phil. You don't off the bat think that sounds crazy, but once i'm in the ring.. letting my hair down and beating on you with my tattooed cover guns.. everyone's gonna watch me do it with a sick smile on my face. Nice to meet your acquaintance." Idk, that's just one mans opinion though.

I think either way, it's safe to say that in Crimson and Gunner, TNA have their future Cena and Orton. (in the sense they'll be the undisputed top two guys)
This is a very good question for i have my likes about them both. An a few dislikes about them both but its just there names an there finshers. Not one for the Gunner name i just dont think it fits his personalty imo. He is very agressive an very psycho crazed looking, for the name Gunner.

But to say who i like more is to be Crimson an im not one to like a face besides Angle who is my number one Fav Tna-Impact Wrestling, wrestler.
Just Crimson has the look of someone to be a huge star. He has the streak going for him an i say he has a lil chrisma not a lot but more than goldberg.

I say he has chrisma due to when he called out immortal when he was the messanger for Fortune(not a good speller) an he made me wanna listen to what he was sayin as he looks like a guy who can kick some ass. Also his Sky High is pretty sick lookin an always loved that move!!

His look is different to with the red hair an not a typical pretty boy blonde hair blue eye guy. He just has the look an if he keeps improving in the ring he will as someone else said be the Face of TNA. Sorry but no it wont be AJ.
Got distracted by my grandmother who has to follow me an tell me its constantly hot!!

So now back to topic an on to Gunner.

Gunner has the look to be a major heel in Impact but i just dont see him as a face. He to me dont have the personalty of a face as of right now. i say this because his promos are just not there for me he just needs to put out more. Crimson is a lil better at promos imo even though he dont speak much. I also dont like his finisher an yes this bothers me too. Id rather see him do the TKO vs his F5. Those alone is why i like Crimson a little more then Gunner.

Just my opinion. an a good thread too btw.
I think they both have good potential but GUNNER is such a TERRIBLE name for a wrestler. Crimson sounds neat but GUNNER, just doesn't sound like someone who is championship material. To me it would be like if Hulk Hogan was called, Terry and that's it.

I just wish they would do more of this, I bet they are paying Crimson and Gunner COMBINED a fraction of what they have to pay the established veterans who are fighting for a few spots.
They both kinda suck in my eyes. In all the time they've been there, I couldn't tell you one thing about them. Plus, any time i see them go over an established talent, whether it be midcard or main event, it just strikes me as weird. What makes these guys so special? I honestly don't see it.
"The WWE has no one like these 2 guys right now"

"It's safe to say that in Crimson and Gunner, TNA have their future Cena and Orton"

Really? These 2 comment made me laugh so hard I literally........ well, lets not get into details.

Crimson is most likely going to be Matt Morgan 2.0, Has size but 0 personality. Just like Goldberg perished after his first loss, so will he.

Gunner..... Well lets say that if he ever become a champion, ratings would tank even further.

The only guy who Tna should market is Alex Shelly. Everyone else is overrated.
Personally, I'm not crazy about either one of them, but IMO Gunner is far ahead of Crimson.

Crimson feels like he wrestles a style more suitable for someone much bigger, it just doesn't feel right to me. I don't see any real personality and I don't understand the fascination with his "look"? I mean he looks like a fairly ripped, but very skinny, lanky dude with a bad haircut. What is so great about that, if I saw a picture of him and a picture of say AJ Styles, not knowing anything more and was asked who I thought would win a fight, I'd probably pick AJ. That's a problem when your entire gimmick is being a "badass looking monster face, Goldberg wish I was" He doesn't have an intimidating look to him, he looks like a slightly taller, slightly roided up cruiserweight.
Its no secret TNA has to be best prospects in wrestling right now in Crimson and Gunner both of them have the ability to be the next big thing!!!! But which is better and which one will seize the moment and lead wrestling in the next decade??? The WWE has no one like these 2 guys right now these 2 guys if used properly can be the next big name in pro wrestling so who is better and who will be the one?

I personally like both men and can't decide the only way I will know who it is when both of them wrestler Angle then we will see what they are made of in the ring and who ever puts on the better show with a believable win will be the one. But I wanna hear what you think who is better and why?????

