Which "TCS" Match Has A Future?

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
On Thanksgiving, TNA gave us a tournament named The Championship Series. I'm not asking which of those matches can build a feud from what happened in the ring, I'm asking which match-up could be a potentially big feud down the road. Here's your choices:

Bobby Lashley v. Abyss
Desmond Wolfe v. Suicide
Robert Roode v. Homicide
Kurt Angle v. D'Angelo Dinero

Bobby Lashley v. Desmond Wolfe
Kurt Angle v. Robert Roode

Bobby Lashley v. Robert Roode

With Roode being in a tag team, I don't see any of his matches having a future right now, although a one-on-one with Angle would be great to watch. They both have some of the best promo skills in TNA, and they showed they can work together in the ring.

Of the ones that are possible, I'd go with Desmond Wolfe v. Suicide. Wolfe is the cocky heel with tremendous mat-wrestling ability, and can cut a decent promo if he leaves out the puns. Suicide works a fast paced high flying style, and wouldn't have to do much talking, as long as he put together some wins.
Kurt Angle vs Robert roode. Down the Road, Roode will be a successful singles star, and who better to give him a rub than Angle. He has that face that wants to put over Young guys going on, and when he's done with Wolfe, he's going to put over Roode. Roode's going to be really big, let me tell you that.

Lashley and Wolfe is another one I could see happening. Lashley has a fiery temper, and Wolfe's cuntitude would just set him off. But not for a while.

Other that, I wish we saw Dinero vs Angle, but we won't.
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Other that, I wish we saw Dinero vs Angle, but we won't.

Really? This is probably the one feud I wouldn't want to see. That one match was good, but there's nothing more either could do.

Dinero's recent push has dragged him out of the lower midcard, and placed him firmly in the midcard. Angle would have to go quite a way down for a feud between the two to be legit, because I don't see Dinero getting higher than he is right now. He'd at least have to be an X Division title contender for me to consider that feud worth watching.
Really? This is probably the one feud I wouldn't want to see. That one match was good, but there's nothing more either could do.

Dinero's recent push has dragged him out of the lower midcard, and placed him firmly in the midcard. Angle would have to go quite a way down for a feud between the two to be legit, because I don't see Dinero getting higher than he is right now. He'd at least have to be an X Division title contender for me to consider that feud worth watching.

To be honest, the only reason I would like to see it is because is because I'm a mark for both of them. I love Angle, and I'm starting to dig Dinero. A feud between them would be something I'd like to see, but it won't happen. Maybe in a few years when Angle has dropped and Dinero is rising. Dinero is solidifying himself in the mid card, but will get the least push between Hernandez and Morgan.

But He will get the X division title. He is one of the few that can play a heel, and wrestles a style that doesn't suit the X division, which makes him a good heel which is one of the hardest to do, due to the appeal of high flying. And his style means he can work a great match, plus he's good on the mic. And he can hit the high spots. Then, maybe then, he might enter in a feud with Angle.
To be honest, the only reason I would like to see it is because is because I'm a mark for both of them. I love Angle, and I'm starting to dig Dinero. A feud between them would be something I'd like to see, but it won't happen. Maybe in a few years when Angle has dropped and Dinero is rising. Dinero is solidifying himself in the mid card, but will get the least push between Hernandez and Morgan.

It didn't help him that he was a last second addition to a last second match. I've never been a big fan, and his stuff over the last month is all that's made me find him interesting.

But He will get the X division title. He is one of the few that can play a heel, and wrestles a style that doesn't suit the X division, which makes him a good heel which is one of the hardest to do, due to the appeal of high flying. And his style means he can work a great match, plus he's good on the mic. And he can hit the high spots. Then, maybe then, he might enter in a feud with Angle.

I can see all of this happening. But, even as an X Division champion, he's still knee-deep in the midcard. Angle won't start sliding down the card for a few years yet, and I don't know if Dinero has the staying power to still be there when the possibility arises. He'd get a bigger rub from working with Angle, as opposed to working against him.
It didn't help him that he was a last second addition to a last second match. I've never been a big fan, and his stuff over the last month is all that's made me find him interesting.

Yeah, especially since he was the heel joining the faces. It didn't have any build up, he just appeared, declared him joining, turned, and went home in about 2 minutes. A little more planning would have been better.

I can see all of this happening. But, even as an X Division champion, he's still knee-deep in the midcard. Angle won't start sliding down the card for a few years yet, and I don't know if Dinero has the staying power to still be there when the possibility arises. He'd get a bigger rub from working with Angle, as opposed to working against him.

Good point, I never thought of him working with Angle. But if I had to choose for them to join each other as heels or faces, I much prefer them a heels. The pope gimmick works better as a "Holier than thou" heel. And Angle's always going to be better as a heel.

I do agree that it shouldn't happen, because Dinero isn't ready yet, and mainly because it would mean Angle would have to drop down the card. Angle should stay at the top, and put over men like Wolfe. But, based on the matches I saw on Impact, I'd mark out if they engaged in a feud.
Kurt angle and The pope could be a great feud down the line these for the amount time they got were pretty good in the ring. Also there feud can be over a title or it can be were The Pope says Angle is a fake and he doesn't really care for the younger guys. His only goal is to further his legacy. Something in that nature.
I'm a huge fan of Dinero. I knew the guy had potential when he was in ECW, i always wished 2 see more of him. His mic skills are great if you ask me, so what i'm saying is, Dinero vs. Angle more than any of them is what i want 2 see.

