Who are WWE's best actual stars?


We shy worth hair
Many people will say the likes of Triple H & the Undertaker but they don't realize just who are other great aquisitions made by the WWE:
Chris Jericho
When has this guy ever been injured since his time in WWE? As I can recall he has never been injured and he has been in WWE for a total time of 11 years! He will put over anyone in WWE without a care(e.g JTG, R-truth, John Morrison, etc) and can win any title in WWE but still remain a Main Eventer. He put prestige back into the tag-titles when Carlito & Primo took it all away. He had a main event level fued with Rey Mysterio over the Intercontinental title. He works beautifully as either a face or a heel & has worked for the spot he holds in WWE.

Matt Hardy
Where have all his friends gone? TNA that's where. But where is this guy? he is in WWE being loyal after all this time. He has worked through injuries numerous times and in my opinion should be a main event talent by now. He is a major draw all he is over like hell with the crowd especially the younger audience. Regardless of what your opinion of him is he is a major draw.

The big red talent enhancement machine has worked many a great match. He is not the most decorated champion but he has made his mark. He is usually used as a space filler in matches such as elimination chambers or scrambles. Apparently he does not want to be at the main event level as he can't handle the schedule but he is valid to WWE especially when it comes to building new stars.

Those are just 3 in my opinion now what are yours?
Actually the thing with Kane is he doesn't WANT to be in the spotlight. He's happy right where he is. He doesn't WANT gold, he just wants to have fun and put on good matches. Although I do wish he'd do more storylines akin to Joe right now. Just have him tearing through random people and burning (or trying to) burn them, like in the good ole days lol. But of course PGWWE can't handle fire so that's out of the question.

As for Matt Hardy, he's an incredibly loyal person, but a little on the dull side...well more than a little. Dude has NO personality. Not even the shocker hand gesture could save him. He's loyal to WWE because no one else really wants him. I'm sure Jeff has asked TNA management MANY times to bring him over.

Jericho. Is. God. The end lol. He's an incredible wrestler and he's even better on the mic. Very few people can achieve greatest heel AND greatest face like he has. I personally prefer the funny, long haired Jericho from the early Y2J years, but the one now is fine, if only WWE wouldn't mark him, and every other heel, as a cheater. He should be a heel, just overly arrogant and plain nasty in the ring.

I'd put Evan on that list too. Poor guy gets his ass handed to him EVERY week and he still comes back for more. Reminds me of the guy from WWECW that dreamer was tutoring and the one legged guy Brock Lesnar destroyed
I'd say Edge. This guy has been in WWE for quite some time now and is an absolute fixture. I dont think WWE really rated him so much before 2004. But then the likes of Rock and Steve Austin were around. Survivor Series 2004 WWE changed him to a more angrier Edge and thats when his push really began. He got the WWE title in 2006 and credited with the invention of money in the bank ladder matches. He's worked a match with just about every top star there is and had a great feud with John Cena. Defintely Edge is the greatest Acquisition and one of the best heel wrestlers around, just as he has a great sense of humour when working as a face. Probably the most versatile wrestler in the WWE.
Hmm.. Let's see who you forgot to mention who are huge stars...

John Cena- Perhaps the most loyal guy on the roster. Does movies, commercials, appearances, over seas tours, etc. All while being the top in the company.

Randy Orton- This guy was so good at being a heel that he got cheered and became a face.

Edge- One of the best heels in this generation. Crafty veteran.

Big Show- He's been wrestling for damn near 20 years... (The Giant in WCW). Not really a good heel, but he can get pretty over as a baby face.

Rey Mysterio- Another 20 year veteran. Crazy merchandise sells and huge pops. Always really fun to watch.
Matt Hardy is bad, really bad.He has virtually zero Mic Skills and just awkward wrestling ability so he isn't GREAT.

Chris Jericho is a phenomenal wrestler and has some of the best Mic Skills the company has seen. I would put Jericho in the top 5 of the past decade & I'm positive 3 years from now people will start appreciating him more. He is actually better than Triple H and The Undertaker.

Edge, an exceptional heel and a versatile wrestler, a true great.

Kane, not as bad as Matt Hardy but still bad, overrated and over appreciated.
Randy Orton- This guy was so good at being a heel that he got cheered and became a face.

