Which WWE Titantron set you like the most ?


The Cerebral Assasin
Which WWE Titantron set you like the most ?

WWF Raw is War Titiantron Set used from March 10, 1997- March 25, 2002.

The TNN/Spike TV Version of The Raw Modern Titantron set used from April 1, 2002 until September 26, 2005

The USA Network Version of the Raw modern titantron set that was used from October 3, 2005–January 14, 2008

The Raw version of universal WWE entrance set introduced on January 21, 2008-Present
I've always been a huge fan of the look of the first one, the Attitude era TitanTron. I never cared much for the Spike TV era Tron... I do like the current HD set, although I dislike that every show has the same set. I get that it's easier to transport, and cheaper since it's only one set, etc. etc. but I miss the days when each show had a distinctive stage set/Tron.
For the actual design of the set I prefer the original Attitude Era set. Just because that was the set they had when I started watching and that set personifies Raw.

I do like the HD set as they can do lots of clever things with the lights.
On TV, I like the original, probably nostalgia talking because I can't think why.

but from being at the show in person, the HD one is just so much better to watch.
The Attitude Era set. No Doubt. It was simple, dark and large. I hate the HD set, specially because of too much lighting. They need to change it by now !
I'd hate to sound like everyone else but I'm gonna go with the original. only from 97 to 98. because of how shitty and ghetto it looked. fit the times, lol
Im going to say the Spike TV one. I really brings back the days that I first began to watch Raw back in mid 2005 and everything else that has happened until they went HD. The HD set looks great, like any set it wore out it's glamour due to us seeing it every monday night in Raw. It may be the flashiest set but it really helps the show in terms of energy, when you see light colors you are more likley too wake up feel energetic than with low lighting. I do not know much about the AE one so no comment at the moment,
Either the HD or original but only because the parallelogram bugs the shit out of me. I could deal with the Ovaltron from SmackDown!, and I know I'm not missing anything significant in the corners that are cut off, but a parallelogram is just such a weird shape for a screen.
I liked them all, but my favorite is the current set. The old sets always reminded you of what you were watching. This new set seems to focus solely on the Superstar(s) making an entrance. It gives it a more personalized feel to it.
this has got to be the lamest ever but for purposes of this thread (and not being a complete doucher) I would say the spike tv, however I do like see PPV to see what they will change, I really liked the MINB set this year....
I really used to like the spike tv/tnn titan tron but gotta give it to WWE they can do some pretty awesome things on the HD set :)
Either the Attitude set or the current set. I might say the first one though because seeing the current one every Monday night can get boring as another poster said.

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