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Which Wrestler Do You Most Associate With Sensational Sherri?

Who Is Most Associated With Sherri?

  • Doug Somers & Buddy Rose

  • Randy Savage

  • Ted Dibiase

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Ric Flair

  • Harlem Heat

  • Other

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The Brain

King Of The Ring
Somebody suggested I do one of these threads on Sensational Sherri. Ask and you shall receive. Sherri was an interesting character. Years before any of us ever heard of Chyna Sherri was mixing it up with the men on the roster. She wasn’t as physically imposing and didn’t compete with them in matches but she wasn’t afraid to get physical and take some bumps. She was certainly more than eye candy and helped each of the men she managed. I left Marty Jannetty and Tatanka off because she accompanied them to the ring a few times just to get to Shawn Michaels rather than because of any alliance to those two.

The first one to come to mind for me is Randy Savage. He was the first one Sherri managed in the WWF and being the legend that he was Savage was always involved in big angles. Savage’s feuds with Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, and The Ultimate Warrior were some of the biggest of that era and Sherri was heavily involved in each of them. The two of them were together for two years and became king and queen of the WWF along the way. Sherri was kind of the anti Elizabeth. Like any great manager she did what she could to make her wrestlers look good and this was most evident with Savage.
I am curious to see how Harlem Heat does because I noticed a lot of people asking about WCW in the Million Dollar Man thread. For me it is HBK. She managed him shortly after his split from Janetty, and was heavily involved in that Shawn pulled her in front of him to take Janetty's shot with the mirror. She also sang his theme song at that time, and can still be heard singing back up in the song today. Also who can forget Kurt Angle bringing her out to sing his version of sexy boy during his feud with Shawn. Honestly, if it had not been for the theme I would have said Savage, but her vocals put it over the top for me.
You know.. this is actually a hard one... for most of the managers you picked I had an instant wrestler pop into my head, even if it was one that caught even myself by surprise. For Sherri, No one popped into my head immediately and I had to look to through the options to see who I really associated her with. Now that's not to say because she didn't have a great program with each of these guys but because Sherri was such a great performer I can think of her independently of anyone she managed. In fact, she sometimes was more dominant in the storyline than her wrestlers. When hard pressed to choose, I went with HBK since I think they had a pretty memorable pairing up, and one in which it helped set up one of the biggest performers of all time, though her moments with Macho and the Heat were great too.
Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Somers. I can still remember the blood bath match against the Midnight Rockers on ESPN in 1986. But Shawn Michaels too seeing he was actually on the opposing side in that match and had Sherri singing in his intro music too in the WWF.
I think of her singing HBK's theme anytime I think of her at all, and that's all I can go with is Shawn.
I voted for HBK because she really helped him get over with his whole 'heart break kid' gimmick. I'm not sure if it's true but I like to think she even recorded the first voice for his theme song before he ended up recording the lyrics after dumping her to the side. Obviously the other choice would be "Macho King" Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. At a time before the KOTR tourneys were on PPV, I feel that Savage was the first one to take that whole King gimmick and run with it and who better than to have at your side a queen. Sherri was a great manager because it showed how useful woman could be not only as eye candy but then she could put on great matches too. She had that intimidating factor where she looked like she could handle her own and was eye candy. Not like most of the divas today who seem to be purely eye candy. Too bad she passed away, when she did, one of the better women wrestlers for sure.
Because of my age, I would say that WrestleMania 7 and Sherri turning on Savage was a highlight. I also remember her being HBK's assistant. I also recall her teaming with the Million Dollar Man in the early 90s to take on the American Dream.
Honestly when I see the name Sensational Sherri it takes a millisecond for Shawn Michaels to pop in my head it took a good 5 to 10 seconds for me to remember she once associated with Randy Savage who would come in second for me. So my vote goes to HBK for that reason alone.
HBK jumped in to my head quickly. I hated her with him. She was so obnoxious, she made Vicki Guerrero look like a debutante. It also made me made because I thought she should be wrestling, not managing or at the very least managing Rick Martel.

