Who do you think, is the Greatest Guitarist in this poll?

Who do you think is the greatest Guitarist ever?(Possible to make more than one choic

  • Jimi Hendrix

  • Angus Young

  • Malcolm Young

  • Adrian Vandenburg

  • Tony Iommi

  • Brian May

  • Ritchie Blackmore

  • Randy Rhoads

  • Eddie Van Halen

  • Joe Satriani

  • Eric Clapton

  • Jimmy Page

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Jimi Hendrix

Ritchie Blackmore

Eddie Van Halen

Tony Iommi

Brian May

Angus Young

Malcolm Young

Adrian Vandenburg

Eric Clapton

Jimmy Page

Personally Id go with Hendrix. Made the Wah Wah Pedal famous, and is seriously good with the Riffs he did, and was a reall good Songwriter. Although Page is considered one of the best, I dont think he is...my top 5 would have to be, Hendrix, Blackmore, Young(Angus), Iommi and May....followed by Vandenburg, Ypung(Malcolm), Clapton and then Page....
I'm giving it to Hendrix too.
He packed emotion and venom into every note, experimented with many effects and ended up being possibly the most influential guitarist of all time.

And he died before got boring, unlike alot of the other guitarists on that poll.
Without a doubt Hendrix, he may have tortured the guitarre but damn it, he was the best and I don´t think there will ever be someone this great.
He must´ve destroyed so many guitarres over the years but that was more than worth it. The American anthem + Hendrix + Woodstock = Epic.
Hendrix hands down. When I was younger I was rifling through my ex-step-dad's vinyl collection and he had all original Hendrix vinyl and I put them on the turntable and was blown away by what I heard. The one song that really opened my eyes was "Midnight Lightning" and the live version of "Machine Gun" at the Filmore. That song is freakin haunting and the solo is just pure, raw emotion laid on six strings. I would love to have seen what the music scene would be now if he were still alive. The collaborations would be unreal.
Any of those four could play circles around any of those guitarists you mentioned, with MAYBE the exception of Jimmy Page. Angus and Malcolm young should also NEVER be mentioned in anything related to "great guitarists".

So, my vote goes to Jimmy Page....but only by default.
Any of those four could play circles around any of those guitarists you mentioned, with MAYBE the exception of Jimmy Page. Angus and Malcolm young should also NEVER be mentioned in anything related to "great guitarists".

So, my vote goes to Jimmy Page....but only by default.

I totally diagree with you. You cant know much about guitarists. Yeah the guys you mentioned are good, but there aint anyone as Good as Jimi Hendrix, not even Jimmy Page. Angus and Malcolm Young are awesome, and I cant undrstand why you would "NEVER" put the Youngs in a Great guitarists list.

Hendrix, Blackmore, Iommi, May and the Youngs are better than Jimmy Page, the only reason people say Page is so great is led Zeppelin, and Zep isnt everything.
What about Stevie Ray Vaughn? Steve Vai? Paul Gilbert? These guys are some of the most talented guitarists in the world, and they deserve to be on the list. And if you've put the Youngs up there, how could you not put Kirk Hammett, John Frusciante and Zakk Wylde in there?

As for my pick, I can't decide between Hendrix and Clapton. They're both guitar legends, Hendrix is the guy when it comes to guitar, and he puts so much emotion into his playing. Clapton does the same, however he is a more bluesy guitarist, so you can't compare him to Hendrix. They've both written classics, for Hendrix Purple Haze, for Clapton Layla, just to name one of their masterpieces. There is no splitting the two of them.
I am quite aware that most people will vote for Hendrix but I am going to vote for Angus Young. I was never a big fan of ac\dc in the past but recently I have been listening to a lot more stuff like that, you know, guitar stuff. A lot of the people on the list I have never heard of also and I just went with what I knew best. Angus should win because he dresses up a schoolboy like every day. Win!
What about Stevie Ray Vaughn? Steve Vai? Paul Gilbert? These guys are some of the most talented guitarists in the world, and they deserve to be on the list. And if you've put the Youngs up there, how could you not put Kirk Hammett, John Frusciante and Zakk Wylde in there?

As for my pick, I can't decide between Hendrix and Clapton. They're both guitar legends, Hendrix is the guy when it comes to guitar, and he puts so much emotion into his playing. Clapton does the same, however he is a more bluesy guitarist, so you can't compare him to Hendrix. They've both written classics, for Hendrix Purple Haze, for Clapton Layla, just to name one of their masterpieces. There is no splitting the two of them.

Well, personally Im not a fan of, Vai, Vaughn, Gilbert, Wylde or anything, and although they are great, to be honest, I forgot about some of them. I didnt purposly leave them out mind.
Hendrix, Blackmore, Iommi, May and the Youngs are better than Jimmy Page, the only reason people say Page is so great is led Zeppelin, and Zep isnt everything.

