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who do you think has the best mic skills?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok im going to ask this in todays wrestling who has the best mic skills ? my choice for a face would be christain i mean he may not be a main eventer (yet) but he has the best mic skills as a face. the best mic skills for a heel would be chris jericho has great abbilty and he can talk a game
Christian is definately up there in terms of mic skills. His ability to reduce anyone to tears of frustration using his wit is a joy to behold.

Orton gets alot of shit for his mic skills cause they're so monotone, emotionless promos. But it suits his subtle psycho gimmick he's got going on. Hell, Hannibal Lector's emotionless monotone lines in Silence of the Lambs is what made him so eery.

I think Punk is extremely under-rated. His ROH promos were beautiful and perfectly crafted, and his WWE promos are pretty damn good too. His 'drinking contest' promo that he did with JBL when he was world champion was damn fine. And the one he did a couple of weeks ago on SD with Jericho and Edge was pretty funny. Hopefully with his main event push coming up, he'll get some more mic time.
Best Mic Skills?

I'll go with Edge and Christian in that order. Whomever they learned from as far as promos go did a great job with those two. Christian and Edge can both just own you verbally. One of my favorite promo's was from Edge on Billy Gunn when Ass was cutting a semi-shoot about how ridiculous Edge's gimmick was. Then Edge lights in to him saying 'It's called a gimmick, Billy. You're a walking, talking gimmick, and I'm STILL more over than you are.'

Pure gold. And of course, anything with Christian is good. The 'Peeps', 'Peepulation' and the 'Creepy, little bastard' moniker were very funny.

Jericho's also great on the mic, too. HHH and HBK are, also.
That is a tough say, who the best on the mic today is.
I can't say that Edge, Jericho, Christian, HHH and HBK arent all at the forefront, all of they're mic skills have almost always been top flight, especially Jericho's. Cm Punk's mic work is almost up to par with his ring work, which I have always found stellar.
Orton 's mic work would improve a million times over if he just took a look at some of jake Roberts old promos. His Character is similar in it's nature and I think Orton could learn a lot about tone and how to deliver certain lines properly. Although I despise everything else about him, Cena's mic work (now that he stopped rapping) is at least main event caliber, unlike the rest of him.
Kennedy's mic work is the only thing that is keeping him from being completely forgotten, once you get past his no longer amusing self introduction, the man has a very powerful voice and if he manages to stay healthy (which I doubt), he could make something of his character yet.
I will however put forth my vote for best all-time promo man, that would be Mr. Foley, he wins a close race with jake Roberts. But that's all time and no I dont count Foley as a current preformer because I believe he is only wasting his time in TNA out of spite.
John Cena has the best mic skills of today's roster, without question (for me, anyway). However, I will say that he is at his best when he shows his serious side, instead of the goofy, over-the-top side.

Orton has okay mic skills. Could be better. His facial expressions, however, during his psychotic gimmick, were incredible.

Jericho has fine mic skills when he is able to use them. I'm not impressed with them in his current role, because he is so restricted on using his emotion. However, obviously from his past work, I know he is capable of much better, and I recognize that. So I definitely would say he is up there ... just not so much in his current role, in my opinion.

Triple H is nothing more than average, sadly. He's never been one that has been all that great on the mic, anyway.

Edge is okay, but has a tendency to over-act and be a little melodramatic.

CM Punk, I don't find to be too special on the mic.

Batista is not all that great, and hence why he more than likely doesn't talk very frequently.

Shawn Michaels is above average, but similar to Edge, he also has a tendency to over-act on occasion.

One of the best, of the recent Era (who I miss) was JBL. Fantastic job on the mic, and I dare say he was the best Heel on the entire WWE roster on the mic. Completely convincing Heel.

But out of the current roster, Cena is the best on the mic, as far as I'm concerned.
id say for heels its a tie between jericho nd orton. both guys are great on the mic nd talk with so much passion

for the faces id say christian nd mvp. christian has better mic skills then mvp but mvp hasent been around as much as christian has but his skills are almost as good
John Cena has the best mic skills of today's roster, without question (for me, anyway). However, I will say that he is at his best when he shows his serious side, instead of the goofy, over-the-top side.

I agree that he is better when he intense. I think he's good when he's being goofy. I don't think he is the best though.
Orton has okay mic skills. Could be better. His facial expressions, however, during his psychotic gimmick, were incredible.

