Which return of a former WWE superstar was the most epic?

CM Steel

A REAL American
In this wrestling era we refer to WWE superstars who go in & out the company as "the part-timers". Guys who have other projects outside of pro wrestling. And the WWE has had those guys since the days of the Rock. Guys like...

-Chris Jericho
-Brock Lesner
-(Dave) Batista
-Rob Van Dam
-Bret Hart

We just saw the WWE return of the legendary Hulk Hogan with him hosting Wrestling 30! Something some people thought would never happen again in this lifetime. And the WWE return of the Ultimate Warrior (R.I.P.) for Wrestlemania weekend with the hall of fame. But in your opinion. Which return of a former WWE superstar was the most epic? The Ultimate Warriors epic return to the WWE will be something to remember.

Did I leave anyone out?
I have to go with 'Y2J' Chris Jericho, purely because he knows how to make an entrance.

Let's go back to 2007(I think) when he first returned, he had the code on the screen, and people had their suspicions that it was Jericho coming back but were never too certain until he laid out the guy "passing the torch" to Randy Orton and did his signature pose.

Then he left and 5 years from when he last returned he came back again but again people were never too sure because Brock Lesnar had just retired from the UFC in late 2011 about 2 weeks before that WWE "is coming" date had revealed itself so I'm sure most (including myself) thought Brock Lesnar was coming back but to my delight and out to our surprise it was Chris Jericho is a really cool lit up jacket. but damn Jericho trolled us in January not saying one word until that last Raw before the RR, faking tears and walking out on matches. I was fooled by Y2J that year...

Then finally at the RR 2013 Chris Jericho returned to one of the loudest pops from this era of a WWE crowd I've heard in a LONG time and then again nothing all too amazing was made of this run but the return is always amazing.
All in all, when it comes to the various part timers/special attractions who've returned over the past several years, it's hard to not think of The Rock's return as epic. The Rock returning to Raw during WrestleMania 27 season, setting foot in a WWE ring for the first time in close to a decade, is one of those moments that gives you goosebumps. Even though he wasn't wrestling that year, he was still a "part timer" or "special attraction" to help boost ppv buys for WrestleMania.

I thought Warrior showing up on Raw, while not exactly epic in my opinion though I can see why some feel it was, was certainly extremely memorable. Again, I can't say that I was a fan of the guy, but I can't argue that he was a huge star that left his mark within a pretty brief period of time. It was the first time Warrior had been in a WWE ring since the 1990s, which in & of itself made it memorable, and the fact that he would drop dead less than 24 hours later will render it among the most memorable returns in all of wrestling history.
Biggest? undeniably The Rock, he got the biggest pop, he cut a memorable promo and his return was felt world wide so I have to say The Rock.

Biggest flop? Dave Batista. Not because of any fault of his own but the timing was just terrible, the WWE really screwed him up by having him win the rumble match IMO. What can we learn from this in the future? don't bring back previous stars who aren't named The Rock or Brock Lesnar and try to suggest they are good enough to main event WrestleMania!
I will go with Stone cold's return at backlash 2000 , where he saves The Rock. That was most electrifying return, everyone was wild there and JR throat was shouting Austin , Austin , Austin...
after this I loved The Rock,s return after a decade , Goldberg's debut return.
Without a shadow of a doubt- Brock Lesnar. The Rock returning was okay, but what did he do besides his same lame old catchphrases , and 10 mins of John Cena antagonism? HH returning on TV for the millionth time was as drab as the sun rising early morning(Yeah it's drab unless you're in the Arctic, or if you happen to practise Yoga out in the sun).

Brock Lesnar didn't utter catchphrases. Brock Lesnar's return was the most epic because 1-Brock Lesnar's attitude towards wrestling, the WWE, and Vince Mcmahon in general isn't quite the same as every other phoney ass-kisser out there. 2-The entrance music. 3-Brock came, people cheered in shock and awe, he F-5's John Cena and leaves with a smirk on his face.

Their encounter at extreme rules was one of the most horrifying, natural, brutal, and engaging matches ever. And it didn't need a HIAC, or a damn streak. It told a story. John Cena was pounded and manhandled like a ragdoll, and more than half of it seemed to not be kayfabe. How often have you been as engaged in a match, as worried for John Cena's bleeding skull, his injured palm, and yearning for John Cena to somehow, some way retaliate? It was the first time that I did. Everything about that match was a contrast to 10 years of fake wrestling. Even though not a legitimate MMA fight, I was hooked from the get go. I loved John Cena as much as Brock Lesnar, on that one night. Brock Lesnar's return outweighs every other return. Undertaker and HH's returns don't matter.
My favourite return was Chris Jericho in 2007. Just the whole "second coming" vignettes and everything was awesome. Edge returning at Royal Rumble 2010 and winning it is a very close second.
I'd have to say the Rock , because well, it was huge. You have one of the biggest movie stars on the planet returning to the ring. As JackHammer mentioned Ultimate Warrior places a close second to me. Only for nostalgia purposes (and a coworker gave me a funny memory regarding all of the circumstances involving Warrior). Brock and Jericho deserve honorable mentions.

As for biggest flop I would be tossed up between Bret Hart and Bautista. Bret was hyped hard. He and Shawn Michaels were facing off in the ring to bury the hatchet. This was WWE's attempt at trying to stop TNA from being legit. (Jeff Hardy , Hulk Hogan and a few others debuted on this live broadcast of impact that was countering Raw.) This segment offered me closure, but then he feuded with Vince which resulted in a slap fest at Mania. No thanks. Bautista, nuff said.
I think this honor goes to Brock Lesnar. There was great crowd reaction, and he just came into the ring and F5ed John Cena. Simple but effective.

As for the biggest flop, that goes to Batista. I don't mind seeing Batista return, but to be in the main event of WrestleMania. Nope.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
In my opinion, what makes a great return is the surprise factor. Not advertised (HHH at MSG) or expected (Brock Lesnar).

The Rock's return was great...and I'm sure 99% of the people had no idea it was him as the guest host for Wrestlemania.

But I'm going to go with one that hasn't been mentioned....a true surprise in every sense of the word: Shawn Michaels returning for the first time on WWF television since his loss to Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 14. It was in the middle of July...his music started off Raw and people went from booing him out of the building in March, to marking out for him 4 months later. Great and underrated return...especially for HBK fans.

Every Chris Jericho surprise entrance from his debut as "The Millennium Man" to his most recent return in 2013 were just awesome imo and I marked out every single time. in 2007 when he interrupted the torchbearer, Orton's face was priceless and the response was massive. Than when Y2J returned at the RR, I was beyond shocked because I din't see it coming at all and again I marked out.

Also I gotta give a special shout out to the Undertaker. When Orton was celebrating in the ring and Taker broke out of the casket I popped hard. Again Orton's reaction was priceless.
For sheer spectacle Jericho is up there at last years RR. The lights off...and the pop when the jacket lit up was pretty amazing. But for epicness is has to be Bret finally returning. Until the moment he actually came out many thought it was still a work.

Further back was Savage's return to action at Survivor Series as Razor's partner. It was enough to convince VKM to let Randy have one more Mania match. It was a genuine surprise and Razor did a great job of building the pop by knocking Hennig.
I'm surprised I haven't seen this one yet. How about Triple H's return from the torn quad muscle. That was an amazing return, huge pop that wouldn't end. Sounded like people genuinely wanted him back and kicked Kurt Angle's ass too! After that i'd have to say Brock Lesnar's return F-5ing Cena was awesome.

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