Who Had The Craziest Spots In The WWE?


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So I was watching this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89QTv6ULLHo
and was in awe about all the crazy death defying moves and stunts that these supestars take and do. So my question is..... Who, in your opinion, is or was the biggest risk-taker?
IMO it is a tie between Mick Foley and Jeff Hardy there specialty are specialty matches. So if you have different opinions, agree, or disagree, I'd like to here what you've got to say.
Also please list your top 5 picks.
Mine in order are...
1)Mick Foley
2)Jeff Hardy
4)Rob Van Dam
5)Shelton Benjamin (look at every ladder match he's been in)
Yeah Foley took his bumps well and always put his body on the line, Jeff is also a great spot taker.

Foley throwing himself off HIAC through the announce table was or is the biggest spot ever done. That is still an epic moment to watch. Jeff Hardy brings out some of the hugest spots too. His swanton off the stage onto Umaga or in TLC through the table with Bubba Ray. Even up to Hardy's TLC match with Punk when he swantoned off the ladder into Punk.

I would have to throw RVD in there too, he would take some huge spills. His match's in ECW showed how much he would put his body on the line. Have you seen the flips he did onto Bigalow in the crowd, EPIC.

I can't think of anyone else above these 3, Shelton does great but in terms of the best, Foley, Hardy and RVD take the cake.
Shane had done some wild spots... didn't he do a 50 foot fall onto Big Show at at Backlash several years back? Granted it was set-up very well... but DAMN... I get the sweats just watchin' it on youtube:


Anyway... I think because of his status with the company, Shane took liberties and did stuff that they wouldn't be comfortable asking the "normal" talent to do.
That jump at Backlash 2001 was insane!!I think test came in and it was LAST MAN STANDING.Foley has always been crazy so has hardy,But foley match in HIAC will always be the biggest and most insane moment IMO.

People like shelton have done so great stuff to in high profile matches but foley and hardy do it basically every match.

Thats just me!:worship:
I agree that Mick Foley probably does the craziest spots. His HIAC bump is the most recognizable spot ever due to its insane nature. There wasn't anything that Foley wouldn't do, and that included many bumps that were jeopardizing to his health. He is, without a doubt, the wrestler, in WWE, who performed the craziest spots.

Jeff Hardy and RVD are also two workers who can deliever some pretty insane spots. I rank Hardy a little higher than the RVD in WWE, though. If we're not going soley WWE, than RVD trumps Hardy.

I don't agree with Edge, as the only spot he took that was truly insane was his flaming table one. Sure, he had other spots, but they're diminished when compared to the likes of Foley and Hardy.

1.) Foley
2.) Jeff Hardy
3.) RVD

Others are significantly below these so I won't list them.
what about al snow he did some insane things, back when the hardcore title was still around,shawn michaels,vince has done some insane stuff himself,probably jeff hardy wins it for me.
My top two picks are probably Mick Foley and Jeff Hardy, because he can ever forget all the spots foley has taken in hiac matches from being thrown off the cell to being chokeslammed through the cell so foley is up there not to mention having all those barbwire matches and stuff, and also I think Hardy is up there too because of some of his spots like the one he did when he did a swanton from like 30 feet up and landed on orton, to his stuff he has done in tlc matches and cage matches.

top people with biggest spots:
1. Foley
2. Hardy
3. RVD
4. Abyss
5. Dreamer
6. Raven
Mick Foley's HIAC spot was INSANE. but I haven't seen many Foley spots (admittedly never seen a lot of Foley's matches) Jeff Hardy seems to win this for me, spots from great heights onto Orton, Abyss, Punk, Bubba, Rhyno, Umaga, Edge the list goes on.

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