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Who is a better faction

golden miz

My quetion is who do you feel is a better faction the Hart Trillogy or Legacy. Both are currently heel faction of 2nd or 3rd generation superstars. The reason I'm asking this is because after watching raw yesterday I can't see Ted or Cody winning a match without the use of cheap tactics like weapons or Orton. With the Trillogy both Kid and DH seem like they can and will win matches, they are more believable in the ring, and I feel they can put on better fueds since they have no main focus in the group. I know legacy has Orton but I feel that Legacy has actually diminished Orton's heel status and killed some of his heat. Now what do you all think, whos the better team Legacy or the heart trillogy.
I think it's too early to tell which faction is better because the Hart Trilogy has just gotten started. We still don't know the direction they are going in. I will say, though, that they look very promising. David Hart Smith looked good in the ring today and it looks like they are going to give it member a chance to showcase their skills, rather than 3 vs 2 handicap matches every week. Hopefully they take this group in the right direction. I have very high hopes for the Hart Trilogy.
I really doubt that the Hart Trilogy could be any worse than Legacy. DiBiase and Rhodes are utterly useless, they couldn't get heat from a furnace. The only way they could look any worse than they already do is of they were all made job to the Brooklyn Brawler. At once.
Really too early to tell. Seriously, the Hart Trilogy has been together for what, 2 weeks? And Legacy has had what, 3 months?

Though, Legacy has Orton, whom I consider not nearly as good as people seem to think he is. That, plus 2 mid-card heels who are doing nothing but staring angrily at the Titantron all the time, makes Legacy an extreme letdown. Give Rhodes and Dibiase something to do, and Orton better on the mic/actually do something in the ring, and you'll have a much better stable.

The Hart Trilogy? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't they simply attacking the people DH Smith or Tyson Kidd are in a match against? I mean, that is one thing a stable does, but they gotta do more before we can legitimately rank them. And we have to give them time to see if creative fucks this up more than they've fucked up Legacy.

So, basically, give them some time. Then rank them. Because as of now, it'd be like trying to rank DX 2 weeks into their creation against the Four Horsemen.
The Hart Trilogy already has more personality than Legacy. I'm really glad that D.H. wised up and wound up in the Trilogy instead of Legacy. If he would have joined up with Orton he would just be getting his ass kicked on a weekly basis by 60 year old men.

I'm really liking The Trilogy even though they've only been on T.V. together twice. There's still a chance that the WWE could ruin them like they did Legacy.

I would definitely have them in the Tag Divsion. Put them against guys they can work with like The Colons and Cryme Tyme.

The WWE definitey has the talent to have a good Tag Team Division, but they're not putting in the effort.

The Hart Trilogy
The Colons
Cryme Tyme
World's Greatest Tag Team (Unforunately, they've put Shelton back with Haas. So they may as well use them better than they have.)

They definitely can use another face team or two.

I'm definitely more interested in The Hart Trilogy because they haven't fucked them up like they've fucked up Legacy. Again, it is early.
you must be brain dead, the hart triolgy is a good story on hmmmmm ecw, but for gods sake orton cody and ted are in the main event scene. orton is the star of wwe, not that he deserves it since i can't really get behind his title reign, and priceless well they are at a place in their stable where they are guarding the champ, and its there job to get Batista bombed once a week, pedigreed once a week, and just get tossed around. main eventing on ecw is nothing impressive, people like dolph ziggler and chavo are above doing that, legacy has the world title, we are not debating hart trilogy vs priceless, legacy is on top of wwe, and the harts although are link to the best there ever was cant even hold their jocks.
legacy is definitely better. the wwe champion is a part of that group whereas hart trilogy is a start up group of new comers. thats not a bad thing, just saying that if you've got the champ with you there is much more prestige. i will say legacy is being used like garbage and it seems like the hart trilogy is getting off to a pretty good start.
too early to tell. however, if we had a match between rhodes/dibiase vs. kidd/smith, i think that would be a damn good match. in fact, i am expecting it. i am sure that legacy will take the tag titles here pretty soon, and the hart trilogy will challenge for it. and who knows, maybe we could have a feud there, get some depth in the tag division. give us something to look forward to......for once!
I wouldn't be surprised to see the two factions combined. thats how they will screw up the Hart trilogy, by making them apart of legacy. or maybe it will save legacy... who knows. only time will tell, but i would put money on Legacy and the Hart Trilogy coming together before long. it's like a faction based on 2nd and 3rd generation stars and another faction based on 2nd generation stars who are from the Hart family. same thing only a little different.
Its very early to start comparing both these groups.

