Which sport has your favorite All-Star festivities?


I have a PHD in Horribleness
With baseballs All-Star weekend just ending, it got me thinking. What sports has your favorite All-Star festivities? With baseball you get the Celebrity Softball Gam and the Home Run Derby, but my pick has to go to the NBA. There is more festivities and each one of them are entertaining in their own right.

You have the Shooting Stars challenge which pairs a current NBA player, a WNBA player, and a team legend to make shots all over the court ending in a half court shot. Here is Team Texas from the 2010 Haier Shooting Stars Challenge.

Then you have the Three Point Shoot-Out where you have some of the best three point shooter in the league have a contest who can hit the most three pointers. Here is the 2010 Three Point Shoot-Out.

There is also the Slam Dunk contest which test your athleticism, originality, and even your personality to an extent. here is the highlights from the 2010 Sprite Slam Dunk Contest.

This next part may be my favorite part of the festivities, the Skills Challenge. This contest shows your agility, speed, quickness, and even your shooting prowess. here is the full 2010 Skills Challenge.

What is your favorite All Star festivities and why?
I completely agree with you on the NBA festivities being the best. The Celebrity All-Star Game is sometimes amusing (MC Hammer hitting a home run was amusing) and the Home Run Derby is the equivalent to the dunk contest in my book. The NBA All-Star game is actually the worst part of the festivities, because it's just a bunch of prima-donnas trying to out-shine each other. Overall, the NBA has the best All-Star Weekend, bar-none.
The NBA All-Star weekend is the best. The Dunk Contest has gone downhill lately but is still somewhat entertaining. The 3 Point Contest is OK, the Celebrity game is fun to watch, and the Skills Challenges are great to see. The game itself is still my favorite part because of all the guys just going out there and having fun. They do some cool things and even this year, Dwight Howard made a three. That's something that you wouldn't get to see in a regular game. These guys are going out there and basically playing street ball, except they still use the same rules.
This the NBA and it's not even close. In fact by default it almost has to be the NBA. The NFL doesn't do anything (save one or two years they had a skills competition), MLB only has the home run derby and the young stars games, and the NHL has a skills competition but it's no where near the level of popularity as the NBA's.

The Slam Dunk contest more times then not trumps the home rub derby and I prefer the rookies vs sophomores game to the MLB's young stars game. The three point contest, skills challenge, and shooting stars added to that are all more then enough to trump what the NHL brings in their skills competition.

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