which young star do you think will make it the biggest before retirement

who will make it biggest

  • morrison

  • miz

  • kenedy

  • bourne

  • santino

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
title says it all out of these 5 who do u think will make it the biggest?

personally id vote for morrison. he is amazing in the ring and has above average mic skills. he also has the gimmick he needs to be a top contender in a couple months. the problem is i dont see vince pushing him to hard which is a shame if he doesnt because i think itd be one of the biggest mistakes in a long ass time.

i also would have to give mention to evan bourne. even though he has only been in wwe for a month or w/e he has already shown me that he has the ring work to actully make it big in the wwe. he has impressed me so much with his in ring skill and his finisher amazes me every time. the height he gets is fucking amazing.

kennedy is good but he just seems way to injury prone to ever make it big.

santino i just cant see him making it bigger then ic title

the miz i just cant see making it big either prolly just fade away after he and morrison lose the tag titles

even though i see him making it semi-big id have to say morrison will make it the biggest.

so i want to know what u guys think.
well for me i will g with morrison to. this guy ring skills are incredable. are what about his mic skills who rank up there with the best stars. vince would really screw this one up as this guy can be the next shawn michales easily. he is a copycat. he says he has the looks like hbk did as a heel. you then build up morrison and mke hiim face like hbk. morrison could even be one of the best talents to ome in o young. please give this guy a world tittle soon.

bourne amazes me your right. wwe is doing a great job of bringing him along sowly and not rushing it lke punk and kingston. bourne will be a great solid upper mid carder. maybe world champion. vince likes the bigger stars though so i dont see bourne getting what he deserves.

kennnedy would already be champion if not injurey prone so much. his mic skills are one of the best and ring skills are above average. he is holding himself back from being big.

miz has improved jamatically in the ring and on mic. i think morrison helped him there. this guy will be another solid upper mid card. no world champ though i think.
well for me i will g with morrison to. this guy ring skills are incredable. are what about his mic skills who rank up there with the best stars. vince would really screw this one up as this guy can be the next shawn michales easily. he is a copycat. he says he has the looks like hbk did as a heel. you then build up morrison and mke hiim face like hbk. morrison could even be one of the best talents to ome in o young. please give this guy a world tittle soon.

bourne amazes me your right. wwe is doing a great job of bringing him along sowly and not rushing it lke punk and kingston. bourne will be a great solid upper mid carder. maybe world champion. vince likes the bigger stars though so i dont see bourne getting what he deserves.

kennnedy would already be champion if not injurey prone so much. his mic skills are one of the best and ring skills are above average. he is holding himself back from being big.

miz has improved jamatically in the ring and on mic. i think morrison helped him there. this guy will be another solid upper mid card. no world champ though i think.

i dont see how kenedy is holding himself back he cannot help that he gets injured its bad luck that us holding him back not himself
ok kennedy has to be able to stay healthy to go anywhere near a world tittle shot. his injury can not be bad luck cnsidering he is not the only one that ever gets injured. he just is not around for a full year to be pushed. when he won money in the bank at wm22 he got injured and gave it to edge. so dont tell me his guy has not had his chances because he has
ok kennedy has to be able to stay healthy to go anywhere near a world tittle shot. his injury can not be bad luck cnsidering he is not the only one that ever gets injured. he just is not around for a full year to be pushed. when he won money in the bank at wm22 he got injured and gave it to edge. so dont tell me his guy has not had his chances because he has

i never said he hasnt had chances if u would read my post better u cant control getting injured when stone cold broke his neck could he have prevented that? no. when cena tore his pec could he have prevented that? no. its a freak accident that happens to some more then others. take triple h for example. both his quad tears were an accident. take candice michelle for example when she broke her colar bone was it her fault? no. then when she returned and broke it again was it her fault? no. its a freak accidnt that u cannot blame on kennedy i never said he didnt have chances i simply said he was injury prone and thats why he hasnt been champion u cant blame him for getting injured because its not his fault
ok agreed im done debating kennedy someone who may not be a part of wwe much longer thanks to vinces moreon moves. first foley and now who is next to go. yes injureys are not there fault and its a shame there gone for so long. injurys happen because vince runs the wreslers on 24/7 time scheduales. no vacations no time off and no off season why dont they have a off season in the fall from september to janurary. they have family lives to vince not just you. this is why injurys happen a money psycho named vincent kennedey mcmahn period.
ok agreed im done debating kennedy someone who may not be a part of wwe much longer thanks to vinces moreon moves. first foley and now who is next to go. yes injureys are not there fault and its a shame there gone for so long. injurys happen because vince runs the wreslers on 24/7 time scheduales. no vacations no time off and no off season why dont they have a off season in the fall from september to janurary. they have family lives to vince not just you. this is why injurys happen a money psycho named vincent kennedey mcmahn period.

while that may be true they choose to do it they know what their getting into. kenedy has been injured many times he knew the risks of being a wrestler and he accepted them even though he knew there was a chance to get hurt
ok why are we still talking abou kennedy i said i was done on that subject. bottom line vince is a jackass. why dont you talk about what this post is about future young stars. how about morrison who ozzes charisma and ring skills. or evan bourne who has wowed the wwe audience with his performances. how about the miz who has greatly improved since starting up here. santino why not great in the ring is funny and good on the mic and made his name known in main picture last week on raw. if he can really wrestle wwe needs to stop fiddle screwing with the guy and let us see him actualy wrestle.
mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! .......... Kennedy!
Bourne in my opinion. Face it, everyone loves people who can jump off things like Hardy, Mysterio and RVD.

