Who goes and who gets called up?


We shy worth hair
Very simple. We know of Damien Sandow being called up to the main roster and probably Dean Ambrose.If you watch FCW religiously like Kotre or me then you'll like this. Pick three(or more) people you think will be called up while also picking three(Or more, match your numbers) people that you think are gonna be released. I'll do four:

JTG: Hasn't been seen on tv in months, it's miraculous that he has survived this long. He's dead in the water. The only thing he has going for him right now is his age(He's only 27) and the fact that he's still over like rover due to his theme. Still I think he's gone.

Tyler Reks:
Reks should go. The guy flat out sucks and he really could've been something if he didn't have the voice of a valley girl. He's been hanging on by a thread for a while now so maybe now is his time to go. I'd put Hawkins here too but Curt was the Rock's training partner for the year up to Wrestlemania and he helped Chris Jericho out somehow. I imagine that he has too much backing from Rock and WWE might not wanna upset Rocky.

Alex Riley:
What a fall from grace. From beating the Miz to getting squashed by Tensai and Brodus Clay. Riley's lack of ring skills and just general awfulness leads me to believe that he's not going to last.

He's losing to people smaller than him in dark matches, loses cleanly to David Otunga & Jinder Mahal. He's a joke by this stage. Just cut him loose.

Call up from Eff-Cee-Dubya:
Dean Ambrose:
No explanation is necessary here.

Kenneth Cameron &(Maybe) Conor O'Brian:
Card carrying Ascension members. Personally i prefer Cameron alone and to use the ascension gimmick himself but if he and Conor were to debut as a tag team then i would still be happy. At least then there'd be another tag team with a gimmick. There's a shitload of intensity in this group that would be cool to see on the main roster.

Leo Kruger:
I'm not as big of a fan of this guy as i was a year ago. However since Damien Sandow impressed me with his promo on Smackdown so perhaps Leo can do the same thing. He's a shell of what he once was and maybe getting called up help that. He sort of needs to be called up now, he's 32 and not getting any younger. He and Justin Gabriel can reform Pure Juice!

There are others that i could recommend but i feel that they can wait due to either their age(Maddox & Steamboat) or that more seasoning is needed(Ohno & Ceasaro).

That's mine. What's yours?
Dean Ambrose is a shoe-in. Tell people back in CZW three years ago that Jon Moxley was on the verge of making his WWE debut and they'd probably have laughed in your face. I sense another CM Punk/Bryan Danielson independent circuit success story already.

I want to see Cesaro and Ohno called up from a purely biased perspective, because, you know, Kings of Wrestling and all. Although reports say WWE don't plan to have them team, which I can easily live with. Would love to see someone of a younger breed get a call-up actually. Richie Steamboat would get instant support based off of who he is from both the back and the fans I imagine, because they show great respect towards Ricky whenever he appears.

After that, whoever. Seth Rollins is someone I anticipate anxiously. I only know of one person who seems to crap on him, outside of that on any forum I go to, or have seen, from the moment he stepped foot in FCW and got things rolling he has appealed. So, wouldn't say no to some Tyler Black.
I gotta go with JTG, Reks, and Zeke as well on the count that they really don't need those three and they aren't entertaining at all.

However, instead of going the usual route and saying Ambrose, Rollins, KoW, and Steamboat should move up. How about we get some recognition from Briley Pierce? Kid's pretty good from what I've seen from him. Plus, his brother, Dolph Ziggler, is on the roster, so that could make for an interesting storyline. WWE's been bringing people in and that isn't necessarily bad but they gotta be thinking of the future with their talent down in FCW. Just my two cents about this.
Put them all in the firing line of John Cena, let him apply the STF to each and every one of them for being such a bad wrestler.
Dean Ambrose is a shoe-in. Tell people back in CZW three years ago that Jon Moxley was on the verge of making his WWE debut and they'd probably have laughed in your face. I sense another CM Punk/Bryan Danielson independent circuit success story already.

I want to see Cesaro and Ohno called up from a purely biased perspective, because, you know, Kings of Wrestling and all. Although reports say WWE don't plan to have them team, which I can easily live with. Would love to see someone of a younger breed get a call-up actually. Richie Steamboat would get instant support based off of who he is from both the back and the fans I imagine, because they show great respect towards Ricky whenever he appears.

After that, whoever. Seth Rollins is someone I anticipate anxiously. I only know of one person who seems to crap on him, outside of that on any forum I go to, or have seen, from the moment he stepped foot in FCW and got things rolling he has appealed. So, wouldn't say no to some Tyler Black.

If that person isn't me, allow me to be the second to do just that. Fucker's an overrated cunt with the psychology of a gnat, an inability to sell for longer than thirty seconds and hasn't improved one iota after 18 months in FCW. Fuck Seth Rollins. I look forward to laughing in people's faces when he flops.

As for your other picks, Ambrose is coming, make no mistakes about that (which is also why I won't bother listing him). However, Steamboat needs to stay down a little longer. Until he can display something resembling a personality he's got nothing but a name and above average ring skills. Ask Ted DiBiase how well that works out. Ohno needs to get in shape and stop sucking if he wants a callup. Cesaro would probably do OK, even if further seasoning would be helpful.

I gotta go with JTG, Reks, and Zeke as well on the count that they really don't need those three and they aren't entertaining at all.

