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Which top stars will leave WWE in 2011


Pre-Show Stalwart
If we take a look back, historically WWE loses at least 1 top performer each year. In some cases we have seen WWE lose up to 4 Main Eventers (2009!)...this year WWE lost 2 huge stars in Batista and HBK.

2010 - Batista, HBK
2009 - Mr Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, JBL
2008 - Mick Foley, Bobby Lashley
2007 - Chris Benoit, Booker T, RVD
2006 - Kurt Angle,
2005 - Eddie Guerrero,
2004 - Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Rikishi
2003 - Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, The Rock
2002 - Steve Austin, Scott Hall

So who do you think will go in 2011? Undertaker? Big Show? Edge? Rey Mysterio? Chris Jericho? Kane? These are all rumoured to be looking to hang up their boots in the near future! Maybe not even a retirement, maybe someone might do something very silly and be forced out?!

(Oh and please, Rikishi did a few main events so you know what I mean)
Perhaps both Big Show and Kane. These two gentlemen have done all they can with the WWE, they've been employed for years, and they are certainly not getting any younger. Both have been world champions and have shown success as both faces and heels. I believe they will get one last secondary title run and retire on a high note.
Undertaker, almost certainly. I put the odds of him wrestling past the next Wrestlemania at 10-15%. Every year he takes more and more time off to heal his nagging injuries, I think he has to be at the point where enough is enough.

I would probably also list HHH among those least likely to get through 2011 as an active wrestler...although, while I think Undertaker will retire and leave wrestling behind entirely, I think HHH will simply cease to be an active wrestler, and move into a new position. Like Taker, his injuries keep adding up, and he isn't getting any younger either.
I can see Jericho retiring in 2011, I hope he doesn't because I'm a big Jericho fan but I can see him retiring. He's done it all in WWE and he has his band outside of WWE so he could retire and start doing bigger things with his band.

Also Edge could because he is getting injured quite alot in the past few years, he also has done it all in WWE aswell so he might be another to leave.

Rey might reture aswell because he is also injury prone and he has pretty much done it all in WWE so maybe him.

I am a huge fan of all these three guys so I hope they don't go for a few more years.

I don't think Show or Kane will retire just yet I think they both have another 2 or 3 years left but who knows. I can see Taker staying until he is 20-0 at Wrestlemania.
I can definitely see why some would think The Undertaker will be out next year. Honestly, however, I do think that the WWE and The Undertaker himself wants to do everything possible to see to it that Taker makes a 20th WrestleMania appearance. I admit that I'm just speculating about that, maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part and on the parts of a lot of others. The Undertaker is a legendary figure and one that's pretty much universally respected in wrestling, so the idea of him making 20 appearances at the biggest ppv of the year and the ppv in which he's become rather synonymous with just has epic written all over it.

It wouldn't surprise me to see Chris Jericho leave next year. Jericho has had a brilliant career, he's almost 40 himself but he's been one of the very lucky few that hasn't had to deal with injuries piling up. It's something that's probably not going to stick with him for very much longer, but I could be wrong about that. Still, Jericho is still extremely healthy and I don't doubt that he'd love to remain that way.

Triple H will probably never leave WWE entirely. He's married to the only daughter of the WWE after all. The WWE is literally part of him now. Triple H, while still great at what he does, has pretty much done it all and it does look as though the injurires and the wear and tear of the road are finally starting to really become an issue. I wouldn't mind seeing him in a different role, one that keeps him mostly out of the ring as a wrestler. There's been a lot of talk about him possibly showing up at SummerSlam tonight, costing Team WWE a win and joining The Nexus. If Triple H were to fill the sort of mentor/manager role of The Nexus and if he were booked to where he didn't overshadow them, it could be a great role for him.
Edge- he said each injury is harder and harder to comeback from inury. The injuries are adding up so he should be close to retiring.

