Which NXT Pro/Rookie team do you think is best suited?


Dark Match Jobber
I think the title says it all. What team do you think is the best suited to work together.

In my humble opinion, I think that it is Justin Gabriel, and Matt Hardy. The way they worked together in that tag team match reminded me of a lot of old Hardy Boyz matches. The use of some Hardy Boyz tag team moves.

What do you guys think?
Totally agree with you there. Gabriel and Hardy worked great together and they also reminded me of the Hardyz. In fact, I believe this is the direction WWE is going, and that doesn't bother me one bit.

In addition to in-ring, Hardy and Gabriel have meshing personalities. They're one of the few teams who do, possibly the only team. This automatically gives them the edge as most turmoil-free pairing.
Actually I'm gonna say Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett.
They seem like a great pairing, now they haven't been in the ring together as Hardy and Gabriel has, but their personalities seem somewhat balanced, and the way they are on the mic seems interesting, somewhat slow, down-talking and everything.
And I actually think Wade and Chris could make a fairly good tag team if they were put in a tag team match, even thou (as I see it) their ring styles are different, they still seem to both go after specific body parts on their opponent (even thou it was quite so obvious where Wade was supposed to attack Bryan this week)
I agree with the threadstarter that the best team suited to work together is Gabriel and Hardy because they did great in the tag match on tuesday and as a team they remind me of the Hardys. A close second is Slater and Christian, Slater reminds me of a young Edge and the two of them could possibly pull off a team reminiscent of Edge & Christian. Most of the other Pro/Rookie pairings either hate each other or have clashing styles, so it's easily these two pairings that work the best together so far.
I think it depends upon what you mean by "best suited" as there is more than one definition for that when it comes to the concept of NXT. As far as a Pro/Rookie that mesh well together, I have to agree that Hardy and Gabriel do seem have great continuity.

However, when it comes down to which Pro/Rookie team is best suited to provide interesting moments for the show, that's easily The Miz and Bryan. An arrogant, cocky young heel that's accomplished a lot in the span of a few years mentoring a "rookie" that's wrestled all over the world for over a decade, has held numerous titles on the indy scene and is hailed by many as the greatest technical wrestler in the world. It's just tailor made for great story situations.
It's a toss-up between Christian/Slater, Hardy/Gabriel, and Jericho/Barrett.

With Christian/Slater, you have two guys who just seem to mesh in the ring. I remember reading somewhere that these two remind me of old-school Edge/Christian. They both seem to respect each other a bit. Plus, it seems like Slater has some charisma.

With Hardy/Gabriel, these guys just flat out admire each other's work. We saw it in their backstage segment on the last episode of NXT, they both work well together. Hardy and Gabriel are the perfect Face/Face team.

Jericho and Barrett are a different story. Here you have two heels who know how to work well together. We havent seen Jericho bash Barrett, and we havent seen Barrett bash Jericho. It also seems to me the WWE is kicking up the 'Jericho Protogee' storyline that they had going before Lance Cade was released.
As far as furthering storylines go, it would have to be Miz/Bryan. They have a built in feud for after the show is over, and their personalities conflict each other nicely. They're completely opposite on almost every level, and not in a goofy odd couple kind of way. If we're talking about overall looks and gimmick and such, then I'd agree with Hard/Gabriel. Justin is was Matt used to be before he got fat. They both a decent charisma and can hook the crowd.
Umm well that depends on your definition.

I'm gonna go ahead and say Miz and Danielson. Now now. I know they havn't been getting along. But Miz has EXACTLY what Danielson LACKS. Thats charisma and supreme mic skills. I thought this was a pairing from above! Miz can give Danielson all the tools he needs to exceed in the WWE and perhaps Danielson may even help Miz out in the ring, not that the Miz isn't good out in the ring, it's just Danielson is light years ahead, but with that being said... Danielson is light years behind the Miz on the mic and I really do hope Miz "slaps some personality into him."
I was going to agree with Gabriel/Hardy, because as others have said, they actually seem to work together as a legitimate tag team--maybe they even will become one after NXT is over.

Depending on how things go, CM Punk and his guy might be a good pairing... if Darren Young ends up joining the SES and starts winning, I guess Punk would have been a successful mentor, and it would also be a sort of interesting storyline to follow.

However, I just realized that Christian/Slater is too good of a name combination to consider any other pro-rookie combos...

Edit: I'm defining 'best-suited' as most 'synergistic,' I guess--getting the most results with the fewest personal disagreements.
It really does depend on the definition of a good pairing here.

If you look at it from the viewpoint of "in which pairing can the pro truly help the rookie succeed" then you have to go with Bryan/Miz. The only thing Bryan is lacking is charisma and a character. And Miz is giving him that (or the writers are through Miz).

Frankly, Miz is doing more for Bryan than any other pro is doing for their rookie. Gabriel is awesome, and he and Hardy could make a great team, but being a great team mate is not really the role of a mentor. Is it?

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