Who Had the Best World Title Reign?

The Extract

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To me, the best TNA World Champ has to be Bobby Roode. He is currently one of my favorites, mainly because of his incredible mic skills. His title reign showed us some good matches, and to me it is very easy to know that he is the best because if he wasn't his reign would have ended MUCH sooner. That alone shows that TNA has so much faith in him.

Who do you think has had the best world title reign? You may count TNA/NWA, or the now world title.

*NOTE* If you are stating a person with multiple title reigns, please note which reign and WHY! This is no-spam, so if you give a spam answer, you will be reported.
No doubt, Roode. When he first got the belt, he was ready for the big time but he still had something to prove, he had to prove he was the main event material that Hogan doubted he was and with his incredible mic skills, all the estabilished names he retained the title against and the long, lengthy reign he had, he built himself up as a strong, credible champion, surpassing all the previous champions and proving all his naysayers wrong. It was Roode's title reign that got me back into TNA.
It's a close on between Styles's heel world title reign with Flair as his manager and the last Roode's long World Title reign.

I would still pick Styles because of better matches during his time and the enjoyable promos alongside with Flair.
I have to go with Roode to. His run helped put Impact Wrestling back on the map in my opinion. When he won the title he still had something to prove and he proved it becoming a top star in the company. They trusted him enough to let him run with the title that long so they definitely had faith in him. I am sure that was the first of many title runs for Roode from here on out.
Well in 2011, TNA made an absolute mockery of the belt. 6 different champions, 8 different title reigns. That's just way too many for the top belt in the business (allegedly). Robert Roode's reign added a much needed legitimacy to the title, so I think it's very easy to say that his is the best.

Just to be a contrarian, Jeff Jarrett did a good job of making the NWA-TNA Championship seem extremely difficult to obtain in a very heel HHH-ish rarely a clean victory type of way, but still, it made AJ Styles winning it in a three way dance that also included Raven an important accomplishment. This was also soon after Jarrett defeated Sting to unify the NWA-TNA and WWA Championships. Before Jarrett, the two past champions were Ken Shamrock and Ron Killings. Jarrett was extremely important to that title.

Those Raven/Jarrett, Raven/Styles, & Styles/Jarrett matches and rivalries during their weekly PPVs were also pretty damn good compared to the feuds they've had recently.
As soon as you asked that question my first 3 thoughts were...

1. Aj styles
2. Jeff jarrett
3. Boddy Roode
and kurt angle in 4th.

Ive been watching TNA since the very first episode on PPV only via satelite and back then it was all about aj styles, jeff jarrett, jerry lynn, chris daniels and tons of old stars.

Too be honest....bobby roode is tied with jeff jarrett because they were so great and dominate. But AJ Styles will always be the golden boy/mr TNA etc. He is the reason people still tune in. Been there since day one and still the best.
Jeff Jarret with the nwa title. I can't remember which reign it was but he made being the tna champion seem like such a great honor and he was willing to do anything to keep the title. That was also my favorite time period in tna i dont really watch it anymore.
Double J obviously, He is/was the King Of The Mountain for a reason, put TNA and the NWA/TNA title back on the map!
I would first like to point out Jeff Jarrett is a p.o.s. A person such as JJ should NEVER go over a person such as Sting. EVER.

Also, if I owned the company (and an ego like Jarrett's) I would be champion too, so I'll go with somebody who actually earned it.

Bobby Roode's run was great. I was skeptical at first, but he definitely showed how a good heel and a lengthy run can benefit a title.

That being said, you can't count out Aries yet; he's pretty fresh on the scene. It doesn't appear as though they're booking his run very memorable as of yet, but we can only wait and see.
I would first like to point out Jeff Jarrett is a p.o.s. A person such as JJ should NEVER go over a person such as Sting. EVER.

Also, if I owned the company (and an ego like Jarrett's) I would be champion too, so I'll go with somebody who actually earned it.

Bobby Roode's run was great. I was skeptical at first, but he definitely showed how a good heel and a lengthy run can benefit a title.

That being said, you can't count out Aries yet; he's pretty fresh on the scene. It doesn't appear as though they're booking his run very memorable as of yet, but we can only wait and see.

What's the beef with Jeff? He hasn't been the TNA Champion in over 5 years! He's actually never been TNA World Heavyweight Champion, only NWA-TNA Champion. AND he's been completely off TV for so long, and hasn't made himself the center of a storyline in years. So, seriously... what's the beef with Jeff going over Sting? It was obviously the right move at the time given that Sting only had a specific amount of dates signed to his contract while Jeff was the staple of the company... which is still alive over 10 years later.

