Which one of Triple H's friends benefits from him the most?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ever since last year right after the 2011 Royal Rumble, Triple H has been very active on re-hiring his old friends and putting them in respectful positions backstage.

Kevin Nash: Nash is signed to a WWE legends contract, but in a different detail than most other legends. And often works for Triple H as a scout in FCW.

Scott Hall: Hall isn't under any WWE contract at the moment but he is one of the members of the infamous kliq still. And the WWE has paid over six figures for Scott Hall's rehab like Stephanie McMahon-Levesque said on a interview. So the WWE has their eyes on Scott Hall the person.

Sean Waltman aka Syxx-Pac: Works as a scout down in FCW much like Kevin Nash does along side him.

Road Dogg Brian J. Armstrong: Works as an agent for the WWE backstage developing talent, like Brodus Clay.

William Regal: Seen over the years as an ass kisser to Triple H backstage to many. But is seen working with the younger talant as well.

Now Shawn Michaels doesn't need Triple H's power in the WWE at all. Shawn Michaels loyalty towards Triple H's father-in-law chairman Vince McMahon is all that matters to the boss himself. And HBK is a wrestling icon.

So which one of Triple H's friends benefits from him the most?
I guess they all benefited, but I don't see this as a big deal. It's not like any of those guys aren't qualified for those positions. I can't blame HHH for wanting people he knows and trusts to work for him. I think anyone would do the same.
I guess if you have to pick out of those guys then my pick would be Scott Hall. The rest of them have been given jobs, Hall is being given yet another chance to rebuild his life. Of course, this is only true if Scott actually manages to sort himself out this time.
You're forgetting someone... Sheamus was, on his arrival known to be doing the same things for Trips that Hunter did for the Kliq at one point... They were workout buddies and that has no doubt had a massive part in the pushes The Great White has recieved. Personally I don't mind it, if a young guy wants to carry the bags and get the coffee it shows initiative... A lot of the "younger talents" seem to expect to make it without paying dues... In the past it would have been nights drinking, driving the bigger stars around and standing up for the business...

Of the guys on your list Road Dogg, as he was quite disrespectful at one point with Billy Gunn... Regal has other stuff in his corner than Trips; him training Punk and D.Bryan is a massive plus in his favour...
I havent heard any stuff about Regal?? But he deserves alot more than he was given, so i cant pick him! Those six figures didnt work much for Hall either, so not him! I guess its nice to have a job like road dogg does, but its gta be Nash!! Guy gets alot of big stories when i think he'd be alot better suited to getting someone over on a lower scale!!

I'm not sure i buy the whole thing though, i'm very sceptical, maybe Naive... Sheamus is a good worker with a decent look! He's believable!! Being HHH's work out buddy is great, keeps you in the boss's favour, but i dont imagine its anything more than that!
I guess in some form of fashion, they all did, minus Road Dogg. I don't think Tha D-O-Double G was friends with HHH. He said HHH disrespected his family and was an asshole off camera. But if I was to pick one it might be Nash. Nash came back and was inserted into a storyline that he helped destroy. Punk was on fire last summer and HHH brings in Nash and ultimately feuds with him. It lead to a match that no one really cared about and it went nowhere! Nash got paid, left, (probably to better bookings on the indys) and HHH went back to his suit. I think Nash benefitted more, being that he was on TV for a few months (undeserving) and got to wrestle his buddy in a match that was relevant 10 years ago...
Ever since last year right after the 2011 Royal Rumble, Triple H has been very active on re-hiring his old friends and putting them in respectful positions backstage.

Kevin Nash: Nash is signed to a WWE legends contract, but in a different detail than most other legends. And often works for Triple H as a scout in FCW.

Scott Hall: Hall isn't under any WWE contract at the moment but he is one of the members of the infamous kliq still. And the WWE has paid over six figures for Scott Hall's rehab like Stephanie McMahon-Levesque said on a interview. So the WWE has their eyes on Scott Hall the person.