I don't think either one of them are better than Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Cody Rhodes, or Ted DiBiase but I digress.

Crimson though is easily the better prospect just based on his look alone. Gunner, aside from having a horrible worker name, seems to be lacking quite a bit. Something needs to be done with him to make him a more believable main eventer. I don't think either one has the potential to be the "next big thing" as you put it because they are in TNA and TNA is incapable of creating their own stars, atleast stars big enough to be considered "the next big things". If Crimson was in WWE, I do not doubt the star he could become, but with little exposure, neither will be "the next big thing".

But if TNA ever gets to the level of WWE (which they won't without John Cena) Crimson would definately have the best shot out of anyone on the roster except for probably Robert Roode.
At this point, it's Gunner and it's not close.

The first thing that jumps out at you is build. Gunner has a wrestler build with bulk, muscle and a strong lower half. Crimson has a lanky look with cut muscle but little size and his lower half is about as small as Screech's from Saved By the Bell. It's actually disturbing seeing him in trunks because his upper body shrinks to this midget waist and chicken legs. Very odd look.

Next, you have to watch them in the ring. It's not a fair comparison really as you can tell Gunner has had years of seasoning and is actually quite competent in there. Crimson is improving but his work is still as raw as a chronic *********or's penis. That said, both of them need to work on establishing a moveset that fits their character. They are both "intense" guys, yet neither works a style that makes you think "wow, this guy's tough". I feel that both need to look like they are working stiff and have move that really look like their opponents are taking a pounding. Either that or adjust the characters. You simply can't be intense and work a ballet routine.

As far as characters go, they are essentially the same character and neither have been given a ton of opportunity to develop it. Gunner is held back a little by his voice as his soft spoken southern accent doesn't work for "Mr. Intensity", so slight edge to Crimson there, but neither are really "intense" on the mic. I'll be patient on this one though as neither have truly gotten a chance to showcase their mic skills, but at this same time, if either had great facial expressions or played the character well without oral communication, they wouldn't need a ton of mic skills. A ruthless wrecking machine character can go a long way without saying a thing.

So the conclusion here is that Gunner is more seasoned and better built to be a wrestling star. Everything from look to ringwork is better on his end, though that gap can close in a hurry. Neither though scream "star" to me. They are both decent guys, but until they break this ball of utter generic-ness, I don't see a high ceiling for either. Crimson is a babyface at the moment and I have no idea why I as a fan should be behind him. Should I support him because Mike Tenay tells me he's undefeated? Has he done anything to show me he's a good guy? Another problem is that they both have sort of an alternative look which can work fine as an upper card worker, but you don't make a guy like that the face of your company. Being the face of a company means a lot more than just holding the title and doing house shows. The face of the company (which now is Hogan but needs to not fully be for so many reasons) needs to be a guy that the public will accept. It needs to be someone you can see doing media appearances, shaking fans hands, doing all the things to make the company they work for look good. I can't imagine either guy being that guy.

Bottom line, Gunner is WAY better at the moment, but neither is someone I'd back as "the face of the company".
This is a tough one to call. I think both Crimson & Gunner have massive potential, as long as TNA/IW doesn't screw it up for either (or both) of them. My choice is Gunner:

Although I think Crimson has a better overall look than Gunner, he's still a little too green in the ring (obviously that can be worked on). Crimson's reddish hair & fair-skin is definitely unique, and his size/build is the stuff that wrestling promoters dream about.

I believe that Gunner is more polished (and he's definitely more experienced) in the ring than Crimson, but he's lacking the confidence that Crimson seems to have. However, every time I see Gunner wrestle - I see more of that confidence coming to surface (just like Crimson's in-ring work, this too can easily be improved). His mic-skills are also something that get better every time I hear him speak, and he really seems to have the desire that a wrestler needs to be successful.

I think TNA started to give Gunner a chance when they had him win the TV Championship. When Gunner was TV Champion (for what, like a month?), he came out with the belt in his teeth and looked like an idiot. I didn't really start to appreciate Gunner until Eric Young had that "surprise" victory over him (taking the belt). After that loss, Gunner has really started to come into his own. I never thought that the stupid "security" guy (teamed with Murphy) would become such a great character.

