Who do you think is the future for TNA?


Occasional Pre-Show
Once Sting, Angle, Jarrett, Foley, Nash, Flair, Team 3D and all those guys fade out who will take over?

The guys that really impress me are

Desmond Wolfe - His mic work is fantastic, he has great ring skills, a great look and he's marketable.

Ken Anderson - We all know he would have main evented with ease in WWE if he just stayed healthy. No question he's gonna be huge in TNA.

The Pope - He should be THE babyface of TNA for years to come and I think they realize it. I just wish they would drop the "D'Angelo Dinero" since nobody wants to call him that.

Matt Morgan - He's so athletic and agile for a big man. He has really good mic skill and he reminds me of Sid except alot better in the ring. I'd love to see him play a big psycho heel.

Robert Roode - He has all the tools to be a big time main event heel.

James Storm - Like Roode except Storm would be better suited as a babyface.

Motor City Machine Guns - Neither guy is ready to go solo yet cause TNA hasn't built them up enough but they are both talented as hell. Both guys are great talkers and are exciting to watch in the ring. TNA is sitting on the next Edge & Christian with them and I don't think they realize it.

Brian Kendrick - The only solo wrestler in the X Division right now that has any potential. His heel run on Smackdown in 2008 was f'n awesome. If TNA wants to salvage the X Division then turn this guy heel and put the strap on him.

I also like AJ and Joe but they are already pretty established so I didn't include them.

And 1 guy I'm absolutely NOT sold on is Hernandez. I see people say he's the future and I cringe. He can't cut a promo to save his life and he's too old to invest anything into. He's just a big guy that can dive over the top rope. Other than that he sucks.
Who do i think is the future for TNA?

I will have to go with the Pope"D'Angelo Dinero".Day by day he is improving his ring skills and his mic skills.As of now he is the Number one contender For the TNA Heavyweight Title.And past Lockdown he might be the New TNA Champion.

And if he is the Champion I could see alot of good things from the Pope.Major feuds with AJ,Joe,Anderson,Wolfe.And this feuds could go on and on.

Im really into pope.Now lets just wait until Lockdown.
I wouldnt say Desmond WOlfe has great mic skills..lol They are just ok. I guess compared to Joe or Styles promo's he may be great, but great mic skills are like that of The Rock. Wolfe is ok. He does have a nice look.

As for the future on who can lead TNA. I would say Ken Anderson of course. Aj Styles,The Pope, and Matt Morgan if he works on himself a little bit. He has ok mic skills and is pretty good in the ring.
The Pope has done a great job recently for TNA, a hidden gem some would say in that company. I really think he is one of the next greats for that company. He has a great look, he is getting over with his character, a character that looked to be a difficult one, but he has ran with it. Sort of reminds me of Triple H back in the day, horrible character, long name people did not want to say, but he ran with it, and was given an updated character which worked out well for him.
If you're talking about a good 5-10 years from now, then none of them. They are all up in their age. Most of them are a good 27-30 yrs old or older. So, there's my answer. All of them are too old to invest in, ESPECIALLY a few years from now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure those guys are in their late 20s or older.
I am gonna have to say Generation Me, when they debuted I was like "HOLY CRAP!!!". They are amazingly athletic and keep viewers interested. I believe that if they adopted a decent gimmick and were pushed into the tag team title picture, they would show that they are here for business :)
If you're talking about a good 5-10 years from now, then none of them. They are all up in their age. Most of them are a good 27-30 yrs old or older. So, there's my answer. All of them are too old to invest in, ESPECIALLY a few years from now. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure those guys are in their late 20s or older.

Thats not really old though is it, not for a wrestler, I mean, these guys could still be going strong at 40 +, Austin must've been about 33 when he won King Of The Ring, and Batista nearly 40 when he beat HHH at Mania, Batista's still doing fine work on Smackdown, age means very little when someone can still go.

As for who I think's the future, yeah the obvious people like Matt Morgan spring to mind, I like Hernandez and reckon he'll go to the top, Desmond Wolfe has grown on me, I dont think he's the greatest wrestler today or anything, but he's a really decent heel who could do well as a Main Event player. TNA seem really high on Pope and Anderson, so I am guessing those two. I think Beer Money could do well as singles wrestlers, but I dont want them split any time soon, which means they'll be splitting soon.

Maybe Brian Kendrick, if he can rekindle some of that stuff he did in WWE before they jobbed him again. Eric Young strikes me as pretty good actually, I wouldnt be surprised to see him as an upper midcarder/sometimes Main eventer in the future.

I cant really see the Guns as the future, I see them still in TNA in the future, but not in any kind of Main Event capacity.
to be honest i don't think tna has a future. their future is now they have of bunch guys who are just their now to put the younger talent over. they keep using their finances to try and sign everybody big name they can. they don't have a farm system so they basically get most of their superstars from wwe or roh. i don't think they'll be in business in five years.
I have no idea who will be the future of tna and don't really care, but this morning I was listening to Bubba the love sponge and Hulk Hogan was on and he was all hyped up and said tonight on Impact we will all see the first steps of the next John Cena that he is personally grooming. Bubba asked if he would say who it was he said yeah its Abyss after taking a bunch of jokes and insults from Bubba and Spice Boy he keep saying that Abyss would become the biggest babyface in the history of wrestling. I for one don't think this will work and proves to me that Hogan should not be the one calling the shots behind the scenes or maybe I'm wrong and Abyss will be a bigger babyface than Cena, Austin, The Rock and Hulk himself or maybe Orlando Jordan's gay gimmick will make him the next big star.
Thats not really old though is it, not for a wrestler, I mean, these guys could still be going strong at 40 +, Austin must've been about 33 when he won King Of The Ring, and Batista nearly 40 when he beat HHH at Mania, Batista's still doing fine work on Smackdown, age means very little when someone can still go.