Honestly, Jeff Jarrett was and is the only reason TNA has survived this long. I got the Jarrett hatred during his title reign because it was annoying how he never lost and was the owner... but remember when he hated Triple H going over everyone around the same time as well? Truth be told, that shit did the title wonders. We just didn't see it at the time.

I think I've convinced myself that Jarrett's NWA-TNA run is better than Roode's TNA run. Who's with me!?
I'll be the odd person out and give Christian Cage his due he traveled as NWA/TNA Champion and his run was very underrated giving NWA/TNA a much needed boost at a time they needed it. I really wanted Samoa Joe's run to be much stronger...
Well in 2011, TNA made an absolute mockery of the belt. 6 different champions, 8 different title reigns. That's just way too many for the top belt in the business (allegedly). Robert Roode's reign added a much needed legitimacy to the title, so I think it's very easy to say that his is the best.

Just to be a contrarian, Jeff Jarrett did a good job of making the NWA-TNA Championship seem extremely difficult to obtain in a very heel HHH-ish rarely a clean victory type of way, but still, it made AJ Styles winning it in a three way dance that also included Raven an important accomplishment. This was also soon after Jarrett defeated Sting to unify the NWA-TNA and WWA Championships. Before Jarrett, the two past champions were Ken Shamrock and Ron Killings. Jarrett was extremely important to that title.

Those Raven/Jarrett, Raven/Styles, & Styles/Jarrett matches and rivalries during their weekly PPVs were also pretty damn good compared to the feuds they've had recently.

Wow! I was gonna reply with a long and drawn out post replying with the exact same things. I agree with all of that, which sums up my sentiment on the TNA/NWA World Title. Bobby Roode's reign was great and has done wonders for making that title seem more prestiegious. I liked the days of having longer reigning champions because you can see what they are truly capable of when given the belt long-term. Like him or hate him, Jeff Jarrett's reigns with the NWA Title were great in making the title seem important. Every person that debuted in TNA were cemented automatically by simply feuding with Jarrett over the NWA Title. Everyone from AJ Styles to Christian Cage, to even Rhino and Raven. Hell, the feud Jarrett had with Monty Brown was even entertaining. I also somewhat enjoyed the 2004 feud between Jeff Hardy and Jarrett, which is a rarity with me liking anything Jeff Hardy related. But, both guys made that memorable. I even liked the lesser quality matches with Jarrett/Nash and Jarrett/DDP when they debuted in TNA.

I truly believe that guys like Austin Aries and Samoa Joe, along with Storm and Daniels could really cement a great contender section for the World Title. Aries is doing great as champion and the only downside so far is that he isn't really focused on as the main event. They've been mostly focusing on the BFG tourney and the Aces & Eights thing. If they can bring that focus back onto the World Title, I think the sky is the limit for what TNA can acheive. I wouldn't mind seeing a King of the Mountain match for the BFG main event this year. Can you imagine what guys like Aries, Joe, Daniels, AJ, and any others could do with that style of match? The possibilites are endless. But yeah, Jarrett and Roode have to be my top choices for guys that made that title important and prestiegious.
I'll go with an underrated choice and say The Truth becoming champ in 2002. Because to me it felt like a game changer, not only it made Truth become a great character but it was a different feel, like TNA felt something different, forging their own identity and Truth was a different animal than any other champ before and since. Other champs in TNA have been good but they have been takeoff of characters we've seen before Roode is the quintessential jerk heel like HHH, JJ was more old school and Flair-lite. But Truth was his own thing and his story was great and he literaly came out of nowhere so for the viewer it was like being part of an exciting new journey.
if i had to choose then it would be either aj styles or rob van dam. i love both these guys and during the reigns as champion i thought both guys had some of there best matches and feuds
The best reign for the top belt in TNA was when Kurt Angle won the TNA Championship on May 13, 2007 (sure, it technically only last a day and was vacated, but he won it back) and June 17, 2007. Technically, they call these two different title reigns because it was "vacated" in between, but these two reigns combined to add legitimacy to the TNA top title.

Before this, Christian Cage, Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles all had solid runs and were legit champions, but it just was not the same. Once Kurt Angle claimed the gold, is legitimized the company and immediately made EVERY title holder after that legit as they were now holding a belt that Kurt Angle once held.

It was the most important reign in the company's history ... and for that reason I hold it at No. 1. I did enjoy Styles and Roode's runs as well, but Angle legitimized the entire company.
I loved AJs run as champion with Flair as his manager. Styles does great heel work as it is, let alone having one of the greatest heels of all time working with him.
Double J also had many great runs as champ!
Hardys run as a heel was also interesting

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