Crimson hasn't really had that "breakout" moment yet, like Gunner has had (at least not in my eyes). He's got his winning-streak, but it's not like he's had any amazing matches (or storylines) yet. The winning-streak seems to be all he's got going for him, there's no depth to his character at all. I'm thinking that his match tonight against RVD could be phenomenal, but it could also be a let-down. "The streak" can't be the only thing Crimson's got going for him if TNA expects his character to succeed. If that's the case, his momentum will FLATLINE when he suffers his first loss. That happened to Goldberg, because Goldberg's whole personality was based around that stupid streak. They never took the time to give him a real "character", or "moment" to break out.

Personally, I believe Crimson's "big moment" could happen at BFG 2011. There's a chance that TNA Creative could put him in the Heavyweight Title match, although he could also suffer his first loss somewhere during the BFG Tournament. I also think they might make the Heavyweight Title match a three-way dance at BFG...meaning Crimson could be involved in the match, and still not win the title (but not be pinned, either). I don't know, at this point I can't see why the fans should care about Crimson at all (or his lame winning streak).

My pick for which one (Crimson or Gunner) is better right now has to be Gunner. Like I already mentioned, Gunner has already had his first big "moment", and Crimson has yet to have his. I can't say which will be better in the future, as I'm not psychic. If Gunner continues on the path he's on, I think he'll be the better of the two (in the future). I think it's still waaaaaay too early to see if either of these two are worth putting any more stock into, but TNA is currently doing a pretty good job of testing the water.
hmm well both have alot of potential in impact wrestling for sure but i think im gonna go with gunner as to whos better...hes been pretty impressive i mean come on he has pinned 2 former heavyweight champs there 2 weeks in a row (anderson and sting) and even with anderson in Immortal i still think gunner is the ace in the hole for immortal i see gunner being in the final 4 of the BFG series (as well as Crimson) and then sadly crimson is gonna prolly win the whole thing (even though i dont think hes ready for it but i can see the BFG main event being title vs undefeated streak) both guys have good build and alot of potential who will captalize on their push the most? have to wait and see
Without a doubt Gunner. Gunner is the longest reigning NWA National Heavyweight Champion in history. Longer than Dusty, Tully, Magnum, Ric, and Sting. Gunner's character needs to be allowed to branch out but the guy is great when he is allowed to work. I have seen his NWA work and it was great. TNA just hasn't let him loose yet but when they do he will take off.
God soldier, I like your passion for TNA and all, but to call Gunner and Crimson the next big thing or saying WWE has nobody coming up as good as them is overselling them by a mile. Don't get me wrong they both have potential, but potential means you haven't done it yet. First of all, imo there's no way either one of them can be the next big thing with those gimmicks, and I use the word gimmick loosely because I'm not sure what, if any gimmick these two have. Gunner is Immortal's "Mr. Intensity" according to Tenay and Taz. He doesn't look any more intense then Bully Ray to me though. I haven't seen enough from this guy to know for a fact he's even going to be a decent draw much less a Cena like draw. Same for Crimson, he has no real gimmick. He's intense (there's that word again) and...he has red hair. That's not gonna do it. Goldberg's gimmick was to be an unstoppable juggernaut, and the guy looked like was more then willing to rip off his opponents head. Lesnar is a stack of muscles built on another stack. Plus he had an amateur background and Paul Heyman to talk for him. Like Goldberg, Lesnar was an unstoppable monster, those guys HAD gimmicks, Gunner and Crimson at this point don't. Right now I see both of them at this point as high midcarders unless they get more creative attention, stronger on the mic better in the ring (which will happen I'm sure) and more realistic fan expectations. Just my opinion.
Tough question as I think both of them are really good now and have loads of potential for the future as well.

Gunner- Gunner is definitely the more experienced "wrestler" as far as just the in ring work. He is really crisp and sharp in the ring. His strikes are well timed and look legit. Have not really heard him talk much on the show but from other outside interviews, you can tell he is comfortable on the mic but needs more time to perfect it. He has a good moveset but it is a little plain or basic. Needs to add some flash and submission moves to him move set.
He has a really good stocky tree trunk like wrestling look. Some slight tweaks to the wardrobe, like short trunks and wearing a shirt to the ring may help some there. He is a "crazy" looking person and would like them to play up that part as well as the tough guy/badass that TNA already portrays him as. Gunner reminds me alot personality wise of Chris Benoit(not going there), although Gunner is larger but the intensity and fierceness is similar.

