Which match might disappoint you?

Which match is most likely to disappoint you?

  • John Cena vs Rock

  • Undertaker vs HHH

  • CM Punk vs Chris Jericho

  • Other(Please Specify)

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Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
WrestleMania 28 seems all set to live up to it's tagline of being the "Showcase of The Immortals" with some extremely high profile matches being announced so far. In fact, an arguement can be made that this may be the biggest WrestleMania ever. But it so often happens that a card that looks so good on paper does not translate into perfection when it actually plays out. One cannot help but feel that there will be that one match that will disappoint.

Please also note that this is NOT a thread to discuss which match will be the worst at Mania but the match which you feel may disappoint you. For example, you may feel that the multi man tag match between the teams chosen by the two GM's of Raw and Smackdown may be the worst match on the card but then again there are not too many expectations surrounding it and therefore it cannot be the most disappointing match.

My Pick: HHH vs Undertaker III

I know that last year's match between the two wasn't everyone's cup of tea and I think that the match this year may be similar. The problem when you compare it to the HBK/ Taker series is that the first of those matches in that series was a standard match while the second one was a No DQ match which allowed them to wrestle a totally different match the next time round.

The HHH/ Taker match last year was a No DQ match which featured multiple finishers being hit, multiple nearfalls, weapons being used and even finishers being stolen to make the match seem more and more epic. The question is, what more can they possibly do? The only thing that comes to my mind is them going on top of the cage but are they willing to do that?

The involvement of HBK as a special ref also seems rather unneccesary. I mean wouldn't it have been better had this entirely been about HHH and Taker. Involving HBK just opens doors to some unneccesary drama in my opinion. I mean, there will surely be a ref bump and maybe that will cost HHH the match right there which may lead to a shady finish and possibly yet another match between HHH and Taker, which I have no interest in seeing.

Also remember, HHH has had boring HIAC matches before. The match with HBK, whom he calls the greatest in ring performer of all time, was incredibly long and boring. That time too, it seemed that HHH and HBK were just trying a bit too hard to make their blowoff match look epic. Could dejavu strike again?

So, which match do you think will disappoint you?
I put other because I don't think any of them will.

The only time people on here seem to be disappointed is, well who are we kidding, the IWC ALWAYS seems to be dissappointed. They seem to be disappointed when they feel the wrong guy won (like a mark) or when the match didn't play out exactly as they'd thought, for example, someone WILL be mad if HHH and Taker don't have a stunt spot off/through/on the cell.

Jericho/Punk will be awesome, but they're likely to have a rematch so I'm guessing the match might be a bit shorter than some people expect with maybe a rollup finish which for some reason some don't like.

HHH/Undertaker will be brutal and they'll sell the moves a lot like any good wrestler would do. People will bitch that "they just layed around". Plus HBK will probably get involved. Honestly, this would be my choice. However, I expect the Kliq ******* session to happen in some fashion or another. To be disappointed you have to have higher expectations going in. I expect it to be a great match, just too much Kliqness for me.

Cena/Rock has a very small chance of disappointing. The crowd will be hot, they've had a year to plan this shit, should go off without a hitch.
My pick for the match that might disappoint me is honestly, CM Punk VS Chris Jericho. People are hyping it up to where it will be the next Steamboat VS Savage. Yes, both guys are amazing on the mic and extremely talented in the ring, but it might not live up to the hype. I still think it will end up being one of the show-stealers, it just might not live up to ALL of the hype we have given it. They might not give us the 10 out of 10 point 5 star classic we are expecting. Similarly to Edge VS Jericho two years ago, it was still a great match but it fell short of expectations which was a little disappointing.

This is not to be confused with what will be the WORST match on the card. Quite the contrary. Punk & Jericho have my prediction at the moment for putting on the 2nd best or even best match of the night. The WORST will be whatever the divas end up doing, or the GM teams match likely. I hope that Punk and Jericho do pull off something awesome, but I'm not going into it expecting our generation's equivalent of Wrestlemania 3's Intercontinental Championship match. I've got high expectations that I fear might not be met when it comes time for the match since it has been hyped to the extreme by online fans.
The WWE and World Title matches shouldn’t be disappointing, only because these guys have something to prove. They will try to steal the show and all 4 are more than capable of doing so. They are the best in the WWE and the best in the World, or at least they are billed to be.