The main thing I think people should look out for is direction. I hope WWE build Tyson Kid and DH Smith in the same way they built Bret and Bulldog, slow and consistent. Have them build in ECW, going over teams in ECW, both in tag matches and singles. Build both so they are believable as singles and in tag matches. Have them win the tag titles (and depending on reaction have Tyson go after the IC title and DH go after the ECW title) depending on how the carry those titles and the pay off from feuds with other midcards both guys could be pushed to ME within 5 years.

The difference for me between Hart Trilogy and Legacy at the moment is storyline.....Legacy is all about Randy and his title, there is no pay off for Teddy and Cody, Evolution Randy got the IC title, Batista was one half of the Tag champs with Flair. Where is the elevation of these two??? I know some people argue that by being with Randy they are getting a rub and being involved in ME scene but they need to be established as a dominant team and the need to establish themselves.
Very good topic. After watching ECW and seeing how Davey Hart Smith wrestled and how Tyson Kid was in his corner yelling and supporting him, I just think it's a matter or time before they are moved to Smackdown. As far as wrestling goes, in terms who is better....I'm goin to give it to the Hart Trilogy. They were after all the last breed to train in the hart dungon. Also Cody Rhodes and Ted haven't shown any sighns that is Randy got injured in real life that they can make it on their own. Even if that means Ted Chasing WWE title and Cody after the U.S.. they are not being taking serious and are being look at as lackies where The hart Trilogy is showing wrestling skills and characteristics. Cody seems dull and seems to try hard to be in character. Ted just seems like Randy Orton J.R.. LoL. Whith that being said, off topic, did anyone else get mad and felt like how Davey could disrespect his dead father like that by saying he is better then him in every way. He could have said something else like "He would of been proud". Maybe it's just me.
you must be brain dead, the hart triolgy is a good story on hmmmmm ecw, but for gods sake orton cody and ted are in the main event scene. orton is the star of wwe, not that he deserves it since i can't really get behind his title reign, and priceless well they are at a place in their stable where they are guarding the champ, and its there job to get Batista bombed once a week, pedigreed once a week, and just get tossed around. main eventing on ecw is nothing impressive, people like dolph ziggler and chavo are above doing that, legacy has the world title, we are not debating hart trilogy vs priceless, legacy is on top of wwe, and the harts although are link to the best there ever was cant even hold their jocks.

You say we are not debating Priceless vs Hart Trilogy but besides Orton they are all newcomers. Cody Rhodes would be in a high school gym if it wasn't for his daddy. I know they are all 2nd or 3rd gen wrestlers, but he would be nothing without legacy. Dibiase could turn out to be a factor in the future if someone finds him a personality. As for the Hart Trilogy, I think they need to move them to Smackdown so Natalya can chase a title. If she's just a valet/manager, then they are waisting her. As for Kidd and Smith, they need to challenge for the tag straps so the Colons aren't facing two scumbags every week.
Very good topic. After watching ECW and seeing how Davey Hart Smith wrestled and how Tyson Kid was in his corner yelling and supporting him, I just think it's a matter or time before they are moved to Smackdown. As far as wrestling goes, in terms who is better....I'm goin to give it to the Hart Trilogy. They were after all the last breed to train in the hart dungon. Also Cody Rhodes and Ted haven't shown any sighns that is Randy got injured in real life that they can make it on their own. Even if that means Ted Chasing WWE title and Cody after the U.S.. they are not being taking serious and are being look at as lackies where The hart Trilogy is showing wrestling skills and characteristics. Cody seems dull and seems to try hard to be in character. Ted just seems like Randy Orton J.R.. LoL. Whith that being said, off topic, did anyone else get mad and felt like how Davey could disrespect his dead father like that by saying he is better then him in every way. He could have said something else like "He would of been proud". Maybe it's just me.

