Who else is against HBK breaking Undertaker's streak

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Undertaker is one of the best that business has ever seen. He will easily make in top 10 of all time. Every year at wrestlemania Undertaker's opponent is as important as tittle winner at wrestlemania. Other tham wrestlemania 19 and wrestlemania 22. WWE made it a big deal every year at wrestlemania and choses every opponent of him really carefully. Look at the list : WM 17-HHH, WM- Ric Flair, WM 20- Kane, WM 21-Randy Orton, WM 23 -Batista, WM 24- Edge and WM 25 HBK. Every opponent was unique than previous one. Now last year Undertaker had one the best match of all time against HBK at WM 25. It looking like shawn will have another match against Undertaker at wrestlemania 26(a rematch). Now i dont have any problem to see both having another match but at wrestlemania 26? i do. It is almost obvious that shawn will not loose 2nd match in a raw at wrestlemania from same opponent(unless he is going to retire after wrestlemania). That wil make him look really week. So if that match happens at Mania HBK is most likely going to get the win. HBK WILL BREAK TAKER"S STREAK. I dont want to see this. No offense to HBK , he is one of the best of all time bu he is not worthy to break Taker's streak even no one is worthy to break Undertaker's streak. I dont want this to happen at all. This is the only unique and biggest deal at every years wrestlemania even more important than tittle matches. Whenever i think HBK breaking taker's streak i start getting angry and if it really happens i am going to stop watching wwe forever. Just wanted to know what other fans want to see ?
I don't think he will break Taker's streak. In fact, i don't even think HBK will even face taker at WM. with all the tension in DX and hbk's heel turn (?) last night all the signs seem to be pointing to hbk vs hhh.
Let me interject here...

I ABSOLUTELY would be in favor of HBK breaking 'Taker's streak. He has said that he isn't pressed about his streak as much as creative or the fans are. Also it has been said that creative has been finding a suitable "streak-breaker" for a number of years now. The two that were going to, but didn't because of a change of plans were Kane ('Taker didn't mind, but Kane didn't want to) and Batista (he was originally supposed to beat 'Taker at WM 23). Kane...maybe (just because they're "brothers"); Batista...NO!

So with that being said...
HBK is WELL deserving to break his streak. They haven't put any title on him except the Tag Title for over 7 years now, and he's headlined countless PPVs and WMs since then. At least he can break 'Taker's streak to compensate for losing to the Miz and being JBL's "slave". Would HHH do that? Neh:glare:
well now i do think he might face hhh at wm26 if hhh loses the elemination chamber. on the other hand u may never know. how about hbk interferes in smackdowns chamber match and causes taker to lose. then taker will want to fight him. well thats my prediction-cya
I 100% agree. That streak should NEVER, EVER be broken. I know this topic has been talked about on here and there are several out there who dont mind that streak is broken. There are some "smart" fans out there who say, "Undertaker has said that he doesnt care about the streak." Who cares? Tell me what the point is of having a man go 17-0 then break the damn thing? That sounds like booking right out of the pages of WCW.

The streak has become one of the constants about wrestlemania. I always enjoy the buildup to the match there always seems to be an opponent that looks like he may beat the streak, but never does.

I say have HBK and Taker have another great match. Have Taker beat Michaels. Afterwards, Michaels comes out on Raw, acknowledge that he cannot beat Taker at 'Mania. Then, this starts up the farewell tour for HBK, that ends at next year's Mania. But, dont end the streak!!

Please, McMahon! I know you are smarter than that!!
Undertaker's winning streak @ WM should NEVER be broken. When he finally retires, that should be part of his legacy, i.e. that he never lost a match at Wrestlemania. Undertaker has given so much to the wrestling business and to WWE that it would be tragic if he had to lose a match at Wrestlemania. If WWE have any sense and any respect for Undertaker's legacy, they will keep the streak intact.

