who has Better TALENT? WWE or TNA


pretty straight forward question.now i'm not asking which company is better or whos ratings are higher,I'm asking who has better TALENT(and yes,women wrestlers included)

for me,it's TNA.They have great young talent ready to break out,they all have amazing looks and wrestling skills and I bet WWE WOULD DIE to get there hands on them all.WWE on the other and has not been producing much talent over the years,the best ones recently are evan bourne and jack swagger but thats about it,WWE IMO is just holding on because of all there past wrestlers

now your thoughts?
This can be looked at in many ways. The way I look at it is, it depends on if your looking for wrestling aspect, or the entertainment aspect. For wrestling, I'd say TNA has the better talent. I mean look at their roster, and just watch one match from each guy. Guys like AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Samoa Joe, they are all excellent wrestlers. TNA knows they have great wrestlers and they know they are ready to take it to the next level.

But, if you look from an entertainment aspect, the WWE is where the talent is. Most of the wrestlers in the WWE, talk very well on the mic and know how to entertain very well. Most of the storylines from the last decade have been some of the most entertaining thigns in wrestling. The WWE has great wrestlers, but they all know how to act quite well too.

Personally though, right now I would say overall TNA is better, right now I just enjoy their product more then WWE. In the two hours a week plus pay per view, I get more entertained then watching all 4 WWE shows plus the pay per views. TNA is where it is at right now in my opinion and they are on the rise.
In ring? TNA has better talent. But it's not just about who can do what in the ring. It's about the total package. Guys like Triple H, John Cena, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Edge, etc are all great on the mic, and they all do their job in the ring well. People complain about Cena and Triple H not being great in the ring, but it's not about the flashy moves. It's about telling a story and those guys are good at that. Overall, WWE has better talent because they can do more than do a few flips in the air. They can cut promos, tell stories in the ring, and entertain the fans.
TNA has the better talent hands down.
WWE has some great talent, but the most entertaining guys in the WWE are that way because the WWE gave them the time to develop other things besides their wrestling. Cena and Orton had the charisma of a wet blanket when they first walked into the WWE although they could both work a decent match (I personally like Cenas wrestling style from 03-04). The WWE gave them time to develop their personality, mic work, charisma, promo's, ect. and look where they are now (Headlining Summerslam in 2 week).

TNA you got the best potential breakout star in Samoa Joe (well, not anymore because as Mark Madden puts it, he's just another "Fat Samoan" now), AJ Styles has more natural talent than anyone in the WWE, but he didn't have enough time to harness and develop the entertainment aspect of the business. Daniels has better mic work than 80% of the guys in the WWE but TNA has absolutely no idea how to use him.

You have to have some talent to become a wrestler, but its the people you surround yourself with is what really helps out. In WWE you got guys like Taker and Michaels always trying to help the younger generation, giving them tips, teaching what they have learned in order to build that next generation of stars (You think orton & Batista would have made it this far without Flair and HHH, FUCK NO!). In TNA all the guys like Angle, Steiner, Booker T, Kevin Nash who should be doing the same thing, but no, instead of making new stars they bury them (Seriously at least 1/2 of each Impact episode is about the main event mafia. Just cause you kick the shit out of someone only for them to get a cheap victory is not putting someone over, it actually makes them look weak).
WWE roster wise they are better and mic skills r too TNA has more interesting and high flying matches while wwe is so predictable most of the time if vince mcmahon wasnt around no more i wood guarantee wwe wood be so much better
WWE all the way, with the adittion of the ECW talent pool WWE wrestlers have a chance to nuture there skills in hopes they can be better all round performers, You have alot of talent that have mic skills, alot of talent that dont are still developing and are being nutured into the next big thing so that they can utilise them on the bigger rosters of raw and smackdown.

Tna has some WWE talent and TNA originals (in lack of better term) but they do not have the better roster, they are barely scratching the surfice and it is because of guys like nash, steirner, booker and angle, they need a long term way with putting the roster over, not a huge overcrowded main event with talent that is basically too old to even be in their in the first place.
Hands Down TNA even thought they have some stupid stars that need to go they have also great stars (hey,nothing is perfect) .
And to the guy who says ratings talk , he is correct thats why TNA is the best , because TNA from last summer tell now has gained 9 to 13% more fans while wwe ECW and SD have lost allot while raw is stale , the same people are watching . So if you wana talk ratings as a fair way look at who gained more fans .
So far the best response to this thread is from SuperCrazy. You got to see it from different stand points like he said.