Part of having good mic skills is playing the part. I think everyone wants Orton to speak with a clipped Oxford accent in Iambic Pentameter. That's not what he does. He. Talks. Like. This. because he is a psychopath. He sounds like a psychopath, he looks like a psychopath, he just may be a psychopath. He plays his character as well as anyone on the roster.
Jericho has fine mic skills when he is able to use them. I'm not impressed with them in his current role, because he is so restricted on using his emotion.

You're crazy. First of all, Jericho shows plenty of emotion. They are just different from what you are used to. Instead of a mocking, smartass, he is an arrogant prick, full of such seething anger that it threatens to overcome him. And what do you mean when he gets to use them? I bet, in the last year, Jericho got more mic time than anyone in the WWE. He carried the fucking company for six months while half the roster was injured.

However, obviously from his past work, I know he is capable of much better, and I recognize that. So I definitely would say he is up there ... just not so much in his current role, in my opinion.

He's never been better.
Triple H is nothing more than average, sadly. He's never been one that has been all that great on the mic, anyway.

I'm starting to doubt that you watch wrestling. Either that, or you're trying to make us think you are super-smark. HHH's character demands he be intense, so he is. When he's supposed to be funny, he's funny. HHH's mic skills have been at the top of the list for over a decade. The Nation parody is generally regarded as one of the best segments of the Attitude Era. Who do you think spoke the entire time? The entire success of DX was based on mic work. They are still more over than anyone else on the roster.
Edge is okay, but has a tendency to over-act and be a little melodramatic.

Take an English class. Learn about character development. How else should Edge sound on the mic? His gimmick is that he's an opportunist. That means he needs to whine to get that gimmick over. You're right, Edge should yell and scream, and be an intense badass. Then, when he steals a win, that intensity will really shine though.
CM Punk, I don't find to be too special on the mic.

Or in the ring. I was starting to like him, but lately, back to the slop, and I would rather gouge my eyes out than see him with that briefcase ever again.
Batista is not all that great, and hence why he more than likely doesn't talk very frequently.

Every week Batista talks. He sounds like a cool guy who isn't ever intimidated. His confidence shines through in his promos. I think Batista is the most underrated talkers in the business.
Shawn Michaels is above average, but similar to Edge, he also has a tendency to over-act on occasion.

One of the best, of the recent Era (who I miss) was JBL. Fantastic job on the mic, and I dare say he was the best Heel on the entire WWE roster on the mic. Completely convincing Heel.

Agreed tenfold.

But out of the current roster, Cena is the best on the mic, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't agree. I think that Orton gets the point of his character across better than anyone else. That is the job of the guy on the mic. He does it very well.

I think that the best is Edge. His promos are compelling. You want to listen to every word. I also think MVP should get some mention. He is not given enough opportunity to shine, but MVP's lounge is always funny.
Chris Jericho is probably the best. He really knows how to get under the fans' skin. The best part is that he tells the truth. I believe it was Mick Foley who once said that the best heel promos are the ones that contain a nugget of truth. When he cut promos on Cena talking about how all Cena does is pander to the fans with meaningless buzzwords it was absolutely the gospel. I love it when a guy says exactly what I've been thinking for a while.

Christian always comes off as a very cool guy that doesn't sweat anything be he a face or a heel. I've been very impressed with his face work as of late since I've always loved the guy more as a heel. He's actually demonstrated more versatility than his "brother" Edge. Edge is a better overall heel but Christian has more range.

Edge and Randy Orton get mentioned in the same breath. Both know how to play the psychotic role very well. I used to doubt Orton's mic skills in the past but he's really stepped up to the plate in the last year. Without Orton's ability to talk the newest rehash of HHH/Orton would have fallen completely flat. Also, as much as I do love Edge I have to agree with those that say he overacts sometimes. When that overacting hits it's mark like it did when he tortured Vickie it's a beautiful thing. When it doesn't like with Foley it's just plain silly.

Those are definitely the top five guys right now. As far as the worst...

Sorry, but I have to mention Cena again. Hate all you want but I'm just being honest with my opinion. All of Cena's promos seem to be incredibly scripted. First he panders. Then he puts his opponent over. Then he puts himself over. Insert a poopy or gay joke. Slowly but surely he begins to scream for no apparent reason. Then he tells everyone that he's going to win because he never quits and never backs down. Follow it up with a salute and "the champ is here." End of promo. Been there. Done that. Got the lame shopzone t-shirt.

