Which Match Is Better?

Which match is better?

  • Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels:Wrestlemania 25

  • Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michels:Wrestlemania 21

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Too Sweet To Be Sour
Which match was better: Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels, at Wrestlemania 21, or Shawn Michales vs. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25?

I think the Wrestlemania 25 match was better. As HBK was a bigger star by the time this match rolled around after retiring Flair, and Taker is a bigger star than Kurt Angle, it featured more star power and draw power.

This match lived up to it's hype and beyond. it featured a little of everything. I saw great mat wrestling, slugging and brwing, faceoffs, nasty spots, and a little high flying even. There were also a couple spots in between moves that built so much anticipation, which was lived up to again and again (Taker took two Sweet Chin Music kicks, kicked out of one, and I believed kicked out of a flying elbow, HBK kicked out of a chokeslam, Tombstone, and last ride). Angle and HBK I don't belive (it's been awhile) featured so many near falls off of finishing moves and so many exciting spots (the moonsault spot is the only one i remember being as exciting as the ones in this match).

This match was, for a Taker at Mania match, very unpredictable, with HBK coming closer than anyone before him to defeating Taker at Mania. Plus, with Taker getting older, you never know when he is going to lose at Mania and step down, and with HBK being just as accomplished as Taker, he would be a resonable choice to retire Taker and end the streak. The other match didn't even feature Taker, and as it was unpredictable, there wasn't as much on the line, like the streak.

This match was one of the greatest in Mania history. About a half an hour, many people agree it was up there with HBK vs. Hart from WM 12, Savage vs. Steamboat from WM 3, and many other Mania classics. This match featured some of the best wrestling I've seen in awhile, of course HBK/Angle did too, maybe even just as good as Taker/HBK, but it didn't feature the build-up, the excting spots, and the star power this did. The Wrestlemania 21 match was close, and also a sure Mania classic, but not quite as classic and exciting and overall as good as Taker and Michaels at Wrestlemania 25.

Anyway, what do you guys think. Which was better? Discuss.
It's irrelevant, because Michaels vs Jericho from 19 beats both. However, between the 2 I pick Taker. The HBK vs Angle match was phenominal, but the HBK vs Taker match was even better. Amazing match, I barely rate it ahead of the one with Angle but I'd have to say it was a little better.
I was at Wrestlemania 25 and I've seen my fair share of the "great" matches in the history of wrestling and not only was HBK-Taker better than HBK-Angle but in my biased opinion its the greatest wrestling match in history.

Reliant Stadium was unglued unlike any other. My brother who was watching the show on PPV believed it was the greatest match he's even seen and to the best of it's ability the greatness of that match bled through the TV which speals volumes of the performances of both Shawn and Undertaker.

While I've watched that match over and over on DVD and still doesn't get old, DVD doesn't do that match justice for me as all 72,244 marked out for these two legends to the point that I can say I'll never forget it as long as I live. That match reassured my why I love wrestling and gave me great material to learn from the day I get into a ring. Casual wrestling fans and non wrestling fans alike were able to get excited and BELIEVE while watching that match, which is the main objective.

I am a huge Bret Hart mark and I have always held HBK and Bret's Iron Man match in rarified air especially since it was my two all-time favorites going at it but this match by far exceeds it.

My expectations were that these two guys would have the greatest match in Wrestlemania's history, based on the fact that at the past two Wrestlemania's (23 and XXIV) which I both attended, you could argue either way for both of these guys that they had the best match of the night at the previous two Wrestlemania's. So to put these guys in the same ring was the perfect equation for a legendary match.

The opening video to kick off Wrestlemania 25 was a handful of WWE Superstars talking about the greatest Wrestlemania moments in history and their fondest memories of the event. This match had such an impact on me that if I were spliced into that piece, I would not only say being at my first Wrestlemania in Detriot with 80,000 others was a huge moment for me and to finally make it to Wrestlemania, but I would also have said being able to witness Shawn Micheals vs. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25 live TO BE PART OF THAT. That match was that special and still is for anyone who shares this common love for pro wrestling.

Shawn Micheals vs. The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25 is the match of my generation that will be talked about by myself and my peers for years as THE MATCH.
The UT HBK match gets point deductions because the outcome was known. Undertaker was not going to lose his steak. And because of the 5 minutes of resting while the undertaker recovered from almost breaking his neck.

Nobody knew how the Angle Shawn match would end. Wonderful match too.
The UT HBK match gets point deductions because the outcome was known. Undertaker was not going to lose his steak. And because of the 5 minutes of resting while the undertaker recovered from almost breaking his neck.

Nobody knew how the Angle Shawn match would end. Wonderful match too.

