Which TNA wrestler would fit in best in WWE?

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I would love to see Robert Roode, a future main eventer in my opinion to WWE.

I would also love to see AJ Styles in the WWE to fued with Hardy, Edge, Bourne, Christian...

But last but not least, Alex Shelley. This guy is awesome at cutting a promo as well as a good wrestler. If Vince is bent up on big beefy guys, have the guy work out a little bit harder so he can get some bigger muscles and make him a main eventer!

Just my opinion :)
Besides the ones that already were in there...not many.

TNA guys "wrestle"...their style doesn't fit that of a WWE "entertainer"

I watch wrestling for the sport of it...not the talking.....and that's all the WWE does these days.

If anyone would be successful it's Abyss...because he's huge and Vince gets off on that.

Other than that...no one.
So, besides the former WWE wrestlers (Angle, Steiner, Nash, Dudleyz, etc.) and Sting, who on the TNA roster would fit into the WWE the best, and have the best career as a WWE superstar? I would have to say somebody like Brutus Magnus perhaps. He seems like the person who would have promos for a few weeks saying he's coming and then have a Kozlov like streak, and play the foreign card, and eventually work his way into a main event.

Dude Sting NEVER signed with WWF/E nor appeared on WWE television, EVER. But he has appeared in some WWE DVD's such as The Greatest stars of the '90s and Nature Boy Ric Flair the Difinitive collection, BUT thats only his WCW product.

Back to the topic. Hmm and also I'd go with Sting. EVEN Vince wouldn't kill Sting's career, Sting is TOO well established 13 time world heavy weight champ! And he has been 13 time World champ in the prime days of EVERY promotion he's been in! And Sting could really put the younger guys over and it could have a match with the Undertaker, which is WCW vs. WWE lol, because Sting is the counter of WCW towards Undertaker. He could put on a good feud with Shawn Michaels to decide who really is the ICON of wrestling.
Vince would love to get his hands on Matt Morgan NOW the work has been done for him... but in reality I think that will never happen.

Consequeces Creed would be a great fit for WWE to feud on a mid-card level with guys like MVP and Evan Bourne...

Robert Roode would not main event in WWE, they would saddle him with a Rick Rude son gimmick or something...

I think the one guy WWE will fight tooth and nail for this year is Kurt Angle... as he would come with a massive surge in interest from casual and past fans.
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