Sean Waltman aka Syxx-Pac: Works as a scout down in FCW much like Kevin Nash does along side him.

Road Dogg Brian J. Armstrong: Works as an agent for the WWE backstage developing talent, like Brodus Clay.

William Regal: Seen over the years as an ass kisser to Triple H backstage to many. But is seen working with the younger talant as well.

Now Shawn Michaels doesn't need Triple H's power in the WWE at all. Shawn Michaels loyalty towards Triple H's father-in-law chairman Vince McMahon is all that matters to the boss himself. And HBK is a wrestling icon.

So which one of Triple H's friends benefits from him the most?

You can look at it that way... Or you could stop looking for a way to bash HHH at any possible opportunity.

Kevin Nash: A guy with if nothing else a brain for the buisness. Look how much money this guy has made over the years he makes perfect sense to have tied to a legends contract. WWE likes having big players tied to these contracts. Means they can use his image put him in the video games etc.

Scott Hall: All ex WWE employees get put through rehab if need it. This has nothing to do with him being HHH friend. It's company policy.

Sean Waltman: Again a guy with a brain for the buisness. He might not have been the greatest of all time etc but he's always been able to land on his feet. Having a guy like that around is always good for buisness. He is however probably the one that if I was going to answer your question I'd say him.

Road Dogg: Again just a guy who gets it. Perfect for an agent there was reports he'd been working with Brodus Clay and helping him get comfortable with his new character so he's already showing he's useful for something.

William Regal: Widely regarded as one of the best technical wrestlers in the game. Training young guys is nearly the perfect role for him. Need proof of that? Look up how much Bryan Danielson credits him for his training.

All these guys in some shape or form deserve their spot in the company. Would HHH have helped them out over time? I'm sure he has but that's just how buisness works. You could also just look at in the way that HHH has always surrounded himself with people who get the buisness.
None of the them. It's Sheamus he would have never become WWE Champion as fast as he did with out being Trip's work out buddy. The finish of the Royal Rumble was changed from Jericho to Sheamus winning. Then he defeated DB at WM in 18 seconds. I wonder who finalized those decisions.
I'd say the Triple H's friend Undertaker benefited most from Triple H. Taker's streak means so much more now that Triple H, the King of Kings, jobbed to him three times in their matches. Even though Taker is the 'Phenom', he must be a great friend of Triple H's to be allowed such success against a guy who has pretty much inserted himself into every big storyline of the past 13 years. I can't think of anybody else who really benefited from Triple H. Sheamus has gotten big time pushes but he's an upcoming legend ass kisser. Triple H squashed his old buddy Road Dogg's career and feels obliged to let him make chump change scouting future Triple H jobbers. Scott Hall has benefited so much that he's still alive today. WWE is paying huge money to him to get him help. Triple H buttkissed his way to job security instead of busting his ass like Scott Hall. So Trips likely feels a bit bad for Hall that he gave everything he had and is hanging on to life while Triple H is set to inherit a multi-billion dollar business where he has a chance to make even more money than his father in law did. Nash benefited in that he got to leave TNA and make a one off appearance at the Royal Rumble where he was ousted by a bunch of no name wannabes. Nash benefited in that he had a feud set up with Punk and then couldn't wrestle him. Instead, he got to do a program with Triple H and put him over. Shawn Michaels benefits from Triple H because he got to be in the ring again at Wrestlemania without actually officially wrestling. Shawn doesn't need Triple H to get into a position like that but he just benefits so much from having such an amazing friend who had his wife book him 11 of his 13 world title wins to Shawn's 1 in the 2000s.

Triple H is a piece of trash and he ruins every great angle in WWE. He squashed Punk's momentum late last summer and the Screwjob like ending of the Cena-Brock match can be attributed to Triple H and his overblown ego. The guy knows nothing about what's best for business. All he knows is what's best for him.
Regal has actually had a lot of opportunity compared to most in WWE, especially those with issues outside the ring. He has had multiple title reigns, King Of The Ring and GM on several occasions.

