Which WWE superstar would you want to train you?

I'd love for Edge to train me. I always loved his in ring work, his talking and to me is one of the best ever. He gets lost among the other greats, but to me is right up there.
Personally, I would love to be tutored by CM Punk or Dolph Ziggler. Both would be good to learn from for heel work. They both portray great heels and could help get someone over as a heel. And their general style, in-ring and otherwise, appeals to me.
Aside from being too old to think about doing it for real, I would pick Arn Anderson. Here are just a few reasons why:

Similar size and build to myself.
Knew how to set the proper pace in the ring with opponents that had different styles.
He knew how to work the crowd, whether it was with the mic or just his actions and expresions.
His move set was a good combination of power and technical. To pull off his power moves, you didn't need to be a huge muscle bound guy to do them.
This is tough but I will keep it pretty short:

If it was any past wrestler(Dead or Alive): Chris Benoit

Current wrestler: Daniel Bryan or CM Punk

I'm happy with both of them because I love leg work in wrestling, like good kicks that the wrestlers make look and sound so real and these two along with Tyson Kidd probably are the best i've seen.
Today marks a special occasion, the first decent thread Mack_Swagger has made in at least a year. For this I promise to not red rep you as I usually do when you post crap, but I doubt this will become a regular incident so be on the look out once you make another shit thread.

If I had to pick any wrestler on the WWE roster to train me, hands down William Regal. Regal is one of the best catch-as-can wrestlers in the world, he helped train Daniel Bryan, CM Punk into WWE's style of performing, Chris Hero, Samoa Joe among others, is a distinguished veteran, well respected among the pro-wrestling community so not only would he backing be a huge compliment but It'd be very hard for bookers not to take you on, so overall William Regal is the best choice.

First off. Ain't that about a bitch!? WTF do you mean that this is "the first decent thread Mack_Swagger has made in at least a year"? Who are you the WZ pope? Stop trying to put the Mack on blast DS! I got top knotch threads for years! I'm like the KRS-One of WZ threads while your the Metta World Peace of it.

Second. William Regal is a good choice! But you forget that the WWE re-hired Fit Finlay backstage, who is equal to the pro-wrestling community as a William Regal. But Steven/William Regal is in the top 5. And all those other guys that you named have made their names in ROH. But since all three of those guys are now in the E (Chris Hero is in development in Florida) I see why you would name those guys.

Think smarter, not harder Dragon Saga. Go smarter in the paint!
Id have to go with HBK. Hes always been the best all around performer, in terms of matches, mic skills, charisma, and being able to work a crowd, and tell a story. If I was going to wrestle, i would want to be the total package, and who better to teach me how to do that than the Heartbreak Kid.
Hard to say either Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. They were both trained around the world and they both are former ROH wrestling school head instructors. Hmmm either way a wealth of knowledge from whomever the coin flips on!
I HAVE to go with my personal favourite Mr.Y2J Chris Jericho himself.

Like some of you have said, not only has he been trained by the best...but he IS one of the best. Technicality, mic skills, working a crowd, the man has everything, he's a wealth of knowledge and you'd be learning from one of the best.
I mean he's won pretty much every belt there is, he's rarely if ever gotten injured, and he puts on some great matches consistently. Why NOT be trained by Jericho?
I'm really unhealthy in my opinion. I work an active job for excersise, but i smoke, drink to much and eat way to much junk food. Im not overweight but have a bit of a beer belly.

I would love for Triple H , Steve Austin , or The Rock to get me in shape, skold me for my bad habits and teach me a few things about being a Wrestler.

Hmm actually Steve Austin would probably tell me to drink even more :)
Hands down, I'd want to be trained by Dean Malenko. A very distant, but still significant second would be Ricky Steamboat. On the mic, that's another story, but in the ring The Man of a Thousand Holds, no question.
Good question & topic.

Ok, I could name off any of the names already mentioned, because they're all good choices. There are a few others that haven't been mentioned who could do a good job at training, too. It depends on what you want and what you're willing to put into it.

