which young star do you think will make it the biggest before retirement

who will make it biggest

  • morrison

  • miz

  • kenedy

  • bourne

  • santino

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Kennedy is shit.

I don't really see how his wrestling skill is above average either. Sure his mic skills are awesome but id like to be informed why his in-ring skill is anything above average. I also agree that Morrison has not gotten much better since hes gotten into wwe but still hes pretty good, even though his mic skills need some work, he has a good look and decent enough in-ring ability to make it big.
Make it the biggest? Well first off, not Santino. He's one o those extended "flavors of the month." Boogeyman, Eugene, Hornswoggle, they were in the same boat. They all hd somthing awesome going. Not huge, but they were in the spotlight, even for a bit (not as much boogeyman) but Santino is the same. He only gets a reaction for his mic work, not his ring skills. I see nothing hugely memorable from him.

I can't really see Miz or Morrison passing one another anytime soon. Neither guy makes a good heal or face. They're just "cool people". No one hates them, and no one loves them. Cool, but bland, and that won't get them anywheres.

Kennedy... It's been said. The guy has Main Event all over himself, but he keeps having Karma bite him in the ass.

I picked Bourne, but I no longer know why. He's popular now, but for how long? He's still way to new to see anything long term with him. In a year, if he's got the spot he has now, it'll be doing better then half the roster, so props for that. But like Burchill and Burke, he might only be popular for the forseeable future before he's givin up on.

And why such a small list anyways? Theres alot of other guys that could be huge you never named.
Make it the biggest? Well first off, not Santino. He's one o those extended "flavors of the month." Boogeyman, Eugene, Hornswoggle, they were in the same boat. They all hd somthing awesome going. Not huge, but they were in the spotlight, even for a bit (not as much boogeyman) but Santino is the same. He only gets a reaction for his mic work, not his ring skills. I see nothing hugely memorable from him.

I can't really see Miz or Morrison passing one another anytime soon. Neither guy makes a good heal or face. They're just "cool people". No one hates them, and no one loves them. Cool, but bland, and that won't get them anywheres.

Kennedy... It's been said. The guy has Main Event all over himself, but he keeps having Karma bite him in the ass.

I picked Bourne, but I no longer know why. He's popular now, but for how long? He's still way to new to see anything long term with him. In a year, if he's got the spot he has now, it'll be doing better then half the roster, so props for that. But like Burchill and Burke, he might only be popular for the forseeable future before he's givin up on.

And why such a small list anyways? Theres alot of other guys that could be huge you never named.

I agree with you on everything except Morrisson. I think the guy has TONS of potential Vince just need to relize that and actully give him the push he deserves. He can easily be the next Shawn Micheals if pushed like he deserves
i agree like i said yeserday vince is a moreon and doesn't know talent if it hit him in the face. thats why bourn wont get to the top vince likes the veterensand taller superstars. morrison does have the best shot here. he really needs a new change of character though. his current one is getting stale and taking him no where fast. i blame creative for that. putting him on ecw was stupid as all hell. now he wont get reconized as a real talent who can go with guys like hardys, edge, orton and other younger talent. first i say he needs a face turn he has been heel for far to long and it has taken him no where. he should be where jeff is now if not higher. thanks creative you ruined the next hbk.
Great God , i could rip this post to shreds. But i just dont feel like it because it would be too easy. I suggest you learn how to spell moron before you call somebody one.
Great God , i could rip this post to shreds. But i just dont feel like it because it would be too easy. I suggest you learn how to spell moron before you call somebody one.

Haha that is a good point. So to sum it up it is really between Morrisson and Bourne. Almost everyone agrees that Keneddy would be pretty damn big if he was not so freakin injury prone, and everyone pretty much agrees that Santino and Miz will be mid carders at best
for the last time santino has no future in wwe. there are people in ecw who just got there who are better then that sick santino unibrowed freak. hey how about santino jobs to kane its a freak vs a freak show. ha ha ha!!!

the joker says to go back to your club where you belong.

HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!
for the last time santino has no future in wwe. there are people in ecw who just got there who are better then that sick santino unibrowed freak. hey how about santino jobs to kane its a freak vs a freak show. ha ha ha!!!

the joker says to go back to your club where you belong.

HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

Santino already has had success. Two time IC champion is pretty impressive for a unibrowed freak. And of course he jobbed to Kane with this new gimmick they aren't gonna have him look like a pussy and have a decent drawn out match with anyone. So before you make fun of the "unibrowed freak who jobs to Kane" maybe you should think a little bit about why he jobbed and how successful he actually is.
his success is a fluke there is no one decent enough to challenge him now. santino is good on the mic that is all. he will never be a permanent midcarder or main eventer. so why do they put him up against nobodys. to make him look good dont make me laugh.
but will anyway HA HA HA HA HA!!!
his success is a fluke there is no one decent enough to challenge him now. santino is good on the mic that is all. he will never be a permanent midcarder or main eventer. so why do they put him up against nobodys. to make him look good dont make me laugh.
but will anyway HA HA HA HA HA!!!

So Kofi Kingston is a no body and not decent enough to challenge him? and im sure if i really felt like thinking i could think of many more people who are a decent challenge to him. Plus if he sucked so bad why is he a 2 time champion? wouldn't they stop it after the first run seeing as he sucks? He is entertaining and that is half the battle in WWE. I agree he wont be main event status but to say he is only IC champ cause there is no good challenge to him is just stupid.
kingston only challenged him once come on and walked away like he was never champ in the first place. who else that has actually cared enough to pursue it?
kingston only challenged him once come on and walked away like he was never champ in the first place. who else that has actually cared enough to pursue it?

Last time i checked they had a drawn out feud before Santino won it. All the other contenders are wrapped up in other feuds and until the feuds are over we will have a mid-card division consisting of Kofi and Santino.
yeah except kofi is a new tag partner of punk. that really made since. the new stabe of punk, mysterio, bourne, kofi ruin that.
yeah except kofi is a new tag partner of punk. that really made since. the new stabe of punk, mysterio, bourne, kofi ruin that.

Dude you really need to learn to spell, and u actually think that they will push a Punk-Kofi tag-team? I almost guarantee that it was a few time thing. Also that stable cant even be considered a stable considering they will not be cutting promos together or anything. It was all basically a thing that put a few people together to face their rivals. It won't result in a stable or anything, and like I said learn to spell.
i need to learn to spell. who the hell are you. besides i can tell you this punk wont be getting another world tittle match soon. so he will be caught up with orton for a while. kingston should never have gotten involved if their not going to push a face stable. this makes the whole storyline stupid.
i need to learn to spell. who the hell are you. besides i can tell you this punk wont be getting another world tittle match soon. so he will be caught up with orton for a while. kingston should never have gotten involved if their not going to push a face stable. this makes the whole storyline stupid.

Who the hell am I? I'm the guy who is pissed that I have to read everyone of your posts 10 times just to understand it. Who the hell are you? Now it looks like I don't have to argue with you anymore which is good because it's annoying arguing with someone who spells worse then my little sister. And as for this post punk will not win the title again for a long time. Even Vince is not stupid enough to give someone a title run just to catch him up with someone else. That's just stupid.
title says it all out of these 5 who do u think will make it the biggest?

so i want to know what u guys think.

You seem like a decent prisoner who wants do discuss so i'll state my opinion.

personally id vote for morrison. he is amazing in the ring and has above average mic skills. he also has the gimmick he needs to be a top contender in a couple months. the problem is i dont see vince pushing him to hard which is a shame if he doesnt because i think itd be one of the biggest mistakes in a long ass time.

The reason why ''vince isnt pushing him'' is because they dont know what do to with Morrison yet. Vince and Morrison created a character that was suposed to be a heel, but ever since he teamed up with the Miz, his character has turned into a face, tweener. But you're right if given the right push at the right time Morrison will become one to remember.

i also would have to give mention to evan bourne. even though he has only been in wwe for a month or w/e he has already shown me that he has the ring work to actully make it big in the wwe. he has impressed me so much with his in ring skill and his finisher amazes me every time. the height he gets is fucking amazing.