NEEDS: New better theme music, some merchandise (t-shirt at least). TNA (or Gunner) needs to decide on a color scheme for him. The black and silver works but need to leave the red out of it. Longer shorts (IMO). Play up the marine/military background and accentuate the crazy look with some crazy personality traits. Finisher needs to be a submission (IMO)

Crimson- Crimson has the look and attitude down. He is a good looking guy, the ladies love him but he is also cool enough for guy to like him as well. He has that modern MMA look to him. Definitely reminds me a good amount of Randy Orton in size and look. His theme music and merchandise are really good and will sell well.
He is a OK talker but inexperienced. He does have a "wrestling voice" that will translate well on TV. He has some signature moves (knees/neck-breaker) that others don't do so the powerful yet plain finisher (red sky?) works for him to kinda hit it out of nowhere. The crowd seems to be getting behind him, no matter what the "wrestling experts" or "WWE marks" say. Jeff Jarrett and RVD has been working with him on house shows so we should see some of the "little things" (ie positioning, timing) get much better quickly.

NEEDS: more in ring work, mic work and time. Need to find some personality quirks, catch phrases ("destroying lives"?, "death before dishonor?) and needs to find a symbol or some other identify sell point (cross?, skull?). They are there but need to pick something to promote him with. As with Gunner they need to play up his Army/Iraq war experience and make him a hero/savior type.

So over all I would say Gunner is the better worker/wrestler and top of the card heel and Crimson is the better fit for top of the card face or face of the company. But if I had to pick one I would pick Crimson, because at this point he is a guy who can sell merchandise and tickets in the future not just put on good matches. Gunner just does not have the rest of the package yet, but could soon, really soon.

All that said it is really awesome that TNA has 3-4 young potential stars that were all developed by them. Also it is really awesome for wrestling in general to have some young stars to bank the future on. Cause Crimson, Gunner, Magnus, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and Bobby Roode(not really young at 34) are the top of the heap as far as potential in EITHER company and TNA's young potential are far and away better than the young crop of guys in WWE (DiBiase,Kofi,Rhodes, Barrett,Gabriel,Ziggler,Rollins, et al) at this point. And hopefully that is something all non-bias wrestling fans can agree on.
But which is better and which one will seize the moment and lead wrestling in the next decade???

Crimson is the better right now. He is in a winning streak, he's over with the fans, he's got a unique look and okay in the ring. But neither will lead wrestling as both men are in TNA and nobody from TNA will lead wrestling. It will always be WWE's top star that leads wrestling. Fact.

The WWE has no one like these 2 guys right now

Wrong. WWE also have many great young stars such as Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett, Alex Riley etc. These guys are better than Crimson and Gunner. They have better mic skills, more charisma and as good if not better in the ring.
for me om a personal level i say crimson dude just looks like a beast in the ring gunner does too dont get me wrong but it seems in the end it will be a crimson push over gunner lets look at why i say this crimson has confidence in the ring gunner well hes working on that from day one crimson has been bad ass as hell with that undefeated streak gunner got thrown in with ey to do a comedy skit crimson is leading the BFG series gunner is close behind though and i hope we get to see a gunner crimson match i would buy a ppv for that match alone just to see who really is better but for the reasons i stated above i say crimson until i see otherwise
God soldier, I like your passion for TNA and all, but to call Gunner and Crimson the next big thing or saying WWE has nobody coming up as good as them is overselling them by a mile. Don't get me wrong they both have potential, but potential means you haven't done it yet. First of all, imo there's no way either one of them can be the next big thing with those gimmicks, and I use the word gimmick loosely because I'm not sure what, if any gimmick these two have. Gunner is Immortal's "Mr. Intensity" according to Tenay and Taz. He doesn't look any more intense then Bully Ray to me though. I haven't seen enough from this guy to know for a fact he's even going to be a decent draw much less a Cena like draw. Same for Crimson, he has no real gimmick. He's intense (there's that word again) and...he has red hair. That's not gonna do it. Goldberg's gimmick was to be an unstoppable juggernaut, and the guy looked like was more then willing to rip off his opponents head. Lesnar is a stack of muscles built on another stack. Plus he had an amateur background and Paul Heyman to talk for him. Like Goldberg, Lesnar was an unstoppable monster, those guys HAD gimmicks, Gunner and Crimson at this point don't. Right now I see both of them at this point as high midcarders unless they get more creative attention, stronger on the mic better in the ring (which will happen I'm sure) and more realistic fan expectations. Just my opinion.

