Who Are The Greatest Heel Tag Team / Gang In Wrestling

WWF Wrestling Fan

Pre-Show Stalwart
Everyone knows that tag team wrestling is dead in the WWE but who do you think the greatest heel tag team / gang ever was in wrestling. I have a few one is The Four Horsemen the horsemen just loved to kick the hell out of there opponets and they knew how to get under the fans skins by cheating plus there leader was one of my all time favs in wrestling Ric 'WOOOOOOO'' Flair and they had Double A Arn Anderson its to bad his carreer was cut short I think Anderson was and still is the greatest wrestler to never hold the worlds title . ok my second favorite heel tag team or gang has to be Demoliton first it was a tag team then Ax And Smash brought in Crush and had the '' Freebird Rule '' anyone of Demoliton could defend the WWF Tag Team Titles I honestly liked that concept. Again who do you think is the greatest Heel tag team/ gang in wrestling.
The Wild Samoans.

Afa and Sika used to scare the hell out of me. They were bigger and meaner than everyone else (uglier, too), would use any and all tactics to win, and gave the impression they were really hurting their opponents.

Add to that their manager Lou Albano expressing hopeless frustration that even he couldn't control them...... and you had the makings of an all-time heel tag team.

In those days, TV matches consisted of the stars beating the hell out of the jobbers, and the Samoans did that, but they also were dominant when they faced other stars. There was a time I thought they would never lose. Truly scary.
For Greatest Heel Stable / Tag Team I’m going to have to go with:

The Four Horsemen / The Brain Busters
The New World Order / The Outsiders
D-Generation X / The New Age Outlaws

Each of these Teams were “Evil Incarnate”. They did what they want, when they want, and held the Gold to prove it. They were all great at what they do, and that’s being the Champs. Each Tag Team displayed the attitude and Style of their respective Stables and magnified what their Stables were all about.

I would also include The Main Event Mafia / Steiner Heat – Harlem Brothers, but they really only did as good of a job as Evolution / Flair and Batista, great Stable, okay Tag Team.

An Honorable Mention goes to The Hart Foundation / Owen and Bulldog. They would have been on the list, had they lasted longer.

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