What was surprising for me is that Sister Sherri with Harlem Heat jumped in to my head before her association with the Macho King.
I have to go with HBK. As soon as I sow the question his name popped first without a beat. I mean she help make his career and HBK will tell ya if it wasnt for her and her pull he might not of had the same career he did.
With Randy he was alreasy up there, she made a great turn on Randy and storyline. But Randy was a big star all ready.
It has to be Shawn Michaels for me.

He began his push to solo stardom when he hooked up with Sherri, and started to become the "Heartbreak Kid" we all know and love. Michaels was always destined for the top, but after breaking away from Marty Jannetty, he needed a female valet to complete his gimmick, and Sherri was perfect for that role.

She even sang the original version of the "Sexy Boy" entrance theme, and still has her voice as backing vocals on the second version, so she will always be linked with Shawn Michaels for me.
This is a very difficult one to answer for me, because her associations with both the Macho King and Shawn Michaels were long-term, and both were very successful. Arguably, she was more influential in shaping the career of Shawn Michaels, but without her association with the Macho King making her the most hated woman in wrestling, that would not have been possible. That is what I am going with.

Sherri's success being with Shawn Michaels would not have happened without the Macho King build first, and she was more physically involved in storylines as Queen Sherri than she was with HBK, whether it was a rivalry between Savage/Sherri and Hogan/Elizabeth or Rhodes/Sapphire. Sherri simply had more to do with Randy Savage than she did with HBK.
whenever i think of Sherri, i think of the Royal Rumble. she had two classic moments there and was involved in two pretty big deal feuds at this event.

first there was the whole attempt at seducing Warrior to give Savage a title shot if he were to successfully defend against Slaughter. this was followed by attacking Warrior during the match and eventually costing him the title.

the second was her involvement between HBK and Marty Jannetty. this was a great feud for the IC title and Sherri definitely took some bumps with the whole mirror crashing into her face.

this is really a tough one for me to call. on the one hand, you have Sherri singing the lyrics for HBK and still doing the background vocals. so that's pretty big.

then you have the whole Scary Sherri nickname that originated during her time with Savage, plus costing Warrior the belt, having a retirement match between Savage and Warrior at Mania, then turning on Savage after he lost which led to the reunion of Savage to Elizabeth.

for the importance and fall-out of the feud and match at Mania 7, i gotta vote for Savage. honorable mentions of course to HBK.
.... and she was more physically involved in storylines as Queen Sherri than she was with HBK....

For sure, and it led to one of the most unique programs WWE Creative ever came up with, a series of events that showed how divas can be used to truly complement the efforts of male performers. As Queen Sherri, she was everything to Savage that Elizabeth wasn't, and it was demonstrated every week as Sherri fed Macho King's evil ways even as Elizabeth, in exile from the kingdom, stayed true to her innocent and virtuous ways.

Then, at the end of Savage's retirement match with Ultimate Warrior, we were treated to the sight of a variation of Beauty and the Beast, in which Liz was Beauty.....while the Beast was Savage and Sherri. Even today, people don't realize the writing and acting skill it took to put something like that together and make it fly.

In the end, Beauty rescues the Beast from the other Beast, leading to one of the damndest after-match celebrations ever seen.

** Although Honky Tonk Man isn't on the list, he should be considered in association with Sherri for that Peggy Sue impression she did at the beginning and end of his matches. The two of them didn't have much of a partnership past that, but Peggy Sue made it memorable.
This one is easy - Shawn Michaels. It was his big singles breakout and she was the person who guided him through the early stages of it. She was on the ground floor of that rise to superstardom, being the evil woman who held the "boy toy" in her possession. She sang his original theme song, people! You can't have much more direct association in terms of character than that.

VERY close runner up is Randy Savage. Savage was already established at the time, so adding Sherri to his "Macho King" reign didn't have the same effect that it did for HBK. But, it worked very well to solidify his heel character during that time. You hated her, so you hated Macho for hanging out with her. Classic.

