Which Scrapped Mania Match Would You Most Liked To Have Seen?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Over the years there have been a few matches that were advertised for WrestleMania that ended up getting bumped from the card. Some were moved to dark matches and some were canceled all together. Out of all the scrapped mania matches which is one would you have most liked to have seen?

WrestleMania VIII: British Bulldog vs. Berzerker
WrestleMania IX: Kamala vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
WrestleMania X: Ten man tag
WrestleMania XII: Godwinn vs. Bodydonnas
WrestleMania XXV: Colons vs. Miz & Morrison
WrestleMania XXVII: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

I have three ways of thinking about this. Number one is the most obvious; which seems like it would have been the best match. Number two is which match, even if it may not have been the best would have helped the show the most. Number three is was a deserving name left off the card.

For my choice I’ll pick the match that best combines those three factors. For example, The British Bulldog definitely belonged on WM8 but that was a strong enough show that he wouldn’t have helped it much. WM9 could have used some help but I don’t think Kamala vs. Bigelow would have been a difference maker. My pick is WM25. Aside from the classic between HBK and Taker the show was pretty weak. Miz and Morrison had been feud with the Colons for a while and they definitely deserved to be on the card. The match itself was pretty solid too from what I remember. I got to see it because I was at WM25 and even though I was busy bitching about it being moved to a dark match I did enjoy the match. I think it was easily the second best match of the night and unifying the tag titles in a good match would have helped that weak show.

I have a feeling that most people who post here will pick either WM25 or WM27 but I’m curious if there are any other opinions out there.
I gotta agree with you. I loved that tag team feud. I really wanted to see it play out, but it just wasnt in the cards.
Close second is DB vs Sheamus. Sheamus was one of the main eventers, and they just bumped him to a dark match so that snooki could make me puke during wrestlemania. Thanks for that wwe.
WrestleMania IX: Kamala vs. Bam Bam Bigelow - Two SuperHeavyweights colliding in that era and at Wrestlemania would have been great.

WrestleMania XXV: Colons vs. Miz & Morrison - I really liked both tag-teams and what to see the Unification Tag-Team Championship match. Wrestlemania 25 had a good main-event. I liked the HHH Vs. Randy Orton match.

Wasn't intrested in Daniel Bryan Vs. Sheamus at Wrestlemania 27 as I am not a fan of both.
That's easy, Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair @ WrestleMania 8. It was announced just after Flair won the World title @ the Royal Rumble but due to creative differences between Hogan & Flair, the match was scraped & Flair was paired off with Macho Man while Hogan was paired with Sid.
That's easy, Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair @ WrestleMania 8. It was announced just after Flair won the World title @ the Royal Rumble but due to creative differences between Hogan & Flair, the match was scraped & Flair was paired off with Macho Man while Hogan was paired with Sid.

I meant which match that was scrapped the night of the show. We knew several weeks ahead of time that Hogan vs. Flair wasn't going to happen. The matches I mentioned were all on the card right up until showtime.
I'd have to go with the ten man tag at Wrestlemania X. I've always been a sucker for those matches. Im also a big fan of getting as many people on a Mania card as possible as everyone seems to be at their best that night.
I meant which match that was scrapped the night of the show. We knew several weeks ahead of time that Hogan vs. Flair wasn't going to happen. The matches I mentioned were all on the card right up until showtime.

Ok, well than I guess i would have to go with the 10 man tag. IRS, Double J, Headshrinkers & Rick Martel vs 1-2-3 Kid, Smoking Gunns, Tatanka & Bob Holly were all solid in ring performers and I have no doubt especially after seeing the match take place on raw post WM 10 that it would of been a terrific match
There are 2 I seem to remember that aren;t on your list... WM18 had Mr. Perfect v Godfather that was scrapped and WM23 famously had Ric Flair and Carlito vs Helms and Chavo taken off at the last minute...

I think Perfect deserved one last Mania moment and Flair being taken off any Mania card is insulting when its for a "musical act".
Definitely WM27 Bryan vs. Sheamus.
Not a fan of Sheamus' in-ring work, but the two could definitely put on a great match, since Bryan is like one of the best in the WWE. The fact that they turned it into a dark match, and then a battle royal that Khali won is a fucking joke.
Honorable mentions go to Bulldog/Berzerker, Colons/JoMoMiz, and FlairCarlito/HelmsChavo.
Without a doubt it's The Tag Team Championship Match. The Colons vs The Miz and John Morrison.