What? Jimmy Page blows every single one of those guys out of the water except for Hendrix. Hendrix is the only better guitarist then Page on that list, though I personally have always preferred Page. Clapton would also be an acceptable answer in my book. I mean, I'm not saying that any of those guitarists are bad or anything, because every of of them has their own distinct style and are each incredibly gifted.

But a guy like Page was just so much more complex in his rhythms and melodiies. Like Hendrix he was one of the first popular rock guitarists to bring real experimentation into his music, and not confine himself to the stereotypical three minute run length most rock songs of the era were defined by. Not to mention Page live is just absolutely ridiculious. Hendrix and Page were probably the only two guitarists so ridiculiously talented and crazy that they started inventing new ways to play the guitar. Be it with your teeth, behind your back, or with the all-mighty violin bow, these guys revolutionized not only rock music but how the guitar itself was actually played.

I'd also strongly disagree about Zeppelin being overrated. Forget Stairway to Heaven, How the West Was Won is the way to go. That album is raw powerful rock and roll and it's absolute best. Bonham's drum solo on Moby Dick spends shivers up my spine, as does the guitar on Over the Hills and Far Away. Pretty much any live recordings of Zeppelin is just definitive proof of their greatness.

I love AC/DC as much as the next guy, but the Youngs guitar playing (while great) is extremely simplistic at times. Also, did they really need to include Malcolm? Did we really need two of the Youngs on the list? Just including Angus woudl've been sufficient.

Brian May is obviously great as well, but to be honest, I would never include him in the same breath as Hendrix, Page, and Clapton, atleast in my book.

Eddie Van Halen, while also an amazing guitarist, was never a personal favorite of mine. I recognize his amazing talent, but I just find a large majority of Van Halen's music to be bland, never big on them aside from their first two albums. So while he deserves to be on the list, I personally didn't vote for him.

As for Blackmore...I happen to think Deep Purple is extremely overrated. Yeah they had a good chunk of great songs, but half a dozen great songs don't equal legends in my book. So I wouldn't include Blackmore in this list at all.

And finally...why in the name of Les Paul is the guitarist from fucking Whitesnake included on this list?! Whitesnake? Really? No. Just no. He's not in the top one hundred guitarists of all time, let alone a top ten.

List is definately missing a large chunk of amazing guitarists. It's absurd to me that Chuck Berry isn't on that list, considering the man virtually invented playing rock and roll with a guitar, and is still being ripped off to this day. Also would've included BB King, Dick Dale, and probably Duane Allman, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Steve Vai. All of those guys probably deserved spots on this list over Malcolm Young and Ritchie Blackmore, and most definately over Vandenberg.

I voted for both Hendrix and Page.
Seriously no Hammett or Mustaine? Dave Mustaine got into Metallica because he stunned Lars and James with his musical ability when he was warming up for his audition, and was kicked out of Metallica because he was too wild when he was off his face on drugs and booze, NOT because Kirk was better than him. It's been nearly 30 years later, yet this is a guy who rarely ever makes a top list of anything despite the amazingness that is Megadeth. I find that verrrrrrryyy strange.........

Anyway, i'd have to go with Jimmy P as well personally. I'd give a justified reason but xfear was waaaayyyy ahead of me on that one.
I totally diagree with you. You cant know much about guitarists. Yeah the guys you mentioned are good, but there aint anyone as Good as Jimi Hendrix, not even Jimmy Page. Angus and Malcolm Young are awesome, and I cant undrstand why you would "NEVER" put the Youngs in a Great guitarists list.

Hendrix, Blackmore, Iommi, May and the Youngs are better than Jimmy Page, the only reason people say Page is so great is led Zeppelin, and Zep isnt everything.

I obviuosly know more about guitarists and guitar in general than you do, but this isnt a competition of who knows more, this is a discussion of the truth. If you knew anything about the guitar and its history, especially about guitar "greats" the first thing you would know is that Hendrix was the most overrated musician to have EVER lived. Feel free to listen to any of his live recordings, they are absolutely terrible and I am not talking about the sound quality. He was famous for not being able to translate his works into live performances.

John Petrucci on the other hand has been credited as being the greatest living guitarist of this generation. Petrucci was named on the G3 tour six times, more than any other guitarist!

Lets see Young with his 4 chord 4/4 time signature radio rock progressions make it on that tour.
What? Jimmy Page blows every single one of those guys out of the water except for Hendrix. Hendrix is the only better guitarist then Page on that list, though I personally have always preferred Page. Clapton would also be an acceptable answer in my book. I mean, I'm not saying that any of those guitarists are bad or anything, because every of of them has their own distinct style and are each incredibly gifted.

But a guy like Page was just so much more complex in his rhythms and melodiies. Like Hendrix he was one of the first popular rock guitarists to bring real experimentation into his music, and not confine himself to the stereotypical three minute run length most rock songs of the era were defined by. Not to mention Page live is just absolutely ridiculious. Hendrix and Page were probably the only two guitarists so ridiculiously talented and crazy that they started inventing new ways to play the guitar. Be it with your teeth, behind your back, or with the all-mighty violin bow, these guys revolutionized not only rock music but how the guitar itself was actually played.

