Which would you tolerate getting autographs from if you ever met them in person?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Lex Luger or Scott Steiner?

When Luger converted to Born-Again Christian in 2006-07 shortly before his airplane spinal stroke caused him a deal of paralysis for several years and made him lose his super muscled frame and rendered him skinny, he now seems to have a humble mellow attitude. Ironically, Luger got very angry that Sting had to be saved when the latter was doing painkillers and drugs for the remainder of 1996 and all of 1997 and some parts of early 1998 when Sting dabbled in alcohol and painkiller addictions plus a part-time like schedule.

Luger was angry because he lost his best friend in the gym as a party partner to spending the rest of his life as a religious person. Sting even had some affairs, refused to go to rehab at the behest of his wife Sue Borden, caused him a strained marriage and Sting thought he could beat his own personal demons by himself with no help. I think Sting's family intervened and told him to convert to Christianity and go to rehab to complete the process so he'd be clean from steroids, drugs, painkillers, alcohol and adultery affairs.

Since 2006-07, Luger now joined his best friend as a Born-Again Christian. Luger now freely isn't afraid to open up about his past issues with steroids, drugs, his rocky relationship/marriage with Miss Elizabeth and his YouTube shoot interviews seem more endearing to people. Plus, for all the heat Luger got from Flair backstage for Luger stealing all of Flair's lucky ladies and Luger getting an Ultimate Warrior-like superman booking push too early, Luger doesn't even have a bad word to say about him being shafted by Flair in 1991, unlike Scott Steiner who is never afraid to speak his own mind for which WWE considers strong opinions.

Scott Steiner was a cheerful energetic youngster who made his name in the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) in 1988-89 teaming up with his older brother Rick Steiner to form The Steiner Brothers. The Steiners initially were managed by Missy Hyatt and Robin Green aka the future Woman and Benoit's eventual wife because Rick although charismatic in his Dog Faced Gremlin character was not quite it on the mic, and Scott was an all-natural healthy dude without the steroids yet. Scott at the time was too green (a polite way of saying too raw on the mic) so he had Rick cover him in promos, while Scott (due to his super wide moveset at the time) covered Rick in matches. Scott looked capable of going 30-60 minute matches like Luger and Sting often did versus Ric Flair and sometimes Arn Anderson or Barry Windham.

An unnoticeable career-changing moment came when Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater (The Hardliners) assaulted Scott Steiner and suffered a torn bicep in 1991. '91 was the first time Steiner got hooked on steroids, and he was only supposed to take them to heal his torn bicep but then again, steroid usage in professional wrestling doesn't matter as steroid usage in baseball. Steroid use in wrestling is like an extra dose of plastic surgery-like oiled-up enhanced cosmetics, while steroid use in legit pro sports is like a performance enhancing drug. That's when Steiner decided that bulking up would help him extend his wrestling career in case he gets a similar injury, and decided to step out of his own brother Rick's shadow because Rick was seen as far more entertaining and had a gimmick character, while Scott was seen as a real wrestler with a legit All-American wrestler background in kayfabe and real-life.

The torn bicep and subsequent use of steroids since 1991 were the foundational events that saw Scott Steiner go from the saner voice of reason (as Rick Steiner was looked at as the crazier one in the 1980s and early-to-mid 1990s) to being a total mean, abrasive and an obnoxiously divisive voice in a professional wrestling federation locker room. But because Steiner was still seen as Rick's Little Brother, he didn't gain super size until his back was hampered from putting too much extra muscle mass on a small/medium body that he had at the time.

I mean it wasn't until the late 1990s that Scott Steiner transitioned to Big Poppa Pump, and people in the circles of dirtsheets started accusing him of steroids because of his weight gain/increased muscle mass. That's coincidentally around the time when Rick Steiner started getting off the steroids by 1998 and went natural and let himself go, that's why Rick Steiner w/out steroids and being a recipient of Scott Norton's botched powerslam during a Nitro episode in late 1997 really ruined him as far as being a power wrestler is concerned. Rick was just sloppy, unsafe and messy in singles competition. And ironically, that's when Rick started to be the saner voice of reason between the Steiners,...
while workrate smarks bemoaned Scott Steiner's character transition in '97-'98 kind of like how Mike Scully drastically altered Homer Simpson from an innocent sensitive sweet soul of an everyman father to an obnoxious, self-aggrandizing jerk who is too selfish to put his own family and friends first instead of himself. '97-'98 was coincidentally the timeframe that Scott Steiner and Homer Simpson's epic changes were happening around the same time.

But after his overall professional wrestling career was over, Scott Steiner himself seemed to mellow as a person (even if he does give his strong opinions about WWE, Vince, Triple H and Stephanie; plus Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, HBK, J.J. Dillon and Bill Watts from time to time), given that he now owns and operates a Shoney's Restaurant. The people who attended Scott Steiner's Shoney's grand opening ceremony were Rick Steiner, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett and Buff Bagwell. It's odd that Lex Luger and Sting didn't turn up at Shoney's, but that's because Luger was now under contract with WWE to basically be a staff employee for the WWE Wellness Policy, and Sting basically didn't go.

Who'da thought that Scott Steiner's real best friends were Lex Luger and Sting, but now his real best friends were NWO chums Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Jeff Jarrett and Buff Bagwell in Steiner's nWo heyday and subsequently his own Big Poppa Pump brand/style career. If Randy Savage was still alive for Steiner's opening ceremony of Shoney's, I betcha MMRS would've been there too.
Don't you mean which OF the two?

I'd definitely meet Lex Luger if I had the chance. He always seemed like a nice guy. Even though he wasn't great in the ring, I'll give Luger credit in that he legitimately worked very hard to try to improve, but could never keep up with the ring generals like Bret Hart. He made it to the top of the pyramid in WCW, but he couldn't cut it in the big leagues and never made it in WWE. I think Luger would have been a pretty good Intercontinental Champion if he had the shot, but he wasn't World Champion material.
I don't like Steiner, never liked him, never will, but I don't hate him. He's just sort of "there" for me. I couldn't care less about him.

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