As for HBK, I don't even see him facing Undertaker anyway....that would be too obvious. It's obvious they're building up a heel turn for HBK, so he might even face HHH.
ok if they wanted to end the streak they should have done it back with orton when he was the legend killer that made sence but no i am totally against hbk doing it a man who is retiring after wm or taking 6 months off what have u the streak never should be broken unless its a younger superstar who will build there legacy off of it not someone who in the next year will fade into the sun .... me for one i think with all the heat with hhh n hbk if hhh loses the chamber i see him blaming hbk and instead of taker u have hbk vs hhh maybe wwe has been doin this all along to throw everyone off but no way should hbk end the streak!!!!!!!!!!
okay i read that somebody give some names that taker has beaten in the past but he didn't say all of them so i will
1. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
2. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
3. Giant Gonzalez
4. King Kong Bundy
5. Diesel (Kevin Nash)
6. Sycho Sid
7. Kane (when he had the mask)
8. The Big Boss Man
9. Triple H
10. Ric Flair
11. Big Show and A-train
12. Kane (without mask)
13. Randy Orton
14. Mark Henry
15. Batista
16. Edge
17. Shawn Michaels
now look at all of these great wrestlers, most of them are future Hall of Famers, now i am not saying Shawn shouldn't face Taker again but he doesn't deserve to break the streak. Maybe a couple years later down the road Taker could face Shawn again at Mania like Kane do. Like somebody said before somebody else should try and step up against Taker and be defeated. Now as for the streak breaking NO it shouldn't that streak is set in stone and should never be broken because nobody can break it. Just like the Deadman says every year, "Many dragons try to lay steige to my kingdom but one by one they all suffer the same fate". Don't matter if your a 16 time world champion, a grandslam champion, a Hall of Famer you go against Taker at mania. They will Always Lose
my prediction is this...

every year... they try to convince us that this may be the match that breaks the streak... we're always sure he won't lose at first... but then some how in the set up they convince us otherwise.

with HBK on Raw saying something along the lines of..."My career IS over!!"....i think Michaels is gonna find his way into the match with Undertaker by putting his career on the line.

the whole time...we're gonna be saying... oh this is the end of the streak... there's no way Michaels is gonna retire.... then BAM!

-the streak continues...

-HBK gets his annual "post Wrestlemania break"

-there's a great amount of automatic drama about HBKs retirement

-and there's a great Summerslam setup in a few months about "how can we get HBK his job back"

that's the way i'm seeing it!

in my opinion however... i'd rather see HHH/HBK.
I'd personally hate to see anybody at all ever beat Taker at WresleMania, but if there had to be somebody to do it, as unpopular as he can be, I think John Cena is that man. He's the future of the company. I don't see him pulling a Brock Lesnar and jumping ship at the height of his popularity. If Taker was to ever pass the torch, I think Cena would be the right guy to do it to.
Other possible suggestions for somebody to pass the legacy on to could be either Orton or Edge. They both have long careers ahead of them (maybe less so for Edge) and have proven their loyalty to the company.

HBK? I wouldn't do it and I hope WWE is smart enough to not do it.
If they ever book Taker to lose at Mania, I hope it's to somebody who can properly carry the torch when it's handed to them, not somebody who is also ready to call it a career soon.
I'd personally hate to see anybody at all ever beat Taker at WresleMania, but if there had to be somebody to do it, as unpopular as he can be, I think John Cena is that man. He's the future of the company.

i don't know if i'd call Cena the "future of the company".... he's pretty much the present. and i can't imagine him getting any MORE popular than he is...not saying that everybody likes him... just that... he's reached his peak.
I for one am not looking forward to this match one bit. I think that its gonna be a huge flop either way and not live anywhere up to the hype of last years match. Nothing against either mans abilities but I'm hoping it doesn't happen at all.
I dont think anyone should break his streak and it certainly shouldnt be Michaels. HBK has enough accomplishments....he's already one of the greats, he doesnt need yet another "epic" victory. I like Michaels as a wrestler but I think one of Vince's main problems always has been he feeds the biggest bone to the oldest dog. I think if Taker ever does lose at Mania it should be to a up and comer or someone who needs a boost to get to the next step in there career. HBK doesnt need to beat the Undertaker, it serves no purpose and ultimetly will be a mistake.
I'm personally not against the idea of HBK breaking Taker's streak, but there's two things that come to my mind that could actually work against the whole idea.

What will it do for the talent that may actually need that rub? Let's face it, Shawn Michaels doesn't NEED that rub from Taker. He doesn't NEED to be the guy that breaks the streak. Granted, these two can put on great damned matches, but that isn't going to help put any younger guys who can utilize that monicre of "The guy that ended the streak". In the end, Sure, shawn will have those bragging rights, but considering his physical shape, is he really going to be around all that much longer to use that? And even if he does use that to rub on a talent coming up, what are they going to call themselves "The guy that beat the guy that ended the streak"?