First of all, you had four great athletes, still in the prime, that have been feuding for a while. Why leave superstars like that off the card? Especially after the push both teams have been getting. The Miz and John Morrison were Tag Team of the Year in that year, if I'm not mistaken, and they didn't compete at WrestleMania?!! What?!!

Secondly, they were unifying The Tag Team Titles! We haven't had that kind of a match since Survivor Series 2001! How do you leave a match of that magnitude off the card? It boggles the mind.

Why? For a Kid Rock Concert... Really? Really? Was Kid Rock that big of a deal? Did Vince really need that celebrity involvement? He couldn't find a way to have The Tag Team Title Match on the card AND still have Rock do his pathetic concert?

The Match was actually good. It could've been a great opener and probably could've made the show better... Maybe.

I also want to give an honorable mention to WrestleMania 19. Lance Storm and Val Venis....I mean Chief Morley were supposed to defend the Tag Titles against Kane & RVD at WrestleMania, but the match got scrapped and put on Heat. I don't mind it cause it still set the tone, but I think the show could've benefited from another Tag Team Championship Match.

Also, there was MNM vs Brian Kendrick and Paul London. I don't know if it was WrestleMania 21 or 22, but these two teams were supposed to tangle for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Great teams, great talent, could've been a great match.

I wasn't that interested in the Bryan/Sheamus match except for the fact that it was just another Championship Match that could've maybe added some sizzle to the WrestleMania 27 card.
I was beaten to it by Mr. HD. I think its a travesty that Lance Storm never got to appear on a Wrestlemania Card. He was bumped to the dark match along with Chief Morley to defend the tag titles against RVD and Kane at WM 18. Might not have been a classic but Lance definately deserved his shot on the biggest stage.

I remember having a VHS of Wrestlemania X as a youngster. The first time I watched it I was really excited to see a bit of mayhem with a 10-man tag, especially as the 123 Kid was my favorite at the time.

Last year I was very disappointed that Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan was bumped off. It was an enticing sounding encounter, with the US Title up for grabs, no less.

The biggest disgrace is easily The Colons vs Miz and John Morrison at WrestleMania 25. A match to unify the Tag Titles beats watching a Hillbilly sing songs that nobody cares about. This really irked me.

As an aside, these PPV's were sold with alot of these matches advertised, it's really violating the customer!
I don’t have anything against Santino, but…

Out of the choices you listed, I’m going to agree with the general consensus here and say WM XXV, The Colons vs. M&M for the Unified Undisputed WWE World Tag Team Championship. The words “Unified Undisputed WWE World Tag Team Championship” should have been more than enough for this match to take place live on the PPV. If anything, the 25-Diva Ms. WM Battle Royal should have taken the Dark match spot.

In second place would be WM XXVII, Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan for the United States Championship. I think this match should have taken the 8-man Tag Team match between the Corre and KKKBSSM (Kane, Kofi Kingston, Big Show and Santino Marella).
It's easily the WWE Tag Team Championship unification match at Wrestlemania 25. I was there in person and that match was a great way to start off the show. It should have gone on first as the opening match of the PPV and it's sad that WWE bumped it to a dark match in favor of a worthless Kid Rock concert. I would have made Kid Rock be the pre-show event while Miz/Morrison VS The Colons opened the show because this match deserved to go on the show and Kid Rock was the biggest waste of time in Wrestlemania history.

Second place goes to Sheamus VS Daniel Bryan for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania 27. That was the match I was looking forward to the most at that show other than Trips VS Taker, yet it got bumped off the card for reasons unknown. It could have been a better choice for the opening match rather than Edge VS Del Rio, a World Championship match. I would have had the US title match open the show instead and bump the Edge/Alberto match further up the card to around where Cole/Lawler was. Not too high up (Trips/Taker and Cena/Miz were more important) and not too early either, as it was a world title match.
Ten man tag by default - Only because I couldn't care less about the other matches.

By the way, who was scheduled to be in that 10 man tag?
I would have to go with Miz and morrison and the Colons. The fact that this match didn't take place at Wrestlemania is mind boggling and it's also because WWE doesn't care about tag team wrestling.
Look on the bright side though we will probally be able to see Daniel Bryan and Sheamus face each other for the heavyweight titlt this year.

I never knew Bam Bam and Kamala were suppose to face at Wrestlemania I would have love to see that match. I'm a huge Bam Bam Bigelow fan although I feel he should have been put with someone better than Kamala.
The unified tag title match and Sheamus vs Bryan, I'm always keen to see a good opener/mid card match added to a Mania, and given the poor standard of wrestling at those two Mania's both could have used an extra good match.