However, instead of going the usual route and saying Ambrose, Rollins, KoW, and Steamboat should move up. How about we get some recognition from Briley Pierce? Kid's pretty good from what I've seen from him. Plus, his brother, Dolph Ziggler, is on the roster, so that could make for an interesting storyline. WWE's been bringing people in and that isn't necessarily bad but they gotta be thinking of the future with their talent down in FCW. Just my two cents about this.

Briley's injured and green as all hell. Charismatic and has lots of potential, but that's just more reason to keep him down in Tampa.

So, time for my list, I guess.

Guys who WWE should be preparing for now

Leo Kruger

Big shocker, right? Leo is just fantastic when he's on the top of his game. He can cut a serious promo, he can be funny, and he can tell a good story in a sort or long match. There's a reason I consider him to be the best guy on the roster. He did have a very poor run as FCW champion, however that run was booked terribly which drew attention to that. He's rebounded nicely though and I believe that he'd perform at nothing short of his best if he was gien a run on the big shows. At 32 years of age and a 14 year vetrain he knows his shit and isn't going to develop much more than he already has.

Kenneth Cameron

Since joinging the Ascension this guy has been 24 carat awesome. He plays the whole "psychotic loony" character to the hilt and doesn't come off as a hammy clown. You could call him up on his own or as part of an ensemble. Just please use video packages like FCW used.

Raquel Diaz, Paige and Sofia Cortez

Some may know them better as Vickie Gurrerro's daughter, Britani Knight and Ivelisse from Tough Enough. However, these three divas have been just brilliant in FCW. Raquel is damn good on the mic and in the ring for how long she's been in FCW;Paige is... well look on her SHIMMER works ye mighty and dispair celebrate; and Sofia gets all the unances of her character down to pefection and backs that up with her ability to work. You could fire most of the divas on the WWE roster, call these three up and have a very strong division.

Guys who are pretty much ready but shouldn't be called up until there's an opening

Brad Maddox

This one might be, considering Maddox isn't anything too special. He is however the single most punchable guy in FCW. He's like Heath Slater in that respect only charismatic. He's also younger, so he's not exactly a priority, but he's pretty much ready anyway.

Nick Rogers

This guy is JACKED. I mention that because it's his gimmick, and I find him hilarious. He can work well enough to justify his existance too. There's not much else to say about him beyond that. He'd probably work very well alongside Santino because, gimmick aside they're similar types of performer. Solid guys who know that being a good entertainer is better than being a good wrestler.

James Bronson

Take one former MMAist. Add charisma and a psychologist gimmick. Add some odd mannerisms relating to makeup and mix well. The result is this guy. He's dropped the gimmick and gone back to being a bully but I love him for what he was briefly. Good worker too.

Bo Rotundo

This is for a very different reason. Bo, more than anyone else on this list, is a star waiting to be born. Call him up needlessly or fuck him around and you're shooting yourself in the nuts. I'm dead serious. Bo is a fucking good WWE style babyface. He builds heat with his selling and feeds off it for his comeback. Dude's great and he should be held back until such a time that he'd get a good position to show what he's truely capable of.

Rick Victor

This guy can go in the ring... and that's it. He's a good pair of hands. Very good in fact. However like every Dungeon graduate since Chris Jericho he has the charisma of a dog turd. He's good enough to have a good match with near damn everyone on the roster and has a feud with Tyson Kidd waiting to happen when he's up but other than that he's worthless. I include him because he's from the fucking dungeon. What more is he going to learn about how to wrestle?

Who to release

As for who to shitcan? Pick any guys who haven't been on TV/youtube recently (bar people on the injured list. Bourne can have the same courtesy as Matt Cappotelli. Sit on his ass for the duration of his contract but not get it renewed if he's not going to be able to wrestle any time soon), add the NXT regulars (bar Tyson and Nattie) and Seth Rollins and you've got my list.
Can Bourne, Gabriel, Reks, Hawkins, Hornswoggle and Mason Ryan.

Bring up Kruger, Rotundo, Steamboat (to replace Bourne), Rollins and Castagnoli.

Push Baretta.

I expect Mahal, JTG, Bourne, a diva and someone from NXT (possibly McGenesis). I don't really know FCW that well so I wouldn't really care to comment.
I expect Mahal, JTG, Bourne, a diva and someone from NXT (possibly McGenesis). I don't really know FCW that well so I wouldn't really care to comment.

McGillicutty won't get released in my opinion. His recent performances have been very good, as has his microphone work and he's in the midst of a feud with Tyson Kidd which has actually received a lot of praise. McGillicutty will stay.
Zeke, Reks and/or Hawkins, probably Mahal too, and for jeebus' sake, can we be shot of The Bellas already?

I don;t care who gets called up as long as it's Dean Ambrose. I'd call the fucker up like 10 times just to get the message across. Wasn't massively impressed with Sandow's promo but like Del Rio, I'll reserve judgement until I see him in person.
¡Roján!;3829724 said:
You haveto see a person in flesh to determine whether they're good or not? My, my.

Well as far as Del Rio goes, his vignettes drove me to despair, when in person I realized he wasn't... quite as bad. There. Obviously it's a different thing dropping a promo live in front of however many thousand indifferent Smackdown fans than a minute and a half one locked in a broom cupboard.

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