Which TNA wrestler would fit in best in WWE?

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Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
So, besides the former WWE wrestlers (Angle, Steiner, Nash, Dudleyz, etc.) and Sting, who on the TNA roster would fit into the WWE the best, and have the best career as a WWE superstar? I would have to say somebody like Brutus Magnus perhaps. He seems like the person who would have promos for a few weeks saying he's coming and then have a Kozlov like streak, and play the foreign card, and eventually work his way into a main event.
I would like to see Chris Daniels come on over, I think he could do a good series of matches with CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and Edge
In my opinion the two best would be Robert Roode or Consequences Crede. TNA is such a different product that a lot of things they do and the wrestlers they recruit don't seem to translate well into WWE. But these two seem like they would be fine either way.​
I would have to go with barack obama jk I think that aj styles would benefit by going to the wwe but if he did he would probably end up in the midcard shuffle clusterf**k
hands down I would have to say aj styles....he has the charisma and talent that would take him to the top...but since we all know how wwe has been makin poor choices as far as pushin someones talent they may leave him at midcard card which would be very dumb to do....the other choices would have to go to samoa joe...he has that grit that would get him over as a face or heel but the mannerisms of the old skool which isn't found to often in new skool wrestlers
Well, if this is who we would LIKE to see in WWE, I would love to see Shelley & Sabin jump ship.

However, if this is someone we THINK WWE would sign and actually use, I would say someone like Brutus Magnus or maybe, maybe Robert Roode although I doubt they would push him properly.

For the record, Im not a fan of TNA and I dont think AJ Styles, Daniels or even Joe would ever make it in WWE. Not to act like a prick, but WWE has an AJ Styles...his name is Evan Bourne. As far as Joe...they just fired him...his name was Umaga. Daniels is such a good worker, but we know WWE would never ever use him cause of his size. Shame too cause if all three invaded together it would be so cool and fresh for wrestling fans.
I would have to say Robert Roode he's a good talent and a future main eventer (for whoever) i think with his money gimmick wwe could probably use JBL to start pushing roode aswell.
Also Matt Morgan he has better mic skills than lesnar is more athletic than lesnar and if he had Paul Heyman as a manager in wwe and Brock Lesnar had a stuttering gimmick wwe would still have a top star.
I think AJ's great but Vince likes em big and if you aint rey mysterio the best u can hope for is mid card status.
How about the guy with the obvious WWE type gimmick. Abyss!!! He clearly was supposed to be TNA's cross breed of Kane and Mankind. He's huge. He has a nice move set for a big guy and already has a compelling character. Of course WWE needs to make everything their own so they would probably repackage him and totally drop the Abyss gimmick.

Morgan, Rude and Magnus would all be good in the WWE as well but I doubt either of them would get any further then a mid-card push. Remember WWE already had Morgan and they blew that. Styles and Daniels are too much "TNA-Style" wrestlers they probably would get lost on the WWE roster which is a shame because pound of pound they are two of the most talented workers in the biz.
I have to Jesse Neal WWE loves those kind of gimmicks well in this case I think it actually happened so wwe would love him and push him to the moon regardless of talent. That match he had with Matt Morgan was good for a semi squash and it wa his first match so i thk he has a bright future in TNA but WWE would love him and his backround.
I just recently started to tune into TNA so i'll admit i'm not the best to voice an opinion. WWE has just got too stale for me to handle. WWE has a history of not putting over characaters they "created", with some exceptions.. Rey Mysterio being a good one. So, i think, no established main eventer in TNA would fit well in WWE. He'd most likely go from main eventer to mid-card at best and stay that way.

Hmm someone, not so established. Eric Young. Pretty good on the mic.. WWE could change his gimmick and make it interesting.
brutus magnus or matt morgan

Brutus Magnus????
are you kidding that guy sucks and the only reason tna has him is because he was in that show gladiater or something and there doing a tour in 2010 in britian. watch when thats said and done hell be gone haha.

Matt Morgan???
He had his chance......twice
and he fffffaaaaiiilled as he would have said in his last gimmick

The one who should already be in wwe right now would be none other than "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash. Nash is THE BEST wrestler that TNA has today(besides kurt angle)
Kevin Nash accomplished so much since he started wrestling in 1990 and hes still able to do alot more. hes only 49.:smashfreakB:
Personally I would have to pick robert roode. I think he is a great talent and he is kind of a throw back also. I believe that he could fit in with the WWE roster no problem I would just hope he would get the proper push but we all know how that goes.
Daffney or Rober Rhoode

Daffney has already has a pretty interesting character, she has the ability to cut a promo, and she has wrestling ability. She could be the only heel diva, besides Beth, who is hella boring, that WWE can give a title and actually have the reign be interesting.