Although I doubt it would have been good, now I know it was planned I really wish Bam Bam vs Kamala had happened purely for the oddness value.
Back in 2005 The Rock wanted to wrestle Sting, and it almost happened at that years Wrestlemania 21. As always Sting and the WWE got really close on a deal, then as always Sting stuck to his laurels and never signed. Although I really wish he would've. This match would have been tits.

I meant which match that was scrapped the night of the show. We knew several weeks ahead of time that Hogan vs. Flair wasn't going to happen. The matches I mentioned were all on the card right up until showtime.

Haha, just playin bro. You know I never read an entire thread. I just come in raw dog.

Anyways with these rules it would have to be the unification tag match at WM 25. I was a huge fan of Miz and Morrison at the time and thought they had earned a spot on the card. Then was immensely disappointed that they got booted off the card just so Kid Rock could sing at a wrestling show for 25 minutes.
WrestleMania XXV: Colons vs. Miz & Morrison
Probably the beginning of the end for the tag team division. Since then the titles have generally been held by random pairings of mid-carders. Potentially could have been the last great tag team match that mattered.

WrestleMania XXVII: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus
As I've said in another thread, this could happen again this year but for the World Heavyweight Championship, so we might get to see it after all.
The only one that bothered me was the Sheamus/Bryan match being scrapped. I didn't get why they didn't just scrap the eight man tag and throw those guys in the battle royal. I'm pretty sure the 8 man tag was even announced after Bryan/Sheamus was.
I think a few years back, Kane and RVD were tag champs and they were moved to a dark match due to time. I can't reember who they defended the belts against, but I remember being pissed off about that.
That's easy, Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair @ WrestleMania 8. It was announced just after Flair won the World title @ the Royal Rumble but due to creative differences between Hogan & Flair, the match was scraped & Flair was paired off with Macho Man while Hogan was paired with Sid.

"That's easy! I'll ignore the point of the post and go with a fantasy match that was never on the card."

I think WMVIII. Bulldog was just getting his singles push and was on his way to his IC title win. Having him on the big show would have made a lot of sense.
Easily agree.

Morrison was one of my favorites at that time and I don't think there had been a tag title match since mania 20, which is sad. And overall would have been better than Kid Rock and any of that crap. I was there as well and bitched as well, one of the best matches that night.

VERY CLOSE 2nd is DB vs. Sheamus. I liked Bryan at this time which is rare cause since he has come to WWE all his angles and gimmicks have been crap. He is a phenominal wrestler but has no charisma and given some of the WEAKEST booking in years. Anyways this was the only time I thought he was being used well, not a bad gimmick at the time(besides the bellas) and was in my opinion his "WWE Prime". Sheamus was also at a great place in his career, dropping the KOTR thing and just being brutal(prob his WWE prime...so far). On top of all that I think we hadn't had U.S. title match at mania since Mania 23 w/JBL & Benoit(kinda ironic i think cause Bryan RIDICULOUSLY reminds be of benoit). I thought this was the 3rd best match on the card(behind Ortonvs.Punk and Takervs.HHH) and would have been WAY better than any snooki or michal cole match.
One match comes to mind that never happened actually THREE!
1) John Cena vs Hulk Hogan Wrestlemania 25- It was supposed to be those two in a non-title bout sort of like Rock vs Hogan, this would have been a great match tho Hogan was getting old at the time i think he could have had this match before going to TNA.
2)Randy Orton Vs John Cena Wrestlemania 27? I think- Idk if its true but i heard the rumor last year or year before that Orton was to turn face like he did and John Cena was supposed to go heel. It would have been something we've never seen before heel(Cena) vs face (Orton).
3)Stone Cold vs Hulk Hogan WrestleMania X8- This was obviously the planned match before both men wanted to win but couldnt agree. This would have been the dream match ppl wanted to see for years. But i gotta say The Rock vs Hogan was played out just as well. I Think still to this day that the match between those two were great. And had the crowd goin crazy like ive never seen at Mania before. Before the match they just stared at each other and the crowd was goin NUTS! Best moment in Mania history
Hmm, im going to have to go with The British Bulldog vs The Berzerker on this one, I remember watching them both back in the day and from what my fried brain can remember about them it would have been a very interesting match, sort of like when Hercules went against Billy Jack Haynes in WM 3 I believe. They were both large powerhouses but with an actual move set and talent to back it up and not have a boring match. Close second would be the Colons vs Miz and Morrison, the fued they had was good and the teams themselves worked well together.

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