Whis RVD/Sabu thing a big deal?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I just read they are going to have $100.00 fines because the amount they found was so little.

So really why is that worthy of him being stripped of everything and TV time? WWE is not being consistent with punishment.

JBL kicked the shit out of Blue Meanie and had no punishment. So by WWE's rules $100.00 fine is worth then assault and battery.

Off the top of my head I can name atleast 10 guys who have/had taken steroids and they are still with the WWE.

I think they are being punished because they are ECW guys. Weed in todays world is almost as a common as a cigarette.

With the little amount of marijuana found they should have got a stern talking to from Vince and some extreme "probation". As well as maybe a job or two. Not drop the titles and drop Sabu from TV. But hey, I'm just an ignorant ECW fan.
EC MF'N W said:
I just read they are going to have $100.00 fines because the amount they found was so little.

So really why is that worthy of him being stripped of everything and TV time? WWE is not being consistent with punishment.

JBL kicked the shit out of Blue Meanie and had no punishment. So by WWE's rules $100.00 fine is worth then assault and battery.

Off the top of my head I can name atleast 10 guys who have/had taken steroids and they are still with the WWE.

I think they are being punished because they are ECW guys. Weed in todays world is almost as a common as a cigarette.

With the little amount of marijuana found they should have got a stern talking to from Vince and some extreme "probation". As well as maybe a job or two. Not drop the titles and drop Sabu from TV. But hey, I'm just an ignorant ECW fan.

Well you have a good point but I do not believe that it was enough. Look at what happen Randy Orton he got suspended and he never got in trouble with the boyz in blue. But on the other hand I hoped for RVD to keep at least one title. I agree with you on some of your points but I cant completely agree with your comments.
Orton's situation was more then that. He was a dick in the back especially to the diva's and he started to give off the vibe he thought he was above the rules.

It's not the painkillers! All the guys in the back use pain killers. They go through hell and need something to keep their body going. The only problem Vince would have with painkillers is when people start to depend on them to much. Not just finding them in the back of the car.
1. The news you heard is a lie. RVD and Sabu go to their court hearings Thursday. We do not know if the DA has a case and we do not know what the charges may be.

2. The WWE is probably holding its decision until Thursday.

3. The WWE put in place the drug program because of the deaths of Eddie, Henning, Bossman, Rude, Pillman and many others. For the plan to work the WWE must show zero tolerence.

I expect RVD and Sabu to probably get 30 to 60 days, with maybe rehab.
Advocate the news is not a lie. It was specified on Fox 5 that the small amount of marijuana should warrant no more then a 100$ fine. They never said it was already charged.
I don't think the WWE really cares too much about these charges and are only suspending RVD & Sabu to make themselves look good in the public eye. I mean the WWE obviously knew they used marijuana(it's no secret) and they even made references to it many times on TV. If it was really an issue with them they would have suspended them a long time ago. Hopefully this will all blow over soon and be forgotten about. Remember Randy Orton & Johnny Nitro were both suposed to be in deep crap for their misbehavior and look at them...one's starting a feud with Hulk Hogan and the other's IC champ.
Eh, think they just try to take a hard line against drugs because alot of wrestlers are dead from substance abuse. That and its bad PR for the company if its all over the place that their champ is busted for drugs. Its not a huge deal but RVD got busted and for that indescretion he'll have to suffer a bit. Its too bad, I enjoy RVD.
Yea, all of the ECW stars do drugs im pretty sure. So if RVD did drugs he'd just be following the path.
Perfect_Plex said:
I don't think the WWE really cares too much about these charges and are only suspending RVD & Sabu to make themselves look good in the public eye. I mean the WWE obviously knew they used marijuana(it's no secret) and they even made references to it many times on TV. If it was really an issue with them they would have suspended them a long time ago. Hopefully this will all blow over soon and be forgotten about. Remember Randy Orton & Johnny Nitro were both suposed to be in deep crap for their misbehavior and look at them...one's starting a feud with Hulk Hogan and the other's IC champ.

It is also done to set an example. If the WWE is willing to follow through on a champion, and leader of a brand that it is trying to establish, then it will follow through on everyone.
Should it come as a surprise to anyone that RVD smokes the ganja? He's known for having the laid-back personality of a stoner, yet WWE is taking this "Omigod, you smoked weed! That's akin to murdering somebody!" by stripping him of both titles and suspending him. Come on - it was only marijuana. I could understand if he was in possession of heroin or cocaine, but this penalty is way too harsh. Vinnie Mac is nuts for screwing up two of the best things ECW has right now. I'm convinced he's trying to bury this brand.
Soul Crusher said:
Should it come as a surprise to anyone that RVD smokes the ganja? He's known for having the laid-back personality of a stoner, yet WWE is taking this "Omigod, you smoked weed! That's akin to murdering somebody!" by stripping him of both titles and suspending him. Come on - it was only marijuana. I could understand if he was in possession of heroin or cocaine, but this penalty is way too harsh. Vinnie Mac is nuts for screwing up two of the best things ECW has right now. I'm convinced he's trying to bury this brand.

It is an illegal drug!

He got caught with it. Like the WWE says in its policy, it does not test for weed, but if you get caught or prosecuted you are subject to the policy.