After that, it's scraps. Rose & Sommers was a territories thing, and she didn't really do much for Harlem Heat, DiBiase or Flair, IMO.
definitely HBK for me!! Those two together were absolutely perfect together during the early late 90's. Especially Sherri singing HBK theme song and just the whole way they were put together basically made Shawn what he is today. IMO without Sherri HBK wouldn't have had the career that he's had.

Does that make Sherri a great manager absolutely IMO!! When she managed Randy by that time Randy was already a legend!! But shawn Michaels for me definitely is who i associate her with
i was torn between macho man and michaels. i ended up with michaels because they had a longer run and he went on to do more imo. plus that theme song lol. ooohhh shawn oooohhhh. lol. i think she was actually the most successful out of all the managers. she managed a wwf champ, wwf intc champ, wcw tag champs, and two at the time future world champs in michaels and booker.
I had to Say Harlem Heat because well I liked her Sista Sherri character best. She was also a great wrestler in her own right. She held the WWF womens title at least one and was in mixed tag teams as well.
I absolutely have to say Shawn Michaels, though I do like how she made the character evolve with Harlem Heat.

As the world's biggest Shawn Michaels Mark I have to admit that he had not even begun developing the character when he and Sherri hooked up. He could have been the generic pretty-boy heel but she dove full force into selling what they were doing. Her willingness to add to the obnoxiousness and take the falls let him learn and become the top heel in the company and then the top face in the company. He got to the top a lot faster thanks to Sherri.
Hands down would be her time with Savage when he was the Macho King. Sherri just knew how to draw heat for her charges. And I still remember how funny it was whenever the crowd started chanting "Scary Sherri". I think Brutus Beefcake started that moniker, but not quite sure. After her run with Savage, HBK would be a close second.
Somebody suggested I do one of these threads on Sensational Sherri. Ask and you shall receive. Sherri was an interesting character. Years before any of us ever heard of Chyna Sherri was mixing it up with the men on the roster. She wasn’t as physically imposing and didn’t compete with them in matches but she wasn’t afraid to get physical and take some bumps. She was certainly more than eye candy and helped each of the men she managed. I left Marty Jannetty and Tatanka off because she accompanied them to the ring a few times just to get to Shawn Michaels rather than because of any alliance to those two.

The first one to come to mind for me is Randy Savage. He was the first one Sherri managed in the WWF and being the legend that he was Savage was always involved in big angles. Savage’s feuds with Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, and The Ultimate Warrior were some of the biggest of that era and Sherri was heavily involved in each of them. The two of them were together for two years and became king and queen of the WWF along the way. Sherri was kind of the anti Elizabeth. Like any great manager she did what she could to make her wrestlers look good and this was most evident with Savage.

The first name that comes to mind for me is Randy Savage. That's who I choose. I think King Savage and Sensational Sherri had some great moments. That said, I didn't even remember her time in WCW with the Harlem Heat till you mentioned it and a ton of images flooded into my head. She was a great manager. Wish there were more like her today.

Good topic.
For me it had to be Harlem Heat. They were one of my favorite tag teams in WCW. I also was going to go with Shawn Michaels as she played a large part for his heel turn and Heartbreak Kid gimmick.
I had to go with HBK...For me she was a big part in HBK's singles career. Before her everyone knows he was one half of The Rockers with Marty Jannetty but afterwards i feel like she was a big reason the HBK character took off. Like someone else stated, just the sight of her and you couldn't stand her, much like Vickie today...but thats what makes for a great heel manager...Obviously HBK took off further because of the great talent that he is but would the character have caught on with out Sherri at his side?
It's HBK too,she helped him for to evoluate his gimmick when Michaels breaks the tag team he made with Marty Janetty.
In SD she makes an special appearance with Kurt Angle for to make jealous Michaels,to hear Kurt makes imitation of his theme music was crazy.
Rose and Somers. Growing up in Vegas I got to see the AWA all the time at the Showboat. She did a great job managing them.

I think she was EXTREMELY underrated. Her characters were just awesome and she never took the spotlight away from her guys. RIP Sherri.

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