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Which midcarder/main eventer will turn heel?


Turn Bayley heel
I was just watching last week's Smackdown and saw that Umaga returned as a face and that MVP had also turned face following his losing streak angle. This is partially balanced by the addition of a heel Matt Hardy to the roster. However, I notice the Big Show came out to cheers and they might struggle to keep him heel, so that left me thinking about the heel and face picture on Smackdown.

By midcarder and main eventers, I mean people on the show most weeks, and not people like Scotty Goldman and Ryan Braddock.

So face-wise we have Carlito, Festus, Jesse, Khali, Helms, Jeff Hardy, MVP, Kennedy, Primo, R-Truth, HHH, Umaga and Undertaker, making 13 in total, but also factoring in that Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki and Kizarny are all faces, and on the cusp of being in this group.

Heel-wise we have Big Show, Benjamin, Brian Kendrick, Chavo, Edge, Ezeikel, Matt Hardy and Kozlov, making 8 in total, and as I said they're struggling to keep the crowd against Big Show, and Ezeikel rarely fights.

So my question is this. Who would you turn heel to readress the balance? The obvious answer to me would be to turn one of the tag teams heel, so that at least you have a proper heel tag team on the brand. I'd probably turn HHH heel too, as I think he's more entertaining as a heel, and Jeff, Umaga and Undertaker are all fine as main event faces, with Jeff being the main guy, Undertaker being his usual role and Umaga being filler when the other feuds aren't being done.

Either that, or I'd draft Jericho from Raw. What would you do?
Of the guys listed, I'll go with the safe pick, and say Jesse. It's only a matter of time before the gimmick goes stale on Vince, and it'll be Jesse turning on "the ******" to cause the split. No one would root for Jesse, and he'd have decent heat for what could be a good feud. Most likely, it'll be a short feud, and he'll be wished well in his future endeavors afterwards...
it'll likely be Umaga turning back. Samoans don't work well as faces. He's a savage. What's the point in having a nice savage? He can't be brutal and bloodthirsty in that style. Khali might turn as well, which would be stupid considering the face pops he's been getting and the bridge to India that it gives to WWE. My final guess would be HHH. He's a natrual heel and has been a face since his latest return. It's high time he was a heel again.
I'm gonna go with Helms. His return has sort of fizzled and he is going nowhere as a face. He lost to Shelton for the US title, then was jobbed out to Kozlov. When he was on smackdown before, Helms played the heel role very well. He also just has the ability to make you hate him. I think he should side with Matt and help take out Jeff. It would instantly turn him into a hated heel and would put him up bit higher on the card. Helms is better on the mic as a heel and could become a solid midcard heel. And since Helms has been good friends with the Hardys and basically grew up with them it would add another personal element to the feud. But I would wait til after Jeff & Matt have a good amount of time feuding alone.

I also believe that Festus would eventually go heel. His "gimmick" seems to be growing old and no where. His a big guy and could replace Khali and Umaga as another "monster" heel. Have Jesse turn to and become his mouth peice. Or if you wanted a solid heel team just turn them together and have them be a heel team, but I think Festus is off to bigger and better things and is limited in the tag division.
I would go with Triple H. He would be helping the brand out a whole lot. IMO he is much more talented and should be the one that turns heel soon more than anybody.
I'm gonna go with Mr Kennedy! I loved this guys gimmick when he proclaimed time after time again on how many world champions he had beaten, he was so in your face you couldn't help to love his heel character, unfortuneatly for him his injuries kept him quiet and now he's teaming with divas..
Definatley Trips, he plays a heel so well that he needs to turn. He's been face for so long, he's honestly being a bit overshadowed a bit by the Hardy's and Edge fued at the moment. A heel turn would be awesome for both him, Smackdown! and the WWE itself, i hope it happens sooner than later.

Another option from your list would be R-Truth. He's getting a tad stale so a heel turn would be good and i could see him as a heel as well.... not sure. HHH would be the best option though!
Since you included, Kizarny, I think he'd be a GREAT heel. Very disturbing, very freakish. He could be some kind of tormented character. Very dark. Have him no-sell a chairshot and beat holy hell out of his opponents.

Or he could be a comedic heel...
Why is everyone thinking Umaga is a face? He was being cheered, sure, but the crowd doesn't necessarily dictate who is a heel and face 100%. Look at Cena. He's still the top babyface and he can't get a single crowd to be completely for him. They had Umaga squash two complete faces. Seems to be a heel that is just getting cheered because the fans enjoy watching him wrestle (as do I). And c'mon, you had to cheer when he did that kick to Funaki. That was just sweet lol.

Smackdown is actually pretty balanced right now if you think about it. Here's the roster, matched up in terms of the hierarchy:

MAIN EVENT: Jeff Hardy/Edge, Undertaker/Umaga, HHH/Big Show

UPPER MIDCARD: MVP/Shelton, Kennedy/Matt Hardy, Khali/Kozlov

MIDCARD: R-Truth/Chavo Guerrero, Helms/???

TAG TEAMS: Colons/Kendrick & Ezekiel, Jesse & Festus / Hawkins & Ryder

OTHER: Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki, Kizarny, Scotty Goldman, Ryan Braddock

Although its not particularly an impressive roster at some points, really all you're missing is a second heel in the midcard that is equal to Truth or Helms. Sure, you're not equal on your jobber heels, but how often does the WWE actually use HEELS as jobbers for faces? Pretty much never. Its always faces that get sent into squash matches with heels that they want to put over in the lamest and laziest of methods. And when do you really get to see any of those jobbers anyway?

So really, all you need to do is use Chavo to less of a jobber status and add one more midcard heel to be on par with Gregory Helms and you're fine. If you count ECW and Raw as the same roster, and if you count Batista as still being active, then Raw/ECW currently has one more heel than it does a face, so if you were to send that one heel over (let's just say its William Regal for the hell of it) then that would balance it out without having anybody turn heel or face from what they currently are, but the other option is to turn Kizarny heel and send Funaki or Jimmy Wang Yang over to Raw/ECW to balance out that extra heel.
It's a weak roster minus HHH, Hardy, Taker, Edge, Matt Hardy, and Big Show. They have talent in RTruth, MVP, Umaga, and Carlito, and minus Rtruth you can make the others heel. Seeing that MVP just turned face, cross him out. Have Carlito turn on his brother, 1. Umaga should never be face, 2. Same with Khali, how can he squeeze people's heads and shortly after turn face? There's an easy 3.

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