Which is worse?

Which is worse?

  • Michael Cole

  • Guest Host Concept

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Simple thread...which is worse: Michael Cole or the Guest Hosts?


Michael Cole:
-The man treats the viewers like they're five...in his defense, most of Raw does the same thing...
-He can't keep his face-pushing bias out of his calls
-He is the most annoying commentator ever
-He replaced J.R.
-King can't stand to be on commentary with him, and it's making his performance suffer. It's only a matter of time before Lawler calls it quits.
-He says the phrase "I don't think I've ever seen a ______ so _____ before!" almost every night. It's usually in reference to some powerful move, assault, or action on the part of a superstar that is commonplace or seen very often. Cole has said "I've never seen anybody manhandle Cena this way before" about 6 times in the Nexus feud alone. He's said the same thing about Triple H, Sheamus, HBK, Mark Henry, Big Show...and anybody else who's been able to kick Cena's ass...and it happens to just about any face on the roster.
-He has no idea what the word "literal" means...literally... "Sheamus just LITERALLY kicked Cena's head off" ....no...Cole...no he didn't...

The Guest Host concept....

Guest Hosts:
-They are usually awkward and unrehearsed
-They usually have nothing to do with pro wrestling
-They are always "happy to be here" but have no reason to be anywhere near our television screens
-They take time from the real action
-They generally lead to stupid skits involving Santino, Belle Twins, Koslov, Regal, etc.
-There have been a few decent hosts. Some of them have even been related to wrestling in some way.
-They do give the Belle Twins something to do...on the other hand...they give the Belle Twins something to do....

So, which is worse for Raw? Michael Cole or the Guest Host concept? I'm going to have to go with Cole on this one... Is it just because I think he's the most annoying person walking the earth? Is it because I think the whole of WWE would be much better in every way without him? Is it because sometimes I find myself wishing Cole could get run over by a train? Yes...yes it is. The guest host thing is hit-or-miss...Michael Cole is just complete miss, that needs to be hit....with something hard...like a baseball bat.
I voted Cole just cause we have to listen to him all the time where the guest host are on for only like 5 mins now. I hate Cole's use of "vintage" too. I mean next week he'll probably be saying, "That was vintage Nexus right there" when they've been around for a month haha. He says vintage Cena all the time, I mean I can understand him saying that with like the Undertaker or something but its the overuse of it. I'm pissed about his line being in the intro now over JR's. JR would say some stupid things but you could tell he was passionate about every match where Cole seems like lines are being feed to him, which they might be, but the WWE needs to realize he sucks. Hell Todd Grishman is a lot better.
This thread.

In all honesty, Cole isn't that bad (other then the scoopslam shit), and the Guest Host gimmick is a hit or miss, but there have been more hits then misses.
the LEAST electrifying thing in sports entertainment today... Michael Cole.
over the years the announce team has takin a beating. from JR set on fire and kicked in the nuts, to King getting beat down. well we want Cole and all his Cole Miners brought into the ring and beat! you want everyone to cheer for Orton, or even Cena at once? have them beat up Cole. there will not be ONE "BOOOO" in that place for the person that slaps him up side the head.
the LEAST electrifying thing in sports entertainment today... Michael Cole.
over the years the announce team has takin a beating. from JR set on fire and kicked in the nuts, to King getting beat down. well we want Cole and all his Cole Miners brought into the ring and beat! you want everyone to cheer for Orton, or even Cena at once? have them beat up Cole. there will not be ONE "BOOOO" in that place for the person that slaps him up side the head.

Dude I don't know if you've been watching the WWF/E since 1997 but Michael Cole has got the shit beat out of him, or been routinley humiliated at least 5 times each year.
Guest host concept. Seemed like a cheap ploy to pull up dropping ratings when they began, and eventually began to resemble a man digging his own grave. Some of these have been downright awful.
back in the day yes! he use to get beat on and picked on lots, but when was the last time (besides the whole NXT thing) where someone just not only made him look like shit like the Rock use to with him, and coach, or beat the living hell outta him the way King has been in the past year? we need more of that. problem is, unlike someone beating up King, if anyone hits cole, everyone will cheer for them! so it would have to be someone like Jericho, or Orton. someone the WWE doesnt really care if you cheer for or Boo them. yes Y2J is supposed to be a heel, but people still love him for not only his great promo's (one of the few left who can) but his in ring work.
Guest host concept. If you're not American, you won't know half of them. Who the fuck is Florence Henderson anyway? Someone off of an old American TV show, i'm led to believe. Michael Cole is a very good commentator in my opinion. He was very good in the Daniel Bryan feud and he is just doing what he is told.
Guest host concept. If you're not American, you won't know half of them. Who the fuck is Florence Henderson anyway? Someone off of an old American TV show, i'm led to believe. Michael Cole is a very good commentator in my opinion. He was very good in the Daniel Bryan feud and he is just doing what he is told.

not fully true.. im not american, and have known who each guest host is. hell i have even liked a few of them too. like seth green. and rob zombie saying how Edge killed his song so he took it back. but minus the one bright spot of the NXT show with Cole, i dont think there has been one other thing i have ever liked about him in his career in the WWE. he should have stayed either as an interviewer in the back, or on the B-show Smackdown. guys like Tazz and JBL carried him. Vince is always yelling in his ear, due to him screwin up a lot. as it has been said on-air even. "You're a poor mans replacement for JR"
Do you think to be fair we should ask Michael Cole's wife which she would prefer, Michael Cole, or a guest host? I'm sure she's just as disgusted with either one as we are at this point now. ;) Then just insert the pic of Cole making that :wtf: face, :lol:
Easily the guest host concept. A really poor idea which has been dragged on for far to long, which I hope is mercifully either over or at least in the winding down stage. It was stupid to begin with, but since there have been GM's in place over and above the guest host, whether it be Bret Hart or some mystery GM, the guest host is now both redundant and stupid. While a couple of the guest hosts have been OK, the vast majority have been channel-changing failures.

And I don't get the Michael Cole hate, I really don't. He's actually not too bad. Granted he had big shoes to fill with JR, but it was time for JR to go, his time has clearly passed, and someone had to replace him, so why not Cole? Cole has been pretty good on NXT, was great in his interactions with Danielson, and most of the criticism directed at his work on RAW are not his fault.

He's McMahon's puppet, Vince's mouthpiece, as would Striker or Grisham or anyone else be if they were there instead of Cole. His catchphrases such as "vintage" or "the longest running weekly episodic television program" are repeated ad nauseum by him because he's told to say them. If he was allowed to ad lib it and do his own thing (which perhaps he does on NXT, at least ot a greater degree), he'd be fine. Plus who really cares who the announcer is anyway? If the action is good, anyone can call it, and if it isn't good, no one can really save it.

So my vote goes to the guest host concept, by a mile.
The guest host concept. I don't like either, but I'm not supposed to like Cole. The WWE knows he's not popular, and he at least has the potential to be involved with good angles. No good angle will come of the guest host concept. Good angles can come from Cole. We saw it with Daniel Bryan.

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