Who are the best posters: The Brits, The Canucks, or The Yanks?

Which Country Has The Best Posters?

  • The United States of America (Pwned Osama Bin Laden)

  • O Canada ("We're not your friend, buddy!")

  • The United Kingdom (where are we, middle earth?)

  • Other (this is for those scum bags in places like Austrailia?)

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Pre-Show Stalwart
On average, which country seems to have the best posters?
The Americans?
The Canadians?
Brits/Citizens of the UK?

So America, Canada, and UK - which region seems to have the best posters?
I would of named some of the top posters from their respective regions, but I'm afraid I'm a little out of touch and also, it's a subjective.

So we got two admins from the US.
I think Coco/Wicked Valentine's Menstrual Blood is from Canada.
And then the UK has names like Uncle Sam, Lee, Dave, Naitch, Horace, Gelgarin (J4L). Btw, there is a heavy UK contingent that hangs around the prison, I'm surrounded by the bastards! Heh.

I suppose I bring the average down some for the U.S. But I am from New York so that should balance things out, cause New Yorker's is winners! :)
Gelgarin is British? I'm surprised. He comes off as very American. Not being biased or anything, but Brits are the best. It's the British sense of humour.
The posters I actively pay attention to are pretty evenly divided between the UK and the US, with the UK being funnier (obviously) and the US being better at actually talking about wrestling. An obvious exception is of course made for Tastycles.
The posters I actively pay attention to are pretty evenly divided between the UK and the US, with the UK being funnier (obviously) and the US being better at actually talking about wrestling. An obvious exception is of course made for Tastycles.

Tasty's awesome when it comes to talking about wrasslin'.
Tastycles tends to cross into awesome territory regardless of the subject matter.

^^^ See that? No way do I sound American bitches.
I'm going to buy some fine American ale. Enjoy this clip from the awesome American tv show "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" while I'm gone.

Just like an American, fucking up a yt link.

Btw, Which country would IrishCanadian25 represent?
Bill Lesnar is from other. That secured my vote.

Bill Lesnar's profile says he's from Madison Square Garden.

I should of made "Parts Unknown" as the "Other" option. I see not many votes for Canada, it's understandable with the Stanley Cup going on. Not many votes for Australia(other) either. I assume they're all off trying to find the perfect wave.
Damn! Those tea drinking fucks from the UK are beating us. And Canada is pulling up the rear... as usual :rolleyes:.

Time for a morale booster!

Isn't Bill Lesnar from Australia? I remember him saying something about going to the Australian Open. Maybe he was just visiting for that event. Though that would make him an awfully big tennis fan. But he might have just been visiting Australia while the Open was going on and decided to check it out. Even though I would assume it would be difficult to get tickets to the Open on short notice. Unless when he was planning the trip he noticed the Open was going on and decided he would buy some tickets to it beforehand.

I voted America because we have the better version of Football. Ours has violence and guys on steroids and guys who shoot themselves and others.
I voted America because we have the better version of Football. Ours has violence and guys on steroids and guys who shoot themselves and others.

I voted Canada due to Hockey being more violent, the guys all go get drunk after games, and it's non-stop play.

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