Evan Bourne is an example to the people who say that you cant get anywhere without mic skills. When was the last time we heard Bourne? this man has captured the eyes of many with only his in-ring ability, which is excelent. And since the WWE is giving him a good push, i'm expecting great things from him.

kennedy is good but he just seems way to injury prone to ever make it big.

He isnt that much injury prone, he just fucked it up for himself with the lack of inovation and steroids. Mr kennedy is probably going to end up being released. Back in 2007 the IWC expected many great things from him, but it seems like we wont be seeing kennedy in action sooner or later.

santino i just cant see him making it bigger then ic title

Jobbers can't make it bigger. After this comedy act is over expect Marella to either have a new gimmick or be fired.

the miz i just cant see making it big either prolly just fade away after he and morrison lose the tag titles

The Miz is underrated and can do a lot more than the avarage fan thinks. The problem with the Miz is that the fans always classify him as ''number 2''' which is wrong. The Miz worked hard for himself and dont forget that he can create more heat than Morrison. I expect great things from the Miz this year, possible an ECW championship reign. But dont count the Miz out just watch ECW every week and you'll know what i'm talking about.

even though i see him making it semi-big id have to say morrison will make it the biggest.

I expect Bourne to make it the biggest if he doesnt fuck up and use some kind of substance. But as time has told us anything can happen in the business. Next thing you know Morrison dies, or Kennedy is fired.
You seem like a decent prisoner who wants do discuss so i'll state my opinion.

The reason why ''vince isnt pushing him'' is because they dont know what do to with Morrison yet. Vince and Morrison created a character that was suposed to be a heel, but ever since he teamed up with the Miz, his character has turned into a face, tweener. But you're right if given the right push at the right time Morrison will become one to remember.

Evan Bourne is an example to the people who say that you cant get anywhere without mic skills. When was the last time we heard Bourne? this man has captured the eyes of many with only his in-ring ability, which is excelent. And since the WWE is giving him a good push, i'm expecting great things from him.

He isnt that much injury prone, he just fucked it up for himself with the lack of inovation and steroids. Mr kennedy is probably going to end up being released. Back in 2007 the IWC expected many great things from him, but it seems like we wont be seeing kennedy in action sooner or later.

Jobbers can't make it bigger. After this comedy act is over expect Marella to either have a new gimmick or be fired.

The Miz is underrated and can do a lot more than the avarage fan thinks. The problem with the Miz is that the fans always classify him as ''number 2''' which is wrong. The Miz worked hard for himself and dont forget that he can create more heat than Morrison. I expect great things from the Miz this year, possible an ECW championship reign. But dont count the Miz out just watch ECW every week and you'll know what i'm talking about.

I expect Bourne to make it the biggest if he doesnt fuck up and use some kind of substance. But as time has told us anything can happen in the business. Next thing you know Morrison dies, or Kennedy is fired.

Your opinion on Morrisson

Well I think there is multiple things they could do with him. They could give him the ECW title and have a great feud between him and Matt. Also they could put him on Smackdown and be a contender for the U.S. title or Raw for the IC title. I think that would be much more beneficial then a tag team with the Miz on ECW

Your opinion on Evan Bourne

You do know people have made it big without mic skills right? Look at Jeff Hardy he does not have good mic skills at all, yet he is the most over person in wwe, which is the biggest thing that matters is being over. If you want an example of a world champ look at Batista. He has no mic skills either but hes still very successful.

You were pretty much right on the rest.
I'd disagree with people making it big with no mic skills my friend. Batista, Rey and HArdy got over because they were faces and took out unpopular heels, or they were underdog faces who jumped off things.

Look at Hogan, Rock, Austin, Savage... all the legends were able to cut a good promo. Exceptions to the rule are few and far between - Undertaker would be the only main one.
I'll go with the poll and vote for Morrison. He isnt that great and he could do a hell of a lot better, but he has that kind of magic that makes you want to be a fan and support him. Morrison is going to become a main eventer and maybe the Miz will join him. But Morrison as he is now isnt good enough.

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