Yeah, that was pretty f'd up with him saying that. Personally I wouldn't have said it in his shoes and there ain't no one in that company that could've made me unless something like a legitimate estranged relationship between those two that was never reconciled, even so, I wouldn't said that. I say, bring in Teddy Hart and have them feud with Legacy because unless I'm mistaken, The Hart Foundation was never really friends with The Legacy members' fathers but then again Million Dollare Man and Dusty weren't friends. And call them by their name, The Hart Foundation 2.O. All they need is a Loose Cannon, like Pillman which could be Teddy Hart after hearing about his skirmish with CM Punk in the independents.

Oh, can anyone tell me why the Hart Dungeon closed?
It closed down because Stu Hart died a few years back and i guess they sold the house or something. im just taking a guess there.
How is it insulting or messed up? He's talking about his own father first of all and I'm sure he wouldn't have said it if he thought it was over the top. He's a heel. That's what heels do. Get heat somehow some way. That's the easiest way to do it considering who his dad was. So far the Hart Trilogy has shown more than Legacy. I mean Legacy is obviously higher up the card so they have the upper hand. I just don't see Ted or Cody doing anything right now. I have high hopes for the Hart Trilogy. I like Tyson and DH a lot. They've got plenty of upside. We'll see what WWE does with them. They will be feuding for the tag titles eventually and probably hold them for a bit.
How is it insulting or messed up? He's talking about his own father first of all and I'm sure he wouldn't have said it if he thought it was over the top. He's a heel. That's what heels do. Get heat somehow some way. That's the easiest way to do it considering who his dad was. So far the Hart Trilogy has shown more than Legacy. I mean Legacy is obviously higher up the card so they have the upper hand. I just don't see Ted or Cody doing anything right now. I have high hopes for the Hart Trilogy. I like Tyson and DH a lot. They've got plenty of upside. We'll see what WWE does with them. They will be feuding for the tag titles eventually and probably hold them for a bit.

