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Who do you want to see challenge RVD for the title?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Who would you love to see RVD put his title up against, and why?

I think RVD would have a great match against Shelton Benjamin eventually(rumor has it TNA is in talks with Shelton). I think these 2 wrestlers are alot alike for in ring work, and high flying moves.
Let me know what you think?
In general, or at Sacrifice?

In general, whoever makes the most sense logically seeing as he's a babyface, which means the top heels in the company.

Mr. Anderson, AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe, Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe, etc.

At Sacrifice (which is rumored to be a fatal four-way), I'd imagine Styles automatically owns an in, as well as Jeff Hardy and perhaps Desmond Wolfe seeing as Anderson is already locked up in a match with Pope and Angle is taking time off.
I would really like to see Robert Roode get a chance to challenge RVD for the TNA World Heavyweight Title.

Roode is a star on the rise with great in-ring ability and outstanding mic skills. I don't think he will challenge for the title any time soon. He is still in Beer Money, and it really makes no sense to split them up, as they add depth to the tag team division.

If Beer Money is going nowhere then it would be wise to give Robert Roode a much deserved push to the title scene.
I think at this point the logical (not my pick) choice is A.J. Styles because he can't just drop out of the title picture. Abyss is an awful choice and as mentioned Pope/Anderson are tied up with that convoluted mess of a feud that just kind of popped up out of nowhere.

The Shelton Benjamin thing is too far off to worry about yet but eventually that would be good (as long as Benjamin has someone to talk for him.)

I am a Robert Roode fan myself so kudos on that one but as stated Beer Money splitting at the moment would be a huge mistake.

A good surprise for the upcoming PPV in my opinion would be to have Shane Helms show up and start a feud with RVD since his no compete clause is expiring and to push him as a heel. I feel he has always been a great in-ring performer and deserves a top tier title push.

With current stars though that are a possibility I have to go with Desmond Wolfe for the immediate choice.
Anyone but Abyss, Id like to see Morgan, his character is on the rise. I'd like Raven to return. Any one know where he has been?

I think they are working an excellent program with Matt Morgan right now..
And I think Raven this trip around is working more behind the scenes, but not 100% sure.
I would really like to see RVD feud with Sting. I know RVD debuted with a win over Sting, but they never really built on the beatdown RVD received by Sting immediately following the pin. I think these two legends could put on a pretty solid program and the matches would be superb. Seeing as RVD is very over, I think it would help Sting get more heat as a heel to feud them with each other.
I would say Mr. Anderson, because right now he's not only the best heel in TNA, he may be the best heel in pro wrestling. Even though he lost the cage match to Angle, the feud elevated him immensely, and I think he and RVD would have a very entertaining feud. I really don't understand why he has a match with the Pope at the next PPV. It seemed like the Pope had the makings of a good feud with Desmond Wolfe, and I would think it would be smarter to pursue that at this point. I like the Sting idea though, as he and RVD had the makings of a really good feud with the way RVD's TNA debut went down. I also like Roode, although Beer Money is doing pretty well right now. But in the future, Roode would be a good option.
Wolfe, hes leading in the poll, and is in need of a good match, Hogan says they love him but all he is is a jobber to top faces, hes the one who got pinned in lockdown, and usually does in all the tag matches, the guy can wrestle, u wanna talk poetry in motion watch some of his matches. he deserves it and should get it.
The 2 guys that come of the top of my head are Samoa Joe and Desmond Wolfe.

Lets start with Joe, he can put on an incredible match with many different wrestlers (he was in the best match TNA ever had) and when he was the "Samoan Submission Machine" it was proven that Joe could get really over as both a heel and a face. If these 2 started a feud together, they would probably put on some of the best matches that TNA has ever seen, I know I would love to watch these 2 go at it for a few months at least. This feud could really write itself and would give us plenty of great matches as well.

Wolfe is another guy who could do really well against Van Dam. Wolfe is an incredible wrestler who easily gets over even though he spends most of his time losing, and he has also shown that while losing he can make himself and his opponent look like gold. I think at this point mostly any fan would accept Wolfe as champion (once again even though he loses plenty) and like Joe they could have a string of great matches that make both guys look great.
I personally think it should be The Pope? Does he deserve one after how AJ Styles injured him at Lockdown? Absolutely. If not, why not Desmond Wolfe? Fans love him and he's never had a TNA World Heavyweight Championship Shot. (Besides on House Shows, but they don't really count)
Or as DREWPOST said it would be great for Robert Roode to get a push and compete at main event level he truly deserves the chance. Desmond Wolfe should maybee get a shot but i dont really see him as world champ, same goes with the Pope. im sure when Angle comes back he will be in the picture, just please, please dont give it to Jeff Hardy or Samoa Joe they are two of the most overrated wrestlers in the history of the sport.
I'd almost be willing to bet that Mr. Anderson will get a shot at the title very soon, probably two PPVs after Sacrifice... In which he will probably win the title or be screwed out of the title by Angle...

If he wins, then obviously Angle will return to fued with him over the title which would be a lot better than fueding over those stupid medals...

Somoa Joe, I would also love to see him versus RVD... But, I really don't want to see Joe as champ again and RVD beating him might tarnish his new/old bad ass push...

I really think RVD will hold it for a pretty long time though... He is super over and I think TNA really needs to start running commercials with him and Hardy in them... Use the man as the face of the company and not Hogan...
Kurt Angle or Samoa Joe.

Angle's style would mix well with RVD and produce some great matches.Kurt and RVD are both great in ladder matches and i could see it as a big feud in TNA

Joe and RVD would be so great because they could put on a great show in any situation IMO.Anywhere from no holds bar to ultimate X would be a great match between the two of them.
i think jeff hardy should get a title shot against rvd cause hes the fan favourite with rvd nd dey had a good match a few weeks ago nd jeff hardy would win the title from rvd
One thing TNA does have right now is choice... and what a choice in the main event, I don't think I've seen such and array of brilliant established and un-established guys. I find it hard to choose between; Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, The Pope, Desmond Wolfe, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson.

Obviously Angle is taking a break, so I'll cross him off. Jeff Hardy vs. RVD is good but they're still buddies... and it just seems wrong when mates feud in wrestling, so Hardy is out. The Pope had his first try for the title, I would love him to be built up over the next few months in semi-main event matches, so he's out. Desmond Wolfe interests me, I love how the IWC have got him to the front of the voting but like Pope after a shot I'd like them to build him up in a solid feud. AJ had a long run, so I think time away from the title would be well served.

SO for me it's between Joe and Anderson... I like Joe at the moment, he's going out there and destroying people, and for that reason he's out too. A monster shouldn't care about gold, he wants to hurt people and I don't think it's the right time for him.

Okay, I went through my list and I have one guy left... And you know what, it's time for them to pull the trigger on Mr. Anderson, as soon as he's feuded with Pope get him in the main event... and get me one of those shirts he's been wearing.

WWE were stupid to let him go, like with Pope, all TNA have to do now is prove it to Vince.

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