No disrespect to Morrison, he's an outstanding athlete, but I find him a little bland. He's got a great look, but there's nothing to really set him apart. He's a good tweener, but I want to see him do something memorable.

Bourne jumping off things make him memorable, so for now Bourne takes it until something memorable happens with the others. Prove me wrong guys
Bourne in my opinion. Face it, everyone loves people who can jump off things like Hardy, Mysterio and RVD.

No disrespect to Morrison, he's an outstanding athlete, but I find him a little bland. He's got a great look, but there's nothing to really set him apart. He's a good tweener, but I want to see him do something memorable.

Bourne jumping off things make him memorable, so for now Bourne takes it until something memorable happens with the others. Prove me wrong guys

I do agree he is pretty amazing, but in all honesty can you see vince pushing the guy? Maybe he will get one title reign like Rvd, and Mysterio, but i highly doubt vince will recognize his full potential and push him like he should.

Now while i agree none of the others have really done anything memorable but give it time. Morrison is a great athlete in his own right and in time i guarantee he will do something. I actually like Bourne more then Morrison but in my opinion i can easily see Vince dropping the ball on him, which is why i picked Morrison to be the biggest star out of them.
i agree like i said yeserday vince is a moreon and doesn't know talent if it hit him in the face. thats why bourn wont get to the top vince likes the veterensand taller superstars. morrison does have the best shot here. he really needs a new change of character though. his current one is getting stale and taking him no where fast. i blame creative for that. putting him on ecw was stupid as all hell. now he wont get reconized as a real talent who can go with guys like hardys, edge, orton and other younger talent. first i say he needs a face turn he has been heel for far to long and it has taken him no where. he should be where jeff is now if not higher. thanks creative you ruined the next hbk.
i agree like i said yeserday vince is a moreon and doesn't know talent if it hit him in the face. thats why bourn wont get to the top vince likes the veterensand taller superstars. morrison does have the best shot here. he really needs a new change of character though. his current one is getting stale and taking him no where fast. i blame creative for that. putting him on ecw was stupid as all hell. now he wont get reconized as a real talent who can go with guys like hardys, edge, orton and other younger talent. first i say he needs a face turn he has been heel for far to long and it has taken him no where. he should be where jeff is now if not higher. thanks creative you ruined the next hbk.

I wouldn't say they ruined him. Maybe misplaced him and gave him a bad gimmick but all that could be changed in a matter of weeks. He is still extremely young and as of right now i think ecw is the best place for him. He could have a great feud with Matt and possibly take the title from him. That could take him to the next level, but before that you are right they need to repackage him.

So in short i agree with most of your post with the exception of him being in the same level as Edge and Orton, because hes not even close to their level yet. The other exception is that they ruined the next hbk, because they didn't. They just need to repackage him.
how can you say he is not on their level. this guy should be where they are wwe fumbled the football on this one. he should atleast be a upper mid carder and closer to main events then mvp and kennedy. i agree that him beating hardy could reguvnate him. but the guy really needs to go face and add some more moves to his ability with as great a athlete as he is. we need more of those oh my god i cany believe he just did that moments like he use to give us. when him and hardy feuded this was potentally a great future main event feud. so why hold this guy back further and let jeff reach the stars way above morrison.
how can you say he is not on their level. this guy should be where they are wwe fumbled the football on this one. he should atleast be a upper mid carder and closer to main events then mvp and kennedy. i agree that him beating hardy could reguvnate him. but the guy really needs to go face and add some more moves to his ability with as great a athlete as he is. we need more of those oh my god i cany believe he just did that moments like he use to give us. when him and hardy feuded this was potentally a great future main event feud. so why hold this guy back further and let jeff reach the stars way above morrison.

Ok first off u ask why hole him back and push Jeff. Jeff is AMAZING and in my opinion much better then Morrison. Morrison is still young and has time. Don't forget hes been IC champion before, multiple times if my memory serves me. Also when he becomes ECW champion again it most likely will shoot him up to main event status and be moved to smackdown. The problem is that his gimmick does not suit a main event player. He needs a new gimmick. It is good on ECW which is where he belongs now. Give him till wrestlemania and if he isnt at least ECW champion by then, go complain. Until then just remember he is still incredibly young and has a long time ahead of him, and that he isnt ready to be a main event player on a main show yet. Like i said give him a few months or so then if he hasnt been pushed on ECW complain about that
I've seen none of this potential. He's the same now as he was in 2005. He's not improved one bit. The Miz is getting better, Morrison is staying the same.
He is. But The Miz is getting better each week. Morrison is the same, so at some point The Miz will pass him if he continues to get better.
Look, Kennedy probably has the most all around talent out of these 5 guys. No disrespect to them or anyone posting. He is above average in the ring, he has a good gimmick, and his mic work is top notch. I agree that Kennedy doesn't choose to get hurt but he does get hurt a lot. Shit luck or unsafe work? I don't know and I'm not gonna judge but it's a shame either way. He has not gotten the push he deserves yet and I can't say if he ever will but he could be a main-eventer!
John Morrison certainly has incredible in ring talent and he could easily be molded into an early HBK or Rick Rude type of character but for some reason he has not gotten the push either. Hopefully they don't drop the ball with a guy who could potentially be a huge draw. Side note: His mic work is dull as shit!
Bourne is a great talent also but we know vince loves the big guys so don't expect him to get past mid card status. Too bad that skill doesn't dictate success in the WWE!
San-a-tino Marella does the most entertaining mic work and promos in the WWE right now! He is comedic genius as far as wrestling goes. If he did some work on his wrestling skills he too could do big things but for now I will enjoy the show he puts on each week!
Finally...The Miz has improved by leaps and bounds and he could be a solid mid card guy for yrs to come.

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