Like I said, the names mentioned are all good choices. However, none of them fit my body type or natural abilities. In all honesty, there's only one guy who I'd want to be trained by. And that man is none other than:

Mick Foley.

Except for going bald, I look a lot like him. And like him, you wouldn't much wanna see me without a shirt. I'm not one of the strongest guys around, so his style would work well for me. I've never lost an ear, but I've got my share of scars! He's excellent on the mic, knows how to tell a story in the ring, can take a bump. Plus, he's a nice guy.

Only problem is, when Mick came into the Big E, it was a different era. I don't think an up-and-comer with this build would get signed with them now. Is it possible? Sure. Likely? Ha! But, hey, it's a nice thought!
I see a lot of people jumping to a conclusion. Some people list off wrestlers that they like. The only problem is that everyone can't train. Some people can be trained and develop their craft but they may not have the gift of bringing someone else step by step behind them. Also people focus too much on the gimmick of a character. Just because you're trained by the Rock doesn't mean you'll come out looking anything like him. You wont have his moveset or mannerisms. Whoever you would chose look at their basics. How do they take a front bump? A back bump? How do they throw a punch? How do they post (hoist themselves up to help someone else suplex or slam them)? This is what you would take away from your trainer.

Assuming he knew how to train I would choose Val Venis. Not the towel, not the hip swivel, not the money shot. If you have ever seen him work (especially as a babyface) there aren't many people who are cleaner with execution and who sell so very nicely. He is not with the WWE currently but he was at his finest during untelevised house shows. At house shows every move is exaggerated because there are no camera and the folks in the nose bleeds have to know what is going on. When that guy would sell a body slam or a back breaker you literally thought he was dying. You felt his pain. Val is who i would chose.
Isn't it obvious?
Triple H :)
Then you are on the inside right off the bat and get taught by a master of working the system, not to mention you'd probably meet Stephanie :)

Failing that, HBK would have to be high on the list given his track record of being one of greatest of all time.

I'm a fat slob though so probably Mick Foley, least i'd be good at promo's then :)
I would have to go with Y2J. One of the last guys that has wrestled all over the world and in many different promotions here to. Just the knowledge he could give to you would make it worth it. Would be a great promo coach as well as in ring. He was trained by the best, and I think he would be one of the top guys to be trained by.
Due to being a small guy, I'd probably have to say currently Daniel Bryan or CM Punk, going back a bit I'd say HBK. All of them have managed to become top of their game despite having the roadblocks of being small.

Outside shout of Y2J or Ziggler, especially if you want to learn how to sell!
I would have to say As far as being a safe wrestler and a technical wrestler, who better than to learn from the best of both and that would be Bret Hart. He never hurt anybody in the ring and his skills are second to none. But when it comes to mic skills I would have to say The Rock or CM Punk. But I would also love to be trained by Randy Orton just because I would love to move as smooth as he does in the ring and his style is my favorite.
Due to Chris Jericho being my favorite wrestler I would have to say... Y2J. He is so phenomenal on the mic, in the ring, and he has the look of a champion. I do not know about you but who wouldnt want to hit an awesome looking Lionsault.

Undertaker and HBK aswell because they are the best of all time.

Edge is my second fav and he was phenomenal.

My order in who I would want to train me:

I would have to say As far as being a safe wrestler and a technical wrestler, who better than to learn from the best of both and that would be Bret Hart.

I can agree with that. Sure, you might go to Kurt Angle if you wanted to learn just the technical side of wrestling, but training with Bret would give you the complete picture. He does technical, he knows how to entertain, he knows how to work hard and give the impression his real-life work ethic is second to none. He's got the presence that makes people want to watch him.....and I'd bet he could teach it.

Plus, the point about working safe is well taken. One of the reasons people like performing with The Undertaker is that he works his matches so smoothly that no one gets hurt (except him, apparently). If you were trying to make your way up the roster, wouldn't you want to be known as the type of wrestler everyone enjoys working with? It eliminates obstacles.

Bret has shown the ability to transition easily from effective ring wrestling to brawling, from talking ability to showdowns. I'd rather learn from him than anyone.

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