Undertaker and Triple H, now with Shawn Michaels, in my opinion, is the WM crutch. Regardless of what happens in this match, we all know it’s going to be something special. I would have rather seen Shawn Michaels in Triple H’s corner and Kane in Undertaker’s corner, but that’s just the “Fantasy Booker” in me.

I picked the Main Event for a few reasons:

1. It’s the Main Event. It should, by all means, be the best match on the show, but in its XXVII year history, how many times has the “Show” been stolen by an undercard match??

2. Cena is going to win. I’m not sure about everyone else, but I don’t think the WWE would disappoint my son on the Grandest Stage Of Them All. They sure as hell would disappoint me and the millions, but they won’t disappoint the CeNation (women and children first, according to Uncle Vinnie).

3. The Rock is going to lose. The Rock defeated Hulk Hogan exactly 10 years ago. Hogan “passed the torch” to the Rock and we all know that the Rock would do the same for the good of this business.

4. Screw Jobs. Any type of screw job in this Main Event, like the Miz interfering in the finish of the match, which is most likely going to happen, unless he finds something else to do, would ruin this for me.

5. SummerSlam and WrestleMania XXIX. There will be a rematch or some kind of Tag match or maybe even a Tag Title run for Cena and the Rock. Either way, WM XXVIII is only “Chapter 2” (I count Survivor Series 2011 as “Chapter 1”).

In conclusion, the only match I think that has potential disappoint is the Main Event.
I went for other and I think it'll be Team Big Johnny vs. Team Long. While the match hasn't been announced, you know its coming and I expect all sorts of shenanigans going on.

I have a feeling that it won't be treated all that seriously and that there'll be a good deal of comedy stuff that makes the match seem silly. I'm almost certain Santino Marella will be in the match and while Santino is over, it can be hard to get overly excited if you're expecting a great match. He did well at the Elimination Chamber, I will say that, but the stuff that's happened on Raw with Big Johnny & Teddy Long along with Vickie, Aksana, Kofi, Swagger & Ziggler give me a feeling that it's going to be an extremely lame mixed person match.
I voted other, just because as soon as I read the choices, I could make compelling arguments for all three of the ones listed, and couldn't choose between them. Let's be honest, EVERY match has the potential to disappoint for any number of reasons, lack of time, unforeseen injury that limits what the performer can do for the rest of the match, or just bad match choreography. Who knows? I do have the highest expectations for Punk/Jericho, based solely on their ability to put on damn good matches, and the belief that their styles mix pretty well together, but all these matches could be excellent, or could be stinkers.
Naturally, the only reason a match might disappoint us is because we expected something big from it in the first place. In that vein, in comparison to some of the mega-matches on the card, I might have figured that Cody Rhodes vs Big Show may be a disappointment; but in the end, it probably won't be.....because I'm not expecting much of anything from it in the first place. I like both wrestlers, yet I don't really care who wins or what they're going to do. It's hard to look good against Big Show because the match usually depends on how the company is depicting him in a given match, rather than what his opponent is doing. If Show is being shown as the unstoppable monster, nothing Cody does will make much of a difference. But if the writers decide Show is going to be vulnerable to attacks on his legs (chopping him down to size), there's a chance for Cody to shine.

Either way, though, it doesn't seem like a Wrestlemania-worthy match and might prove a disappointment just for paling beside the featured stuff that follows.


My guess is that Hell in a Cell might be a disappointment, if for no other reason that it's been done and dusted already. What can two grounded, mat dinosaurs do this year they didn't do last year? If you like grind-it-out contests with some great technical wrestling, Jericho-Punk might prove superior to Trips-'Taker, particularly as it's bound to come earlier in the evening and might steal the thunder for this type of contest.

Then again, after Trips-'Taker has gone on for a long while and the audience is getting into anticipating whether the next two-count will be the last, there'll doubtless be plenty of excitement as to who's going to take the duke. But even then, since it's bound to be Undertaker who extends his glorious streak, those two-counts might not be as breathtaking.