I think you have it twisted my friend because if you thought HBK was gonna kick out of that first tombstone you're liar. When he did what did you think was gonna happen next? That was the turning point from a great match to the best match. The fact you still knew who was gonna win gives this match even more love because I don't care how a smart smarks are a part of them believed HBK COULD if not WOULD beat Undertaker after having endured all that the Deadman could throw at him. After that tombstone it became about how it would end not who.
hbk taker was better than hbk angle because we saw the old shawn come out. and the old shawn is the best shawn. you know the shawn i mean, the 90's shawn. the 95-98 shawn. the shawn that made you tingle....well probably not tingle...the shawn that made you go damn hes good. this was takers best match at wrestlemania in years. he had a good one against edge yes, but henry, batista, and orton couldn't match to him and hbk. so we were waiting for another great match from him. we can see great matches anyday from angle. thats why taker vs hbk was better.
I'm gonna agree with the masses, HBK/UT. But not so much due to work ethic but more or less how it was brought up and advertised and marketed. The streak vs Mr. Wrestlemania. In my opinion that was the closest thing this generation has seen to the WM3 "unstoppable force meets the immovable object"
HBK Vs Undertaker definately wins. That match had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. And I love the look of shock each man had on their face each time one of them kick out of a finisher. Added to the emotion of the match. These 2 have probably had the best matches at Wrestlemania 4 the last 4 wrestlemaniaz leading up to their match. So there was a large expectation and they lived up to it. Maybe even exceeded expectations.

You asked which was the best match. So therefore Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle wins.

Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker was a great spectical, But was nothing more than a glorified spot fest, It was basically a rinse and repeat of taunt, Spot, Rest. Don't get me wrong, I loved every second of it, it was one for the ages, And will feature in both men's video packages when they are inducted into the hall of fame.

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle on the other hand was an amazing match, No one watching that match could say "oh he going to win.", Because the match was bulit as the two participants were really on even playing field. The match was so great, HBK and Kurt tried every style in that match. One minute they were wrestling, Then flyin', Then brawling. This match had EVERYTHING except for amazing build up.
Id Say Wm 25 Iz The Better Match..
But I Juss Hate The Way It Ended
When Shawn Did The Backflip
Knowing Good And Damn Well Taker Was Looking Dead At Him
no match imo compares to hbk vs taker, i almost thru my tv thru the window after what an epic failure that wm was but then when taker and hbk were finished i was ultra satisfide
ok I wrote a good review of both matches and catagorically compared them whilst including a few, if successful, comedic remarks i posted it and it showed up about 4 times and thus i attempted to delete one and with it all of them went. from here out i will write my shit in word save then post as i am doing now. now with out the side remarks here it is again

Build up: Takers match
Super Star Status: Taker>Angle
Ground work: Angle
Flying: Angle (2 of the taker spots were botched you cant tell me that Taker was supposed to nearly break his neck)
Brawling: Taker
UN predictablilty: Angle match
now before you get upset at that last one remember your in the IWC thus You should know better I was at a packed bowling alleys' bar and out of 150 or so people I'm the one telling my friends (yeah i have friends can you imagine) cmon people Kane took 3 tombstones and how exactly is it that Shawn NEEDS this big a rub etc etc. so yes alot of you marked out and lost you senses and got sucked in for a moment which means they did do a damn good job but had you kept you usual perspective like I did this was predictable.
For you Mathametitions (huh no red line, still sp?) the score is 3-3 the tie breaker to me is lasting the test of time Hart Micheals held it self up for years only for me to sortof loose excitement and fast forward through the rest holds. still a classic but you see what i'm getting at. Angle HBK still keeps me glued to the t.v. Lets see if Taker HBK does the same 4 years from now. so Angle wins...for now.
To be able to give my opinion, I watched the HBK/Angle match again because I forgotten the outcome and didn't remember the match. After watching, I think HBK and Angle was better for the simple fact that we all knew Taker would win at WM25. I'm the type of fan who HATES predictability and thinks it ruins matches....especially matches at WM. The ANgle and HBK match had everything...good start, good middle, good finish, along with good mat work, good brawling, and good high flying. The Taker match had some of those qualities but I think the ending was crap...

In the end...both matches were sick but I think the Angle match is a little bit better because it wasn't so predictable and it had a really good ending...

(My First Post :icon_exclaim:)
I feel this somewhat of a trick question.

As far as wrestling ability goes, gotta give it to Michaels/Angle.

As far as excitement, edge of your seat entertainment, hands down, UT/Michaels.

Everyone thinks they knew what the outcome of the UT/Michaels match was gonna be. They were right, but, if you watched that match live, if you claim that there was not at least one point, just one, where you thought Michaels was gonna win it, you are lying.

Been watching wrestling for a long time folks. I thought going into this match, it was going to be a good match and that 'Taker would ultimately win it. But, I didnt expect to have any doubts about him winning. They proved me wrong b/c there were a couple of moments during that match when I said to myself, "Man, they actually might let Michaels get the win here." That folks, is what wrestling should always be like!!
It's irrelevant, because Michaels vs Jericho from 19 beats both. However, between the 2 I pick Taker. The HBK vs Angle match was phenominal, but the HBK vs Taker match was even better. Amazing match, I barely rate it ahead of the one with Angle but I'd have to say it was a little better.

I agree that the WM XIX match was better than both of these, but between the two, I’m going with WM 21. I might actually be biased in my pick, because Jericho is my favorite and Angle is in my top 5 (number 4 to be exact). I say 21, because the match itself was just great. The build up to HBK / Taker was far better, because of the fact that they teased it for so long, but match wise, I think it’s just a matter of timing. If HBK / Angle took place last April and HBK / Taker took place at WM 21, I may have a different opinion.

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