I'm also lukewarm to Hunter right now. He's another guy that was great at promos in the past but lately I'm just not feeling it. I think that will change though. What I really didn't care for was all the nudge nudge wink wink I'm married to Stephanie but please pretend that you don't know that stuff. It just wasn't funny and it felt like a lame attempt to rekindle all of the smarky promos of the Attitude Era. As long as he cutes that crap out then I'm down with Hunter's promos... assuming they're less than 20 minutes long.
Hmm, who has the best mic skills in "today's" WWE environment...let me break it down like this:

Here's the order, and I'll explain why afterward:

1 - Edge
2 - Chris Jericho
3 - Orton
4 - MVP
5 - The Miz
6 - Christian
7 - Cena
8 - JTG
9 - CM Punk
10 - Ted Dibiase

Why #1 for Edge? - I've been watching Edge ever since his debut, pretty much. I've never seen anybody improve in the WWE as much as he did. He went from simply 1/2 of some tag-team to the top wrestler in the WWE. His mic skills are in a word, amazing. He flows nicely, he has different tones for different emotional situations, and he's believable enough for anybody to "mark" out. He mentally raeps Jeff Hardy, whom is one of my favorite wrestlers, but sucks on the mic, and pretty much out-talks everybody else with ease. The only person so far that's going to give him a real challenge is Jericho, being that he's on SD! now.

Why #2 for Jericho? - Chris Jericho was always good on the mic. Regardless of whether he's a face or heel, he speaks with ease and confidence. However, I do feel the intensity he emits while speaking as a heel is amazing. He knows how to work a crowd. Now, I do understand, his lines are written word for word most of the time, but you can give anybody that same piece of paper and I can guarantee you that they won't do it with as much authenticity as Jericho.

Why #3 for Orton? - Orton is the man, simply put. He shows everybody the way a heel is suppose to be on a mic. Yes, he's monotone, but he's like that for his current gimmick, and it fits very well. It helps get him over even more. I like the fact that he speaks monotonic, but once he gets angry, the sound from his vocals emit at 5x the amount, with increased bass and range, while his face turns red and clenches inward with his veins solidifying out toward the audience. Everything fits fine.

Why #4 for MVP? - We can pretty much all agree that he was better on the mic as a heel. It's hard to cross over from heel to face and vice versa, so cut him some slack. However, he is still a pretty good talker regardless. When he came out on Raw after the draft, and owned Orton on the mic, as well as calling Rhodes + DiBiasse "Abercrombie Models", I marked out for a lite minute or so. I was like, "Yoooooo, MVP just went in..." But yea, he def knows how to work a mic, so give him about a few more weeks, and he'll have the whole "face' situation under control.

Why #5 for The Miz? - The Miz really knows what he's doing on the mic. A lot of us usually paid more attention to Morrison over Miz...no homo...but after the split, and surprisingly putting The Miz on WWE's top show rather than Morrison, I'm sure we can all see it was a great choice. Miz really knows how to work a mic, and get himself over, drawing crazy heat from the audience most of the time. What he said to Cena, like "Unlike 12 Rounds, everybody is going to see this match" or something, I marked out like crazy. He said things to Cena that others would only keep to themselves. His push is well deserved.

Why #6 for Christian? - Christian is a funny dude. He has taken some notes from The Rock, since his "peeps" quote is based off of Rock's "the people". However, he does know what he's doing. He stays havin' Swagger sweatin' and angry. "Thufferin' thukatash!" Dude is grimy, lmao...

Why #7 for Cena? - Yea, people say a lot of things about Cena, but when it comes to mic work, he's really good on it, especially in his heel days. Regardless of his "6 moves", or sucking up to the crowd, he says what he has to say and for most of the time, does it well. He does not need to say anything to get him over, as the WWE has put him over so far he can lick his own buttcrack. However, the intensity and emotion he shows during his promos, while many may feel, including myself, he is trying to be like "The Rock", he does it well.

Why #8 for JTG? - I know I'm going to get heat for this one, but he is pretty good on the mic. He doesn't get a lot of mic time, due to the failing tag-team division, but he always does great. "Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo YO!" I love that line, and the audience does too. But besides that, he speaks well (in relation to his gimmick), and knows how to work an audience and talk to the ladies. "Yo why every week you stay losin'?" When he said that to Layla El I marked out big time. So believable, lmao...

