Who cares?

  • No, I don't care how many women Wood's cheated with, when his press conference is, or that he practiced golf outside his home in Florida.
  • No, I don't care that Tim Tebow cried after the game.
  • No, I don't care that Tom Brady walked to his GF's house with a boot on his foot to deliver her flowers.
  • No, I don't care that LeBron went to a Yankee game.
  • No, I don't care that Brett Favre mowed his lawn in Mississippi.

I'm tired of the ridiculous coverage that Tiger Woods, Brett Favre, LBJ and other athletes receive. It's cool if it's about things on the field or court, but I'm sick of the 30 minutes that Tim Tebow's crying is shown on SportsCenter, rather than actual game highlights. I'm sick of ESPN stalking Tiger Woods' every move, and dedicating a whole show to a discussion of him sneezing and what it means for the sport of golf.

Cover the damn games.
Amen man, a-fucking-men. I could care less about Farve mowing his lawn, wow, he is doing something that every other male in America does when it's needed. I could care less about brady's boot, so he has a sore leg and wants to protect it, it happens. Same with Tiger Woods, who cares, just let him golf. The shits these guys do happens every minute of every day across the world, but because we don't live our lives under a microscope it goes unoticed, however when a star does it, it's front page news for a week. Exactly man, who cares? Let them live their lives and cover the sports parts of it.
The only one of those situations I'd give a fuck about is the Tom Brady wearing a boot one, but that's because when they reported that it actually was relevant to that week's game, the state of his ankle and foot were actually related to a sports game that week.

Unlike this Favre and Woods bullshit. Tiger Woods, god, I never want to hear his fucking name again, he has made me single handedly hate golf. I don't give a fuck who he's sticking his dick into, it's his personal life he can do whatever the fuck he wants in it, if he wants to fuck an autistic dwarf with cataracts, more power to him, I DO NOT CARE.

They need to save these fucking 20 minute interviews with Tiger Woods in which he just apologizes over and over again (despite the fact that it's painfully obvious how insincere these apologies are) and show me some sports highlights. I put on ESPN to watch sports/highlights, I don't put it on to watch Tiger Woods and Dr. Phil cry into each other's arms.

Couldn't agree more with you 48.7.
I agree about the Tiger Woods coverage, but for totally different reasons: GOLF IS NOT A SPORT. The Tiger Woods saga is highly entertaining, but it's laughable if any young kid looks up to this man as an athlete. So, more power to Access Hollywood and similar shows for stalking Woods and his gold-digging, worthless wife's every movements. However, shame on ESPN for covering the personal drama of a major figure in a pastime that any fat-assed, asthmatic accountant could excel at.
I literally wanted to punch my TV screen when it was announced Tiger Woods would be making his comeback, and do you know why? It's because I knew ESPN and EVERYONE else would start up the frenzy that was started a few months ago when news of Tiger's sex scandal began to break. It's absolutely ridiculous how ESPN and other channels feel the need to report on everything Tiger does. Okay, we all get it, Tiger Woods was the squeaky clean face of pro Golf, and he was caught with his hand in the cookie jars :eek: It's over, and it's time we all move on.

While I do have a tremendous amount of respect for what Bret Favre does on the football field, I just can't stand the constant off season drama that happens every year with him. Will he retire? Will he return? This is something ESPN loves to report on every fucking NFL off season. Yeah, Favre can still go, and he can help out a team. This was proved with the Vikings this past season, but enough is enough.

ESPN does piss me off when they feel the need to report on all this bullshit. I watch ESPN to see sports highlights, and watch sports related stories. Some of the other garbage they report on belongs on TMZ.
I honestly don't care either, but I do know where they are coming from. The media is only going to cover those who are relevant. Since Woods is a popular figure in the world of golf and the sporting world itself he is going to garner a lot of interest. Tebow is arguably the most decorated college athlete of all time, so he is going to garner some interest. People love that shit and people love talking about it. Look at it in a wrestling perspective.. Who are those who have the most TV time? The ones who make the most money.

Even though this is ridiculous, this is what our world has become. It's full of paparazzi and gossip. They love following the golden boy hoping they screw up, so they can talk about em some more. You might not like hearing about Tebow taking a massive shit, but I'm sure some twisted mother fucker loves hearing that stuff. A lot of people care about these athletes and teams, which is why they get a lot of publicity, more people care about the Yankees then they do the Pirates which is why the Yanks get more airtime on Sportscenter. Why waste time showing a clip that only three people will care about, when they can show something everyone wants to hear?
I also don't care who tigers fucking, whether or not brett got on his goddamn tractor, tim tebow crying like a little bitch after he got his ass handed to him by the same bama players he was taunting last year. ESPN is supposed to be sports not the perez hilton/tmz/lifetime channel i understand these men are relevant but if a team just won a game to go the fucking national championship. Why should we as sports fans have to suffer through 20 minutes of a boy crying who has had everything in his life handed to him on a GOLDEN FUCKING PLATTER? You know when i flip on sportscenter after a BIG GAME i expect to see the BIG GAME not a damn interview....

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