I wish we saw more of Dinero vs. Suicide but 4 some reason it's like they dropped that storyline after Bound for Glory.

Lashley & Abyss seems appealing 2 me as well, and with Lashley's wife faking that injury and what not, i wouldn't be surprised that feud might be around the corner.

But I would rather have it with Abyss playing the monster heel.
One TCS match that didn't happen that could have a future down the line would be Angle vs. Lashley. These two almost have the same style in regards to suplexes and submission holds. Although obviously Angle is superior than Lashley when it comes to everything except brute strength.

Kurt Angle vs. Roode was probably the match of the night, and I can see these two feud down the road. I really want to see Roode break off from Beer Money into a mega heel in the future, like he does so well. I really think these two could have a future. As far as Pope and Angle goes, they didn't have a bad match but their styles didn't mesh well. They are too different to have a classic 5 star match. I think Pope had his best matches so far with Suicide.
A Wolfe and Suicide feud could be good w/ Wolfe unmasking Suicide with the help of Homicide and we finally see the re-birth of The Kaz which will happen at some point. Plus it give The Wolfeman alot of Mosterious sized heat and xtra credibility.
Bobby Lashley v. Abyss

I actually would be sort of interested in this. One of them would have to turn heel, doesn't really matter which, they're both decent heels. They are two big guys who could give us some pretty decent hardcore matches, which is always fun.

Desmond Wolfe v. Suicide

Meh, probably not. Suicide is pretty shit and more or less a failure, he shouldn't be in any major storylines, unless they finally decide to reveal him. BTW, why hasn't Homicide done that yet? What's stopping him?

Robert Roode v. Homicide

Meh, Homicide is quite shit and Roode is pretty bland. Don't see any future for this.

Kurt Angle v. D'Angelo Dinero

It'd be exciting to say the least. Dinero is way over and Angle is obviously one of the best their is. Could be a chance to really eleavate The Pope, if that's what they want to do.

Bobby Lashley v. Desmond Wolfe

Probably #1 on my list. Wolfe is just plain awesome. Very good in the ring and on the mic. He showed he could produce a great feud with Angle his first time out in TNA, I'd expect the same from this one. Lashely is also growing on me slightly. The crowd loves him and he isn't that horrible in the ring. This would be a great feud that I'd enjoy watching for a couple of months.

Kurt Angle v. Robert Roode

Might be decent, but once again, Roode isn't great as a singles guy.

Bobby Lashley v. Robert Roode

See above.
"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero Vs. Kurt Angle

I can't see why everybody is hating on this match? I thought they put on match of the night next to Roode/Angle. Dinero is really over with the crowd(tell me how many other faces TNA has tried to cram down our throats that get his kind of reaction) and you can tell he is super excited every time he goes out there to wrestle. He interacts and feeds off the crowd real well. Everybody says that Dinero is better as a heel and I would have said the same thing before his recent face turn. He definitely exhumes a good type of face charisma which is something to be explored in the future.

I would definitely like to see these two wrestle again down the line once Dinero gets a few more fueds under his belt. I could be wrong/going out on a limb but there is definitely X-Division and Global Gold in this man's future. Here's hoping he keeps getting the push/respect he deserves.

Honorable Mentions-
Kurt Angle Vs. Robert Roode
Damn did they make Roode look like a million bucks in this match! He even had the honor of kicking out of the Angle Slam. That has to account for something. I think more than anything Roode wrestled his ass off against Kurt Angle to show TNA that he is ready to be a singles star just pull the trigger. Unfortunately everybody for the longest time has been preaching that Roode is a future Main Eventer and all that. Well Roode has been a singles wrestle for a long time until his union with James Storm and he hasn't really reached any fair level of success. Does he deserve to be higher than he is? HELL YEAH! But for some reason creative doesn't see that potential in him or he pissed off somebody backstage. But maybe creative threw him a bone by putting him in that tournament to see what he can do. With Beer Money not getting another Tag Title shot anytime soon it may show that TNA is ready to see what they can do as singles wrestlers(at least Roode anyhow). If James Storm can't cut it Chris Harris is still a free agent haha. But damn good match by them two.

The Rest-
Desmond Wolfe is great but I would hate to see him in a fued with Suicide. I'm sorry but he needs to be unmasked cause his character hasn't worked since it's inception and it's about time to let Kaz come back. Suicide used to have some good matches but now it seems like he's just coasting along ready to be unmasked. Doesn't help matters that Kaz is unhappy backstage and you can almost tell he's over the character as much as us fans were over the Impact game when it came out over a year ago.

As far as Lashley goes I'm still a little skeptic about him due to the whole MMA thing and how that can interfere with his TNA job at any time. Homicide I believe deserves more than he's getting. He should have had a decent length title reign but that was stomped out because TNA wanted the Mafia to hold all the belts. I do believe Homicide's X-Title reign was planned for a while and was probably meant to happen with best interests in mind. Unfortunately when he was able to compete again it was wrong place, wrong time due to Mafia being so strong. I say turn Homicide back to face to team with Hernandez a little longer and them send them out after singles gold once more.
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