Why #9 for CM Punk? - CM Punk is does a good job when confronted by heels, as proven during his confrontation with Jericho & Edge. He says what he has to say on the mic, with confidence, but he def knows how to back it up. You can see through his wrestling, that he has trained for an immense amount of years. All the kick combinations and multiple technical moveset, they make you believe that the pushes he receives are believable. Saying things like, "Anyways...so as I was saying..." when Jericho cried and left the ring, makes him believable and realistic.

Why #10 for Ted DiBiase? - Ted, while overshadowed by Orton, you can see this guy has a bright future in the WWE. He speaks very well and articulate on the mic, showing confidence in what he does. He definitely outshines Cody Rhodes in terms of mic skills, and will be on the level of Orton very soon.

And that is my list of who I believe are the best on the mic in WWE today. I know there will be people who disagree, but you guys have to remember, that this is a forum. Disagreements will lead to very detailed and heavy discussion, making us all smarter in the world of wrestling.
...Sorry, but I have to mention Cena again. Hate all you want but I'm just being honest with my opinion. All of Cena's promos seem to be incredibly scripted.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but this contradicts your choice of Jericho. You say Cena's is predictable and the same, isn't Jerichos? It's the same thing each week, belittle an opponent, callt he crowd hypocrites, call himself superstar of the year. There is nothing wrong with repetiveness. Hell, The Rock used the same words in every promo and he is thought of as one of the very best on the mic of all time. And he was.

Cena is the best babyface on the mic. Everything he says people react to, which is the whole point. There is nothing worse than hearing someone say something on the mic and do that pause expecting to hear noise and there is silence. This never happens with Cena's. You are listening intently on every word.

As for the best heel, it is a close one but I'll go with Edge over Jericho. He says all the time that he will win this, win thay, do this, do that but you can sense a tone of worry when he talks. It's as if he is scared of who he is facing, which his character is. But Edge has shown that this isn't the only character he can do. Leading up to Summerslam, before Hell in a Cell, Edge's psycho character cut some amazing promos. It sounded like he had actually gone insane.
ok first of all CM Punk is just terrible on the mic, he completely ruined the segment with Edge and Jericho a couple weeks ago because he just doesnt sound very serious. for me it has to go

1. Mr. Kennedy(yeah we haven't seen him a while but he was almost at Rock levels when he was a heel. MMMMIIIIIISSSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAHHHHH KENNEDY

2.Christian(he just puts so much emotion heel or face the crowd eats it up

3.Y2J(everytime i watch him deliver a great promo I just think of the actor he could've been, plus he kinda looks like Heath Ledger

4.Santino Marella(he entertains me everytime he gets on the mic, plus he can lose like a thousand matches and come back next week with the same response)

5.Edge(he has been through so much bullshit with the vickie as wife and constant title changings that still maintaning that excitement when winning titles is impressive)
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The first person that comes to mind believe it or not. Santino. He does exactly what hes supposed to do. The best out of anyone. It's not easy to do that. And not laugh at all. He's even got the great Cena to laugh during. Hell last night he got Vince to crack a smile. Everyone thinks of the big wrestlers or ones connected to one but to me its Santino. He does it the best.
Cena. There's not much to it, really. Cena is funny when he jokes around, and you know shit is going down when he gets serious and has that look in his eyes. Every time he speaks, those fans listen. He's never hurting for a pop, a cheer, or whatever else he wants those fans to do.

For the heels? I refuse to name Orton, simply on the principle of the matter. I go with Jericho. Simply because he consistently gets that crowd booing. The crowd listens to what he says, and reacts violently.
Chris Jerico. No doubt. The man can play heel or face, and has the ability to generate either great love or hate for his character. He's not afraid to address the crowd directly, and insult them.

He also has an uncanny ability to make every issue about him, no matter what. He doesn't slur, doesn't cough, doesn't stumble, and he pumps out words at an amazing rate. He's never boring, and he doesn't get old. He seems to find something new to say every week.

Second place is Santino. Yes, Santino. He is absolutely brilliant. He's able to inject humor into any situation, and the way he purposely mis-pronounces words is priceless.

Come on. Tell me "testicales" wasn't absolute gold last night. The interaction with Vince was great.

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