Which TNA Wrestler would be WWE Champ?

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Don Killuminati

Which TNA wrestler (that hasn't been in WWE) would most likely be WWE champ if they went over to WWE?

I would have to go Samoa Joe. First because WWE prefers bigger wrestlers so they'd probably really like Joe. They already really like Umaga (God know why) but Samoa Joe is just alot better and they'd be more willing to give him the title. It's obvious they like Joe to that they have Umaga there to kinda fit the same role. He just seems like the guy that WWE would most like. So what do you think?
I would say Samoa Joe also. He's got the size WWE likes, and he's got great agility for a guy his size. Another person would be Abyss. Although TNA is pushing him as a face right now, he is a very good monster heel, and that seems to be the only kind of eel WWE pushes to the main event level.
If I had to put a TNA wrestler as the WWE champ, it would most likely be Samoa Joe. just for his personalbility, character, and potential. But the new up-and-comer I think will do awesome is Banderas, if handled well. The burnt face angle in WSX didnt do it for me, but he was alot bigger than I thought, and would do well in the bigman dominated WWE mindset.
It would not be Samoa Joe. Why? Because he's not a roided up monster for one. Secondly, he's not even in that good shape anyway. He'd probably be stuck in the lower-card as Big Vis' hump toy.

I honestly can't think of anyone else other than the obvious - Christian Cage and Kurt Angle - and I freakin' hate those guys! Well, not hate, but I wish they'd just piss off back to WWE instead of making TNA look as if it can't use its own talent. Christian's actually quite funny.
Id probably say Abyss, WWE loves a monster. Abyss actually has the abilty to work a match though unlike Kane/Snitsky/Khali, so i wouldnt hate it.

To be fair though, if TNA ever did shut down, then vinnie would be really reluctant in hiring the wrestlers and if he did he would bury them for a laugh.
AJ Styles. He could be put under as another underdog champ. He might need to slow down his moves if you know what I mean. And if this title is any title, I think he and Rey Mysterio could put on classics for the Cruiserweight title.

Sting. Well its really obvious why Sting could be champ. He is really over with the fans, pretty good on the mic and can wrestle pretty good.

Joe. All the reasons everyone has said. But I personally fully agree with Mr Sam. But I think WWE would go for Joe.
I'm going with the big guy from LAX. I'm not sure he's been in WWE before, but he's pretty much everything Vince has a hard-on for. He's big, he's buff, and on the plus side he's a decent worker. He'd have the title eventually.

Now, I'd like to say Joe but honestly; WWE wants buff guys, not over-weight guys, no matter how hard they work or how good they are. Maybe the Fans would put Joe into the main event and force the title on him, but I highly highly doubt that.
ID go with Hernandez of LAX he is big and has the moves to really climb up the WWE roster quickly. I would have said Samoa Joe & Aj but the question was wrestlers that havent been in WWE and both them have.

I also think Lance Hoyt could become a world champ in WWE. He is the right build Vince looks for.
It would not be Joe. The only reason they like Umaga is because they pushed him as a monster who destroyed people and really, that was only to create a heel to feed to higher up faces. In my opininion the only reason he got over was because of Estrada in the first place.

Now, if we are going with people who have NOT been in WWE then the only person I could see is Abyss, due to his size. I think Styles could have had a chance if TNA was larger and he came over to fued with Eddie and Rey. These days, WWE probably wouldnt allow a "new" guy like him with his size to win -- unless he was somehow completely over.
I would think possibly Robert Roode. He has the size and definetly has the in ring ability. He would need to work more on his mic skills, but I am sure that with WWE creative - they could do enough scripting for him to get over. It is easy to imagine him being the Curt Henning type heel - like he currently is in TNA, but I think they could turn him face especially if they paired him with one of the face valets like Tori Wilson.
I would think possibly Robert Roode. He has the size and definetly has the in ring ability. He would need to work more on his mic skills, but I am sure that with WWE creative - they could do enough scripting for him to get over. It is easy to imagine him being the Curt Henning type heel - like he currently is in TNA, but I think they could turn him face especially if they paired him with one of the face valets like Tori Wilson.

I was thinking the exact same thing about Roode, TNA doesn't really use him as a main-event guy but he's got that "LOOK" that WWE likes. he's not as bad on the mic as some of WWE's top guys.
There is only one answer, and that is Abyss. The other guys are too undersized to be McMahonified. Abyss has been eyed by the WWE for sometime now, and IMO, it's only a matter of time before Abyss takes the big pay day and applies his craft up north. He wrestles a WWE style match already, plus with the eventual retirement of Kane and the Undertaker, Abyss is just a natural fit. Abyss is going to be the new monster the WWE wants, and he will get a WWE title eventually.
This is a tough question, but I think I might go with Abyss as well. Although I admittedly haven't seen much of him, I've seen how he looks and how he works a match and he seems like he would be a good fit and a good main eventer with a little bit of a make-over.

