Which is the most prestigious title?


Occasional Pre-Show
Because we no longer have WCW and TNA is still not a major player, I wanted to know...what is the most prestigious title right now? WWE has both the WWE Champion, AND the World Champion. By definition I would say that the World Title is more prestigious...what do you say? As a side...WHY have two titles?
The WWE Championship as the World Title was created in 2002 I think and that’s when its lineage started, while the WWE title dates back to the 1950’s and 60’s. So it’s easily the WWE Title, it’s the greatest title to have in sports today and it’s the only title that wrestlers want to hold. The World title would be equal to the WWE title, only if the WWE states for a fact that the World title is the same as the WCW title, but the WWE contends they are two separate titles with two separate histories.
well I would say the WWE title but since it looks like crap I am going to have to say the World Heavyweight Championship
To me it is the WWE Championship. You may not like the look, but it has way more history. Here are the men that have held the WWE Championship Buddy Rogers, Bruno Sammartino, Ivan Koloff, Pedro Morales, Stan Stasiak, Billy Graham, Bob Backlund, The Iron Sheik, Hulk Hogan, André the Giant, Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, Sgt. Slaughter, The Undertaker, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Yokozuna, Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Sid, Steve Austin, Kane, The Rock, Mankind, Triple H, Vince McMahon, The Big Show, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, Eddie Guerrero, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, John Cena, Edge, Rob Van Dam, Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy. I would say most of them are Hall of Famers.
Definately the WWE Championship. It has a longer history, I feel it is the main championship in the WWE and the World Heavyweight Championship still feels like WCW to me whenever I see it. Also, the list of WWE Champions is more impressive than the list of wrestlers who've won the World Heavyweight Championship, while I know some have won both, Triple H, Kurt Angle, etc. I just think that since it's called the WWE Championship, having the belt means you're the company champion which is more important. Just my opinion.
When it comes to sheer history, I'd honestly have to go with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. No world championship in wrestling history has had more legitimately skilled wrestlers hold it than the NWA title. That's not to say, however, that there are some that held the title that honestly had no business having a reign. Every title has those sort of "HUH?!?!?!" reigns pop up now and again. However, when you combine history with influence, then I have to go with the WWE Championship.

The WWE Championship has been held by a lot of amazing talent over its time, but what's really made it stand out is that it's the championship that people came to associate with wrestling on a national level. When the WWF started to go national and, as much as I hate to admit it, Hulk Hogan brought wrestling back into the mainstream and, to one degree or another, it's remained there for the better part of 25 years. People began, and many still do, associate wrestling with the WWE and the most prestigious title being the WWE Championship.
well I would say the WWE title but since it looks like crap I am going to have to say the World Heavyweight Championship

Yea disregard a titles almost 50 year lineage just because you don't like the way it looks. Ignore the fact that Bruno, Hogan, Savage, Flair, Stone Cold ad many others once held the title. With no one giving a crap about the NWA anymore it has the most meaning out of any title in the world right now. But no your right it used to spin so fuck it.

Give me a break. You and your constant one line dumb ass answers make you look like an idiot.
There are just so many to choose from...however, after much deliberation, I believe that the Diva's Championship is by far the most prestigious. Mainly because of it's illustrious history, the workers who competed for it, and did I mention it's the coolest looking belt ever!?

...alright, I'm outta here.

Batista, Chris Benoit, The Great Khali and CM Punk are the only ones who have held the World Championship that have not held the WWE Championship I believe. I could be wrong. I find it odd that WWE adopted the WCW US Title's history as part of the WWE US title's lineage, however the WCW World and World Heavyweight titles have 2 separate lineages. I think thats a tactical error on their part as the WCW Championship's history (however tainted from 1999 - 2001 it was...excluding Hart, Steiner and Booker 'cause those guys deserved it at the time.)...so since it's the same belt design...I'm going to go ahead and call shenanigans on WWE and disobey their orders and combine the 2 lineages so the WWE and WH championships are on fairer ground.

So, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you fellers here now then. The WWE Championship does have the company's history attached to it dating all the way back to Buddy Rogers. However, if you have followed WWE since the 2 shows 2 titles rule came into being, you'd realize that some obscure ppv in 2006 it was Big Shmoe vs John Cena vs King Bookaaa in a Champion of Champions match which Bookaaa won. He was the World Heavyweight Champion, so from a technical standpoint that puts the World Championship a notch above the WWE Championship in terms of stature.

