Which Jericho "Coming" was your favorite?

Which Jericho "coming" was the best

  • 1999 debut interrupting Rock

  • 2007 return interrupting Orton

  • 2012 "silent" return

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Olympic Gold Medalist
Over the past 13 years now, Chris Jericho has made some of the most incredible impacts through returns in the WWE. You have got to admit, he has style.

First was the famous WWE debut interrupting the rock with the millenium clock


Then was the return interrupting Orton with the "codes"


Then this monday was the return with the ominous it begins promos


My question to you guys is which of these was did you feel was the best?
How can this even be a question?

Chris Jericho, incredibly talented mid-carder, became a STAR in an instant with the debut in the middle of the Rock's promo in 1999. I recognize that he wasn't in the main event right away, but he was instantly one of the WWF's most over workers, constantly on the shows. As talented as he was, it wasn't like there was any reason to expect WWF fans to embrace him (as a heel or face) the way they did. Heck, the Radicalz didn't get embraced the same way and Benoit wasn't a midcarder!
I liked his 2nd coming the most. Something about the promos and the whole storyline really drew me in. His debut was definitely a historic moment interrupting The Rock, however his first run wasn't his best. I believe it was his 2nd run that was his best with WWE to date. It should be interesting to see where this run goes and what the storyline is going forward. I'm very intrigued by it and cannot wait for Raw next week.
I'd say his first one was the best. The interaction with the Rock was priceless. His latest one was one too many for me and didn't even make sense along with the promos. They were perfect for a dark character and he came out in his flamboyant persona (which is better than his last one), it just didn't make sense. And he said nothing! All that hype for nothing really... I'd have preferred more for someone with all those vignettes.
His first coming ment WAY More than any other "returns" he did, But the most impact it had on the WWE was definitely was in 2007 when he had all the codes, and interrupted the WWE Champion Randy Orton, In my opinion, that is a great way to come back, interrupting the WWE's most important wrestler at that time, And just completely owning him on the mic. So i'd have to say his second return was my fave, Plus his most recent return was awesome, He turned Heel without saying a word.. Perfect. Jericho is one of the best.
Talking about owning the most important guy in the company, he interrupted The Rock when he debuted, going from WCW Cruiserweight, to a Superstar. That is why I went with the Rock one. The 2007 one was awesome as well but it didnt have the exchange that The Rock and Jericho had, and this last one at first I was like WTF, but I was laughing at him playing the crowd. I liked them all but the first time is always the best.
Great thread, one of my favorite things about Jericho has always been his returns because he always brings something fresh to the table. Each of them is unique and unmatched by any other superstar but my personal favorite and the one with the biggest impact has to be his WWF debut in 99 with The Rock. Who has ever had a better first night on the brand than verbally sparring with the hottest man in the company at the time and solidifying his spot as a top star. Sure the 07 return was awesome, it was delivered beautifully and really brought him back well, and his return on Monday was yet another one for the ages as he went on to mock the crowd and get them to cheer him for nearly 10 minutes without saying a damn word. While I feel his second and third were better in terms of the actual content I think that his Rock face off showed the faith the WWE had in Chris from the beginning and set the bar for debuts and returns.
I easily had to vote for his initial breakthrough when he interrupted The Rock. To this day, I get chills when his pyro hits and the music starts. When you throw in the pop he got, it can't be beat. Few moments in the past give me chills, but that was one of them.
I voted for the 2007 return, when he interrupted Randy Orton. I felt that his return and attack on Randy Orton provided me with that lasting image of what I love about wrestling, and a reason for a good feud to ensue, which I thought it was.
Picking your favorite Jericho return is like picking your favorite Beatles album, no matter what you're picking a classic. The original is still my favorite though, the pop alone is legendary.
99 was the most epic debut I've ever seen.

When I think Jericho, debut or anything related to Y2K (he was that stuck in my head) I just picture the WCW jobber talking over the Rock.
The one with his wife.

Anywho the first one because I was excited for it. Even though he interrupted my second favourite wrestler but Jericho was my third. I was like omfg! This is incredible. Ever since the wcw games I had always like Chris Jericho.
The first one hands dwon. Unlike the second coming and last Monday, it was relatively secret to casual fans due to the internet not being as huge as it is in 2012.
Jericho interupting The Rock was GOLD, and as already stated, elevated him more in ten minutes than his first 9 years in the sport.
2007, every man and his dog new Jericho was returning, and Vince completely butchered the angle and his gimmick by having a shiny babyface Jericho.
2012, obviously Jericho is wanting a further development and fresh approach with his character. The best characters are extensions of their real life persona soI im thinknig after his over the top, arrogant, pisstake dispaly Monday nght, Jericho will be returning as being the Best of the Best, closer to his Rock Star Fozzy career gimmick. He will be a heel, and he will be obnoxious, yet flamboyant. The silent treatment was perfect for him to continue only communicating on twitter. Great gimmick, not acknowledging the fans verbally and conducting them like a conductor waving a baton. Jericho is GOLD, and provided Vince does not mess this up, Jericho vs Punk should be brutally good television.
That's the thing though,his second coming was made completely irrellevent because he didn't win the title,and I believe afterwards went back to the midcard. First coming was the best for now anyway,we'll see how this whole end of the world gimmick goes and maybe I'll comeback and change my mind.
1999 vs. The Rock
I loved it. The only thing that could have topped this debut was if he interrupted both The Rock AND Stone Cold Steve Austin. Okay, fine, that’s pushing it.

2007 vs. Randy Orton
This debut was something I was looking forward to. A Face debut for Jericho was something I’m sure a lot of people were looking for, but as soon as it happened, I wanted him to turn. I wanted Jericho to turn Heel when he faced Orton and JBL. Oh well!!

