Which Jericho "Coming" was your favorite?

Which Jericho "coming" was the best

  • 1999 debut interrupting Rock

  • 2007 return interrupting Orton

  • 2012 "silent" return

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I'll be honest, Jericho is my favorite wrestler of all time, but not because of his returns... His WWE debut against the Rock was unforgettable, and a huge rub for the up-and-comer. It showed that Vince had faith in him and hoped he could be a huge star. If you read his book and followed wrestling during that time you know a lot of things didn't work out, but that debut was incredible. Few work as well together than the Rock and Chris Jericho.

His return against Chris Jericho was...interesting. Everyone was excited to see him back, sure, but what in the hell was he wearing? I was almost too burnt out on the Y2J character at that point, and I was looking for something new. He would eventually kill that character, and become the Jericho heel with Shawn Michaels, but...again, what the hell was he wearing!?

I get his newest return - it was clever. I just don't think it came across as well as they were ultimately hoping it would. I'm sure Jericho himself came up with the idea, and I think if it were done a bit shorter and in the final slot of the night, it could have been amazing. But the fact that Jericho came back, and then I had to watch a Cena match with Swagger in it kind of killed the whole night for me. And having Henry and Kane both bail out made it pretty much pointless to keep watching... Just another example of how a small booking decision can take something from amazing to terrible.
How are people voting 2007? That was an awful promo that killed his face character dead in the water
The debut will always be the best, because that's when the product was SO much better. I wonder if he knew when he called Raw is War "Raw is Snore" at the time that the product would become as dull as it currently is and has been for a long time. Yeah, I admit I'm a huge Attitude Era fan and I'm also a huge mark for Chris Jericho. I only saw a little bit of his work in WCW, but it didn't take me long to become a fan of his.

His second coming comes in at number 2 for me. It was predictable (Thanks to my constant reading of dirt sheets.) but it was still cool to see him debut by clotheslining that runner followed up by his cool trademark pose.

His latest return was predictable and kind of underwhelming. It was cool to see him and all, but after awhile I was just thinking "Ok, how long is this going to go on for?" I was sort of wishing we'd have frowning, serious Y2J that calls everyone a "mucilliginous(spelling?) troglodyte" after awhile there. I'll still tune in next Monday to see where things go. I really want to cheer for Chris Jericho, but since he's apparently going to be a heel (and takes being a heel so seriously), I'm not supposed to do that.:icon_neutral:
The best was his 2007 comeback and it's not even close. While his original debut was great, his 2007 comeback was my favorite because not only were the "Save Us Y2J" viral messages awesome but also the fact that his return came at the right time. Orton had just destroyed Michaels in their feud and Cena was injured. Here comes Jericho to literally "save us" from Orton. His 2012 comeback was the worst. He has done absolutely nothing and for the past few weeks he has wasted time messing around with the fans. Do a promo. Work a match. Give us SOMETHING!
It has to be the initial debut in 1999 with the Millenium clock countdown. It had been building for week's, and it was a masterstroke to have it come to an end at the exact time The Rock was in the ring cutting a great promo.

Interrupting the Great One showed the fan base that this was someone who was going to be a big deal, as Rock was the hottest talent in the company at that time. Why not make the biggest impact possible on a debut?

The reaction from the audience when the name JERICHO appears on the titantron still gives me goosebumps, and is a big reason why Jericho's debut is still my favourite wrestling debut to this day. It was awesome. He cuts a great promo, and straight away hangs in there with the best mic man in the business.

He may not have had a great start to his WWE career after that, but he soon found his feet and showed us all just why Vince gave him such a great introduction. That era of Jericho, the long-haired, wise-ass, Stephanie-hating Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla is definitely my favourite.
His debut was easily the best. 2007 wasn't terrible but was nowhere near as good, he was wearing yet another gay sparkly outfit, they had the whole lame running guy with the torch or whatever just wasn't great, plus Orton was terrible in the segment. His latest was worse, the whole thing just seems rushed and it was so obvious that it was Jericho, don't really mind though atleast he's back.
All of his returns have truly been epic.

The vignettes are always great, the build-up is always great and the pop is always great.

But, c'mon ... 1999 in Chicago was not just his best, but was the best debut in history. It was scene-stealing from the most charismatic showman in wrestling history. It was perfectly done. When the woman on the Titantron throws her arms up just before "Bring the Walls Down" hits and the name Jericho appears ... it is perfectly timed. And the pop ... oh that pop.

There really has never been anything like that in my years of watching wrestling. For a MIDCARDER to interrupt the top dog like that and get that kind of pop. Unbelievable.

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