Speaking of crappy looking titles though, remember when Lex Luger first won the WCW Title and they used an NWA Western States Heritage Championship with a World Champion sticker or plate glued on? The belt does reflect how the championship is perceived just as much as it's history. At that point Ric Flair had pretty much buried WCW to the point where no one really gave a damn what happened there. Sure they had Sting and a few WWE guys would come in and out every now and then but in the end the belt was whack so they brought Flair...and eventually the REAL belt back. And what happened? All of a sudden Haulk Hoegan brother steps in and gets the WCW belt.

Therefore after reviewing the facts...for winning battle of Champions, for it's 20+ years of being the classiest looking world championship around I'm going to say that the World Heavyweight Championship means more. Chris Jericho (WCW/World Heavyweight Champion) defeated Stone Cold (WWE Champion) to unite the belts originally. Maybe the WWE Title means more to some people...but I'd have to say after reviewing the facts...those some people are 100% wrong!
I say no title is prestigious. There are too many titles, and nobody hangs on to a title long enough to make it mean anything. Back in the 80's and 90's it was a big deal when a title changed hands. Sure there were only 5 to 6 ppvs a year, but still. Now the title changes hands just about every month or so. Let someone hang on to the title for a while, and I don't mean like the IC title where the champion has it for a while, but it's never defended.
I'd have to go with the World Heavyweight Championship for one reason. Whoever holds this belt is the world's champion, not just the WWE champion. I don't know about anybody else, but I would rather be the champion of the entire world than just the champion of a company. I know that is a silly way of looking at it, as the WWE title has more history, but its the way I see it.

I also think that the look of the belt makes one more sought after than another. The WHC just has a classic look to it. While I don't hate the way the WWE title belt looks like others do, it doesn't look as good as the WHC. I would choose to fight over a belt I think looks good than one that doesn't.

But at the end of the day I choose the WHC, just because it is the world's championship.
How are you going to mention the NWA title, that title is worth as much as the ECW title, nothing. It was at one time, the best title to have, but once Hogan came on, that title went down hill and manly because of how many times Ric Flair won the belt and lost the belt and plus how it fell off the face of the earth it seems. So guy name Blue Demon Jr holds the belt on a TV that many don’t watch or don’t want to watch. It’s the WWE title, thread over as wrestling is about TV and popularity and the WWE is on TV and the most popular wrestling promotion, so the WWE Championship is the most prestigious. Don’t give that “We against the WWE” crap naming TNA or ROH so you seem cool and in tune with wrestling around the world. It’s the WWE title just as the NFL Championship is the most prestigious in American style football, NBA title in basketball, World Series in baseball, NCAA in college. WWE is king, so its champion is king. End of thread. Stop trying to be cool wrestling fans and answer with you r brains.
in my opinion the wwe TITLE is the most prestigious because of all its history and the many legends and great wrestlers that have held it but right now the most prestigious looking belt its the world heavyweight title, because quite frankly the wwe title looks like it came from toys r us
The actual answer is whatever is the title on RAW. Throw in whatever opinion you want, but that's the answer. RAW is the flagship show of the top wrestling company and by default that makes it's title the highest in wrestling. Alone, both "world" titles are considered equal, RAW tips the scale.

I'm sure if you asked a wrestler if he wanted the title on RAW or SmackDown, 100% would say RAW.

Remember that WWE doesn't recognize the "world" - to them WWE is the world of wrestling. So WWE and World titles are the same.
Yea disregard a titles almost 50 year lineage just because you don't like the way it looks. Ignore the fact that Bruno, Hogan, Savage, Flair, Stone Cold ad many others once held the title. With no one giving a crap about the NWA anymore it has the most meaning out of any title in the world right now. But no your right it used to spin so fuck it.

Give me a break. You and your constant one line dumb ass answers make you look like an idiot.

Whoa there, you're taking this discussion a little too seriously. You need to chill out. It's just wrestling.
The actual answer is whatever is the title on RAW. Throw in whatever opinion you want, but that's the answer. RAW is the flagship show of the top wrestling company and by default that makes it's title the highest in wrestling. Alone, both "world" titles are considered equal, RAW tips the scale.

I'm sure if you asked a wrestler if he wanted the title on RAW or SmackDown, 100% would say RAW.

Remember that WWE doesn't recognize the "world" - to them WWE is the world of wrestling. So WWE and World titles are the same.

Then with that logic for the last month there hasnt been a prestigious title in the wwe because both titles are on smackdown. Or is the IC title the most prestigious title because it is the biggest title currently on Raw.