2012 vs. ??
Now on Monday night. He came out. He got the crowd to pop, then cheer, then chant, then boo, then yelled, then questioned, then anticipate, then blog on the Internet. I just have to see what happens next.
Is this even a question? His first one is the best by a far!!!! You had the millennium countdown, the lights flickering, the bass thumping. We didn't really have an IWC like we do now, so nobody was sure it was him. The countdown started during Rocky's promo. All of this stuff starts happening with the lights. Then, they go out. The crowd's waiting. BOOOM! The pyro goes off, and the crowd goes nuts! You look up on the titantron, and you see the man with his arms spread out, then in huge letters it says JERICHO. The crowd goes ape shit! Then his first words were "Welcome to Raw is Jericho!". The rest is history. Every other return sucked! We basically knew it was him both times because of dirtsheets and the internet.

Golly I long for the times when I could watch wrestling without knowing what was going to happen before it happened. smh
His first debut by a MILE. That debut in August, 1999 is considered by many people to be the single-greatest debut in the history of pro wrestling. The two-month build-up with the countdown clock ... that it ended with The Rock in the ring ... that turned Jericho into an immediate star.


A few posters have noted that the 1999 debut was better because it was more of a surprise ... that the internet wasn't was it is now ... STOP IT!

I don't know if you guys are 15-year olds that weren't old enough to remember 1999 ... or if you guys just can't remember 13 years ago ... But the internet was ALL OVER Jericho's signing with the WWE in 1999. I was at the Horizon in Chicago the night Jericho debuted, and EVERYONE knew he was going to be there. EVERYONE. Look at the videos on YouTube. There were hundreds of RAW IS JERICHO signs ... In addition, there were hundreds of Monday Night Jericho signs.

His debut in 1999 was epic. It was his best debut. But it was NOT a surprise to most people.


EDIT: After re-watching the 2007 return, I have to say that it was ruined by the clothesline to the torch carrier. For me, that killed the dramatic entrance that was prevalent in the 99 debut and the 1.2.12 return.
His 1999 debut was incredible. That would probably get my vote for my favorite debut of any wrestler, in any company, ever. Anybody who watched the WWE then, will always remember the moment when the arena was black and "JERICHO" flashed on the Titantron. The crowd pop at that moment was crazy.

2007 was cool, but did it really have anything that made it special or unique? I think that was pretty forgettable to be honest, especially compared to the other two. The most memorable part of that, for me, was how long it took...there were constant rumors about when it would happen, there was that one PPV in the middle (No Mercy) that everybody was SURE it would happen - and then two PPVs AFTER that before he finally debuted on Raw.

But 2012 was definitely special and unique. He came out to the ring to a huge pop and walked out a huge heel, without saying a word, touching anybody, or doing anything remotely heel. Sure he could've come out in a Thunder jersey(who has a rivalry with a team in Memphis?), insulted the city and fans, and put Lawler through a table or something.

Hmm...looking back on these debuts and other big events in WWE history(especially 2-21-11 last year), one thing has become crystal clear: hype campaigns are always better when you know when it will end. Put a countdown clock or a date on it.

So 1999 gets my vote, but 2012 would get my vote with just about any other superstar. I loved them both.
Definitely 1999. I actually watched it on YouTube last week with all the Y2J talk going on and I got chills from it lol.

Jericho mentions in his own books the risks he took with changing his appearance, he compared it to how many metal fans felt when Metallica cut off their hair and changed their look. He's right in saying that his change didn't really alienate too many of his fans, but I feel that I am definitely one of the ones who finds him less interesting in recent years. Obviously it's not just about appearance, but overall gimmick, attitude, etc. 2007 was alright, but the short hair and sparkly vest thing was just weird. Hard to tell if this guy likes Metallica and Black Sabbath or Elton John based on some of his outfits. Obviously the most recent return was even cheesier than 2007 but we'll have to see where it goes.

My only regret is that I'm from the Chicago area and I've been to many shows, but back in 1999 I wasn't following the WWF/E much so I did not attend that Raw. I wish I had been there for that debut.
Deciding Jericho's best coming performance is something that is really hard but I will try to erect a response.

His interruption of the Rock was his first and although I think he was a little bit awkward and uncomfortable he really got in to smooth stroke. By the end of the segment The Rock had a look on his face like he really understood that he had a mess on his hands with Jericho.

Jericho certainly seemed more comfortable the second time he came and the audience seemed the most aroused by Jericho's performance. You don't see men able to hold out for that long and still perform so naturally like Jericho did.

The best way to understand the third coming is by seeing what it left on the audience's faces. Jericho came out and whipped something out that left the audience not knowing what they just took in. It is amazing that he could leave some of the audience totally satisfied and the rest feeling like they got the shaft.

Call me a purist, but for me the first time is the best. The newness, the uncertainty and excitement that goes along with coming for the first time beats out the rest. The others were excellent but flacid in comparison to the first.
His debut. every other time it was fairly obvious.
specially the latest one, where they tried so hard to play down his re-signing that it was blatantly obvious, what wasn't though was if Stephanie was the "she" or if they were refering to the world title as a she that beconed his return
overall though the "return" vignettes were great, but the actual RAW was return flat and weird.

and where was Brodus Clay "again" lol not that i care
2007 definitely. His debut in 1999 had me literally rolling with laughter because of how absurd he looked, and his return this year was just boring.
The second one defintley...With Rock he come like a new guy who will save fans of people like Rocky and than after short speach Rock burn him to the ground...

Last one was pretty cool but too silence...

The second one with Orton and "passing the torch"...Awesome...Watchint millions time and now i'm watch it again...

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