I am tired of this hypocritcal IWC who BLAMES the WWE for the deaths of some many wrestlers, but then gets bashed when it takes action.
RVD is suspended for a month so don't think WWE think it is a big deal. I would have gave him 3-6 months
From what I've read it would seem that the painkillers may well have been actual prescription drugs. Hence Sabu not getting goosed the way RVD did.

Everyone knows why he was suspended but it was never mentioned on air which is kinda cool. They don't need more bad publicity.

All I know is that this has wrecked my WWE Fantasy team. I was relying on Sabu to earn me a million points.

And why they gave the title to Show is beyond me. It should have been Dreamer or Sandman. It pus actual ECW Wrestlers in the WWE Public Eye...
So this isnt a backyard bingo hall anymore, they are getting nice checks to do what they did for nothing for so many years. It has been made clear in the past year you DONT do any drugs, well dont get caught doing any drugs by wwe officials, Masters got popped hes in rehab, now RVD deserves the same, hes no diff than anyone else. He screwed himself so now he can deal with it.
Advocate said:
I am tired of this hypocritcal IWC who BLAMES the WWE for the deaths of some many wrestlers, but then gets bashed when it takes action.
I could see your point if any of those deaths had anything to do with marijuana. The WWE doesn't test for marijuana for a reason...it's harmless and probably 50% of the roster would be gone if they did.
All wrestlers take steroids! Look at Vince, he is a 60 year old man, you really think he is going to have a body like that... DON'T THINK SO MAN!!! I think it is ut of order though. Randy Orton got suspended for 60 days for having bad behaviour towards... Everything! RVD is caught with drugs and he only gets suspended for 30 days! That is soooo unfair!!! I hate RVD and ECW!!!
Yaszie_123 said:
All wrestlers take steroids! Look at Vince, he is a 60 year old man, you really think he is going to have a body like that... DON'T THINK SO MAN!!! I think it is ut of order though. Randy Orton got suspended for 60 days for having bad behaviour towards... Everything! RVD is caught with drugs and he only gets suspended for 30 days! That is soooo unfair!!! I hate RVD and ECW!!!

I agree Yasmine, Im a Randy Orton fan as a matter a fact he is my favorite wrestler and I think that the decision to suspend RVD for 30 days was so unfair but however he did lose both of his titles and paid a fine so it kind of adds up.
dr_rock said:
From what I've read it would seem that the painkillers may well have been actual prescription drugs. Hence Sabu not getting goosed the way RVD did.

Everyone knows why he was suspended but it was never mentioned on air which is kinda cool. They don't need more bad publicity.

All I know is that this has wrecked my WWE Fantasy team. I was relying on Sabu to earn me a million points.

And why they gave the title to Show is beyond me. It should have been Dreamer or Sandman. It pus actual ECW Wrestlers in the WWE Public Eye...

I think Sabu is suspended. The way they did it with Van Dam was a storyline, but with Sabu I expect to hear little.

I think it was for the marijuana, because the prescription drugs may have been prescribed, but we will see tomorrow.

I could see your point if any of those deaths had anything to do with marijuana. The WWE doesn't test for marijuana for a reason...it's harmless and probably 50% of the roster would be gone if they did.

But it is still an illegal drug. He got busted for it and the WWE has to act.

All wrestlers take steroids! Look at Vince, he is a 60 year old man, you really think he is going to have a body like that... DON'T THINK SO MAN!!! I think it is ut of order though. Randy Orton got suspended for 60 days for having bad behaviour towards... Everything! RVD is caught with drugs and he only gets suspended for 30 days! That is soooo unfair!!! I hate RVD and ECW!!!

Orton was getting weekly fines before he got suspended. He finally broke the camels back.

The WWE has suspended two guys already for breaking the drug program.

If Vince has been taking steroids for 40 years he probably would be dead by now.
To be honest with you,he's lucky he still has a job. And for all you people out there talking about it's shouldn't be a big deal,last time I checked marijauna is an illegal drug. You got to set an example.
If WWE looks at this from a business point of view then giving RVD and Sabu a small punishment is the right thing to do. Its no joke they were a huge part of the old ECW and now the corner stones of the new ECW. However, you could switch gears and make Sandman and Dreamer the focus of the promotion which would be nice to see. Justin Credible will never go back to what he used to be because of the comments he made way back when he was Manowar. I don't know whats going on these days with wrestling especially WWE, but the bottom line is that as much crap they are feeding us we'll still probably watch it.
Yeah, we will continue watching it. And if we don't, the rest of the population will. I keep watching ECW in the hopes that it is going to get better. So far, not a whole lot of luck, but its getting there. I am actually excited to see what happens with Big Show. Its the first real storyline of the new ECW and it should prove to be a good one. Not to mention we have test and CM Punk now. Test could really shine in ECW if given the proper chance.

As far as Sabu and RVD go, I noticed last night that they played a Sabu promo. I just read on WWE.com that sabu is only getting fined $1,000. RVD is suspended for 30 days without pay, plus fines. So, at least they are being punished and aren't going away forever.
How is RVD suspended for 30 days but Sabu just gets a $1000 fine. Thought WWE was gonna do it the other way around
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