I think the name "Gunner" comes from the fact that he was a Gunnery Sergent in the Marine Corps for 4 years. In the NWA he was "The Universal Soldier Phil Shatter" and they played that beautifully. I think that is where the gimmick comes from and TNA is using Immortal to try to get him noticed. We can ALL see that Gunner is going to break away from Immortal, we all see he will get a push more than likely before the year is out, it's written on the wall. When that happens I think they will let the Gunner persona evolve.

Crimson on the other hand I see potential with but I don't see him breaking out any time soon. The guy needs a lot of work in the ring and on the mic.
I think the name "Gunner" comes from the fact that he was a Gunnery Sergent in the Marine Corps for 4 years. In the NWA he was "The Universal Soldier Phil Shatter" and they played that beautifully. I think that is where the gimmick comes from and TNA is using Immortal to try to get him noticed. We can ALL see that Gunner is going to break away from Immortal, we all see he will get a push more than likely before the year is out, it's written on the wall. When that happens I think they will let the Gunner persona evolve.

Could you please tell me what the heck this Universal Soldier gimmick is? Anyway, I like both guys, but I think Gunner has more long-term potential from what I've seen of him thus far. Guy's pretty good in my opinion, while Crimson is still a good deal of green.
Could you please tell me what the heck this Universal Soldier gimmick is?

He just played the intense ex-marine, which is what he was only kicked up a notch, he played off his experiences there. It was a great persona for him and he fell into it naturally. He was smooth in promos and he had one hell of a 15 minute match with the current RoH World Champ Davey Richards which he won. He looked far more comfortable with that than he does as Gunner.
Then why don't they use the Universal Soldier gimmick more now? He would be more interesting as that, or even a bounty hunter type character for Immortal, taking out specific opponents that Hogan and Bischoff want out of the way maybe? Like a "soldier of fortune". That would be the beginning of a good gimmick.
Then why don't they use the Universal Soldier gimmick more now? He would be more interesting as that, or even a bounty hunter type character for Immortal, taking out specific opponents that Hogan and Bischoff want out of the way maybe? Like a "soldier of fortune". That would be the beginning of a good gimmick.

Why doesnt WWE use gimmick's from the Indy's? Because they didn't create it. They want to take credit for creating stars. Shatter was damn good but wasn't well known. Take Austin Starr for example, they blew it with him, Star went to RoH and was allowed to be himself and Austin Aries was born, he was well known when TNA brought him back so they left him alone. Quite frankly both TNA and WWE feel like they can do better than the Indy's and most of the time they can, but many times as we see they blow it.

Hopefully TNA let's Gunner go his own thing before long because he could be awesome.
You may be right about that. But WWE can afford to play that game, TNA can't. If you're a company trying to get to the top and you got a guy with a good thing going, you better let him run with the ball.
You may be right about that. But WWE can afford to play that game, TNA can't. If you're a company trying to get to the top and you got a guy with a good thing going, you better let him run with the ball.

True, but it is being run by people that are use to running big Corporations. Dixie Carter was working as a top exec in Sports Advertising for a big Texas firm and Eric Bischoff was President of a branch of Turner Sports. Hogan only knows Corporate politics like WWE and WCW. You have people who are use to running and being involved in billion dollar corporations trying to run a smaller company. They don't adjust the product wont improve.

Paul Hayman would have been a great choice to take over as Vice President because he was use to doing a lot with a little, but Dixie decided that Paul's small market attitude wouldn't translate even though Smackdown has never met the same success since he left as head of that show.

You have big business big wigs with big business attitudes running a small company. They will only get so far that way.

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