Which One Would You Subscribe To?

Which Network would You Purchase

  • WWE

  • UFC

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Getting Noticed By Management
As most MMA and Wrestling fans have known for at least two years both the UFC and WWE are in a race of who will have their network up and running first? I do watch both and really don't prefer one over the other. Recently UFC had a deal in place to purchase G4 for nearly 70% of UFC Programming but at the last minute Comcast pulled the idea because VKM told NBCUniversal if the deal was to go through WWE would pull all of its programming at the end of their contract. Clearly WWE is afraid of the UFC as we have seen recently more talent are performing MMA holds. I do know recently VKM and Dana White's relationship has been strained a bit with WWE taking shots at UFC with no UFC response other than their PPV buyrates do say enough compared to WWE. I will explain below what should be on both networks but fans if the price was the same per month would you subscribe to a WWE or a UFC Network?

UFC: Over the last two years all of the UFC PPV DVD's have been in their original entirety so we can expect White won't edit out original programming. No Sport has gained more fans since 2002 than the UFC. They are not the same side show when they first started back in the early 90's. More sponsors are dumping money into the UFC than any other form of entertainment. Their library now consists of over 10,000 hours of footage. There is no doubt they have to come up with newer concepts for TUF or just cancel it all together but thats the only negative thing going with this company. Fans for the last five years been wanting a Network and I do think it will happen with the right deal!

WWE: They have well over 10,000 hours of footage but the biggest problem most fans have with WWE controlling this footage is way too much editing of Non-WWE footage. In the long run this will hurt the company as it will discourage certain fans in either watching this network or buying DVD's. This Network will be harder for certain cable systems to pick up because their are cable providers who don't carry COD and don't see the need from a ratings standpoint to carry extra WWE Programming. For any cable provider to pick up this network WWE would have to least pay for 75% of the distribution cost. They will not get the same deal NFL,MLB,NBA,and NHL get with cable providers of carrying the various sports exclusive networks. I think the best way to have this network up and running WWE must make a deal with a company like LGF to air content other than wrestling. That way both companies with have alternative venues of distribution. I do believe this network should carry around 80% wrestling. This network should already be up and running and the only reason it isn't is beacuse WWE has this thought process they will get similiar viewing traffic of their network much like HBO has. If it was 2002 that would make a likely scenario but with alot of fans going elsewhere since 2004 WWE must figure their fanbase out. Some networks have mentioned WWE doesn't even have 75% of their archives digitally ready and thats why Comcast has not signed off on a deal with WWE for a Network!
I'm gonna move this to the Spam section.

Number 1, it's a basic question. Number 2, it's an OK topic. Number 3 it's not really wrestling in general, it's TV, UFC and WWE.
If WWE Network got commercial free replays from recent CMLL,AAA,NOAH,NJPW + stacked programming from the archives and a free PPVs other than the big 4...it would worth 20-30 dollars a month to me.

There is nothing in UFC that I want to see other than the PPVs and FX-cards.
I personally am not dedicated to WWE enough to put a monthly subscription into watching everything about it. There is no use to it, and if someday they took away privileges that we have now and offered them at a price, I would likely stop watching it.

I'll watch WWE, but I'm not going to put money into watching it. It's simply a TV show to me, like anything else I watch on television. I wouldn't subscribe to a show like Law and Order.

UFC isn't even in question, considering I don't even bother watching their product.
I do think if both of these networks get up off of the ground neither channel should be more than $10 a month even if their are exclusive PPV's on either channel. The strange thing with me is I am not a big fight or boxing fan and then I just started watching MMA a few years ago to see what some people were talking about especially with the rabid UFC fan. I did not and I repeat did not start watching MMA because I don't agree with certain wrestling promotions content. There is no doubt with creating new stars WWE will always have the advantage over any form of sport. so far UFC doesn't have the same problems boxing had back in the 90's that still persist. I do think the pay scale in the UFC must increase for the warriors because you never want disgruntled talent. I do think MMA will never ever have a union. Politics in boxing has basically killed that sport and Dana will never allow UFC go down that same avenue. With all being said whether you are a hardcore or casual wrestling fan what of the UFC you don't like and what would you improve with MMA that could make it more watchable?
I personally am not dedicated to WWE enough to put a monthly subscription into watching everything about it. There is no use to it, and if someday they took away privileges that we have now and offered them at a price, I would likely stop watching it.

I'll watch WWE, but I'm not going to put money into watching it. It's simply a TV show to me, like anything else I watch on television. I wouldn't subscribe to a show like Law and Order.

UFC isn't even in question, considering I don't even bother watching their product.

This will never happen but imagine you could get a commercial free Raw every monday, events from CMLL/AAA/NJPW/NOAH on prime time weekdays, commercial free rebroadcasts of WWF and WCW PPVs, all the monthly b-show PPVs, every RAW episode from start to finish, ditto Nitro episodes...I'll be willing to pay 20 dollars a month for a channel like that.

As far as a MMA network. There is nothing in that sport that would make me pay a monthly fee for a dedicated network........and I like MMA.

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