Rhoode has the nutural WWE look, and he has a gimmick similar to JBL. The difference between the two, Rhoode's reign would be a complete fail. Rhoode has mic skills, and has the in ring ability. Rhoode also has the ability to work with a manager or without, with a tag partner or without, and he can get instant heel heat.
I think WWE just found room for a Samoa Joe on their roster, but I'm not sure if I'd put him on SD (at least not right away), simply because people will think that it's probably Umaga's younger brother or something. He might fit on Raw and be THE tag team partner for THE Brian Kendrick. AND they become THE Champions!
I think Samoa Joe could be replacing Umaga for now, and since MR Kennedy is gone, and Mysterio might be, they need some new upper midcards. I would like to see Kurt Angle back, he was pretty awesome in WWE.
The best fitted member of the TNA roster that i personly think the WWE could use would most likely be The Motorcity Machine Guns (if they could get both of them at once) or Robert Rude and maybe James Storm is used right cuz we all kno that the Wildcat was a big failure in WWE haha and who even rembers his gimmick in the WWE thats how bad it was

If the WWE could get there hands on the MCMG it could help out there lack of a tag team divison right now... both members could be used as single wrestlers as well but since vince will only put the big boys in the main event they could only be mid card wresters. But if it so happened that one of them was drafted to ECW they could be pushed into the Main Event status plus who wouldnt want to see Evan bourne vs Alex Shelly or Chis Sabin... But Chris Sabin just seems to fit in better with the WWE roster than his partner Alex Shelly but thats just personal opinion

As Robert Rude goes he could be used as a damn good heel on eather SmackDown or RAW... i just dont see him doin anything good for his wrestling carrer on ECW i mean who could he even hav a decent feud with on that show Christan? haha dought it just b/c he will probly be moved to SmackDown or RAW the nxt draft the WWE has...

And as James Storm goes he would probly work out as a good heel type wrestler but i couldnt see him in the mainevent but deffently an upper mid card wrestler fosho.. if they brought back Chris Harris for any reason ( haha like they would even concider this) they could bring back there stable they had in TNA and use them to help build up there tag team divison again but for sum odd reason i feel like the WWE killed all tag team wrestling on there show

Honestly, Joe would cause a fucking explosion. Have Cena out cutting a promo and send out Joe...damn it Joe is good on the Mic. That would blow the roof off of Raw, even if most of the kids there don't know who he is, the few hundred dorks there would lose their minds. Maybe you don't wanna go that big that quick. So, put him in ECW, him and swagger would put on some good matches and I'm sure he remembers Christian. But, I honestly think If you threw him in this Miz/Cena run around, you would have some great Promos and pretty good matches.

AJ Styles, amazing at everything. Hardy is gonna need someone to fight once he's faded out of the title picture. Unless they do a Punk/Hardy run. I can't really properly explain how fun a Styles/Morrison match would be. That is getting close to my dream match.

Matt Morgan...you guys can go fuck yourselves, he didn't work the last time because of how they used him. He is a charismatic, athletic monster. He is the most usable big guy in the business. Put him against big show or the returning Kane. Or have him beat up little guys, he is a main event big guy....he can actually move and talk, a quality most big guys have been lacking.

Motor City Machine Guns....we could have a tag team rebirth in the WWE. Stop the priceless jobbers, turn them into legit champions. Like I've said over and over, once there are decent champs we can have a tournament..put the guns in it, after a match or two the fans are gonna fucking love them.

Robert Roode, I don't have to explain too much. You can start him wherever you want and he'll move up on his own.

Suicide...drop him from the rafters....first and last time we will see him in the WWE...but still acceptable.

STING.....STING....on more......STING....FUCK, are you ever gonna get him or not?

Brutus Magnus is not impressive to me. Petey Williams, Creed, Daniels, Kong, any of em are better than Brutus...so please stop.
The WWE tends to fall in love with gimics that people just don't get. Sharkboy fits that and he wrestles better than most of the WWE's cruiserweights and his gimic is kid friendly.

Another name that I thought about was Cheerleader Melissa aka Raisha Saeed. The major thing that would hold her back is that she is a good wrestler and niether of the WWE's women's champs are anything but good looking.

In all seriousness, Kaz aka Suicide would have the ability to put on good matches in the WWE.
Robert Roode I think could fit in well in the WWE. He's one of the few guys in TNA that I really like to be honest. He's a great talker, great physical condition and is entertaining to watch in the ring.

Matt Morgan looks like a guy that Vince would want to get. Vince loves big guys, always has and Morgan has the size, strength and look that would make Vince stand up and take notice. The guy really isn't all that bad in the mic either. He's also not some big, clumsy 7 footer that can barely move, unlike Kevin Nash. If given a shot, properly cultivated and pushed, Matt Morgan could potentially be the athletic big man of Vince's dreams.
It's gotta be Rhoode, he's great in-ring, has a solid gimmick, very charismatic and is good on the mic. He's retty much a total package. He also is big enough to fit in with the WWEs roster, unlike a few guys like AJ or Daniels who are great wrestlers but are smaller.
He's also not some big, clumsy 7 footer that can barely move, unlike Kevin Nash.
dude, what are you talking about?
kevin nash isnt at all clumsy or he wouldnt have gotten as far as he got
and nash is way more agile then matt morgan haha that was funny though
Well I would have to say AJ Styles. He could be on ecw and have some fights with evan bourne or christian. Either than him... i would have to say abyss, he and kane could be a great tag team or have a great feud
Oh my god, Robert Roode. Roode has the look of a heel, the mic skills, the in-ring ability and hes young and experienced. He doesn't need a gimmick change, developmental work or any other crap WWE tries to make some old TNA crossovers go through. Straight to TV. I could see him as IC or U.S. Champ within a month and then eventually into the Main Event picture.
as is right now Matt Morgan, He's big and he has talent. It is known Vince likes big guys, I think Matt Morgan has the potential to be the "next big thing" pun intended. With the right push he could either be the top face taking cena's place "and I would love that more then anything" or he could be the top heel taking ortons spot.

I think if things went just a little diffrently vince would ditch cena for matt in a heartbeat.

With work thats a bit harder I think KAZ, but I might be a bit biased there, but a slight tweak and he could easily be wwe ready.
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