I hope these two can bring off a great one.....and if there are any two guys who know how, it's them.
I voted other because I think I will be fairly satisfied with those matches. Even if they don't reach my personal expectations, I think all three will be entertaining.

I want to say Cody v. Big Show will be disappointing, but like Mustang Sally, I'm not expecting much. Still, it's the IC title and I want to believe that it's a big deal now. Big Show should not be in the IC title picture, it should be for up-and-comers. I don't think I'll be too disappointed with Team Johnny v. Team Long because the implication the match will have to future storylines will be intriguing enough and retain my interest.

It's hard to say right now without the card finalized, but there will be some other match that disappoints me. Those three wont, however.
Oh it's gotta be Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk. These two are phenomenal workers; so much that they've developed hardcore followings from select wrestling fans that will follow them throughout their respective careers. But get this, this feud is based over who is the true Best in the World. With that, I believe many are expecting some wrestling match that you see mainly on the independents - alot of wrestling moves, fast paced action, reversals, with an ending no one seen coming. There's no doubt we will see some great technical wrestling and athleticism, it won't be anything to truly write home about. These two have the weight of the world riding on their shoulders; it wouldn't make much sense if the two supposed best in the world didn't deliver on the grandest stage of them all.

Somehow, I get the feeling this match won't be the most talked about match on the card, it won't even be the best match on the card, I believe many are setting their expectations a tad bit too high. Once again, I agree with Dagger. By no means will it be the WORST match of the evening; far from it. But expectations are set entirely too high for this match and whatever Jericho and Punk do, I don't think they'll meet those expectations. In the opening of the tag team match on Raw, we got a little taste of what these two could do and it looked great. But this match has to be at the right time, the right length and the right finish to meet the majority's expectations and that's something I don't see. I expect alot of bitching after this match goes on – ala Edge vs. Jericho at Wrestlemania 26.
Going to say Rock vs Cena because the fued has already disappointed. It's done nothing but prove Cena doesn't belong in the position he current is in with the gimik he currently has. He's been destroyed on the mic, at survivor series he was completely out classed by the Rock in the ring and it's going to be more of the same. We are going to see the Rock come out looks like the fluid, electric BA that he is pulling moves off as smooth as can be and then we are going to see the usual Cena two left feet approach stumbling around half assed no selling garbage that has been his hallmark that constantly brings down the people who perform with him.

This match will be a disappointment as much as I hate to say it. I'm hoping a miracle happens and I'm proven wrong but I just don't see it.
Big Show vs Cody Rhodes. WOW. Do they even try to make it logical anymore. This is more of a superstars match. I know David and Goliath, but come on. This should be a squash match. They could of atleast made it tag team and even it out
I actually went with Jericho and Punk because I have high hopes for this match and think it could steal the show, so therefore it could be a disappointment if it's not that good.
I went for other and I think it'll be Team Big Johnny vs. Team Long. While the match hasn't been announced, you know its coming and I expect all sorts of shenanigans going on.

I have a feeling that it won't be treated all that seriously and that there'll be a good deal of comedy stuff that makes the match seem silly. I'm almost certain Santino Marella will be in the match and while Santino is over, it can be hard to get overly excited if you're expecting a great match. He did well at the Elimination Chamber, I will say that, but the stuff that's happened on Raw with Big Johnny & Teddy Long along with Vickie, Aksana, Kofi, Swagger & Ziggler give me a feeling that it's going to be an extremely lame mixed person match.

I can agree with this, but that is why it won't be disappointing. No one will be expecting much coming out of this match, hence, no one being disappointed.