Holy shit, brother! Have you ever heard of a run on sentence?

On topic, Pope is obviously the present of TNA. He's getting a huge push and will likely be the champ after Lockdown. He'll probably start feuding with Mr. Anderson after that.

As for a few years in the future, I don't really know. I'd hope Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley get their due respect, but it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen. Most likely, we're gonna be stuck with Matt Morgan and Hernandez main events. *shudder*

Seriously I think Hernandez is terrible. I hate the whistle, I hate the way he prances around on his tippie toes, and I hate the way he throws his arms across his chest in some kind of ****** stance. Then when we hear him talk, he stutters through all his lines until he starts talking in Spanish and then feels more comfortable.
If you want to look at who is the future of TNA don'T go to any of the former WWE Talent because let'S face it, if Vince decides to give them a call and offer them a contract, i'm sure they will take the offer because this will mean more money and bigger exposure. So Guys like Mr Anderson, The Pope and Matt Morgan won't be the future of TNA. I Think that the future of TNA lies with the TNA originals, Guys like Daniels, Samoa Joe, Abyss, A.J. Styles, James Storm and other that been in TNA for a while now. These guy won'T leave TNA anytimes soon because they are loyal to the company and unless TNA screw them they will be there way after all the veterans have retired... that is if TNA isn'T out of business before the veterans retires.
If he gets out of his legal problems, and signs with TNA, I would have to say Jeff Hardy. Hardy is already proven WWE commodity, and if he can recapture the momentum he had before he walked away he could be a give TNA instant mainstream credibility. I'm a fan of AJ Styles's ring work, but he just doesn't have the it factor to carry a big time company. It's safe to say that Kurt Angle is on the backside of his career, being he doesn't have much left to give. Desmond Wolfe has the complete package, but the reality is he'll never reach his full potential unless he goes to the WWE, and gets the marketing machine behind him. In TNA, much like Samoa Joe, he's just another skilled indie guy spinning his wheels.
I think you hit most of the guys: The Pope, Morgan, Wolfe, etc. I would say there are 2 tag teams that should be broken up: Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money. Not because they are bad teams, but because they seem to have hit a wall. I think both are worthy of being tag champs, but it doesn't seem likely to happen, so the guys should be allowed to go out on their own.

One tag team I really like is Generation Me. I never saw them in ROH, but I can certainly see why so many people are fans. They are really exciting and should be given a big push.

As for the WWE guys, people say they'll go back if Vince ever calls them, but I'm not so sure. TNA's schedule is much more appealing to wrestlers these days. Guys don't want to be on the road as much as they are in WWE, and I could see TNA using that schedule to attract bigger names. And, if Vince fired you once, then called again just when you get big in TNA, why go back? Wouldn't there be some kind of desire to stick it to him by making TNA as big as you can?
My list is: Mr Anderson-if he can keep from being injured.

AJ Styles- he is TNA and I see him becoming the next Sting or Flair

Desmond Wolfe- the guy has potential

Robert Roode and James Storm-either in singles or tag, these men have earned their spot.

and finally, Samoa Joe-he's proven loyalty and can help train others.
Hmm, future of TNA hmm?
Well considering The Pope and Morgan are two guys that have long term contracts (like 5 years) I would say they are the future lol. And everyone in the organization is big on them and the impact zone fans love them and go wild for them both (see there match at AAO.

I think Mr Anderson could be good there while he's there, but he might go back to WWE when his short term contract is up (6-12 months)
I think Jeff Hardy and RVD could also be big in TNA but Jeff has legal matters and RVD wouldn't be around for more then a year or two.

But I mean, you don't need those guys when you got guys like the Phenomenal AJ Styles, The Samoan Submission Machine aka Nation of Violence Samoa Joe, The Blue Print Matt Morgan, Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels and last but not least ... The Harlem Street Preacher D'Angelo "The Pope" Dinero!!!

Oh, lol. Today, me and my friends in science club kept saying "Pope Is Pimpin!" and the other kids were like "huh?" roflcopter
Personally, I think TNA is going to go as far as AJ Styles can take them. I think he is a really great building block. Is he there yet? Nope. I like the heel turn for him. I thought last week on TNA he nailed his promo with Joe. I like him partnering with Flair. What I don't like is him trying to turn into Ric Flair. He isn't Ric Flair. He just isn't cut out to be the flashy promo guy like him. I do think his cocky arrogant attitude can work.

I think The Pope is good, but I don't think his current character is a lasting one. I think it will be great for a run, but I don't think he can continue on exactly the same and not get old. He will need to continue to develop his character to become lasting.

I really think Robert Roode, Desmond Wolfe, Alex Shelley, and Eric Young have unlimited potential and should be inline for significant pushes.

I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way, but frankly, I miss Alex Shelley and Chris Saban as singles wrestlers. MCMG is cute and all that shit, but seriously, Chris Sabin has held the X-Division chamiponship a combined 338 days, longer than anybody in TNA history. And Alex Shelley is also an X-Division champ and there was a time that everybody thought he was going to be the next WHC because of his in ring/mic skills, both of which were (and still are) outstanding.

Rant off, I think that if they would put them in singles matches, Shelley and Sabin would both be part of the future of TNA, as well as AJ, Daniels/Curryman, Kaz/Suicide, Pope (who is as of right now shooting a BRILLIANT promo), Anderson, and Matt Morgan.

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