Which wrestler did you relate to growing up?


Pre-Show Stalwart
There are a ton of personalities in wrestling, and there was an extra excess of them during the 90s with so many options to choose from. Everyone had their favorite wrestlers but there were always the one or two guys that you only liked because you saw a lot of yourself in them.

For me, one of them was Raven. I never understood why until I was much older but Raven's tough but vulnerable character was absolutely perfect to me. So good that I never understood why he wasn't a multi-time world champion in every promotion he entered. He was doing justice to mental disorders long before it was cool but he made it cool with his grunge influenced style and articulate promos.

Oddly enough, for reasons completely unrelated to his ECW run, I also saw a lot in Stevie Richards. I was always the skinny kid that got picked on and Stevie was always the skinny guy that always got the short end of the stick. Despite that he still grew to be one of the most talent guys on the roster and had one of the longest undercard runs in history. He may have gone mostly unnoticed by most WWE fans, but I for one am a major Stevie Richards mark and I think I always will be.

So who did you see yourself in when you were growing up?
This is going to seem a little strange, but I always kind of related to Steve Blackman. I didn't talk a lot, I didn't relate a lot to other people, but when I had something to do, I got out there and I did it, I busted my ass to do it.
Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that I related to Stone Cold Steve Austin as much as I wanted to be him. I was kind of the take no shit from anybody type growing up and got into a lot of scraps and trouble with authority, so seeing Stone Cold go out there every night and do whatever he felt like, really spoke to me. He just seemed so carefree to me and I thought that was awesome.

If there was one guy I really related to though, it would have to be Taz. Being a smaller dude myself, it was awesome to see Taz go out there and intimidate guys half a foot taller than him. Much like Taz, I was an intense, quiet kid who FELT like I could take on anybody, no matter their size. I was so dissapointed when Taz moved to the announce table because I definitely thought he was going to be a World Champion one day... It just never worked out.
For me it was Shawn Michaels. When i was younger i was cocky and brash.
i also thought i was the dogs bollocks when it came to girls....times change, probably could relate more to heath slater these days
I'd have to say 1-2-3 Kid. I watched him in bars before he went to WWE. I always pictured wrestlers to be larger than life, then here comes this guy that's just a little bigger than me. He was normal sized! He was my favorite for a LONG time.

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