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Who has had the better title reign?

who's had the better reign?

  • CM Punk

  • Bobby Roode

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TM Punk

Da bos o da bosless
Cm punk and bobby roode have both been at the top of their respective companies since November. So who's had the better reign? I'm not going to answer because I feel I'm too biased. But I was just curious to see what everyone thought.
Bobby Roode no doubt ever since winning the belt last year he has held on to it longer than what anybody on any of the forums thought he would.
I am going to say Roode has the better title reign so far. Punk has had some good matches with Cena and good matches against Jericho but that's about it. I feel as though Roode has no one to over shadow him in TNA as he is the main focus of the show. They have Hogan who get's tons of spot light time, but Roode, is always on the show. He has been the main event match for a decent amount of pay-per-views, where as Punk, has been out shinned by Johnny L, Cena, Triple H, Lesnar and hell, even Lord Tensai. Punk, has lost his momentum since he has been placed in the middle of the card during the pay per views, plus, he hasn't been in the main event RAW in the past few weeks.

Roode, has also shown he truly has the "IT" factor, in which he has beating credible superstars whether people want to accept that or not. He has run through all the main event wrestlers in TNA, where as Punk was fighting Ziggler a few months ago. Roode, has much more accomplished and will have the much more success as a champion than Punk. I say this because Punk is playing third fiddle now, not only to Cena, but to Johnny L and Lesnar. Hell, his feud with Jericho wasn't even all that it was hyped out to be. It was lack luster to me. Roodes’ feuds have been quick since it's been challenger after challenger but his feuds are a lot more interesting since it's all about Roode.

So my opinion on this is Roode has and will have the better title run then Punk. That's my whole two brain cells of thought though.
I am going to say Roode. He has had a nice long reign with good defenses. He defeated Sting in this run, and I think he has brought the interest in TNA up as a whole.
All in all, they've both had good reigns with their titles and both have had problems.

In Punk's case, he's done a great job as champion but, as usual, unrealistic expectations of the IWC have made it seem as though his run hasn't been all that great. A more realistic problem is that Punk has been overshadowed by John Cena. It's not surprising as Cena is still THE face of WWE and it will simply take time for Punk to be at that level of star power. At the same time, focus hasn't been on Punk in the same way it probably would have been had he been Cena or possibly Orton. Because of that, some have felt his feuds with the title haven't been as overall good as they were hoping, and there is some truth to that.

In Roode's case, he's also done a great job overall with what he's been given. Like Punk, his run hasn't been perfect either. Aside from Sting, Roode has had very little real heat with any of his challengers or particularly interesting feuds. Even his feud with James Storm has had a watered down feeling. This past Sunday, Roode FINALLY got himself a solidified win as champ, something that he hadn't really done since very early this year.

In terms of feud quality, overall, I'd put both runs to be about the same. For most of their feuds, neither Punk or Roode has had trenemdous heat with their opponents. In Punk's case, as I mentioned, his programs have been overshadowed by Cena's programs. In Roode's case, there hasn't been a lot of chemistry between himself & some of his opponents, like Jeff Hardy or RVD for instance. His feud with Sting, to me, was just plain boring and it detracted so much attention from Roode's title challengers.

In terms of match quality, I have to go with Punk on this. For whatever flaws found in Punk's feuds & storylines, he's always delivered top quality matches against his opponents whether they be Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan or whomever. As far as Roode goes, he's been in some great matches as champion but, in my eyes, they just haven't been as good as Punk's. One thing that's hurt the matches, again in my eyes, have been all the flukey wins and consistent bad finishes in Roode's matches.

In terms of the titles elevating the stock of both guys, right now, I'd have to put it also about the same. Both men are head and shoulders above where they were at this time last year.

Roode obviously wins when talking about the length of the run, as he did win the TNA strap before Punk began his current run with the WWE Championship. Both guys have been given good, long runs with their titles and I'm hoping that it's a sign of things to come. Having half a dozen different World Championship reigns over the course of a year, to me, has certainly gotten stale.

When it's all said and done, I'd call things pretty much down the middle as far as who has had the better run. Both guys have had issues that've plagued their time as champ, but they've done their best and have sitll managed to rise above those issues to be good champions.
I'm going to say Punk. Although Roode is very close.

Punk has been dominant in his title. It's not hard to understand why he has it and he's gone over nearly everyone he has faced clean. He's also consistently put on good matches and while he might not be on the same role he was a year ago I would say he was still in the top three things in wrestling every week. Or at least very close to it.

Roode on the other hand has constantly had screwy wins. He finally got a clean win over RVD but that is too little in my mind. I think he needs a series of them. I don't know when they plan on having him face Storm but I hope it's a few PPVs away and before that he goes on a run of clean wins so it seems more of a challenge for Storm when he takes the title. I also don't think he's really had a memorable feud. It's arguable neither has Punk but I enjoyed the Jericho one and the Ziggler one where as apart from Storm (which has been good but too stop start in my opinion) it's just seemed like Roode has had random challenger after challenger rather than a sustained storyline.

So yea Punk for me. However if the next couple of PPVs see Roode coming out strong the balance would tip to him
Its kind of unfar to both of them. Punk started out well but has had shit to work with from a creative standpoint. TNA wants to make Roode the new version of Triple H and clearly has advanced his character as champion as he has brought in extra fans from past TNA Champions. I do believe VKM is purposely giving Punk nothing to work with so then he can come back to the "internet fan" and make claims they don't know anything and VKM is the smartest most creative guy in sports entertainment history. Some may say Roode doesn't have clean wins compared to Punk and if they knew anything heels aren't suppose to have clean wins. Thats what we call "heat" and Roode vs Storm at BFG will happen as Storm will be packaged similar to the obsessed heels of being champion like Edge and Triple H were. Storm will cheat to win the title to make Roode a super face for the next few years. Barring any injury clearly Kevin Steen will be the #1 Champ as ROH is building his character similar to SCSA of '98!
In my opinion, CM Punk is great as the champion. He has had great matches with Jericho, Ziggler, Del Rio, etc. The WWE should use Punk better, they hardly show him on TV. The WWE has done a bad job by promoting the Punk/Bryan match at Over The Limit.
Dont watch TNA too often but i agree CM Punks only had a few good rivalries (Cena,HHH,Y2J although the build was annoying as it was the same im gunna make u drink like ur father promo EVERY WEEK DAMMIT!!) i want his title reign to have better rivalries than miz and del rio as theyre not properly build to make the match exciting. his feud with my man D'Bryan looks ok i read the creatives almost put the title on bryan? i wudda YYEEESSed for a week which makes it really weird goin to school or using the bathroom w/o any1 thinking ur a freak but i wudda went with it anyway.
Roode. Not only does his reign have historical significance seeing as it is the longest TNA World Heavyweight Championship Reign in history. And he's the focal point of the show.

Punk is simply the "best of the rest" he's the equivalent of the third placed side in the SPL and La Liga.
Roode, he's the longest reigning TNA champ in history.
And i hope he will continue the champ for a long time.

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