Either him, or, obviously, if he ever chose to wrestle in WWE, Sting, this guy's a legend and a main eventer anywhere he goes. The only problem I see with sting going to WWE is that it would be a Goldberg-type run. Ruin everyone's shit for 8 months, win the title, drop it back to who ever you won it from and put them over, have a dream match at Wrestlemania and go elsewhere. That's probably why Sting hasn't gone in yet.

As for Styles, WWE had their chance at having him in their line-up and decided he wasn't good enough. He doesn't fit the mold, IMO, and it's questionable whether he could draw in the WWE as a champion.

The same could be said for Joe, I don't think he has the look.

There could be a lot of future WWE champions in TNA though, since, as we've seen so far, it seems to be a breeding ground for some younger talent (Sonny Siaki, Monty Brown to name a couple), and there could be more on their way with time so you never know. But right now I'd have to say Abyss if anyone.
The TNA Star Who Should Be The WWE Champion Is Sting . Bec. He Is The Best Wrestler In TNA. And He Is Better Than Cena. He Crowned As World Champion 6-Times But Cena Only 3-Times. Sting Defeated Hulk Hogan 3-Times For The WCW World Champ , Vader , Lex Luger & DDP. But Cena Defeated JBL & Edge 2-Times For The WWE Champ.
Sting would NEVER be WWE champ, because he bled WCW for so long and then refused to go to WWE when Vince bought the company. He has ALWAYS been the competition. Vince wouldn't put the belt on him.

I'll go with James Storm. He has the size, the look, the mic skills, the ability to polarize fans. He's like JBL with a badass streak. He could play opposite John Cena very well and would match up with him physically. He can also do the hardcore matches perfectly, as he showed with Chris Harris.
i would also have to go with samoa joe,, i mean, there arent to many tna guys that havent already been in wwe for starters, then u have the old washed up guys like sting who wwe probably wouldnt give the time of day. so samoa joe would be the likely future wwe champ, for he has that samoan presence that has succeeded in the wwe previously and also he is a heck of a wrestler.(check out his feud with kurt angle)
I think Abyss would have a title run in WWE if he went. All Joe could do in WWE right now that would be good would be to feud with Umaga.
Chris Harris, has the work ethnic, the build and promo skills. Harris could fued with big guys like Kane to guys like MVP. If not him then Robert Roode for the reason that he has a Mr Perfect look, I think that has been said ^^^
As for Styles, WWE had their chance at having him in their line-up and decided he wasn't good enough. He doesn't fit the mold, IMO, and it's questionable whether he could draw in the WWE as a champion.

Actually, AJ Styles turned down a chance at a WWE Developmental contract. Not because he's one of those egotistical morons that blindly hates WWE, but because his wife was in college and he could make more money working the indies.

To be honest, I couldn't see Abyss in WWE. Maybe as something that Cena would have to overcome, but nothing substantial. He almost definitely would not be built up as big as 'Taker or Kane.

Is it just me or does Robert Roode remind anyone of Triple H? Anyway, it would definitely be him if the WWE weren't going througha phase of having nothing but big guys (and Edge and Cena) in the main event. I also think that A-1, wherever he went, would be shoved into the main event. It would suck, but I can see it happening.
AJ Styles, definately; but, if he actually went to WWE, he would be used poorly. When he got offered a contract before he went to TNA, he was offered only $500 a week. Like, c'mon; he could get more money on the independent promotions!
Sting and Kurt Angle are the only two wrestlers in TNA that could ever hold the WWE title. Vince McMahon wanted Sting when he bought WCW, but Sting wouldn't go because of his "christian" believes. Kurt Angle has been WWE champion so we know he could be and probably would be if he was still there.

No one could argue that Sting could be and probably would have been had he made the jump. So to me I do not see Somoa Joe, or Abyss ever holding the WWE title, but possibly AJ Styles could.
I would say Chris Harris would be a top candidate. He is tall, has a good frame and definitely has that superstar look. I'm not sure how well he could handle the stick in front of a live crowd, but he is one of the guys in TNA that definitely has main-event potential.

And, Joe couldn't main-event in WWE. In the WWE, part of your job is to sell your opponents moves and make them look good, no matter who wins or loses. Joe hasn't made anyone look good in years. Sure, he can go around with "stiff" strikes, but his selling isn't that good, and I've yet to see a match of his where he makes his opponent look good.
The only ones I can see being WWE main-event type guy is Robert Roode and maybe Abyss. Roode has the lookvand decent in ring skills. It all depends on the writers in WWE with haven't been great in a while. Abyss will get an extreme makeover (the mask has to go) the writers will more than likely get bored with the character (see cryme tyme).
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