The disappointing match will be Taker/HHH. Yes, it is two of the biggest names in WWE history. Yes, it is in Hell in a Cell. But, the two guys are a combined 99 years old. Taker has looked awful in the ring for years now. I don't doubt that both men will put their all into it, but this match won't come close to what people are expecting it to be.
Triple H vs the Undertaker -- Hell in a Cell (w/ Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels)
This match is going to be good enough for me on story alone. I think there's very little chance the Undertaker and Triple H will put on a BAD match - perhaps a mediocre match, but like I said the story will be good enough to carry it through anyways. This feud has the best build going into WrestleMania, and I just don't see it falling on its face. There are too many "greatest of all times" guys involved here for it to be terrible... *fingers crossed*

John Cena vs The Rock

Much like the story will sell Hunter/Taker, the crowd will sell Rock/Cena. If you look at objectively (and as a Chicagoan it's hard to do), Punk/Cena from Money in the Bank wasn't THAT great of a match. It was good, but what made it a classic, unforgettable moment was the build up the match and the Chicago crowd in the Allstate Arena! At this point I think Rock could piss in a paper bag and hand it out to all Cena's Make-a-Wish kids, and the pair of them would still make WrestleMania magic by the time the night is over. All they need to do is draw it out and the Miami fans will do the rest of the work for them. I really don't think there's any way this ends up disappointing me...

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho -- WWE Championship

You can't fight for being "best in the world" when you're barely fighting for relevance on Monday Night Raw. This feud has been underwhelming to say the VERY least, and I'm already disappointed. Maybe they'll go out there and put on a wrestling clinic, but the thing is... They've done such a terrible job selling the feud with their words (crazy, right?) the expectations for their actual match will be ridiculous. I've caught myself saying "well, they are excellent promo workers, but since they haven't been given enough time they'll just get it done in the ring". They HAVE been given time, and only ONCE do I remember an interaction between them being memorable - they still managed to let Cena overshadow them though. I really think the problem is they both bought into their own hype. We all know Jericho/Punk should be good enough to sell WrestleMania, and I think they believe that too. And why not? But they really haven't shown up to prove that, and instead have rested on a popularity that is fading and continuously being overshadowed by the real "main events" on the WrestleMania card.
There is a reason why I chose Rock vs. Cena. I just don't see anything worthwhile or worth watching happening in this match, I feel like everyone is going to remember this match as a massive disappointment. I sure hope its not as I am a massive WWE fan like basically everyone here, but I just have a feeling it will end in some BS fashion. I also understand that it is the 5 moves of doom vs. The peoples champ, so don't expect a technically sound or back and forth moves for example, clothesline by rock, cena gets up and shoulder rams rock. I also don't expect it to be longer than 20 minutes. Since there is already HHH vs. Taker that will be 30 minutes to itself and possibly longer with shawn in the feud now. I just hope I am wrong, but having these two guys in the ring will result in little chemistry and creativity IMO.
I voted other, and that distinction goes to the likely Randy Orton/Kane match. With regards to the #2 guy in the company, and the top star on his brand, I expected Randy Orton to be in a big time match, and to produce a quality, 15-20 minute affair as a result. The past two years, we've seen Orton in matches that were not only far from the title picture, but on the early undercard as well. It's not as if Orton/DiBiase/Rhodes and Orton/Punk weren't built well and didn't deliver, but they weren't spots on the card you would expect from the guy who's considered to be your #2, or at worst, your #3 star.

So this year, I expected Randy Orton to be in a high-profile match, for a World Title. Even with him going out before EC with a concussion, I expected him to find a way into the World Title match somehow because he didnt get that chance to compete for a title. But since he returned, all signs point to a match with Kane. And that is a major disapointment to me. Orton is in his prime, and has spent the past year of his career not only delivering the best matches of his life, and sometimes in the entire company, but he's paid his dues outside the title picture. His extensive feuds with Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, and Wade Barrett have seen Orton elevate others, so it would only make sense for him to be rewarded with a big match come Wrestlemania. So it makes me wonder...

Who in their right mind thought Orton and Kane was a good idea? Look, Kane returned with a vengeance, and seemed as dominant as ever. But his feud with John Cena, rightfully so, saw Kane lose some of that unstoppable mystique. So how does it benefit or make for a good match for Orton to face Kane? Kane appears to be in great shape, no doubt, but he's over the hill. Their apparent match at Wrestlemania is sure to disapoint an Orton fan such as myself, when he clearly deserves so much better then this. Orton and Kane, despite Orton putting on the best matches of his career, is sure to be the most disapointing match for this viewer.
Punk/Jericho, purely because it's the match I've hyped up the most to myself.