If a titles value lessens just by switching a show then how can it be considered prestigious?
To me its the WWE championship. Its been around longer. I know the look of the WHC has been around longer but the actual WWE championship has been going for years.
The WWE looks at the WWE championship as "The " belt. Some might disagree, but its true. Thats why they give the WHC to the guys they do. Khali , CM punk, Rey, none of these guys would ever hold the WWE championship. If there is a guy out there they veiw as being a big guy, and want to get him over. They give him the WHC. Since WM 21 only ; JBL , John Cena, Edge, RVD, HHH, Randy Orton, and Jeff Hardy have been WWE champion.

They seem to be more worried about who carries the WWE than they do the WHC.

My oppinion
the world heavyweight title if you really look at its lineage and count it back to WCW. The wwe title would have won it but i just cannot give that title credibility or the holder of it credibility while it's a "spinner" title. It just looks like a joke and on anyone but john cena it looks ridiculous. And btw did anyone see that gilette commercial with mcmahon and cena...yea i'd say cena is mcmahon's dream employee (until he doesn't need him anymore)
Well 10 years ago I would have said the IC title but that has long been buried. The WWE title has to be it. The World title is a 2nd rate belt and there is so such thing as the tag team belts anymore.
So, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you fellers here now then. The WWE Championship does have the company's history attached to it dating all the way back to Buddy Rogers. However, if you have followed WWE since the 2 shows 2 titles rule came into being, you'd realize that some obscure ppv in 2006 it was Big Shmoe vs John Cena vs King Bookaaa in a Champion of Champions match which Bookaaa won. He was the World Heavyweight Champion, so from a technical standpoint that puts the World Championship a notch above the WWE Championship in terms of stature.

Spund I'm go0% wrong![/QUOTE]

actully if you dont remember not to long ago it was tripple h as wwe champ vs matt hardy as ecw champ vs chris jericho as whc and tirpple h won that champion vs champion vs champion match
Well, given the way Vince treats Raw, I would say that whatever Heavyweight title is on Raw is likely the most prestigious title. Therefore, that would be the WWE Championship. With McMahon putting all the emphasis on Raw, and reportedly taking talent away from Smackdown with the upcoming draft, whichever Brand is perceived as the Major Brand (that being Raw), will have its title receive more accolades than Smackdown or ECW.

Personally, I think the ECW Title should be lesser in prestige than the Intercontinental Title. For the reason being that ECW is a Developmental Brand. I can't say I am for that, because that is what FCW should be for, but it is what it is. A Heavyweight title for a Developmental Brand should not be as prestigious as a title on a Major Brand.
I'd have to go with the World Heavyweight Championship for one reason. Whoever holds this belt is the world's champion, not just the WWE champion.
I think you are forgetting that the WWE Championships complete name is
WWE World's Heavyweight Championship or even more complete,
World Wrestling Entertainment World Heavyweight Championship

anyway, it depends on which world title falls on Raw as Vince does favor Raw more than any

and the World Heavyweight Championship belt is treated as a successor of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, just like as it was with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, you wouldn't see the NWA Title history with it, the same goes with the ECW Title, it has its roots with the NWA title, but with Shane Douglas, he has succeeded it with the ECW Title
WWE title all the way. As WWE Champion, you are at the top, of the top company in the business for the last how many decades??? (And no matter what the Monday night ratings said, WWE/F was always the #1 destination for SERIOUS wrestlers) Not to mention, the World Title/old WCW title theoretically limits it's Champions to "Heavyweights" aside from someone feeling sorry for that midget Rey Mysterio and giving him a title reign. So for the most part, if you're not a "Heavyweight", you theoretically have no business even competing for that title. That makes the WWE title open to everybody basically, and since everybody has a shot at that title, that's the title everybody wants to hold. I think any serious wrestler aspires to be THE Champion of THE #1 promotion in the world!
Then with that logic for the last month there hasnt been a prestigious title in the wwe because both titles are on smackdown. Or is the IC title the most prestigious title because it is the biggest title currently on Raw.

If a titles value lessens just by switching a show then how can it be considered prestigious?

That's absolutely true in regards to the world titles. At the moment, both titles are on equal footing. Yes they are both on SmackDown, but they are both being featured on RAW as well. I might even argue that the WWE title gets the edge because it's being featured in what many consider the most prominent angle on RAW right now.

It's clear that one title will be featured on RAW after Wrestlemania, and that then will become the most "prestigious" title in the WWE.

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