I agree that he is one of WWE's biggest stars, but There is no such thing as being so good as a heel that people cheer you. A heel's job is to not be liked. I will say maybe he was so good at performing that people started to cheer.
Big Show- He's been wrestling for damn near 20 years... (The Giant in WCW). Not really a good heel, but he can get pretty over as a baby face.

im gonna have to disagree with you there. first off hes been wrestling fifteen years, that still makes him a veteran, but there are people who have been around longer and are more respected. and he can get semi over but when you think about it what has he done in recent times that really sticks out as vastly important. if he decided to retire after his title match with swagger would it really deal that big of blow to wwe? i like him and he seems like a good guy but i couldnt consider him one of wwes best stars
I think Jericho essentially took Shawn Michaels' spot as the best overall performer in the WWE when HBK retired. Jericho can literally do it all. He's GREAT on the mic, whether it's as a heel or a face. He's GREAT in the ring, whether he's the underdog or he's cheating his way to victory.

My favorite aspect of Jericho's abilities is the little things he says during a match. Like when he has someone in a submission, he's always screaming "ASK HIM!" He also blurts out other little phrases that are purely entertaining, like on RAW when John Cena was wrestling Wade Barrett, Jericho was yelling to Cole and King and it was pure entertainment. My favorite one was a few months back, he was on the outside of the ring and some fan yelled to him "Go Back to Toronto!" Jericho threw whoever he was wrestling back into the ring, and as he was doing it, turned his head and yelled "I'm from Winnipeg you idiot!" Just classic Jericho entertainment.
Cena love him are hate him is by far the biggest star not for his in ring work, but they guy is a house hold name. Even non wrestling fans know who he is. As far best over all stars. Edge, Jericho, HHH, and Orton are gold they all have the ring work and phenomenal mic skills and the capability to work as heel or face. Not mention they can carry anyone through a match.

You also have to include Taker he has been one of the biggest draws for the last 20 years.
Cena- "The Rock" like character but is WWE's most loyal superstar. Scuks as a wrestler but still comes on TV and makes everyone watch

Rey Mysterio- Can't stand this guy anymore but was a world hcampion and has doen nothing with his career but WWe's only Mexican wrestler

Jericho- Nothing be said. He's God

Big Show- The "world's Largest Athlete" has won world champion only 3 times (I belive) but works all the time.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned CM Punk. Not also does this guy have exceptional mic skills and rivals Jericho for best heel, but he also has amazing wrestling skills. He can do technical, he can do extreme, he can do submission, and he can even do high flying sometimes. The dude is just awesome. He also put on one of the most memorable Summerslam matches ever.
John Cena - Perfect guy for the PG Era, even though I hate that whole idea of it haha

Randy Orton - Such a good heel that people couldn't help but cheer for him, plus for the Attitude Era crowd (myself) he's the perfect guy to root for

Edge - Although within the past couple years he has gotten injuried a few times, you can deny that hard work that he puts in and is a heel that you have to root for. Plus I have seen him develop over time as he came into the WWE about the same time I started watching (1998).

Chris Jericho - The guy puts on a hell of a match and can work the mic as good as anyone.

Kane - Loyal performer that basically does whatever they need him to do. Would be so much better if they put the mask back on though...

Rey Mysterio - The kids love him and he tries to put on a show for them ever time he goes out.

Undertaker - What really needs to be said here?

HHH - See Undertaker

John Morrison - Give this guy a push!
When you think of one of the best and hardest workers who deserve better, Christian definately comes to mind. The guy has personality, hence the name Captain Charisma, sure, he has more personality when he's a heel but he gets people behind him when he's a babyface too. Also his wrestling is top notch, maybe even a more skilled wrestler than Edge (well I think so). Hopefully this move to Smackdown will get him a huge push he rightfully deserves.

Big Show
The Majority of the big guys in WWE are usually talentless.. not Big Show.
I agree on the fact that he's way better as a face then a heel, when he's heel he's dull, boring and is just "another mean giant" that's already been done way too much. Face Big Show has personality and it's way easier for Show to get people behind him than getting people to hate him. Plus Show is quite talented for a big guy, he's strong and quite agile so why not give him the strap now that he has the opportunity?

Dolph Ziggler
I like this guy the most out of the new guys.
He has a very old school look and personality to him.. he's also got the skills to pull off a good match, his matches with the likes of Mysterio & Morrison have been enjoyable to watch, hopefully that Smackdown's low on main eventers now that they'll give Ziggler a chance. Plus, he took out Hornswoggle, what's not to love?