TNA has some very interesting talent like AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, Amazing Red, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, Jay Lethal, Kaz/Suicide, LAX, and Sharkboy are among really great wrestles in TNA that have never actually been signed to WWE contracts. But just because they can wrestle good, doesn't mean they are 100% flawless. There are only 3 people on the list above me that have great mic skills and that is AJ Styles and MCMG. And I know most people who like TNA are gonna say why isn't Samoa Joe not on the list and that is because I just don't like him at all I'm sorry to everyone who likes him. Anyways I will say though that TNA to me has better divas than the WWE because they can actually wrestle. TNA has to just train alot of there wrestlers to get better on the mic and maybe TNA will stick around for awhile.

Now I have watched WWE since I was basically born, lived in a family with my grandfather, uncle, father, and brother who watched WWE for a long time and I have seen alot of things in the WWE from the first ever ladder match to the first ever iron man match to the first ever hell in a cell match to today. WWE rarely disappoints me today except when Triple H is in the main event every month when he doesn't have the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist or on his shoulder. WWE has some great talent like Shawn Michaels, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Randy Orton, Christian, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Carlito, Primo, Evan Bourne, Chris Masters, Jack Swagger, Ted DiBiase, The Miz, Goldust, Charlie Haas, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Tyson Kidd, Gregory Helms, and Shelton Benjamin. WWE has changed over the years that I have watched and I could see them sticking around for a long time to come and produce one of the most entertaining show. Also, I said above that the TNA Knockouts were better than the WWE Divas because they could actually wrestle, well WWE would have better divas if WWE had like more lingerie matches instead of actually wrestling matches. We don't care if they can wrestle or not, if they are in a lingerie match then damn it we all win in this match, now am I right or what. Anyways WWE doesn't need to improve on anything except taking Triple H away from the World Heavyweight Championship spotlight and not to do stupid things like release talent that at least has talent.
Of course TNA has the best talent pool in history right now. TNA's roster is so good, you can compare it to the WCW roster from 1996-1999. In TNA, you've got your fair share of legends, you have you're veterans, they have some of the best women wrestlers in the world, they've got some of the best pure athletes in the world in the x-div, they have some of the best and world known superstars, they've got the best up and coming stars . They've got the international talent unlike WWE who finds their stars on the streets and puts them in some farm system hoping to make something out of nothing only to get bums like Ricky Ortiz and then later on release them. Seriously WWE does nothing but future endeavor their talent because they have so much crap that they have no choice but to filter them. TNA has some of everything whereas WWE has just 2 or 3 clone type of superstars.

Most of the wrestlers in WWE are stale or suck with the exception of a few. Sheamus, Jesse, The Miz, Mike Knox, Chris Masters, Khali. Are you serious? Those guys offer nothing? Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes suck. And guys like HHH & Orton are overrated!!
TNA has better talent as far as younger talent with the X Division. Of course WWE has bigger names and main eventers with Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Hardy, John Cena, CM Punk, Jericho, and Orton. I would take Angle and Sting over Orton and Hardy any day though. The Knockout division is clearly more diverse and more entertaining then the Divas. Is there even 3 divas that can actually wrestle in WWE?

The sad thing is that WWE's talent will get noticed faster then TNA's. WWE does a better job at getting talent over then TNA does right now. I enjoy TNA's talent more but none of their young guys are legitimate main eventers. Morgan and Lashley are the only ones going for the main event in TNA. TNA needs to create more stars to be able to compete or be on the same level as WWE. Overall, if I want sports entertainment I'll watch WWE. If I want real wrestling I'll watch TNA.
tna has way better talent. aj styles can outwrestle the whole roster and imo, the only wrestlers that can keep up with styles in the ring is jericho, jomo, cm punk, bourne and tyson kid. wwe is just for entertainment and tna is where the wrestling is at

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