Which company should purchase G4 that would be good for biz and would work

  • WWE

  • UFC

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Getting Noticed By Management
Recently NBC made a deal for Esquire to purchase G4
That had happened after Comcast refused on two seperate occasions when WWE & UFC past inquiries to have their own network
Now fast forward this week Esquire at the last second pulled their offer off the table to purchase G4 and decided to purchase Style Network

UFC does have deals on FS1 and FS2 to air alot of UFC programming
The one knock for UFC is do they have enough material to cover for a 24/7 Network seeing they don't even have half of what WWE has as far as in archival material
Clearly since 2003 no other sport has garnered new fans than the UFC
Just in PPV revenue UFC is near the total bottom line that WWE has

With new license agreements for WWE Programming with NBC/Universal could be as much as 150 mill extra revenue in the first year and according to Bloomberg News WWE should see an extra 50 mill in revenue after year one for the duration of the contract
PPV Buys has been up for the last two years which is a positive sign
They clearly have enough material to carry a 24/7 Network
What what would be good is if WWE could make a deal with another production company to carry movies/shows
If the network was to be a success I think the best network they would like to follow in advancement from previous year would be AMC

My question to the fans which company would be best for a 24/7 Network to purchase G4?
Also what type of programming do you think WWE should obtain as far as theme programming on certain days and certain parts of the entertainment year?
UFC: Their current deal with Fox prohibits them from starting their own network, but that's OK, because their current deal with Fox makes it so there's no reason for the UFC to start their own network.

WWE: What's been holding up the WWE network is that there are not enough cable stations interested in purchasing a professional wrestling only network (see: the WCW/Time Warner problem), and as an a la carte option (like HBO), there aren't enough prospective buyers to make it financially viable.

The correct answer is C: None of the Above.
I agree with everything you stated
I din't know about the deal with Fox that UFC can't obtain a network
With your WWE comment you are 100% correct which makes sense for WWE to buy a current network
Comcast wants to get rid of G4 ASAP along with MSNBC is on the block
As I stated before in other posts I would love WWE to partner with LGF to have other material than just wrestling

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