Ted DiBiase Jr.
This guy is pretty bland on the mic, but a good wrestler none the less. He can get good heat, but he still isn't in his zone yet.. I hear they're bringing in other 2nd and 3rd generation wrestlers to join him to make a faction, like Mr. Perfect's son Joe Hennig.. I'd be interested. But yeah, I think they should give Ted Jr. a World Title Reign sometime in the future... to make up for never giving Ted Sr. a title run.
Cena. WWE sees a lot in him. Hell he's practically selling the PG system by himself. If he's not one of the best stars (love him or hate him) then I have no clue why youngsters tune in to wrestling now.

Other "best" wrestlers today:

Matt Hardy: Completely agree. Has been faithful since Day One, but little WWE shows for it. He has talent and can get a crowd going (remember his Smackdown return after that infamous "Love Triangle" between him, Lita, and Edge? He got a freakin standing ovation coming back to the Blue Show.). Mic skills are slightly lacking but he makes up for it I think.

Rey Mysterio: 1/2 of the unbeatable "Kid's Merchandise" team. He has been flying around for 15 years or more, has been in ECW, WCW, and WWE, and he has skills on the mic and in the ring.

Chris Jericho: Speaks for himself. Most agree here that he is by far one of their best in what he does. He's technically sound, superb on the stick, and can have you cheer him or boo him in a second. He is the epitome of how an entertainer is suppose to be.

The Undertaker: Has been around since The Golden Years of wrestling. The Golden Years!! He was feuding with Hogan, "Superfly" Snuka, and the like while Austin had long blonde hair and Triple H was most likely still in developmental territory. He has accomplished almost everything you can in the business, with a streak at the biggest event of the year and also has never tapped out. His gimmick is 20 years old, but still badass today.

CM Punk: Surpised so many can belt out "Jericho" but only one other person chipped in CM Punk. He is still young, I give him that, but he is entertaining and his gimmick is still strong and not at all stale. He took perhaps the most babyface-like gimmick you can have in Straight-Edge and made it heel. THAT is what I call pure outstanding selling!!
I'm gonna go a little off the radar as clearly the main stars have been named Jericho, HHH, Taker, Edge, Cena etc.

C.M. Punk- Right now his S.E.S. gimmick is the most interesting thing going on in WWE or even TNA and he is getting MASSIVE heat with it. Plus he has been pretty over with the fans on both sides since he arrived in WWE in 2006. He is great in the ring, cuts interesting promos, and the most important part is that it's believable when he beats Taker, HHH, Cena, or any of the top stars.

Kofi Kingston- Kofi whether you like him or not, like Punk, has been over pretty much since he arrived and he always gets a decent pop. His matches aren't the best but they work with his persona and his position on the roster.

Rey Mysterio- Other than Cena he is the most popular with the younger demographic. He has been a solid worker for a long time in WWE. He doesn't cut the best promos but still gets a ton of interest from the younger crowd no matter what he does. Plus he is still one of the most exciting in-ring performers in wrestling, every time he steps through the ropes you don't know how the match is going to turn out, is he gonna get stomped or his he gonna over come.

Santino- Yes Santino. His skits with the celebrity guest hosts are the only thing that makes the guests hosts interesting. His comedy gives a boost to RAW every week and I for one (i'm sure there are many others)look forward to his antics every week. Even when he wrestles he at least makes it interesting by throwing in his comedy routines.

Christian- Christian carried ECW on his back for a good period of time until it ended and made it enjoyable to watch. Right now he isn't being used much but I guarantee he will have a huge impact on Smackdown! and will along with Punk and Mysterio carry Smackdown until Taker comes back.
Foe me its y2j.Why?just because he is the best at what he does.He has done it all.Face or heel he just do it perfectly.He never gets injured.Another one that comes in my mind is christian.
Chris Jericho is definitely the greatest WRESTLER on wwe's roster right now. He is a workhorse and is never really injured. he can get over as a heel or a face and you either absolutely love him, or can't stand the sight of him.

also IMO evan bourne. I say this because he is an amazing athlete and also a huge workhorse for the wwe machine. he gets out there every night and gets beat down every night. he said in an article published by wwe that he doesnt expect anything more and that all he needed was to come out as a masked nobody who gets beat. he's got more than that now hes not masked.

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