I'd also strongly disagree about Zeppelin being overrated. Forget Stairway to Heaven, How the West Was Won is the way to go. That album is raw powerful rock and roll and it's absolute best. Bonham's drum solo on Moby Dick spends shivers up my spine, as does the guitar on Over the Hills and Far Away. Pretty much any live recordings of Zeppelin is just definitive proof of their greatness.

I love AC/DC as much as the next guy, but the Youngs guitar playing (while great) is extremely simplistic at times. Also, did they really need to include Malcolm? Did we really need two of the Youngs on the list? Just including Angus woudl've been sufficient.

Brian May is obviously great as well, but to be honest, I would never include him in the same breath as Hendrix, Page, and Clapton, atleast in my book.

Eddie Van Halen, while also an amazing guitarist, was never a personal favorite of mine. I recognize his amazing talent, but I just find a large majority of Van Halen's music to be bland, never big on them aside from their first two albums. So while he deserves to be on the list, I personally didn't vote for him.

As for Blackmore...I happen to think Deep Purple is extremely overrated. Yeah they had a good chunk of great songs, but half a dozen great songs don't equal legends in my book. So I wouldn't include Blackmore in this list at all.

And finally...why in the name of Les Paul is the guitarist from fucking Whitesnake included on this list?! Whitesnake? Really? No. Just no. He's not in the top one hundred guitarists of all time, let alone a top ten.

List is definately missing a large chunk of amazing guitarists. It's absurd to me that Chuck Berry isn't on that list, considering the man virtually invented playing rock and roll with a guitar, and is still being ripped off to this day. Also would've included BB King, Dick Dale, and probably Duane Allman, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Steve Vai. All of those guys probably deserved spots on this list over Malcolm Young and Ritchie Blackmore, and most definately over Vandenberg.

I voted for both Hendrix and Page.

Well, I like the fact u made a good argument, but Im going by MY opinion, and the fact that you consider Jimmy Page as great as you say is YOUR opinion. I will admit, He is a great Guitarist without a Doubt, and one of the best, and Yes, I have explained before that, I might have misssed a few out, because I cant fit all the greats in the list, as I can only fit in 15, but I will admit, Zep are great. But as for your comment about Purple being overrrated, Led Zep are probably more overrated than Purple. Zep have had good song, as has Purple, but when it comes to technicality, I suppose Page and Blackmore can be rated as umong the greats as, they are, they were both doing things that, other guitarists wouldnt have thought of, consider that.]]

I dont ee why you dont like Vandenburg, he is really underrated, even though he has had problems with his hands. But I suppose it boild down to, peoples own opinions?
I obviuosly know more about guitarists and guitar in general than you do, but this isnt a competition of who knows more, this is a discussion of the truth. If you knew anything about the guitar and its history, especially about guitar "greats" the first thing you would know is that Hendrix was the most overrated musician to have EVER lived. Feel free to listen to any of his live recordings, they are absolutely terrible and I am not talking about the sound quality. He was famous for not being able to translate his works into live performances.

John Petrucci on the other hand has been credited as being the greatest living guitarist of this generation. Petrucci was named on the G3 tour six times, more than any other guitarist!

Lets see Young with his 4 chord 4/4 time signature radio rock progressions make it on that tour.

I suppose I was wrong in Who KNows more than Whos, because, all it really boils down to is Taste or Opinion, and we clearly have a difference of Opinion in this. And I cant help I missed people out.
Clapton and Hendrix. Though I only voted for Clapton in the poll.

Hendrix is the guitarist who plays those riffs, and plays the rock songs. And he plays them well.

Then you look at Clapton, the Blues guitarist of the Gods. There is a reason people used to spraypaint Clapton is God on the sides of buildings. He launches into one of his songs, and hits his solo, and you're lost.

And Page as well. He's a grand guitarist on his own merit.

So. A vote for Clapton was how I went, but a vote for Clapton/Hendrix/Page won't get you the wrath of the Rock Gods. Though a vote for Whitesnake's guitarist might just get you Xfear's, lulz.
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Clapton and Hendrix. Though I only voted for Clapton in the poll.

Hendrix is the guitarist who plays those riffs, and plays the rock songs. And he plays them well.

Then you look at Clapton, the Blues guitarist of the Gods. There is a reason people used to spraypaint Clapton is God on the sides of buildings. He launches into one of his songs, and hits his solo, and you're lost.

And Page as well. He's a grand guitarist on his own merit.

So. A vote for Clapton was how I went, but a vote for Clapton/Hendrix/Page won't get you the wrath of the Rock Gods. Though a vote for Whitesnake's guitarist might just get you Xfear's, lulz.

Yeah, and Barbedwire Ropes....

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