Undertaker- for sure this year. i see him jobbing at WM27 and calling it quits just b/c he lost

those who arent:
Chris Jericho- the guy has never been injured in his entire career. Although hes taking time off at the end of his contract i see him coming back and winning a few more titles and putting a few more people over.
HHH- i dont see him retiring but i see him taking Takers spot as a rare match on SD! and a few PPVs here and there.
I'm not expecting to see any of the biggest names of the WWE retire during 2011. I'm sure there will be lots of lesser guys get "future endeavoured" over the upcoming year, but in terms of the biggest names, my prediction is that they will not lose anyone.

The Undertaker will go to 19-0 in 2011 at WM27, and I fully expect him back to make it 20-0 at WM28 (against John Cena) before retiring after either Summerslam or Survivor Series 2012. I imagine he'll work a very limited schedule in 2011, partly by choice and partly due to nagging injuries, but he won't leave in 2011.

Chris Jericho seems to still be enjoying himself and is not too far removed from his first retirement, I see him sticking around for a while. I see Edge, Kane, Mysterio taking on less prominent roles in 2011, but I don't see any of them retiring either.

If anything, I could see them adding a disgruntled veteran or two from elsewhere throughout the year of 2011. You know, someone less than enthused about TNA's current direction or progress, wanting to have one last run in the big times before packing it in.
I'd like to see Undertaker make it to 20-0 and then retiring but that decision I'm sure is not made up yet. With the way his body is now, I doubt there's a long term plan up through 2 Wrestlemania's from now so only time will tell.

If Edge gets another serious injury, yeah quite possibly he'll be through. He REALLY HAS done everything.

Jericho seems like the most likely though I'd love to see a match with him against Taker at a Wrestlemania, that'd be awesome.

HHH definitely isn't going to retire, I'd guess. The guy is too involved in the company and in love with it. A lighter schedule no doubt but The Game isn't done yet.

Big Show I think has a few years left definitely. He doesn't really have it too hard in the ring. He's not a high flier or a guy that takes a lot of falls, heck most people can't even hit their finisher on him. Just a big punching bag. I don't see him leaving in 2011.

Kane's a possibility but we have been saying Kane is going to retire since 2008 it seems. The Big Red Monster will have a random retirement whether it's with his upcoming feud with Taker or in 2013. Who knows?

I know the thread says "top stars" but I'm not quite sure how much longer some mid-card guys have left such as Christian, Matt Hardy, Mark Henry, Khali, Finlay, and Regal have left. I could DEFINITELY see Matt going to TNA.
The only ones I see leaving the WWE next year is definitely Rey Mysterio and maybe Kane. Rey Mysterio has gotten the chance to hold the world Title one last time, his high flying style has taken a huge toll on his body, and he is aging. Kane has accomplished a lot in his career by eliminating the most men in a single Royal Rumble Match, winning the big one, and headlining a PPV. These guys are the only two top stars I see leaving because they seem ready to retire and have done a lot in their careers.
I see Y2J and Christian leaving at the end of 2010.

Chris Jericho will leave to tour with his band Fozzy and Christian will return to TNA were he will be better utilized against like A.J Styles, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD and The Pope.
Jericho and Undertaker are gonna be done before the end of 2011. Undertaker is a part timer who can still have a hell of a match but he can't do it for much longer. Jericho just seems to have other priorities and he may still make appearances but I think he'll be done as a full timer soon. Also, Christian and Matt Hardy might be done soonish but I dont think they'll go to TNA because...whats the point?
I could DEFINITELY see Matt going to TNA.

Matt Hardy is not going to TNA because why would he. He gets top dollar as a solid mid carder in WWE and would only go to TNA to be in the same spot with less pay, less fans, and have no security that you will have a job working for a company that is not the top company in the business. If Matt were to go to TNA then he is just stupid and I think we have gone over this very subject before. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=124934&highlight=matt+hardy
I do not see Undertaker retiring until he reaches 20-0 at Wrestlemania. This is his legacy. He might work a much lighter schedule until then and have his big finish at WM28..ending his career with a perfect 20-0 record there. He is getting more and more injury prone and it is taking longer for him to recover from them. I will be shocked if he goes on much past WM28.

Kane, as I have read, is currently dealing with knee issues. He is one of the few superstars who has not taken substantial time off to deal with nagging injuries. He seems to just go out there and work through whatever issues he is having. For this reason I don't see him in the ring past 2012. I don't think he will retire next year as I think he can still mentor the younger group of guys coming up but I do believe once he hangs up the boots, he will be like HBK and it will be for good.