How, by Shawn Michaels breaking it, does that do anything for either men? If Undertaker takes the streak to the "grave" (retirement), in the end it will look better than anyone beating him. It'll be one of those statistics that will be hard to beat (like the longest WWE Champion or longest Intercontinental Champion). Personally I say let Taker leave with it.

Michaels has also achieved so much in his career, this win would literally only be a feather in his cap, not any defining achievement or anything that would intensely overshadow some of the already huge accomplishments the has achieved in the past.

So in the end, while I see people's point in having a young guy like Orton, or Punk, or some other young mega heel break it and get that eternal rub, will it really be a career launcher? Anyone younger or greener that could REALLY utilize it would take away from the legacy the streak paved.

Just put it this way (although I don't see it happening by a long shot, just an example), say if they made Chris Masters a mega heel (and lets face it, the way WWE books it's this kind of random guy they'd use) and he beat taker, would the fans lap it up and accept it? I don't think so. There's only a handful of guys that could really perform that feud properly, and those same handful of guys really wouldn't benefit from it all that much.

So in the end, like I noted, the best possible path would be to have Undertaker never lose, and retire with the streak, because let's face this as well, nobody will ever touch that streak unless they find someone with the aura and crowd magnetism that Undertaker has to out-streak him, so the streak would be as eternal as Taker himself.
okay i read that somebody give some names that taker has beaten in the past but he didn't say all of them so i will
1. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
2. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
3. Giant Gonzalez
4. King Kong Bundy
5. Diesel (Kevin Nash)
6. Sycho Sid
7. Kane (when he had the mask)
8. The Big Boss Man
9. Triple H
10. Ric Flair
11. Big Show and A-train
12. Kane (without mask)
13. Randy Orton
14. Mark Henry
15. Batista
16. Edge
17. Shawn Michaels
now look at all of these great wrestlers, most of them are future Hall of Famers, now i am not saying Shawn shouldn't face Taker again but he doesn't deserve to break the streak. Maybe a couple years later down the road Taker could face Shawn again at Mania like Kane do. Like somebody said before somebody else should try and step up against Taker and be defeated. Now as for the streak breaking NO it shouldn't that streak is set in stone and should never be broken because nobody can break it. Just like the Deadman says every year, "Many dragons try to lay steige to my kingdom but one by one they all suffer the same fate". Don't matter if your a 16 time world champion, a grandslam champion, a Hall of Famer you go against Taker at mania. They will Always Lose

i didnt list all of them because i started from wrestlemania 17. This was the wrestlemania when wwe really started building the streak up. They started to make it a big deal from that year.

Taker's strak should'nt be broken ever. Imagine the HOF ceremony when he will be called as the man who never got defeated at wrestlemania. If the got beaten then all 17 years hardwork would be gone just like that.

As for HBK, I don't even see him facing Undertaker anyway....that would be too obvious. It's obvious they're building up a heel turn for HBK, so he might even face HHH.[/QUOTE]

Well i hope you are right. HHH vs HBK would be a lot better than a rematch between taker and HBK. But if we get HHH vs HBK then we have nobody for Undertaker. Cena is goin for Batista. Edge is gonna go for Jericho(most likely) So who will taker fight? Morrison?, Kofi, Miz or christian. These guys are not big enough yet(except christian but he has no momentum rite now for such a match) to fight Undertaker at Mania. If we get hhh vs hbk then its better to let Edge go against shamus and give us Jericho/Taker match at Mania(i can assure you this will be as helluva match as last year's)
I'm not against his streak being broken, but NOT by HBK, that guy doesn't need the accolade. I'm not saying The Undertaker should lose to DiBiase or Rhodes or anything like that, but if he does lose it eventually it needs to be someone on the CM Punk/Christian type level, who fans can already buy as a main-eventer but just needs that little extra push. HBK is The Undertaker's equal so him breaking the streak would accomplish nothing.
A bragging heel would be the best choice for someone to end the Streak as it has been built as a major achievement, something that needs an articulate heel to communicate. Chris Jericho would make for an excellent Streak-breaker (can you see him renaming the Code-Breaker in the run up to a Mania match?). CM Punk would also be a good choice too as it could really push his Straight Edge Messiah character to the stratosphere.

However, the only person I ever see ending the streak is John Cena but putting him in that position may force an unwanted heel turn on him.

That said, I completely agree that the Streak should never end. It has become too big a part of 'Taker's legacy for it to end. The only way for it to work would be for it to be his last match ever as for him to continue without the Streak in tact might take away some of the mystique of the Dead Man, much like what happened to Goldberg.
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