To put it all down to his friendship with Trips is wrong, Vince is known to be fond of Regal and like with Davey Boy Smith before him Vince has gone the extra mile to help him and to keep him in the business despite his health and substance problems, long before the WWE Sponsored rehab programmes...
Regal works a reduced schedule mainly cos of the heart issues he had several years ago, a percieved "lack of push" is more likely down to "looking out for him".He's recently announced he will retire soon and I am pretty sure he will get one more push, maybe not a world title, but if Bryan or Punk are champ next time WWE goes to England, a title match is pretty likely on RAW.
I'd say the Triple H's friend Undertaker benefited most from Triple H. Taker's streak means so much more now that Triple H, the King of Kings, jobbed to him three times in their matches. Even though Taker is the 'Phenom', he must be a great friend of Triple H's to be allowed such success against a guy who has pretty much inserted himself into every big storyline of the past 13 years. I can't think of anybody else who really benefited from Triple H. Sheamus has gotten big time pushes but he's an upcoming legend ass kisser. Triple H squashed his old buddy Road Dogg's career and feels obliged to let him make chump change scouting future Triple H jobbers. Scott Hall has benefited so much that he's still alive today. WWE is paying huge money to him to get him help. Triple H buttkissed his way to job security instead of busting his ass like Scott Hall. So Trips likely feels a bit bad for Hall that he gave everything he had and is hanging on to life while Triple H is set to inherit a multi-billion dollar business where he has a chance to make even more money than his father in law did. Nash benefited in that he got to leave TNA and make a one off appearance at the Royal Rumble where he was ousted by a bunch of no name wannabes. Nash benefited in that he had a feud set up with Punk and then couldn't wrestle him. Instead, he got to do a program with Triple H and put him over. Shawn Michaels benefits from Triple H because he got to be in the ring again at Wrestlemania without actually officially wrestling. Shawn doesn't need Triple H to get into a position like that but he just benefits so much from having such an amazing friend who had his wife book him 11 of his 13 world title wins to Shawn's 1 in the 2000s.

Triple H is a piece of trash and he ruins every great angle in WWE. He squashed Punk's momentum late last summer and the Screwjob like ending of the Cena-Brock match can be attributed to Triple H and his overblown ego. The guy knows nothing about what's best for business. All he knows is what's best for him.

Are you delusional? Undertaker benefited from Triple H? Surely no one other then Triple H would have booked Undertaker to go over and keep the streak. Triple H butt kissed his way to the top rather than busting his ass like Scot Hall. That is the dumbest comment I have ever read. Scot Hall is the epitome of an under achiever. Scot Hall is in the position hes in because of drugs and alcohol not because he busted his ass wrestling, Edge is in the position hes in because he busted his ass wrestling. And surely it had to be Stephanie that got HHH all those title reigns, it couldn't of been that he was the best choice at the time. And what was screwy about the Brock-Cena match seemed like a pretty clean and logical end to me.
Sheamus...leaps and bounds Sheamus. He has had monster push, I don't mind it cause he is a character, which is something wrestling is running dry on.

Sheamus started as a destroyer and went over Cena almost immediatly. I would guess Trips played a big part in that. All props to Sheamus, a push means nothing if you can't handle it (see McIntyre, Drew) and Sheamus has handled it all quite well. I can still see Sheamus being a superstar without Triple H just not as fast, I mean how often does Vince get a cartoonish meathead these days. That is something wrestling is missing, the mobile midrange guys...there are a shitload of small and really big but the inbetween is suffering. Guys around Cena's size are lacking, I miss guys being 250 and mobile...Now we have the 180-218's and the 300plus.

