Whis RVD/Sabu thing a big deal?

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Yaszie_123 said:
Randy Orton got suspended for 60 days for having bad behaviour towards... Everything! RVD is caught with drugs and he only gets suspended for 30 days! That is soooo unfair!!! I hate RVD and ECW!!!
The difference is with what RVD/Sabu did there was no victim. Don't get me wrong though, I like Orton. He's young and made a mistake and hopefully he learned his lesson. RVD and Sabu make a mistake too. I don't think there's anything wrong with adults using marijuana but they should have been more careful about it and not put themselves in a situation where they could get busted for it. Hopefully this will all be water under the bridge soon. I like all 3 of those guys and I don't want to see any of them damage their careers over such things.
JayAvarice said:
Justin Credible will never go back to what he used to be because of the comments he made way back when he was Manowar..
Then why did he bother to re-sign with them? He could have signed with TNA or stayed with Society X and gone on to bigger things. Of course, he wouldn't have been able to use the name Justin Credible, but I'm sure something could have been worked out.

I guess it's true. Being a jobber in WWE is often more lucrative than being one of the top draws elsewhere.
Besides, its not like they were doing them when the cops got there, they just had the pot and pain pills. They were probably using a rental car. I think that someone that had the car left the shit in there. Anyway, just because they had it doesnt mean they used it.
Jaycobo said:
Besides, its not like they were doing them when the cops got there, they just had the pot and pain pills. They were probably using a rental car. I think that someone that had the car left the shit in there. Anyway, just because they had it doesnt mean they used it.

The cops checked them out because they could smell it. So most likely they were using them.

As for Sabu getting off light, maybe he was not the one in possession
Jaycobo said:
Besides, its not like they were doing them when the cops got there, they just had the pot and pain pills. They were probably using a rental car. I think that someone that had the car left the shit in there. Anyway, just because they had it doesnt mean they used it.
:lmao: now that's funny :lol:
I didn't know it was in Ohio. Possesion of small ammounts of marijuana is little more then a traffic citation there. The pain pills would carry a stiffer punnishemnt though unless they had a perscription.
As for Sabu getting off easy, I'd say it had something to do with the fact that ECW probably couldn't survive without both RVD and Sabu for 30 days. I also heard that he was working hard to try to pay off some medical bills a while back so he probably doesn't have much $ to spare. They were probably taking that into consideration. Either way I'm glad to see that they're not getting too harsh of a punnishment over this. RVD loosing the belts is pretty tough but he was bound to loose the WWE belt soon anyway and we all know he'll have the ECW belt back again in the not-so distant future.
Like I mentioned on a different post it doesn't make sense to suspend RVD, the loyal guy and fire Sabu, the guy who aint even wanna be there, and even said ECW wouldn't last.

RVD shouldn't get suspended for anything more than 30 days simply because the policy says 1st offense is 30 days. If they are enforcing it, they have to enforce it the right way. There is no other reason why he got suspended, not for the public eye or to look good in the media, not to make a point, simply because the policy says so
Sabu is getting off easier as he was found with "drug paraphenalia" not drugs. Furthermore, its nots such a big deal if one of their wrestlers is busted for drugs. Its a bigger deal if the champ is busted for drugs as that gets more publicity, negative publicity, and that's one thing you don't want the champion bringing to the table and for that reason RVD is going to be held to a higher standard. But still, a thirty day suspension is pretty much a slap on the wriste by all reports he's going to continue to get a big push when he's back.
Well Masters is getting a psuh too, Orton got a slap in the wrist for what he did. The policy is not very strong on 1st offenses.
With all that said, you saw RVD's face, he was clearly upset
Yea, RVD is probably pretty upset as he was at the high point of his career (no pun intended) and because he was speeding he winded up getting busted for drugs which wouldn't have been a big deal at any other point in his career when he wasn't the company's champ.
Advocate said:
1. The news you heard is a lie. RVD and Sabu go to their court hearings Thursday. We do not know if the DA has a case and we do not know what the charges may be.

I expect RVD and Sabu to probably get 30 to 60 days, with maybe rehab.

It is not a lie, it is Ohio State law that any Marijuana found of a quantity under 100 grams consists of only a $100 fine.
Just to clear some of the argument RVD WAS suspended without pay. Sabu was just fined. So baisically RVD got suspended and fined (no pay) and Sabu just got fined.

They did this because Sabu was guilty by association. So he got the fine and RVD got suspension. Plus if they take RVD, Sabu, and Angle all away from ECW you can stick a fork in ECW.
By the way RVD was found with 18 grams. Which I guess is a lot to some of you guys but is shit to people with experience around the drug.
I want to know how all of this got out, and why vince got contacted? I used to live in ohio, and have alot of family there. Like said, all they do is take the drug and fine you. Its a traffic ticket basically.
Yea apparantly the associated press picked up the story because RVD was the champ. Its bad PR so Vince had to act.
I understand there needs to be a no tolerance policy there, but I keep thinking to myself that Van Dam probably did that every night in the old ECW.
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