Rey Mysterio will definitely be gone within the next 2 years, if not next year. He has been more and more injury prone in the last year or so and I think he rushes his recovery time to get back into the ring. Plus like Taker and Kane, he has pretty much done everything in the WWE, so why continue to put your body through the risk of injury?

I think if Edge substains one more serious injury, he well may call it quits. He has managed to come back from 2 very serious ones, neck surgery and achillies tendon surgery, but he has just not been the same since coming back this last time. I can see him either retiring if he gets injured again or in 2012.

Triple H will never retire. He may just go from in ring performer to working in a GM capacity. He loves this business and being Vince's son-n-law has definitely helped him stay in the spotlight. I give him a couple of more years as a performer and then I see him move into more of a front office role.

Now future endeavored I see: Most of Nexus (really Wade Barrett is the only good one in the group), Drew McIntyre(just is not getting over with the crowd), some mid-carders like Matt Hardy, Christian, Chavo, Bella Twins, Mark Henry....

Just my thoughts on this........
Yeh I think Wade Barret has a future, I kinda like him. Shocked you said Drew McIntyre though. I thought he was doing ok and drawing some decent heat. He needs to fight a top face. The programme with Matty Hardy is/was boring. Matt Hardy is boring. I hope he goes to TNA.
Taker - will go to 2012 WM and call it quits. 20 WM appearances seems to be the cut off point for him. I don't blame him for taking some time off really and McCool may leave with him and maybe setup a family.

Edge - one more injury and he's done. He's done everything he can already and atm his career is stagnating a little. 1-2 more title runs on Smackdown and he'll call it quits possibly in 2011 but I think he'll find a way to stay until 2012 like Taker.

Jericho - he could do this for another 5-8 years considering how fresh he is. I think if he does retire/leave the company he'll be back in due time.

Kane - he's had injuries but he's never had time to fully heal. I think his upcoming feud with Taker will result in him resting up until the Rumble and reigniting his feud with Taker for WM.

Big Show - big guy whose been there and done that. I think he'll stay for another 3-4 years, help to put over some new main event talent, maybe get a farewell title run.

Mysterio - retires after WM 2011.

Triple H - he's too connected with WWE and he'll stay for another 5 years.
Undertaker- for sure this year. i see him jobbing at WM27 and calling it quits just b/c he lost

That is the most unrealistic thing that has been written in this thread so far.

The only thing that will stop Undertaker from going 20-0 is a career ending injury, and when I say "career ending" I mean something like a broken neck. Anything short of that and Undertaker will do what it takes to make that 20th appearance.

There's been a lot of talk about him (Triple H) possibly showing up at SummerSlam tonight, costing Team WWE a win and joining The Nexus.

HHH with Nexus intrigues me from a storyline standpoint, but from a Kayfab standpoint it is totally ludicrous and unrealistic.

As for the big star that is leaving this year? Hornswoggle....
There are quite a few vets who are at the end of their careers.

Taker- As with everything you read a lot of different things online. A few years back Taker mentioned he wanted to make it to 20-0 at WM. I still believe that will happen. He will just wrestle in a limited capacity.

Jericho- He said he feels good and will continue doing all his projects and wrestling until he feels he can't anymore. Who knows how long that will last for.

Kane- Has had knee issues for quite some time. I know he does a political talk radio show and is very into politics. That will most certainly be what he falls back on once his in ring days are over with. A few more years the Glen IMO.

Big Show - Just like Jericho has said he feels good still. I think he will be in the WWE for at least the next 3 or so years.

Mysterio - Pretty clear that Rey is almost done as well. Injuries have built up big time for him over the years. I remember him saying when he was going to retire but I can't remember anymore. Think he said 2011.

HHH- Isn't going anywhere as you all have said. While he obviously will lighten his schedule eventually down the road, he will probably still wrestle here and there. I don't see him officially retiring from the ring for years.