And, for the record, Triple H's biggest angle kill has to be the Evil Orton angle....Orton should have went over at mania. This is for another day....
Chyna. She was just a massive muscle-bound farce who had no business competing for the Intercontinental championship. Several wrestlers most notably Chris Jericho compalined about how hard she was to work with and the difficulty in getting a good match out of her. If not for her relationship with HHH she would never have reached that level and the world would have been a better place.
Part of me wants to say Steph. With benefits, of course. :)

I think Shamus is certainly benefiting from the push. A lot of the D-X/clique folk would have gone over without him. Taker was big while Hunter was still in WCW. Baptista also gave him a lot of credit for his success, and Randy Orton benefited a lot from him (though those two haven't had a lot of interaction lately and I'm not quite sure if he really qualifies as one of Hunter's "pals").
Triple H is a piece of trash and he ruins every great angle in WWE.

:lmao: so if indeed your opinion is valid, you must have hated watching wwf/e for the last 15 years.
HHH has been one of the very best the industry has ever produced and while i agree not every one of his plans or decisions work out, i believe he is way more qualified than me, you or anyone else on this forum in how to run a successful wrestling company.
Do you believe VKM to be "trash" as you put it because i could draw you up a list of ruined angles, people who have been crapped on and poor business decisions that would be longer than the vegas strip, yet he created the most powerful sports entertainment company in history.
I implore you to give the game more time and see just how much the product improves with him at the helm.

In reply to the OP, i would say everyone mentioned and more have benefited from triple h over the years, and many more could well do. Im sure in sports entertainment as with in all walks of life, people who get to the top help out those who were their on the way up

just my thoughts on the subject

i hate daniel bryan
HHH used to bang the man beast chyna. That loses credibility with me no matter what he does. He reminds me of the judo instructor in napoleon dynamite. As far as his friends go they have little to no impact on the show so I could give a shit less.
I don't think any 1 guy benefited more than the other. Shawn got to where he is because he's one of the greatest in ring performer of all time. Hall hasn't benefited from all the money they've spent on his rehab because he keeps falling back into that black hole he's created for himself. X-Pac, Nash, and Road Dogg all have great minds for the business so they deserve their spots. Regal also has a great mind for the business AND he's one of the best technical wrestlers ever. You know Daniel Bryan, yeah Regal trained him. Sheamus has a great look and he paid dues like all new guys should. As for Chyna, she had a great look and Shawn was the one who convinced Vince to hire her because of her bodyguard look and with her size, it only made sense for her to compete for the male mid-card title. Was she stiff? Yes very stiff. Did she self destruct? Yes if you need evidence of this just watch her porn I damn sure wont. He's next in line to run WWE, he has people he trusts more than others. There's nothing wrong with hiring them to help with the company when you trust them more than most. People need to stop looking for nonexistent reasons to bash Triple H. The reason why they put him in all of those huge story lines in the past is because he was the best choice. When was the last time Triple H won a championship? That's right it's been awhile hasn't it? He's been in 3 big story lines the past 2 years. Two with the Undertaker and one with Punk and Nash. So do me a favor and stop wasting forum space with stupid Triple H bashing threads that have no validness.
Sean Waltman hands down. He is one of the most overrated stars in wrestling's history in my opinion. What does he know about talent to scout it out considering his most known moment was either pinning razor ramon or banging tori.
I don't think any 1 guy benefited more than the other. Shawn got to where he is because he's one of the greatest in ring performer of all time. Hall hasn't benefited from all the money they've spent on his rehab because he keeps falling back into that black hole he's created for himself. X-Pac, Nash, and Road Dogg all have great minds for the business so they deserve their spots. Regal also has a great mind for the business AND he's one of the best technical wrestlers ever. You know Daniel Bryan, yeah Regal trained him. Sheamus has a great look and he paid dues like all new guys should. As for Chyna, she had a great look and Shawn was the one who convinced Vince to hire her because of her bodyguard look and with her size, it only made sense for her to compete for the male mid-card title. Was she stiff? Yes very stiff. Did she self destruct? Yes if you need evidence of this just watch her porn I damn sure wont. He's next in line to run WWE, he has people he trusts more than others. There's nothing wrong with hiring them to help with the company when you trust them more than most. People need to stop looking for nonexistent reasons to bash Triple H. The reason why they put him in all of those huge story lines in the past is because he was the best choice. When was the last time Triple H won a championship? That's right it's been awhile hasn't it? He's been in 3 big story lines the past 2 years. Two with the Undertaker and one with Punk and Nash. So do me a favor and stop wasting forum space with stupid Triple H bashing threads that have no validness.
I didn't create an Triple H bashing thread! If anything I'm putting Hunter over!