Being a heel is one thing, but that's your dad, man. Even if it were true, I wouldn't have said that out of respect unless he were alive and we were working an angle against each other. And I'm telling you, bring in Teddy and make like an uncontrolled wildman, like Pillman and you could have and awesome heel vs. heel feud with Legacy in the same vain as The Hart Foundation vs DX as Orton has ties to the original DX through Evolution even though he "hates" HHH and isn't friends with HBK. Or better yet, have them feud with DX over what happened to Bret. They could say things like they're the same old scumbags they always were and how if Vince let Owen out of his contract he could've left with Bret would've never died.
i think the way wwe is run now the hart trilogy is going to be wasted. Legacy wouldn't have lasted were it not for who is in it, or rather who's son's are in it. DiBiase and Rhodes still work for wwe so naturally their sons as terrible as they are still have a place. Ted is better than Cody i'll admit that, but neither really deserve the status they have. The Hart Trilogy on the other hand is from the Hart dungeon, a legacy (no pun intended) that has had a terribly rocky relationship with the WWE since montreal and owen's death. Davey and Jim didn't even have the best of relationships with WWE at all times either. I see this having potential of being a tremendous faction that really could be the future, but i see them making a STUPID decision like splitting them up in a draft or something. The Hart Trilogy is easily the better faction, they make up the second gen thing as well only they have a family connection which Legacy does not and they have a female to change the dynamics of that group. It is just a more complete group rather than 1 star w/ two lackeys. I wish they were still called the Hart Foundation, as the trilogy they stay at 3, which means definitely no Teddy Hart, well unless the 3 men are the trilogy and Natalya is the manager. Teddy would be a great addition and would be enough to give this faction a push to raw instead of smackdown....if the trilogy gets a good enough push and move to the bigger shows i can see WWE really turning around because the feuds this group can have are endless, unlike Legacy who are forever going to be stuck revolving around only Orton and the world title.
im loving the fact that they finally did the hart foundation again! we knew it was going to happen jsut didnt know when.... as of now duh legacy is better i mean randy oran is better the the foundation alone and plus its onyl been 2 weeks, and i dont think the foundationw ill get better unless they get another member to make it even.... but its good because its nice to have anotehr tag team in the wwe, they sooner or later will be moved to smackdown and become the top tag team there and wont be long until they take the tag titles...i just think they need another member who is family friends with the harts that can carry the IC or US title, but i cant wait for more of the Harts!!
It's to early to tell but from what Ive seen from the Hart Foundation so far, except for Orton I think that the Hart Foundation has looked better. They have made Legacy look weak because it seems like Cody and Ted always get beaten in singles matches and Kidd and Smith have looked good in the ring.
It's to early to tell but from what Ive seen from the Hart Foundation so far, except for Orton I think that the Hart Foundation has looked better. They have made Legacy look weak because it seems like Cody and Ted always get beaten in singles matches and Kidd and Smith have looked good in the ring.

Smith and Kidd look comfortable in the ring and they seem to know how to play heels. Cody and Ted just scowl at the camera like they have leftover teenage angst from 1999. Call it genetics or whatever, but Smith and Kidd have a hell of a lot better potential of being monster heels than Rhodes and DiBiase. If Smith and Kidd were in Legacy I'm pretty sure they could easily overshadow Orton in due time.

And to those who want Teddy Hart in, I'd love to see it too but the kid just doesn't give a fuck it seems and needs to calm his ass down before WWE even looks his way again.
Smith and Kidd look comfortable in the ring and they seem to know how to play heels. Cody and Ted just scowl at the camera like they have leftover teenage angst from 1999. Call it genetics or whatever, but Smith and Kidd have a hell of a lot better potential of being monster heels than Rhodes and DiBiase. If Smith and Kidd were in Legacy I'm pretty sure they could easily overshadow Orton in due time.

And to those who want Teddy Hart in, I'd love to see it too but the kid just doesn't give a fuck it seems and needs to calm his ass down before WWE even looks his way again.

And that would work great, you need some one crazy, who doesn't give a fuck to take Orton down and I think that he'd be the guy to do it. He'd also be a good foil for Tyson Kidd and DH Smiths discipline(they may yell and scream but those guys aren't what you call random), much like Pillman was to in '97 to Bret and the rest. BTW, a little off topic, does anyone besides me think that Natalya is like hotter than the majority of the other divas? Maybe it's just my blackness(I'm a black guy) appreciating the thickness in her body, and her ass is a little more phat that the other divas:ass: but(no pun intended) I've got my eye on her. Plus she can actually wrestle which is a big reason I've got a thing for Beth, I love kick ass women. I hope I didn't violate any forum rules with that but I had to get that off of my chest.
Well right now The Heart Trilogy looks better due to the fact their not getting their asses kicked every week like Legacy. If Legacy added another member like Joe Hening to be the powerhouse of the group it would help. Also i would make him RHodes tag partners instead of Rhodes and Dibiase cus i think Dibiase should be a singles compettior chasing after The U.S. strap much like Orton did in Evolution chasing after the IC belt. I'd love to see at a pay per view say like Night of The Champions for Rhodes and Hening to win The tag belts Dibiase to win The US belt and for Orton retain his title. Just like Evoulution did at Armageddon 03 hmmmm those were the good days :icon_smile:

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