Matches like Rock/Cena and Big Show/Rhodes are matches I'm not expecting much from, so they can't really disappoint. Rock/Cena will be a fantastic event, but a good match? Hell, rather than disappoint, that one may even excel my expectations. Sheamus/Bryan should put on a solid match, but I'm not expecting it to be a classic, and I can't see it being terrible either.

Kane/Orton is a match I think I'll be surprised by. i like Orton, but I don't expect he and Kane to put on a good match, Average maybe, not good. So I doubt that'll disappoint me bearing my current expectation in mind.

Taker vs HHH in the cell will have to do something awful to be a disappointment. Like the Rock/Cena match, this isn't so much about the match, but is much more about the story and the emotion behind the match rather than the wrestling content. Besides, a match with HHH Taker AND HBK involved shouldn't disappoint.

Jericho/Punk is rather the opposite; whilst the story and context of the match is important, the match is gonna be about what happens in the ring, and my expectation is that this match should be a contender for match of the year. Jericho is widely regarded as one fo the best wrestlers around, and Punk has improved massively and has found a consistency in his work over the last year or so, and has undoubtedly cemented himself in WWE's main event. The recipe is there for a classic, yet that expectation could see the match fall flat.

So, bearing all of that in mind, the Jeircho/Punk match, which I am fully expecting to be match of the night at a bear minimum, is the one with the most potential to disappoint for me.
IMO, more than one.

Rhodes/Big Show
Im seeing as maybe a no contest/DQ or countout, not much of a match here as Cody will do his best to get the big man down, but Im thinking Cody will get his-self counted out or DQ'd and Big Show losing again A-la Daniel Bryan way out.

Celeb divas match
Whoever that presenter bird is I can see her & KK wining with another KK roll up, so that will hopefully a bathroom break or dark match, enough with the celeb matches already as most of wanna see Kharma/Natalya/Beth triple threat, but with Kharma's tragic loss of her baby, that aint gonna happen.

Unless Kharma comes down and kick's everybody' ass and clears house.

What is the point of this match?

We see Super Cena beat Kane in a flash-in-the-pan rivalry, now Orton?

Again as above, outcome same as Rhodes/Big Show.

Long vs Larangitis
A POOR substitute for MITB, but a great opportunity for Santino to shine, but we all know its gonna be full of apron climbing from outside interference/arguing with the ref (Vickie & Larangitis) & plenty full of attempted screw jobs (A-la what TNA is doing these days)

I said Larangitis, because thats who Johnny (im so boring) sounds.

Apart from that the other matches im really looking forward to.
I opted for Team Big Johnny vs Team Teddy. I can see this match being a colossal letdown, even though there is not much positive expectations to begin with. Even though the multi-man tag team match is a step up from last year's piss break of The Corre vs Santino, Kozlov, Kane and Big Show, I can't see a decent contest as an adequate blow-off to the feud between the two GMs. With the star power that the match possesses, coupled with the way they have built the feud, this match should deliver on some level at the very least, but I doubt it will. Similar to the HIAC bout, this is one of the matches that there is more emphasis on the story rather than the match itself. At the end of the day, the match will serve its purpose, to allow whoever wins to seize control of both shows. The match might have its moments, but I expect nothing more than a finisher fest and maybe a screwjob from whomever in Team Teddy but that's all there is to it.
I was expecting Undertaker vs. Triple H to disappoint me last year. It turned out to be an incredible match. So this year, I don't see Undertaker vs. Triple H being anything more than two legends giving 100% for 25 minutes. Their chemistry is unmatched by very few people. Them having a bad match just seems unfathomable at this point. Same goes for Rock vs. Cena.

The match I'm worried might disappoint is Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan. There's no doubt in my mind that these guys can wrestle well. Hell, there's no doubt in my mind that these guys can wrestle each other well. But that's meaningless if they don't get the time. It's like WWE haven't even tried to hide the fact that they don't particularly care for this match, what with the build being so shoddy. Bryan vs. Sheamus could be a great match. But if it gets less than ten/fifteen minutes, I fear - and expect - that it will be just average.

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