Triple H is like a Levi Johnston in reverse. He's doing right by the McMahon family who gave him a chance to make something of himself within the WWE offices. And in return Triple H has put on his friends from years past in wrestling. Who passes on wrestling knowledge to young and up & coming superstars.

You need to chill out before you point your finger "And that's the bottom line"! Who are you Triple H's lawyer or something?
SmokeyJoe: I've enjoyed WWE a lot less over the last 13 years than I did the 13 years before that. I enjoyed some of Triple H's angles as long as Jericho, Stephanie, Taker or Shawn was involved. I did like Evolution but he was my least favourite part. I always preferred WCW because it was way better than WWE. I guess Triple H is more qualified than me or you to decide what's what in WWE. That would be because of who he is married to. How is Triple H more qualified than Shawn Michaels? Sean Waltman? Koko Beware? No, I don't hate Vince McMahon. He's not Triple H, so why would I hate him?
We can give Triple H all the time in the world. All the guy gives a shit about is himself.
He doesn't give a shit if WWE programming is awesome. He does not give a shit if anybody more than the bare minimum rating of 2.5 is watching. He doesn't give a shit about compelling or logical storylines. He doesn't give a shit about building up Brock Lesnar. He doesn't give a shit about making CM Punk the next Austin. He doesn't give a shit about his friends who now have to buttkiss him to stay in the limelight. Triple H only cares about being Hulk Hogan 2.0 and keeping it on the downlow. The guy has way too much control over the product and he's in a position where only Vince McMahon himself can stop him. McMahon gets all the flack for the flip floppy angles but Triple H just flies under the radar as some guy who deserves to be pushed down our throats forever.
All the smarks complain about Hogan only being out for himself. All the smarks complain Flair's too old and overexposed. All the smarks complain that Hitman's a bitter old man or that Sting's not one of the all time best because he never stepped into a Triple H-determined WWE ring. But they all make excuses when it comes to Triple zzz

Big Daddy Awesome: No I'm not delusional. I was being sarcastic when it came to the Undertaker. Scott Hall busted his ass, how is that the dumbest comment you ever read? Hall underachieved because he was never given a world title. He was never given a world title because he busted his ass and needed an escape. A straight 'edge' guy like Edge busted his ass and destroyed his body by the age of 37. He was in the ring for 13 years. Scott Hall was in the ring for about 15. Sure, Hall didn't do the crazy shit Edge did. But Hall worked his ass off for 15 years every night. He turned to drugs and alcohol while he was busting his ass. Don't be so naive to think that Hall just turned to alcohol and drugs for fun because his job wasn't tough on him mentally or physically. What did Triple H do? He joined WWE, made some buddies, aligned himself Shawn Michaels and took his spot when he left WWE. Then he got with Stephanie. The rest is history. The guy didn't need to travel the country or the world wrestling in matches to sell WWE. The guy could control his schedule. He could control his pay. He could control his workload. Triple H didn't bust his ass. All he did was the shit we all saw on TV. Guys like Scott Hall busted their asses for almost a decade in obscurity with no TV time for chump change. Triple H got everything handed to him on a silver platter about 4 years into his career. Triple H got all his world titles because he didn't destroy his body like Austin or Foley. He won those titles because Rock was too big to stick around and Shawn Michaels could have cared less. Stephanie McMahon was his girlfriend and his wife. Even without Stephanie, Triple H had his hand up Vince's ass. Triple H is the one who convinced Vince to go through with the 'Screwjob'. That's how much influence Triple H has had in WWE. And that was in 1997 way before Stephanie. Triple H won those titles because he is the ultimate buttkisser and leetch. Had he not hooked up with Stephanie he'd have about 3 world titles. No big deal, I can think of a number of undeserving world champs from that era. Had Triple H broken up with Steph or did to her what he did to Chyna, where would he be now?? He'd be getting as much exposure in WWE as Chris Benoit. Hooking up with Stephanie was a guarantee of a few world titles. Marrying her solidified 13 world titles. Having a family with her and sticking around will cement his legacy as one of the best ever. People like you who don't understand this drive me crazy. It's like you're blind. You all have the same line 'triple h got to where he's at because he was that damn good and has very little to do with Stephanie'. People who think such a thing live in a fantasy world where they watch the PG product of oiled up men in tights rolling around on each other in the ring..and then flip the channel when the divas come on.