Edge - Read that he's only got a few years left in him. Says he loves South Carolina and has a place or plans to move there with his girlfriend once his ring days are over. Has stated his injuries have built up over the years and wants to be able to retire while he is still healthy.
I agree with everyone who's said Taker makes it to 20-0. The WWE knows it is important and 20-0 is a huge milestone. That will be Taker's sendoff and a pretty epic one, I hope.

As for who I think will retire? For Raw, Goldust and possibly the Great Khali. Both are merely enhancement talent at this point. 'Dust is 41, I think, and Khali was supposed to be taking time off to heal his knees earlier this year, I believe. Neither are in line for a major, push, so I think it's quite conceivable that they could be the ones to leave this next year.

On the Smackdown side of things, if Finlay wants to make an official announcement for retirement, it'll happen before 2012, but otherwise, I could see him just staying backstage and training the younger guys (and Diva's hopefully). If the Kane/Taker feud is going to lead to Kane's retirement, I hope it happens at Wrestlemania. While he's never been the biggest star, I think the Big Red Monster more than deserves it.

However, I really don't see any of the major stars fully retiring. I think HHH may take more time off for movies, and if Edge does indeed get another injury, I agree he's probably out, but I don't think any of them will retire by choice, alone.
Taker will make another two years, two decades of darkness ftw. first id put him against Y2J, have Y2J ego trip after coming close in the rumble, needing to prove to himself hes the best, he wants the deadman at mania, gets it, gets beat, it will do wonders, and in the end can turn Y2J face with a amazade stare at Y2J, then itl probly be cena next, or miz if he keeps rising
Matt Hardy is not going to TNA because why would he. He gets top dollar as a solid mid carder in WWE and would only go to TNA to be in the same spot with less pay, less fans, and have no security that you will have a job working for a company that is not the top company in the business. If Matt were to go to TNA then he is just stupid and I think we have gone over this very subject before. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=124934&highlight=matt+hardy

I never clicked that thread so I wouldn't know if people already discussed it...

I don't think it's totally ludicrous to think that he may want to try and reach the top of a wrestling organization. He clearly isn't going to get a push in the WWE. If his brother who he has a legendary tag-partner in is competing in TNA than I don't see why not. Not to mention the Hardy Boyz biggest rivals (arguably) are also in TNA, The Dudleys. If it was more personal for him then about the money then it would make more sense.

I also think you are getting a little ahead of yourself to think he'd be the same thing in TNA that he is in the WWE. In the WWE he is pretty much nothing now. Just a solid performer to throw in there against mid-card guys and lose. Same goes for Christian. With the occasional meaningless wins.
Um, I think Undertaker will retire 20-0. Not sure though.

Maybe Edge and Christian. Edge said he has about 2 years left in him, but you never know. They're both the same age and they think alike, even though their not brothers, so maybe Christian will go too. They both have done a lot in their careers. (Edge more, but whatever.) Maybe they can retire each other? :p

I don't see Matt Hardy leaving for another couple of years.

Maybe Kane and Big Show, or Jericho. Jericho is still unsure of when he wants to retire, though. But Kane and Big Show have done a lot for this company and I think they're ready to retire in about a year.
Matt Hardy is not going to TNA because why would he. He gets top dollar as a solid mid carder in WWE and would only go to TNA to be in the same spot with less pay, less fans, and have no security that you will have a job working for a company that is not the top company in the business. If Matt were to go to TNA then he is just stupid and I think we have gone over this very subject before. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=124934&highlight=matt+hardy

Typical WWE fanboy bashing on TNA. Matt Hardy WOULD go to TNA because its a lighter schedule, gets to continue working with his brother, and less travel.

I could see both Kane and the Undertaker retiring in 2011. Undertaker doesnt have much left and Kane is already looking at future plans. I wouldnt be surprised if Rey retires as well.
I wouldn't doubt that we will see the end of Taker in the WWE by this time next year. I be the has one last WrestleMania left if that. Kane and Big Show could leave too, but I'm sure they will probably stick around for another year or two. Jericho may take some time off so him leaving WWE wouldn't surprise me. Christian isn't going anywhere fast in WWE, so we could probably see him and even Matt Hardy leave WWE next year too.

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