Who has more to prove: Peyton Manning or Richard Sherman?


Getting Noticed By Management
We're going to be hearing a lot of different storylines throughout the week as we head into Super Bowl Sunday. One of the biggest storylines is the Denver offense vs the Seattle defense. Of course others are Peyton Manning's legacy and if this will be his last chance to prove himself as the greatest of all time, and we can't forget about the Richard Sherman scandal where he claimed to be the best corner in the league. We're going to be hearing a lot of different storylines throughout the week as we head into Super Bowl Sunday. One of the biggest storylines is the Denver offense vs the Seattle defense. Of course others are Peyton Manning's legacy and if this will be his last chance to prove himself as the greatest of all time, and we can't forget about the Richard Sherman scandal where he claimed to be the best corner in the league.

The Super Bowl has always been one of the most watched television broadcasts in the world, and so as always there will be a lot of eyes watching this game. I think it's safe to say that a lot of those eyes will be focused on Peyton Manning and Richard Sherman. I heard them talking about this on NFL Network a couple mornings ago and thought it made for a great discussion, so here it is. Who has more to prove between the two of them? Peyton Manning or Richard Sherman?

For me it's a tossup. Richard Sherman let everyone know that he thinks he is the best corner in the NFL today. Whether it was in the heat of the moment or not he said it, and he can't take it back now. With that being said he's going to have to put up or shut up. Everyone watching the game is going to keep an extra eye on Sherman. If he gets beat one time, if he gives up one catch, he won't hear the end of it. That sure is a lot of pressure to pile onto what already comes with playing in what could be the biggest game of one's career. Along with the smack talk you can add on the fact that he is playing arguably the best Quarterback in the league today, if not all time, and that is even more pressure.

So speaking of Peyton Manning, let's talk about him. This could be Peyton Manning's last chance. Let's say even if the Broncos have just as good of a season next year as they did this year, it may not matter to Manning. Peyton has said win or lose Sunday that he is not done playing football, but it may not be that easy. He has a big medical examination coming up this year, and if the doctors say that with his age and his neck he is no longer medically healthy enough to play than he won't be able to. I'm not sure if that's one of those risks Manning is allowed to take himself or if the Broncos have to give the green light, but that big question will be up in the air going into the offseason. Even if he is cleared to play (Which is likely) there is no guarantee that the Broncos will be as successful this year as they were last year. Manning's entire legacy is on the line. This game in my opinion is the toughest game the Manning will ever have to play. All of his flaws are piled into one. He has play clutch in the postseason, a skill he hasn't shown often. He has to play in an extremely cold environment, another thing Peyton does not do well. And he also has to go up against the toughest defense in the league, a defense that he has not seen anything like this season. So far this season he's played the San Diego defense and the New England defense without Talib. Both of those teams were not anywhere close to the best when it came to defenses this season, but Seattle is. Peyton Manning isn't playing Rex Grossman and the Bears this time, he is playing a much tougher team in a much tougher environment. He is playing to tie his brother in Super Bowl rings, and he's playing to cap off this amazing season he's had.

If Peyton Manning wins he will undoubtedly be in the talks for the best of all time if he isn't already. I have already said that if he wins I will drop all doubts I have against him because to do that he has to prove all of my points wrong. If he loses this whole record breaking season will be a big bust, at least to him. Richard Sherman is 25 years old on a very young team. He has a lot of time left to prove himself as the best in the league, but how much time does Manning have left? There's no question that both of these guys are going to have a lot to prove on Sunday, but it's definitely easy for me to pick Peyton as the one who needs it more.
I don't think it's a fair comparison. Peyton Manning, if he chose to, could completely eliminate Richard Sherman from the game. All he has to do is not throw his way. Not because he had to, but because he wanted to. Also, let's say the Seahawks win, but it's a final score of 56-49. Clearly Peyton Manning did his job, but his defense didn't. And clearly the Seahawks defense, and likely some plays involving Sherman, didn't play well. Even though he won, could Sherman really say he proved anything? I mean, in a case like that Manning would have the stronger argument even though he lost.

The fact is Peyton Manning has already proven himself to be argued as one of the greatest of all time. Richard Sherman has not. Sure, by winning, Manning might move from #5 on most people's lists to #3(just using random numbers), but that's already thin enough air that he has very little to prove to anyone anymore. If you want to talk greats and Super Bowls, look no further than Dan Marino. Super Bowls: 0. Top 5 lists: I'm sure plenty.

Apples to oranges. Sherman is too young and they play positions that are entirely too different from each other.

If forced to pick, I'd simply have to go with Sherman because he's the one who's going to have to stick his foot in his mouth if he doesn't show up. And believe me, if there's anyone who can make a cornerback look bad, it's Peyton Manning.
I'd say Sherman has more to prove just for the fact he's still relatively new and he's the one who opened his mouth. In my eyes Peyton has nothing more to prove. Although I see Manning playing for a little while longer if he retired Sunday after losing in a blowout he is still a top 5 all-time QB in my eyes. He may have only won 1 Superbowl but it still shows he can win the big one, he's been to the big game twice, has broken numerous QB records and is just a first class player through and through.

There isn't too many QB's in history that can come anywhere near Peyton's level, he's one of the greatest of all time. Richard Sherman is one of the best defensive players currently but he's only 25, only time will tell if Sherman can reach a similar level of greatness that Peyton has.

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