WWE would be better off if Stephanie just dumped Triple H and married Daniel Bryan.
You know what? Yeah, Triple H has been known to put over his buddies. But has he ever done so at the cost of business? Has ever put somebody on or given someone a job that was detrimental to the company?

Short answer: No. Bringing Kevin Nash back was a solid move. Nash is a bigger name than Punk and having Punk show absolutely no fear toward the big man helped his credibility. BG James is getting rave reviews as a producer now. Besides, last I heard, Road Dogg wasn't exactly a huge fan of Hunter.

No idea why Scott Hall's name was even brought into this. WWE paying for his rehab had nothing to do with his friendship with Hunter. It's their policy.

X-Pac is someone who has been credited with teaching Chris Jericho how to wrestle a main event style match. Say what you want about him, but he's a damn solid wrestling mind who understands basic psychology. More than 90% of the current roster. He's a great person to help scout.

And Sheamus? So? Once again, it's not like it was a detrimental move. Sheamus has maintained his popularity for a long time and it's in part due to being put over by Cena and Hunter. Know who else Hunter has put over that did the same? Batista. Orton. Cena.

Basically, yeah Hunter helps out his friends. It just so happens that he is friends with a lot of good professional wrestlers.
I think at the moment Sheamus is benefiting the most from Triple H, winning the Royal Rumble, and he doesn't look like losing the WHC for a while
He doesn't give a shit if WWE programming is awesome. He does not give a shit if anybody more than the bare minimum rating of 2.5 is watching. He doesn't give a shit about compelling or logical storylines. He doesn't give a shit about building up Brock Lesnar. He doesn't give a shit about making CM Punk the next Austin. He doesn't give a shit about his friends who now have to buttkiss him to stay in the limelight. Triple H only cares about being Hulk Hogan 2.0 and keeping it on the downlow. The guy has way too much control over the product and he's in a position where only Vince McMahon himself can stop him. McMahon gets all the flack for the flip floppy angles but Triple H just flies under the radar as some guy who deserves to be pushed down our throats forever.

WWE would be better off if Stephanie just dumped Triple H and married Daniel Bryan.[/QUOTE]

After carefully reading this reply, i respect your opinion and even agree with some points , but i totally disagree with the quote above.
If anything hhh cares a hell of a lot about business and to say he is hogan version 2 is totally ridiculous.
and to say that steph would be better off with DB is laughable ( yes i got the sarcasm btw)
IMO you just dont like triple h for whatever reason and your flimsy justification shows that you aint got a clue
I didn't create an Triple H bashing thread! If anything I'm putting Hunter over!

Triple H is like a Levi Johnston in reverse. He's doing right by the McMahon family who gave him a chance to make something of himself within the WWE offices. And in return Triple H has put on his friends from years past in wrestling. Who passes on wrestling knowledge to young and up & coming superstars.

You need to chill out before you point your finger "And that's the bottom line"! Who are you Triple H's lawyer or something?

LOL maybe I did over react just a little bit. My bad man I'm just so tired of people acting like he's the worst guy ever. But yea Triple H has helped a lot of his friends out in the past but it was always for a good reason. Again my bad for overreacting.

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